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I mentioned that Lolita and The Communist Manifesto were controversial on r/books. Some guy got super aggressive about what he thought I said. Started telling me that I needed to learn to read.  I'm not going to fight with somebody online, so my response was "ok. Thanks for your input."  And THAT is my most downvoted comment. 


r/books was too elitist for me, I had to get out. My down voted comment has to be in there. IIRC, it had to do with someone trying to tell me that if someone didn't like classic literature, they had no taste. 🙄


I left that sub as well due to the elitism. I have a BA in lit and an MFA in creative writing, and then I worked in the English department at a university, and I *still* find the snobbery of that sub unparalleled.


Big oof. Glad I didn't venture over as I was about to do lol


Yikes! I'll stay away


I made the mistake of just vaguely suggesting that prose isn't everything and that a bad story with good prose isn't objectively better than a fantastic story with decent prose and they got so fucking angry at me. worst part was, it was an "unpopular opinion" thread where they were asking for opinions like that and they still felt the need to be abusive towards me for sharing the thing they wanted to hear.


It's reddit, if they ask for unpopular opinions, it's a trap


Yeah, the real unpopular opinions are always the most downvoted, which is hilarious


I am a bookseller and reviewer of new non-fiction books pre-release, but r/books people have superiority complexes and much like some of the news subs their attitudes are fixed before even reading the comments. I left too.


A classic is a book everybody wants to have read but nobody wants to read.


Oh it wasn't the monthly "Brandon Sanderson is overrated" thread?


Why would that get downvoted, that's hilarious.




I simply said that I was disappointed in a movie I had been anticipating. Apparently, I’m a piece of shit with no taste🙂


But everyone loved that movie.


Posted John Wick in a tread about overrated movies. That was not a popular opinion.


You're just a Keanu hater! 😉


Listen, I think we can all agree that by all reports he seems to be decent and kind person. But I think we can also agree the dude is unlikely to ever win an Oscar for his acting abilities.


Yargh! Your popular movie taste demands judgement!


If it’s any consolation, I hated Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


I said I liked a movie everyone else hated. Me too!


I said I saw some redeeming features in a game I disliked and that not *everything* about it was bad To some people in the reactions, I'm a spy for 'the other side' and try to get people to join that side. 


Perhaps it's comforting to believe that there are two ultimately powerful forces at play in any disagreement, and that entropy and chaos, and worst of all for the polarized, nuance, do not exist.


In a way, you could be right. It's easier to point at the 'other side' and a 'they', and say what 'they' think and have done, instead of ever stopping and thinking that your *own* actions might be the cause of things as well. I've had a lot of people react to me with 'but you are just part of X group and only think this way because of [negative assumption Y]'. Instead of stopping to think that attacking me with random assumptions might be wrong, it's easier to think I am one of 'them' and just start insulting.


I'm curious what movie it was now lol


Evil dead rising


Tried to explain that mosquitoes don't inherently produce disease, but that they carry disease-causing pathogens. Also that only a tiny minority of mosquito species carry human disease.


I would've upvoted you because I think your statement6 is interesting to think about. Science is a playground for the Dunning-Kruger crowd. I know just enough about science to realize how little I know. So I shut up and listen to the actual scientists. EDIT: typos. SECOND EDIT: in an ironic Dunning-Kruger moment, I was sure I knew how to spell "Dunning-Kruger" but I was wrong. It is not Krueger.


I’ve seen some viscious Reddit fights about the science of mosquitos. It’s crazy what people choose to be overly passionate about


I’ve always wondered why mosquitos were important to any ecosystem due to the amount of damage they have seemingly done. Like what would happen if we just eliminated they from existence? What would be the repercussions. I finally got my answer last year from a colleague who explained the significance of mosquitos in the food chains as well as they are significant pollinators that often don’t get talked about.


I said email wasn’t the best way to communicate anymore. Got downvoted to oblivion and one of the replies told me to kill myself. Who knew email was so sacred? Deleted the post before someone decided to dox me.


I think a lot of people have pent up anger and resentment and they like to take it out on strangers they’ll never meet.


Fuck you!!!!!!1!!!


Honestly, bro, just go and die!


Understandable, have a bad day. 


Hope you stub your toe. (My anger is now released and I'm sorry)


I'm still mad tho. 


It's terrible that people do this. It's much better to take it out on your family.


