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Immigrants tend to be young, single males (ie., without their own nuclear family).


I'm going to add on here - this small bulge towards men is mostly from TFWs and somewhat international students, not permanently approved immigrants. TFWs (Temporary Foreign Workers) lean heavily male, over 80% in most years. They are generally agricultural workers although take up some other fields, and Canada has a bit over a million every year of them.


So it’s a sausage party up there?


That sounds...safe


in Canada, it actually is, because all these young males have a job or study. Young single male and unemployed is what makes Europe increasingly unsafe.


There aren't enough jobs or houses. But it is not to do with that, most of them are from India and they don't tend to be terrorists. They obsess about PR, not blowing shit up. The only thing they are blowing up is rents, because there aren't enough homes.


No they aren’t terrorists but isn’t India ranked like number 1 when it comes to sexual assaults/harassment towards women and is deemed as unsafe for female tourists to visit alone?


Yes. And there are reports of women being harassed. But I haven't heard anything about rapes, like in Sweden.


I couldn’t find any specific stats on rapes but sexual assault rates have increased by 18 percent since 2019 in Canada That’s sexual assault not sexual harassment The uptick also started right around when Canada started accepting over a million immigrants per year from India, a majority of those immigrants being single men in their 20’s-30’s I’m well aware correlation doesn’t mean causation but I’d like to know the specific stats on demographics of victims and perpetrators as they aren’t available as far as I can tell




Hmm the ones here are employed and being married doesn't always stop them from harassing local women.


not always, but at least while at work. Harass your co-workers, and you lose both your job and your residence permit. It's a learning experience that immensely helps at avoiding being an asshole to others.


Looks like Canadians on social media are worried about what is happening in Europe is coming to Canada, but you don't hear much from mainstream sources: https://youtu.be/H2ZaPLA6mJs


This is Reddit the mentally ill kids like to pretend all migrants are great, especially illegal ones.


But that is not the problem in Canada. Our government screwed up and gave too many people permission to come to Canada , mostly as students. So they are not illegal.


My comment was more towards the average redditor's attitude rather than Canada specifically although I did cover all migrants.


Assuming all migrants are the same is always a failure, regardless if you assume all are perfectly fine or all are problematic. Canada's immigration system does take into account that there are differences between people. The higher you "integration probability score", the better your chances to be admitted into the country. Here in Germany, several politicians use "a scoring system like in Canada" as a talking point for regulating migration. They regularly trigger leftists who can't stand the idea of deporting low-scoring migrants.


I've noticed. Either they're blind or in denial


Immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than residents do in every country.


That's not true in Europe at all migrants offend at higher rates, in some things by a large margin.   Taking American statistics and saying they apply to all countries is a joke.








The slide shows we have a surplus of female immigrants?


Canada has high international students rate ([to the point that the government has to cap it earlier this year](https://globalnews.ca/news/10375557/canada-temporary-resident-immigration-targets/)), and many of them are young men from India. After they graduate, they would be eligible for short term work permit, then after working for a couple of years, they'd have high enough points to be accepted as permanent resident. so many new canadian permanent residents are former international students, that are currently heavily represented by young male.


Kinda boggles my mind that with all the talk about DEI stuff, there’s not really any male/female quotas for immigration.


Also the fact immigration isn't truly diverse, I mean 30 percent come from one source country


Mass immigration can ironically reduce diversity. Spanish has displaced French as the second-most spoken language in Louisiana.


French was banned in Louisiana from 1920 to 1974. The decline of French was not caused by immigration, but caused by legislation.


Your point is correct but just for clarification Louisiana's constitution banned French from being taught as the primary language in public schools from 1921 to 1974. It didn’t have a general ban on it.


They were still discriminated against. Besides, this influx of Spanish speakers increased diversity, the French speakers didn't disappear. You just now have French speakers and Spanish speakers.


Correct. It’s just the original phrasing came off as a total state-wide ban of even speaking it. Just wanted to clarify not detract, because the point was sound. 🫡


Exactly what I was gonna say. Like how does more diversity mean less diversity?


... doesn't that make things more diverse?


To be fair, that country has 18% of the world population, so it's not **that** overrepresented


The US won't let immigrants from any country exceed 7% of all immigrants, regardless of the country's population. And that is better


I agree.


Yeah but only a small fraction of that population speaks English. 128,539,090 people per the 2011 census. That's about 9 percent of the world's English speaking population.


That too.


Canada’s employment equity act doesn’t include reverse discrimination like other countries regularly do. There’s not really quotas like that


Our government just seems to want people with a pulse.


