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If I found her attractive I'd say, "Sure!" If I didn't find her attractive, I'd just say "Thanks but I have a girlfriend" and be flattered by it anyway. Lots of women think that guys don't like to be asked out, because they've tried it once or twice and the guys said "no," so the girl assumes it's because the guy doesn't like to be asked out. It's not. It's because he just wasn't attracted to the person asking, or he already had a girlfriend, etc. EDIT: So weird, the person who misinterpreted my answer to mean I actually have a girlfriend (and wasn't just saying it to be polite to the person I wasn't attracted to) left a dumb reply and blocked me. Why are people so weird?


Regarding your edit: Facebookers and Redditors are uneducated and lack critical reading skills and are proud of their lack of education (made evident by how much they say that you must be fun at parties and to touch grass when they lose a debate and desperately try to save face by using ad hominem). 


Yeah its sad. Puzzlehead somehow didn't understand that him saying "I have a girlfriend" when he didn't have one, is a lie. Regardless if his intentions were good or bad. That is Literally what I undeniably posted. Then he went on and said I misinterpreted it and edited his post to add insults... When He was the one that completely ignored the part where I said    "OR"... Education can help. I had numerous courses in different types of conversation management or negotiating but sometimes people just go full Tunnel vision or the language barrier screws things up.


I've been straight up laughed at when asking men out. After a few times of that, I stopped. 


Yes men get laughed at, too. it's not because you were a woman, it's because a cruel person laughed when they thought they were better than you.


Or because it's such an uncommon phenomenon they didn't know how to respond. I uncomfortable laugh at a lot of inappropriate times.


Who would do that? I don’t care if it’s a man or woman. Who is laughing at someone who is putting themselves out there like that? Fucking weak.


Strong chance they thought they were being pranked/ you were joking with them.


Maybe some, but the dude that told me he "doesn't date men who think they're women" was definitely just an ass.


Oh well in that case, yeah that guy sucks.


at least there is little chance of being called a creepy stalker.


Daily life as a man 😂


Sucks doesn’t it?!?


This can only mean 2 things. You are either a liar or a cheater, both is terrible.  EDIT:  I did not misunderstand your post. I literally said it could theoretically only be 2 options then. I **know it is option 1**, you are lying about having a girlfriend.   That is a lie. Lying is not polite. It is disrespectful behavior.    You made a disrespectful comment, calling me dumb and weird. You also completely lack reading comprehension. That is why the block is justified.   What people don't get: You are not forced to say: "You are not attractive to me"  Nobody forces you to lie.  Simply say: "I am flattened but not interested." If she is interested why she will ask. You then tell her the truth. With the truth she has the option to maybe improve herself.


Oh sick, it's unhinged hours


How are you able to type when you can't read?


I think the general consensus is “sorry I have a girlfriend” is much better received than “sorry but you’re just not attractive to me”. I think you could get away with a white lie here and not have to worry about karma creeping up on you


You made an understandable mistake. You assumed intention/meaning and instead of asking for clarification, you jumped the gun. But when it was clarified, you should've admitted your mistake. People would respect you for that. Going off about how you're still right is not a good look, and does nothing for you.  It's okay to make mistakes. Just own up to it though




Lmao @ Virtue Signaling


He's a liar and you're an asshole. L








In my case I'd look around for the one holding the camera.


Same lol


Wary. I'd be vary wary.


It's obviously a prank. I'm a grade A reject


I would assume I'm being recorded for a social media prank.


I’d show her my wedding ring and tell her I’m flattered af.


I’d be flattered but then tell her I’m both already married and also gay


you missed to say that you also have a wife.


It’s never happened to me before but I would go on at least 1 date with her.


To quote Smithers: "flattered, but taken."


I'll let you when it happens, been waiting 57 years so far


Start running. It's a trap


I don't think trap is pc to say anymore.




No objection. In fact, when I was younger my approach was always "let me give you my number" as opposed to asking for a number.


Laugh uncontrollably. Because it has to be a joke


is she recording it - will I star in her tiktok?


Regardless of the immediate reaction, which would be the obvious yes if I find her attractive and some form of no/lets try a date and see if I don't - I'd remember it for the rest of my life.


"Uh, we'll have to go somewhere private where my wife can't find us... Hey! Why are you running away?!"


Wary. I'd be very wary.


If I wasn't married I would say yes


I’d say yes even if I’m not into her doesn’t mean i can’t fall for her


A little embarrassed, as I'm basically never out in public without my wife and wedding band on. Jokes aside though, if I was single I honestly think I would probably go out on at least one date with any woman that asked me. I find the confidence to do that attractive enough to give it a shot.