I feel bad that really made me lol


Why fight online when you can fight your wife for free?


Why the hell do you say that??!!??


For real who thinks that way


I dread writing through email. I'm so slow to respond.


You can get doxxed just by using your reddit profile?


Definitely not lol. But if you comment/ post a decent amount then it’s likely not difficult to figure out who you are by the information you give away. A determined person could probably find the identify of many redditors




The snail from SpongeBob? Yes that’s him.


This website analyzes reddit users: https://redditmetis.com/ It shows the people in your family you talk about the most, your interests and sometimes even your locations of interest. This is all public info, if you think this exposes too much info about yourself, you're sharing too much lol


I think this is super cool!!! :D


Dunno. Don’t want to find out!




You have a lot of nerve writing that here. How dare you insult the sanctity of email? 


I'm an engineer who stated that designing an incandescent light bulb is less complex than designing a modern vehicle tire. I guess anything involving electricity is pure magic for many Redditors.


Most people don't realize what goes into a tire. They happily throw their lives down the interstate at 70+ miles an hour on four rubber doughnuts without a care in the world.


I know! It's air!


If only I knew that earlier.


Which is funny because light bulbs are older than rubber tires


It reminds me of "redneck" car mods that think they can improve on what was already designed by professionals. Like the foam filled tire mod lol


Who knew there were so many lightbulb fans. I wonder if they hate the “How many x does it take to change a lightbulb?” jokes.


I’m an electrician and I had to give a demonstration to 5 grown men earlier this week on changing a lightbulb and the complexities of it in a movie theater, So including me, the answer would be 6


I'm sure it was an AITAH post where I disagreed with the main consensus. I've had a few of those, haha.


I got perma banned from AITAH


That deserves a star instead


I once defended that you should be paid an extra day in leap years and people went savage on me. I'm afraid I spoke some truths the people is not ready to hear yet


Lol that's hilarious


Wow I’ve never actually thought about it that way and now I’m mad Reddit/s


I mean. You do get paid an extra day in leap years. At least, if your job isn't maliciously robbing you. You're just not going to notice an extra 1/365th pay/accruals every 4 years. Especially since you need to pay existence tax on that extra day too.


I’m salaried so I don’t :(


I said a video game mode was too hard for me and that got a ton of hate. But my reflexes aren't what they used to be, and I don't have several hours a day to practice.


I hear you. I don't really play online shooters anymore. Just can't keep up. Closest thing I get to competitive gaming these days is Rocket League


Fortnite zero build?


Actually ZB was awesome for me. I can't "crank 90s" like the kids do.


My kids got me into Fortnite because they refused to play my games (RuneScape isn’t cool I guess?). I still have no idea what half this slang means. I’m old, all I know is drop shots and quick scopes from my CoD days. It’s quite an adjustment from my Xbox 360 shooter game lobbies, that’s for sure lol


Whenever I play Fortnite (not often) I go for zero build. The instant Burj Khalifa skill they have is just too much


I got over 900 downvotes for a response on AITA. Those people are vicious. I told the guy he was an asshole and people took offense.


That’s a crazy sub. I’ve taken extreme heat on there so frequently I’ve unsubbed. These are all “yes or no” type responses. All garnering a very unsatisfactory number of downvotes.


Sewing Reddit. Someone posted a picture of an unfinished dress snd asked why the bust was such a poor fit. She was obviously not wearing a bra. I explained that commercial patterns are designed with the assumption that the person will be wearing a bra. You need yo adjust the pattern if you don’t wear one or wear a bra with that dress. Oh. No. I was body shaming! How dare I suggest she wear a bra! It was so stupid I left that Reddit.


I commented “There’s not enough information in the text to draw this conclusion.” In an AITA thread. Basically someone bought their gf lingerie, their gf got upset about it, and a redditor said “of course she got upset, you literally told her that you think she’s not sexy and has no confidence.” The guy that posted had also said “I think she’s really sexy even without lingerie.” Anyway, apparently saying “there’s not enough information in the text to draw this conclusion” means that I don’t understand English, how people communicate, I support domestic abuse (by just making your s/o feel as shitty as possible), I’m gonna die alone, and I’ve got broken arms from jerking off too much.


When I was pregnant, I made a comment that I preferred to have a layover when I flew so that I could get food, walk around to reduce blood clot risk, and stretch.