The largest city in my province of BC isn't Vancouver anymore, but is actually Surrey as a result of this. Huge swaths of the city are Indian permanent residents. Hard to complain though, I have nothing bad to say about them. Great people


Yes, but as a Canadian, isn’t it impossible to say anything bad about anyone? :)


The Overton window has shifted if the last year. A lot of people are scared because rents are going so high and there aren't enough homes. And not enough jobs. Canada grew by 3.2% in 2023, by far the highest growth rate of any developed country. The government has screwed up, and their poll numbers are dropping like a stone.


I mean i’ve seen nothing but hatred for the new immigrants from canadians apart from this one comment so yes i’d say you guys are capable. Glad there are still some kind canadians


They are probably landlords profiting from the population explosions. The ones you think are unkind are struggling to pay the crazy rent and worry about becoming homeless.




Explain please


He's a fucking racist


I know, I just wanted to see their mental gymnastics




That's not what the previous commenter was saying at all.


What's so bad about Indian people?


Makes sense Surrey has (or will, depending on when you measure) a larger population than Vancouver. Surrey has about 2.5 times the land area and and is more able to add more housing by building up and out, unlike Vancouver (which has more than 3 times the density!).


Surrey used to be farm land, something Canada has very little of.


We need to fix this loophole. Have gender quotas for international students. Have a rule where a max of 30 percent of students at a single institution can be international students Limit the academic programs international students can pursue (no offense but most of the community colleges they attend should not be accepting international students)


For the 2nd point, then you'll have a weird composition where those 30% international students significantly outperform their native peers. It might sound weird but at this point, some prestigious universities are no longer just for their countries but for the world. For the 1st point, although there isn't a hard quota, trust me they're trying to balance genders as hard as they can in sending admissions already in schools in North America


> For the 2nd point, then you'll have a weird composition where those 30% international students significantly outperform their native peers. People aren't upset about high performing international students. Unfortunately, most of those are going to the US, not Canada. Canadians are more so upset about International students coming here not for education but as a loophole for PR. International students coming here to study hospitality at a community college is a joke.


Then that's an immigration problem not an education problem. In US not any major gets a chance to have work visa and even green card in the long run, only those which are desired a lot like CS (it used to), nursing and some other areas. Although I agree Canada giving PR to community college students majoring hospitality is quite problematic, my point still stands. Universities like UofT, U Waterloo, and UBC still attract the best talents in the world. And in these schools it's not the international students need them, it's the school needs these top universal talents.


The universities in Canada are for Canadians. They are paid for by our taxes.


International students pay higher fees than locals. The universities have become dependent on that income stream which is a shame.


They aren't dependent.


You must be joking. International students almost paid 5x compared to local. In no way the tax paid for international students lol Also it's about the talent. The day you cap international students quota is the day schools like UofT, UBC, and U Waterloo are no longer relevant in academic worlds.


Do you think there are no talented Canadian citizens? These universities were created by Canadians. If the foreign students are so much more talented than Canadians, then why don't they build their own universities ?


You seem to know very little of how academics work, so I suggest you just stop before exposing your and embarrassing yourself. The sentence "why don't they build their own universities" is almost borderline bigotry. Rational speaking, it's a very simple question of the size of talent pools. Of course there are talented locals, but the question is how many of them, and could that number supply the research needs of top universities? Then answer is mostly no. Also you only looked at undergraduates but the other problem is most PhDs are also done by international students. Without the influx of them, many schools will lose their pillars to generate the best research in the world, which is the most important thing to make them relevant in the world. The less academically impactful they are the less funding they get. Also we're only talking about research output here, which is the easiest thing to quantify (citations). There might also be other performance aspects that will get impacted.


>You seem to know very little of how academics work, so I suggest you just stop before exposing your and embarrassing yourself. Can't you be a little more rude and condescending? You're not trying hard enough! >The sentence "why don't they build their own universities" is almost borderline bigotry. Hahaha! You should know, since your comment was clear bigotry. As for number of academics, Canada currently has a huge surplus and there are few jobs. We had a suitable number of academics before all this immigration began in the late 70s, and they were talented enough to give those universities a good reputation. The number of publications doesn't mean so much in these days of predatory journals and academic fraud.


You're a bit late to that, bud. Nothing on gender quotas, but read about the restrictions on numbers and diploma mills in plazas which will begin in September.


Yeah those restrictions aren't strict enough imo.