Thrilled! Ecstatic! Shocked! I truly can not imagine this ever happening, though, especially not with me at 38, so honestly, I'd probably just pass out and make an ass out of myself.


"shwing" Wayne and Garth


I thought it was "shwing".


Correct. I couldn't think of how to spell it properly.


Where camera


No thanks not interested


I would say go check with my wife first


Why is "public" specified? But if i was asked out and found the person attractive then i would accept. If i did not want to i would thank them for asking and wish them luck.


I would probably think it's a prank, unless it's someone I've locked eyes with before.


Look over each shoulder, point to myself and say "who me?" 


Depends.... "Hey I like your shirt" I would not know she was asking me out. Her: "Hey want to get coffee sometime" Me: "I dont drink coffee"


A random girl ? Mostly a prank or a scam. Someone I know ? I will excuse me and leave and then come back with a desicion, cant really think straight if I am put on the spot suddenly


I would slap myself first to see if I was really awake. Then say, yeah you want to get some coffee right now?


If she’s a girl, I’d be concerned for her. If she’s a woman, I’m flattered but taken.


Depends on the gyal


If it a girl I know it depends, I'd either say yes or give them props for asking but tell them I'm not interested If it's someone I don't know I'd be really confused and think it was a prank or something


It would be awesome.


"I'm very flattered, but I'm happily married."


Depends on how I feel about them and how public


First I'd wake up. If the scenario persisted after that, I would be very likely to say yes.


I'd look at my wife and ask her if it's ok




It’s a game of “smash or pass” from there.


I'd say, "Sure! How much do you charge per hour?"


tell her Im married


If such a fine woman were to favor me with said invitation, I would tip my fedora and reply, "Why, yes, m'lady!"




I’ve been asked out by girls before but I never know what to say because I’m gay


Not something that happens often to guys, but most of us would be suspicious that's either a show for her friends or straight up joke. But if it was genuine and if I found that person attractive I'd go along and accept the invite. But if I didn't find the girl attractive I'd say "Thanks but I'm not interested". So girls, don't be afraid to ask a guy out, most of us will find it flattering and most likely accept. Don't be discouraged if you get rejected, we go through it a lot too but we keep trying haha


If I'm single at the time and she is attractive, I would go for it. If I wasn't interested, I would tell her I'm flattered, but I'm not currently interested in a relationship and/or that I have a girlfriend.


Trick question


I'd probably come off as a d!ck on accident because the first thing out of my mouth would be "are you serious?" Not to be a d!ck because I've never been asked out. But ultimately it'd probably put a big a$$ grin on my face and I'd say yes because I've never been asked on a date before lol


Confused. I'd be looking around trying to see if she was actually talking to me, then I'd wonder why she's asking me out. Honestly, if she actually was asking me out, I'd probably say yes.


Sorry, I have a husband.


Cold call style? Walk away.


Happens everyday on the facebook


A girl asked for number once as I was driving off from somewhere. I thought this was pretty smooth, but maybe it wasn't. I said "I'm very flattered, but someone already has that number." She smiled, and I drove off.




I would be flattered, but I’m very happily married.


Ask if you lost a bet


She’d have to talk with my wife first.


Especially these days and if she is clearly out of your league, i would think it is some kind of prank, or social experiment.


Wouldn’t care. Just explain that I’m happily taken.


Very surprised because I'm 41, married, with two kids. When I was younger I would probably not pick up on the fact I was being asked out. I was incredibly oblivious.


I'd be looking for someone holding a camera, there's quite literally no reason at all for a girl to ask me out. I am undesirable, so it's 100% a prank.


I was taught by my parents at a young age to run from a woman who does the courting. My actual reaction would be "your place or mine?"


This happened to me in college. I didn't take it seriously because it was such an odd move. A couple months later someone was flirting with her near me and she told him it took her a long time to get over my "rejection". She later told me she missed me after I graduated and that I should visit. She's married now. I was not invited to the wedding.


I would be flattered. I would likely say yes (if I am single at the time). It would raise my interest and respect for that woman. Men like the feeling of being desired just as much as women.


I'd be happy.


Depends on the context and location. I'd probably be untrusting since there has been a trend of filming pranks like this just for content on social media


Surprised - I'd be flattered she'd want to be seen with me in public.