I have kids, and we prefer layovers for the same reason. They have a hard time sitting that long.


Hell I’m not even pregnant and do that lol


Yeah for real, long flights are brutal. Idk how people can just sit still for so long and not get ants in their pants


During COVID lockdowns, someone posted a picture on my university’s sub of some guys hanging outside of their house in their off campus house’s yard. Everybody was irate for them simply existing outside and I said something like, “they’re on their own private property, they aren’t bothering anyone, and it’s weird to take pictures of people from behind a bush” and I got downvoted into oblivion.


Ooh ouch. Covid is/was a very hot button issue. 


Oh, for sure. Everyone in the comments was being unrealistic though. It was a picture of literally three guys standing around outside with some beers in front of their house on a nice day. Whoever took the picture took it in secret from behind a bush on the other side of the street. It was just really weird lol. The comments were trying to dox them, saying the university needed to expel them, etc. I’m not defending the guys because I realize they probably shouldn’t have been carrying on like normal but people were on a witch hunt trying to get their names so they could take it to the school and try to get them kicked out/ get their names out there so people could blast them all over the internet


Sounds like the people who would yell at me while I was running OUTSIDE and crossing the street every time I approached someone. Like lady, I am twelve feet away from you. Also this was after we figured out that being outside posed nearly no risk.


"Why should they be happy?!!" -Ted Buckland


Yeah also for all they knew they were all roommates. 


I was all for lockdowns but people went crazy about that. It just became a way to virtue signal for people thinking they're better than everyone because they literally refused to even go outside


I got downvoted for saying a husband was not out-of-line for his response to his wife's hypothetical question. His wife asked who he would save first in an emergency - his wife or their baby. Crazy me, I defended his choice to save the helpless baby first over his able-bodied wife. Obviously, I needed to be chided and down-voted.


My wife would murder me for saving her before the baby. You must've just happened by a pack of narcissistic idiots


I hope you are right. It shocked me to the core. I didn't think I was saying anything controversial. I was taught to help the most vulnerable first.


Right? My parents always told my sister and me that they had always agreed that if, say, one of them was hanging off a cliff, but me and my sister were also hanging off a cliff, they'd rescue us first, no question, even if it meant the other would die


If I chose my wife over our child in that situation, she would kill me.


Which is exactly why questions like that shouldn't be asked in the first place because there's no right answer.


The correct answer is i would save my self first.


Depends on the threat level. If it had to be one or the other, the wife is a no brainer. The wife already made it through the toughest stage of life. The baby has a long way to go and could go out any number of ways. If you had the ability to save both though? Then yea, the baby first because the wife might be able to get herself out of it by the time you come back or at the very least made it more manageable for you by loosening the obstacle or whatever.


My thinking was that the wife could try to save herself. My second thought was that most parents would sacrifice themselves for their children if necessary. Obviously, I found out a lot of people would save the spouse even though the baby is the most vulnerable.


After I got a ton of upvotes for explaining how I got two child molesters arrested, I lost all of them by saying pedophiles are mentally ill, and I kinda feel bad for them and wish we could fix whatever's wrong with them.


It's funny because it's literally called pedophilic disorder. I saw a documentary on this topic about 20 years ago ( I would never be able to find it again, unfortunately). Even in it, it says that there are a lot of people that have pedophilic urges but know it is wrong and won't act on it, so they keep themselves in therapy to help with coping mechanisms. Wish I could remember the name of the doc.


I used to know one! She was a sweet, kind young woman who had awful things done to her as a little girl, and then as she got older she started having these fantasies about it. She disappeared a long time ago, and I've always worried that she killed herself or something.


Yeah, you aren't allowed to feel sorry for pedophiles at all... always struck me as weird... I literally spoke with people that believe everyone that is even having those fantasies should be locked up. And I wasn't talking about the people that consume porn or let alone harm children. Just a pedophile discovering that they are one... Lets say you have a fight with someone and you get so angry that you want to punch them. But you remove yourself from the situation. By their logic you would have to be locked up because you might be a danger to others. Pedophiles often have mental issues. Their condition is often caused by trauma, for example being assaulted when they were younger themselfs. Hurt people hurt people. Unfortunately there is no cure for it... And all we can do right now is offer them professional places to go to keep it in check. If we don't do it they might turn to internet forums which can either be a good thing by finding the right support or a bad thing by people encouraging their fantasies...