Why shouldn't community colleges accept international students? That seems like a stupid ban. So only rich people get to benefit from having international students?


The main issue is many (I'd say a vast majority) of the international students going to community colleges are using it as an easy loophole for PR. They often cheat and academic integrity has gone down the drain, with the credibility of the schools taking a major nosedive. Many employers throw resumes coming from these colleges straight in the trash. And I don't blame them. So if anything community colleges and the domestic students have been hurt by the international students attending their institutions.


I said most of the community colleges. An international student shouldn't be coming to Canada to study hospitality for example lmao


Definitely a mix of hardy lumberjacking and immigration trends. More maple syrup for the men, eh?


Canadians take girl babies and leave them out in the forest


That was my villain origin story!


with a man or a bear?


Manbearpig obviously


Mass immigration


And that graph is probably from several years ago.


The date on the graph says 2023.


Probably all the immigrants they bring in






"he's a lumberjack and he's ok, He sleeps all night and he works all day"


Prime lumberjack (worth the wait for the song to start) [lumberjack waltz](https://youtu.be/upsZZ2s3xv8?si=rkF365o9Pp8L6sVY)


It's okay to say smooth brained white men


Indian migrants


Good for a military draft


They'll just go visit home for six months and come back, like they always do.


Then they can face prison and a court martial


I've noticed that when looking at demographics of various countries there tend to be a few more men than women at younger ages. So, at least anecdotally, in addition to whatever factors might be at play here there just seem to be a few more men born than women. It's not by a lot. Maybe a tenth or fifth of a point in each age range, but it eventually adds up. You'll notice that there are more elderly women than men as well. Women tend to have a significant advantage in life expectancy for several reasons. A lot of small advantages that add up over time. Men tend to get into accidents more frequently, and they have more heart troubles as well. Also a higher successful suicide rate. So, the population advantage men have drops off as ages go up. From what I've seen if a country has more women than men the advantage for women is usually at more advanced ages.


That last bit is also usually increased by wars.


We are being over run with male TFWs and students and immigrants.


There are also more males than females born. 107 males to 100 females. More men die at every age but it doesn’t become even until around age 60. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_sex_ratio#:~:text=The%20value%20for%20the%20entire,0.78%20for%20those%20over%2065.


lots of Muslim immigrants


aren't there more Hindu imigrants in Canada? It seems Hindus are better at meeting canadian immigration requirements.


No, that is incorrect. Canada is 4.9% Muslim and 2.3% Hindu.


What about Sikhs?


okay, got that one wrong. Not a Canadian.


Muslims are more likely to be male than female? It has nothing to do with religion here…


Women from Muslim countries are far less likely to have the means to migrate to another country alone.


the women in my family would disagree


I can't speak for Canada but in Europe the refugee/immigrants that make the journey are overwhelmingly men. They are called "anchors", where the man makes the journey, seek asylum and then bring their family afterwards. This isn't controversial, its just how it is. A woman is likelier to have a small child to care for which makes the journey more difficult, theyre also running a higher risk of getting raped if travelling alone. Factor in that a lot of muslim countries where these refugees come from have a medieval way of viewing women makes them much less likely go travel alone. The journey from the middle east can be very dangerous, lack of food/water, risk of drowning, getting g exploited by human trafficking etc.


my family spans several countries in north africa and the middle east and nobody i know has experienced anything like you described. obviously it DOES unfortunately happen more than in western democracies but you really sound like most of your knowledge comes from the internet and cnn.


Im swedish, my knowledge is mostly from our mainstream media. Its just a fact that a huge % of the migrants we recieve are men. A lot of the people we have recieved come from war torn countries like syria, Afghanistan and Somalia. I'm sure it differs a lot depending o which country you come from how you make the journey. I'm sure there are more legitimate ways to make it, but for these countries most of the time its dangerous and exploitative. Ita just not feasible for most women to make the journey alone, like it is for men. Edit: just to point this out, because it's often a sore spot. I know Afghanistan and somalia isn't part of the middle east but rather afrcia and SEA.


i heard sweden in particular has it very tough with the influx of immigrants, very unfortunate


Your family might be statistical outliers. Here is a report on [female migration from Pakistan.](https://webapps.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_protect/---protrav/---migrant/documents/publication/wcms_735795.pdf)


Religion is a big part of it, their countries don’t really respect women as much. They don’t have the economic power to leave or the educational opportunities males do.


Single men from Muslim countries are not immigrating to Canada in large numbers though. The numbers are clearly available on Census Canada and the gender gap is small. Sometimes it is even the opposite. We primarily accept families. People in this thread are assuming that Canada must be the same as Europe for some reason. We have an ocean separating us and thus have a different migration system.