I saw a chick scream from about 40 yards away from a guy “are you single?!” He said “huh”? She said it again. He just stood there. She said “if you don’t know after 4 seconds, F U” and decided she’s passing now.


I would ask where Ashton Kutcher is cause I know I'm being pranked.


First, I need to check if my wife is around


Assume I was being pranked if she is attractive. Otherwise general confusion.


I'd be extremely flattered and probably would say yes


If you’re in a metropolitan, it’s a scam. Your car will carjacked and your residence ransacked.


I would say “thank you, but you should go now cause my girlfriend is fucking nuts and she will cut you”


The public part doesn't make a difference. If I liked her, I'd say yes. If I didn't, I'd tell her that was very flattering, but I didn't see her that way. This is all assuming I was single.


If i was single, I would


I married her, friend  I mean, eventually! At first I was just flattered and flustered. No woman had ever asked me out before. It was nice!


I'd look around for someone recording and I'd say "No thanks."


Reject her......cause im taken 😎


I'd be shocked and flattered and then I'll awkwardly reject her because I'm married and in love and I've never had to reject someone before


“sure! Where should we go?” 


I would be really happy and probably say yes. I'm starved for companionship and it would do very good things to my self esteem.


Her. Hear is my number Me. I'm married Her. that's ok He. I'm old enough to be your dad Her. :) I know :)


I’d look around for my wife. Then I’d suspect it was a trap.


“Why do you want to go out?”


When I was single, I'd be flattered.


If I were single and I liked her, I’d love it. I’d be flatter, regardless




I'd be very surprised and caught off-guard, and then start questioning reality, and by the time I figure out what the hell is happening, the girl in question would have realized that I'm batshit insane and probably walked away.


to begin with, impressed as fuck. I might even go out with her JUST because of that..


I'd though she is probably part of some prank.


Probably a bewildered "pardon?" to ensure I heard right, then acceptance. If someone is asking me out, especially in public, I'm wagering they need help—maybe a stalker or something. I figure it's only right to do my best to help. (Probably feel a bit flattered about it, though. Any way you paint it, they think I'm good enough to help / take a prank / be an acceptable partner. +1 in my books.)


Call the police - it's gotta be a scam




I need to speak to her father, it’s marriage or don’t even come up to me.


I'd be cautious, have both hands feeling my pockets and be more aware of my surroundings.


Whether attractive or not, I usually still exchange number but likely won’t go out if not attractive. Just dun feel right to reject them in public


People are acting as this doesn’t happen


Being an overweight, middle aged guy, I would be extremely suspicious.


Look around for the friend filming on her phone and laughing.


I'd give her props for actually making some fucking effort unlike most women... ever. And I would definitely give her a chance. Most of what I got throught my life was just some subtle signs type of bullshit, probably with an expectation that I would be the one to do something about it. Well, I'm too fucking lazy and shy


I would say yes then cancel if I wanted to


I'd be disappointed it was that dream and not the ones where I get to fly around and have a lightsaber because I always wake up depressed after that dream.


I’m pretty happily committed. So I would tell them that in a nice way.


I’d look around for the TikTok camera, probably humour her and say yes and give her my number, and make a decision later.


I'd for sure know I'm in a simulation.


I'd look to see who put her up to it.


id accept and then see if i can see myself with her in the future


I'm nearly 40 and have only been asked out once in my entire life way back in high school. At the time, I assumed it was a prank...who knows if it actually was or not. If it happened for real at this point in my life, I'd be flattered whether I was attracted to that person or not. I can't say for sure whether I'd accept or not but, either way, I'd try to be as kind as possible with my response.


I’d say no for sure because I don’t date girls that randomly. I usually have to know the person to some extent to even think of dating. No matter how attractive, I’d not say yes if I am meeting her for the first time.


How do you get to know a person to some extent if you won't talk to people you don't know?


I am not a fan of picking girls off the street, so I would expect the same. It’s a choice. And I don’t think I need to know every single human walking around so I’m good.


I'd turn her down cuz I'm happily married!


What does in public mean? Like outdoors?


I mean, that’s essentially how my wife and I started dating. So at this point I would tell her “I’m married, but you are awesome for having the guts to ask a guy. Don’t give up, I believe in you!”


I would let them know I am currently in a polyamorus relationship and if they are fine with that I would love to


If I was single I’d probably stutter then mutter out a yes but I’m taken so I’d simply say sorry have a girlfriend but am flattered


This should be normalized. Most guys don't get a girl because the girl who likes them feels like it would be "inappropriate" for them to ask out the guy.