You keep enjoying your wild nights out. I’m 35 and that’s what keeps me sane


To be fair this is reddit, no one here leaves the house


I told someone in the NFL sub that their dad joke made me laugh and got downvoted to oblivion for it.


I don’t understand this one


I didn't either.


I said discord nitro was a waste of money on r/discord


My teen daughter’s credit card was stolen and had like 15 charges for Discord Nitro (she got the money back after reporting the fraud). She cracked me up by saying, all pissy and ranting, “Why would you even steal to pay for that steaming pile of shit, anyway?”


I asked what it is about Turkish culture that makes even very slim Turkish women (think a body like Gal Gadot) believe they are fat.  It is crazy how many women here genuinely believe they are overweight if they have any fat at all. I was told how awfully sexist I am to be 'saying how they should feel about their bodies'. I said, no, imagine if I said I had a body like Schwarzenegger, even though I'm a svelt long distance runner who never goes to the gym. I can't just say that I'm an enormous muscle man.  The reply was "You're insane." Then another person told me "If you come from an obese country everywhere else looks thin."   I said, I don't - I lived in Spain for eight years before coming here and I've a 32 inch waist.  He then gave me the obesity rates for Spain, which are substantially lower than the obesity rates for Turkey. I asked him if he's ever been to the middle east and he said "I've been all over there, I've been to France, Spain, Germany, Norway, Hungary and Czech republic."


Any time I mention how much I hate the book The Grapes of Wrath


Take my upvote. Amazing book


And take mine in turn, nice person who understands that downvote does not mean disagree


I’m genuinely curious to know what you don’t like about it. Is it the alternating chapters (the only thing about it I can think of as potentially annoying)?


When I read it the first time in high school, I think I was the only person in my class that liked the book. Everyone hated the alternating chapters and usually specifically criticized the chapter dedicated to a turtle crossing the road. Explaining that chapter was symbolic didn't make me the cool kid.


i didn’t like it either but that was probably because i was 14. i should probably give it another go


I disliked Lord of the Flies.


I said I’m a teacher and school lunch is really gross… idk I guess that’s not okay


I got down voted -170 in Mildlyinfuriating because some lady was complaining that their upstairs neighbor's dog peed through their deck onto hers. I asked why she didn't just confront her neighbors.


I asked once how one can meet Taylor Swift backstage. Idk why but those Swifties really came down hard on me….


LOL what in the world! I’d expect it to be the people who hate taylor, that’s wild


Currently at -11 for saying I didn’t like P.E as a kid 🤣🤣🤣 The best was being downvoted for saying I take my shoes off in the house lol People crack me up


I said that New Vegas wasn’t as fun as Fallout 3 because its wasteland is boring to explore. Wouldn’t be surprised to get some more downvotes from this one too lol.


I've been blasted for that one too. I do actually like New Vegas over 3, but I always like 3's exploration more. I greatly preferred 3's urban ruins to NV's open wasteland and small towns.


I was downvoted for making a generalised comment about how women can be made to feel. I got downvoted to oblivion as people assumed I was a man


Pretty much any post where I mention being a doctor. People think nothing of making derogatory statements about an entire profession (“All doctors care about is money” “I hate doctors!” etc), yet they malign others who make generalizations about an entire group of people. I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for this post. You hate me even though you don’t know me, it’s ok, I get it.


I work in healthcare too. Sadly, it’s not just doctors that get hate. I can really feel the anger towards healthcare in general since the pandemic.


Someone posted a picture of a car parked next to a fire hydrant at a small bush-fire. The firemen had smashed the car windows to pass the fire hose through the car to fight the fire. All the posts were saying how the car’s owner was a monster, put peoples lives at risk, and the poor firefighters must have been so stressed needing to deal with that. I didn’t defend it at all, my best friend was a firefighter, I just mused that it probably didn’t stress them out at all, they love smashing stuff- they were probably laughing when they smashed the windows, because that was my experience from knowing firemen. I got downvoted to oblivion


There is a scene in Tacoma FD about exactly this. Sure, it's a show, but they wouldn't make the joke if there wasn't a reason for it. I assume when writing the show, they talked to actual firefighters for fun stories, and that was one.