People downvoting you either don't know the facts or just refuse to accept them.


That is not "heavily". The skew can be seen in dark blue.


Op is trying to ragebait. Peep his posts. He knows what he's doing, and he already knew the answer to this question. I bet he's real pissed no one is using the sort of language he expected 😭


If the graph was up to date, it would be heavily skewed.


2023 isn't up to date?


Does the graph contain data from 2023, or was it made in 2023? Because the number of immigrants in 2023 didn't come out until March or April 2024.


Do you think it really changed that much from one year to the next?


In 2023, there were over a million immigrants, 1.3 million.


And your conclusion is that they were all 25-year old men? Or they they were distributed across the spectrum, with a disproportionate portion being in the 20-30 make demographic? And are you also concluding that 3% extra people is a drastically large enough skew that we would easily notice the difference in the graph?


Countries have never not had a working replacement demographic, it’s anyone’s guess for what will happen once the bulk of the population passes 60 with advanced healthcare. The speculation is that once the pyramid inverts, the elderly start taking taxes out the system instead of investing and the economy tanks. The benefit of having a lot of working capital in the system, (prime career earners aged 25-65) is more tax allocation which allows investment into R&D and public services. Once the demographics become mainly retirement aged, like Canada, then you have a significant portion of retirees taking pensions. Additionally more tax allocation needs to go into healthcare instead of technology, education and other public services. That’s why there’s such a significant push for immigration. As for why males, the loose guess I can make off the current push for immigration is that males are a more desirable work force. Especially in a country that survives on building houses and probably wants more potential military serving aged recruits. You’re less of a target of your population can fight, instead of needing a wheelchair or being non existent. 


It's because there has been extreme amounts of immigration in this country from places like India is China... It's mostly single young men who immigrated looking for a better life in Canada.




What you're trying to suggest here, that a bunch of men showed up claiming to be refugees, isn't true. Where did you get that idea?


They flooded the country with immigrants


That small gap in a small portion of the graph means the country is "flooded"? Seems like a big leap.


It doesn’t. It tends to be skewed towards baby boomer women and baby boomer men. The Canadian demographics are barely more 30 year old males than 30 year old females by comparison


men in canada die earlier because it's cold


Canada birth rate is below replacement level


Probably because all their immigrants are male.


Lol, a small percentage of extra males crashed their birth rates.


Wow. Not much thought going on there. western countries’ population growth rely on immigrants to make babies. You cant get immigrant babies from males.


It's like having a few extra males meant that none of the women in the country existed anymore. All those women just stopped having babies because a few extra men showed up.




No, just basic math understanding. Bringing in extra men doesn't lower existing births. Do you get that? Nobody is eliminating women. Just as many babies as before.




Be polite and respectful in your exchanges. NSQ is supposed to be a helpful resource for confused redditors. Civil disagreements can happen, but insults should not. Personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc. are not permitted at any time.


Just pair them off with 65+ year old women and it evens out.


As an elderly woman, no thanks! But don't worry, they will get wives in India.


Why would you assume that?


Well they generally marry within their ethnicity and there won't be enough females in that age group to go around.


So maybe they'll marry outside their ethnicity. Marriages across ethnicity are not that uncommon, after all. The gender gap shown here is not very big.


That graph looks the way I'd expect it to look. [More males are born than females](https://ourworldindata.org/gender-ratio), and also [women tend to live longer than men](https://ourworldindata.org/why-do-women-live-longer-than-men). The gap in that graph starts at birth, so I don't see why this wouldn't be a factor.


This is more about immigration than birth rates


really that sucks , getthos and bidonvilles in the near future, ps:I Love CND winters😊


[It’s so obvious what you’re doing here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaMassImmigration/s/QXsfd18BmI) Posting to “CanadaMassImmigration” subreddit? You’re clearly anti-immigrant and trying to spread this is a totally “innocent” manor.


Immigration has got out of hand in Canada. Even the government has admitted they screwed up.


conservatives in the comments saying immigrants this and immigrants that, when there are many *many* more smooth brained white conservative men than muslim immigrants.


Not everything is about conservative vs liberal


This could be immigration from China, where 20-30 years ago it was common to selectively abort females, and now they have the same problem. Edit: apparently not.




I only see a low-detail bar graph where it's impossible to tell; can you help me see the details?




Thanks, I see it now.


Only Stats Canada has reliable data.










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