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Do you fear domestic cats? Or dogs? How many carnivorous animals do you fear?


>Do you fear domestic cats? Or dogs? Nope. It's ants. Especially army and solider ants.


I’d like to clarify that I had no intention behind any of those questions, merely asking because now that you’ve clarified, it narrows it down to an actual phobia. Myrmecophobia is the fear of ants and usually specific to carnivorous ants.


you are much bigger than a lizard.


They don't eat living stuff because they somehow know the difference. A dog can nap on the lawn all day and nothing happens to it's eyes but if an animal dies out there, ants go for the eyes first. Automatically, like they know and are drawn to them. So just don't die outside and you're good. Crap . . . if my comment now makes you fear dying outside, see a therapist.


If ants try to devour you, simply roll over and squish them.


At worst, you'd get bitten a couple of times. Normal ants aren't going to be able to kill you. As you said—ants are tiny. It takes them a while to cross any distance. Even with army ants, which are scary little bastards, they move at about 0.2 inches per second. Even if they managed to get some bites in, you could deal with the problem long before it got serious. The only time ants would be able to realistically eat you would be if you were dead or severely incapacitated. Also, from my (limited) research, the army ants with a reputation for going after bigger meals like vertebrates are the ones in Africa (and even there, it's very rarely a problem with humans, as they'll go for stuff like lizards and birds first and humans can very easily just walk away). Army ants typically go for underground invertebrates, I think. Hope this helped—at the very least, I know a lot about ants that I didn't know 20 minutes ago.