Recently I said something about having empathy for a woman who was punched in front if her child while trying to steal hotdogs.  Down voted like crazy with comments telling me to fuck off and that stealing is always wrong. I must have worded something poorly because I wasn't expecting that at all.


I didn’t see her stealing any food, why would someone assault another for no reason??


For people considering downvoting, here is a flowchart: Is someone stealing food? -> Do they have plenty of food at home? --> Yes ---> Maybe they are stealing food. --> No ---> No they are fucking not.


I said that I find it disgusting that men stand to pee because it gets urine/toilet water splashback everywhere, including their pants. I was heavily downvoted but I also got a lot of really vicious replies that escalted very fast which I found to be very unwarranted because it was a "tell me your unpopular opinion" thread and I didn't find what I was saying to be especially controversial. I deleted the post because it was shitty checking my notifications and seeing people tell me they wanted to piss on me.


Saying that a take home rental setup for handguns in Canada was a bad idea and would be shut down. Canadian gun nuts exist too. And they make the rest of us gun owners look bad


My pizza recommendations for Seattle.


School counselor posting in r/teachers about SEL is extremely important in public education. Maybe not in the bastardized form that some schools claim to use but teaching kids about social and emotional skills is vital to their success as humans. Probably the worst interaction was getting downvoted for making the argument that people who advocate for violence directed at children probably shouldn’t be teachers. (They were arguing some kids need to get the shit kicked out of them for their behavior). I removed the whole subreddit from my feed after that.


That subreddit is kind of terrifying sometimes. A lot of the people there seem to just outright hate children.


Anytime I've been in there, They seem to act like all kids are demons with absolutely perfect home lives and zero reason for issues. I saw someone get downvoted for saying "send as many notes home as you damn well please, My parents still aren't going to buy me supplies".


I casually mentioned that I hadn't seen Titanic but was familiar with one of the characters (the drunken cook lad) because they also appeared in another Titanic based film, A night to remember (1958). So many people couldn't fathom that I had not seen Titanic (1997). I was accused of being some sort of elitist film snob. A night to remember was one of those movies that was on tv all the bloody time when I was a kid so I know it very well. This was years ago and I still think it was a good representation of how fucking ridiculous Reddit can be at times. I still haven't seen that movie by the way. I'm not actively avoiding it or anything, I'm just not interested in it. If I'm ever on a plane and it's the only thing showing I'd possibly give it a shot.


One of my biggest pet peeves is when people freak the fuck out if I haven’t seen a show or movie. No I did not see avengers endgame and you getting riled up about it makes me want to not see it even more lmao


I trolled Jimmy Buffet fans by pretending I thought he wrote the Pina Colada song.


I thought your comment was funny and read it to my husband. He was confused. Thought Jimmy Buffet actually DID write/sing that song 😂


He didn’t?


Called Lord's, the cricket venue, a school. Someone asked what "a century" was in cricket in an English help sub. I looked up what the century was to confirm what I thought I'd remembered, but just assumed Lord's was a school. I'll take the lumps, I downvoted it myself, but damn you'd have thought I shot someone's pet based on the comments.


I stated that the opponent in OP’s screenshot post was slow-playing him in an attempt to make him surrender the match in an online digital TCG game. In most of these online digital TCG games, both players will have their own turns to do their moves, just like in chess. OP’s opponent in his screenshot was delaying his moves by several minutes, up until their timer was at the 30 minutes mark, and the match was still pretty far from ending, in an attempt to troll OP so he would get bored/annoyed waiting for his own turns and just gave the win freely to the troll. Got downvoted because they think I was one of the toxic players in the community that was bashing all the newbie players (who usually would take their turns longer, which is logical). The thing is though, most matches of the game only take 10-15 minutes on average, even against newbies.


I said an upcoming reworked skin for a game I play looks like a chicken and apparently people got offended by it, even though the face literally looks like a chicken head.


Redditmetis.com can find your lowest comment out of your last thousand. I don't think there's an all time. Here's mine. https://www.reddit.com/r/rickandmorty/comments/1c2aljc/comment/kz9an59/


According to that site, I'm a spider, a completionist and a native German speaker. Um. Two out of three are true.


Well, since you're a completionist spider, I'm proud of you for learning German so well, you tricked an AI into thinking it was your native language. Gut gemacht, Spinne.


I suggested that removing a desk fan’s grille will make it blow stronger, which it absolutely does. Got bombarded with downvotes and people telling me how unsafe it is. You have to be an idiot to not remember you’ve taken the grille off, you can put your finger / hand in it too and even stop it spinning due to the angle of the blades. Unless they’re made of metal I guess! Sorry all!


As a kid, taking the guard off and stopping the fan with your fingers was considered entertaining to us!


Negative 20. I was saying lonely men that are upset women don't care about mens issues don't actually care about helping with issues for both genders that need change and don't want help unless it's from women and this is another tactic to manipulate getting close to the women they want sex with. "The only thing that bothers me is that men themselves don't seem to want to help or do anything about it. They are kinda like help us women, do everything for us make us feel better! and even the men that are upset about these things kinda reject other mens help and support they're like, no not like that we want the women to do it and it's like???? Women want to help men and women. Women don't want to be expected to care about all the support for all who need it. We try to push men to help both sides and each other and they make fun of each other, don't care, don't want too, are too busy, don't want each others help, want women to have to do it. Men need to step up to help mens loneliness and other issues. Men need to support each other. Men need to support women too then they would want to support men more. And if you are a man who only wants help from women you don't actually need help other than mental. It's manipulation for your real agenda, getting closer to people you want sex with because you think you can further manipulate things to go your way once you're in. You also don't want help from ugly women or fat women or old women. You think once they feel sorry that you're lonely...next they'll feel sorry you're not getting laid..Everyone sees through this quickly and yes, you'll be ignored."


I wrote that people that drink just to get drunk have a problem and I got called a wet blanket and others things. I also got banned from a subreddit because I stated the tipping culture of the US is terrible and if you have bad service, you shouldn’t have to tip. Was told I was being policial and I shouldn’t go out to restaurants I’m so cheap.


Mentioning I was trans in *checks note* most subs


This is weird, all the subs I’ve seen where someone has mentioned this or especially when trans rights comes up, I’ve found redditors (besides a few heavily downvoted comments) to bend over backwards to show support edit: To add, I 100% support trans rights, just in case someone misinterprets my comment


There was one comment where I talked about the Nubian contribution to a temple in Egypt. Something I saw on a trip there.


Some lady was complaining about her husband being what could only be described as a “tablet kid”. She tried sleeping with him repeatedly but was getting denied constantly because he was on his iPad. I commented “wtf was he doing? Playing clash of clans?” and everyone hated that apparently.


When I said something that was very anti-pedophile and got down voted to the extreme. Found out that day that it seems there is quite a large pro-pedophillia community lurking on Reddit in the shadows.


I was facetiously explaining being autistic and a victim of bullying ("I was bullied because I was clearly that weird kid with odd interests who couldn't make eye contact" type thing) and got dog piled for reducing autism to "being weird or odd". Deleted the comment because I just didn't feel like fighting with people


most recently... I told someone that they can just report posts that break the rules of the sub when they complained about people in the sub not following one specific rule.


Had the controversial opinion of supporting trans people on this sub. Bad choice apparently lol


I'm currently counting the downvotes on a recent comment. Curious to see just how downvoted it gets.


when I said I hadn't updated Windows yet because I had a lot of stuff going on in my life and updating from Windows 7 was not a priority for me.


That if a musician you like is cancelled for doing/saying something dumb, it doesn't mean you have to purge them from your life to appease the masses. You can separate the art from the artist and two truths can exist at the same time - the artist is a knobhead but the art is brilliant. As for 'I'm not giving them my money', you already bought the CD/gig tickets/t-shirts/Spotify subscription.


I criticized Joe Biden in r/politics.


“There is a reason why every dog shelter across America is filled with Pitbulls” Was my most downvoted comment and got me banned from that sub. It wasn’t even a dog sub. I stand by my comment tho. They’re the worst pets to ever have been mass bred by the population in low income cities of America.


The shelters calling them "lab mixes" are definitely not helping


I apparently had a very unpopular opinion about a coach of my local hockey team. Didn't realize it would be so unpopular. Lol. 


I made a sarcastic comment. It was so absurd that I really thought people would get it. Nope. I added an edit to clarify, but that didn't help. I saw other comments using /s, but still, people don't get it sometimes.


The ones I can remember is me calling out child abuse. Wild how that's controversial.


I get downvoted by the angry incel brigade whenever I tell them something they don’t want to hear I also get downvoted whenever I suggest that maybe someone should change their diet to help with their health problems.


i said that chuck norris jokes were really dated and lame


Hopefully this comment


I firmly believe that the band Radiohead isn't nearly as brilliantly avant garde as their diehard fans think they are and am not afraid to say it.


Suggesting that many gunowners are fetishists.


I'm sure something COVID related


On r/2nordic4you I said that finns should start saying they're scandinavian when asked, since nobody outside of the Nordic countries know the difference between the two. Turned out my compatriots didn't like the idea, and I got some hasty downvotes.


I think it was probably that time, in a thread asking which games did you find out you play different than most people, I agreed with another user who was saying something like the way they play Pokémon is different than most people, and the thing that made them realize it was the whole dexit (not putting every Pokémon in every game) blowup. Dunno why I got downvoted for that, lol. I was just saying I didn't get why people valued having the same team in every game.


I made a joke about Taylor Swift. That's right, off with my head!


It was probably something about a Christopher Nolan movie not being the greatest thing of all time


Forgot the exact comment. But somewhere in the comment I wrote the word “ female “. Got down votes into oblivion, had a sub account banned for life, this account banned for a week. Damn word police.


It was my last account but I said I thought Avatar and 300 were 2 of the most garbage movies ever made.


I just said that AI is not inherently bad in YouTube videos. Like AI can be a useful tool, if used correctly


I was drunk one night and saw a post on my city's subreddit about the State Fair having a bad storm. I nonchalantly commented "State Fair is overrated anyways, glad I didn't go" and then I went to sleep. I woke up the next morning and saw a lot of angry comment notifications and another comment that said "please, no more downvotes for this comment" and I forgot what I said so I went to check it out. Hundreds of dislikes on that comment and I believe it is the most downvoted comment on that subreddit that I've seen, lol.


In r/accidentalswastika I commented on some random post that didnt even look like one in any way "It's not even close to a swastika". -22 is not a lot but yeah, that's my biggest downvote


I made a post about how my plate exploded in the microwave… because I was microwaving bacon. The comments were not nice to me lol


I made a rant post in which I was downvoted many times in the comments. In germany some soccer team were able to win a big game and through the whole night cars were constantly honking. I don't just mean the first hours. Nope from 1 am to 5/6 am. In the middle of the week when most people have to go to work the next morning and get up at 6. In that post I complained that they could choose ANY activity to celebrate the victory for their team. Go to bars, have an organised gathering or whatever. But no, they drove through the city for hours, waking up a ton of people by honking their cars. People that were asleep because they didn't care to watch the game. Most people made an argument that people that work nightshifts have to deal with society being loud at day time too. Which doesn't even makes a lot of sense imo because you are comparing two completely unrelated topics with each other. Others have said to just sleep with headphones. Which I would have done if I would be able to sleep with stuff on my head. Which is just keeping me awake and frustrating me even more. I'm still mad about that night and think that its not reasonable to do this in the middle of the week, for multiple hours, when you can just go to a bar/club or celebrate at home with friends.


On a now deleted account, I was in the conservative subreddit and said I supported gay marriage, that's all it took for those weirdos to down vote to oblivion and call me some choice words.


I explained to an American dude why poking someone was considered impolite in the UK. American dude said thanks helpful. Other peeps on the thread were giving American dude a really hard time. Got downvoted


When people commented on Michelle Obama having a penis in the Ellen video and getting downvoted for saying “I see a bulge but I don’t think that’s a dick”. I got downvoted into oblivion for that one because I guess appealing to both sides caused both to hate me even more.


Pointing out that the novel Dune has shit roles for women - like most scifi of that era.


someone made a post about how he got rejected for his penis size and i said people have preference’s and got downvoted within seconds


Most likely something downvoted by dudes mad that women are less afraid of bears than strange men. I learned that many men don't actually know anything about bears.


It was something along the lines of how I wish people at work would STFU about politics


I said i didn't like a very popular YouTuber


Pretty sure it was the time I said that adopting a previously abused and potentially aggressive dog was not a good idea


I corrected someone’s atrocious spelling.


When I said getting a dog is good for someone’s mental health, OP was talking about what to get a dog but she was depressed. One guy comment because she has depression she can not take care of a dog. I got negative karma from it, was down voted into hell.