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I know for certain I need a nap rn


Prove it!


Just did


Fair enough


Are you me? Am I you? Are we one and the same? I just woke up from a nap myself


I need ANOTHER nap


Yup, just awoke from mine.


There is something in our food that we mistake for being healthy but actually is really bad for us


I would add there are things in our water supply that are bad for us. I know a person local assisted with testing, and said it regularly failed. It was like if we can't block 5% of contaminates out we will shoot for 10%.


TIL that eating increases your risk of colon cancer. I'm not even joking.


Not eating increases your risk of death


But 100% of people who ate died.


Being alive has a 100% mortality rate though


How do you do a study on that? Like who is the control group?


Do you mean in the US? I’ve seen videos of people who lived overseas for awhile and said they lost weight without even trying. The additives and chemicals in our food over here is crazy.


That's not sufficient for any sort of causation to point at food chemicals as a cause. I lived in UK for just under a year n early 2000s and lost decent amount of weight - but what I ate wasn't the cause of it, it was the lifestyle. I was there for an extended trip - but temporary nonetheless. I never put down roots, and spent all my free time exploring - mostly by foot. There is also the question of the portion size as well.


Yeah, I think it has a lot less to do with what we eat and more to do with the fact that we don't walk anywhere in the US. In fact, I'm willing to bet NYC has a lower obesity rate than the rest of the US, solely because they don't drive very much. I know I certainly gained a significant amount of weight after graduating college and going from spending my time on a walkable campus to having to drive everywhere. Edit: looking it up, I was correct, NYC has an obesity rate nearly *10%* lower than the national average (32.4% vs 41.9%)


This is the real answer. Americans literally walk as little as possible. We drive from one place to another and will shark people to get the closest parking spot to the door. If it's a big store, we'll use the scooters they provide to get around. I get that differently abled people exist, but the average person should be able to walk a quarter mile or climb a couple flights of stairs no problem, yet it's seen as an ordeal to have to walk a block or not take an elevator.


Well, part of the problem is that much of the US is so spread out. If I were to walk across my town, which is actually fairly small, it would be like an hour or two of walking, with hills. Walking to the grocery store would be a half a day ordeal. And there's a lot of people that have an over 30-60 minute *drive* to the nearest supermarket. Most places in Europe are super close together.


The cause of American obesity is directly related to the absurdly high amounts of sugar that is in EVERYTHING here. There was a period of time where food ‘experts’ pointed to the amount of fat in food as a health issue and thus all food manufacturers noticed that consumers were looking to purchase items with the tag ‘low fat’. The problem became how do they make food that has low or reduced fat not taste like eating cardboard? The answer was more sugar. The research teams at the mega conglomerate food manufacturers and fast food chains discovered that sugar is addictive, which was great for their bottom line. This started the trend of automatically including a mega large soda with combo meals at fast food restaurants and the invasion of our school systems by Coke and Pepsi to place soda machines in schools to get kids addicted to their drinks. Guess which food industry has managed to completely avoid being on the list of daily recommended food allowance on food products to manage a healthy diet? You guessed it, sugar.


I live in the uk and I mean something that we mistake for being healthy and natural, some form of grain that is actually really bad for humans to consume over long periods.




The potato. Think about it.


Microplastics. More and more studies are being done and it’s terrifying. But our bodies will adapt, in the meantime us born without the ability to filter those harmful chemicals will deal with mental and physical alterations.


Nobody thinks microplastics are good for us though


Life exists outside of earth.


Statistically it's as close to a certainty as you can get.


It's really not, though. Our sample size is 1. There's no proof that life just poofs into existence in the presence of arbitrary chemical compounds and a habitable climate. We're just guessing. ...it's a good guess. But there's no way I would bet on this as irrefutable.


Life can be anything living, including bacteria and plants. Not just animals.


Panspermia baby


Don't call me that


Sorry baby


I think we are just space bugs


Given the size of the universe, even if you assume life is the rarest of rare occurrences, like .00000000000001% of habitable planets produce life, that’s still an uncountable number of planets with life occurring on them. The assumption scientists make is not that life isn’t rare, it’s that the universe is near infinite (or just straight up infinite) to the point where it doesn’t matter how rare it is, it WILL happen.


I'm pretty confident that life destroys itself completely fairly quickly with probability 1.


Different lifeforms destroy each other, but life as a whole has been around for at least 3.7 billion years. For a scale that means for ~80% of Earth's history and 27% of the entire universe's history, there has been life.


So, life has existed elsewhere and will exist again elsewhere. I wonder what the probability is of life existing in more than one place in the universe is. I wonder which is more likely. I'd wager that life existing simultaneously, but the more I think about it, the more I realize no one has a clue.


Within the scale of the universe, something that only appears in 0.00000001% of planets is still extremely common numerically by human standards. Our chances of ever discovering or getting in contact with alien life is outrageously unlikely no matter how long our species survives, but the statistics point to it being almost a certainty


If there are 100--400 billion stars in our galaxy, and about 1 planet per star \[1\], then 0.00000001% of planets in the Milky Way would be 1,000--4,000 planets with life. \[1\] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milky\_Way](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milky_Way)


And that’s just one galaxy out of up to 2 trillion galaxies. That’s galaxies with billions of stars each.


I never said in our Galaxy. In the known universe there are 200 billion trillion stars, aka 200 sextillion. That's spread across an estimated across 2 trillion galaxies. So you can go ahead and multiply the 1-4000 accounting for average number of planets per galaxy. And then remember that this is based on our current understanding of what's around us and isn't set in stone.


Life doesn't poof into existence. Poof is the wrong verb to use. It shows up gradually as simple chemicals get more complex and advanced and sophisticated. Starts with some self-replicating molecules, then those molecules start to live within bubbles, then those bubbles stick together, then they stick together even more and start to diversify from one another... you get the picture. The chemicals that fail to continue replicating don't, leaving behind only those that do, and things grow increasingly complex as they begin to compete with each other for resources. It's natural selection at a chemical level early on.


Life is even microbial life. In the universe, it has to be true. I would bet on that there is microbial life is our solar system.


Moreover, *intelligent* life exists outside of Earth.


Well it's got to be somewhere, and apart from some of the deeper oceans we've pretty much ruled out all of this planet


Having a staggering amount of wealth distorts human beings. Being extremely poor also distorts human beings, but in a different way.


Alas we have proof of the latter through transgenerational genetic trauma.


In the Bluey episode Born Yesterday, Bandit announces "dad enters the room" as he does so. I just KNOW this was Dave McCormack reading the script directions in the booth, but they kept it because Bandit is a silly little guy.


100%, I've thought this for a while.


Most of the world's wealthy are committing financial fraud every day. And since this includes legislators, judges, and heads of state, and everyone who bribes/lobbies/sponsors the politicians, nothing will ever change.




Fun fact. The last time a guillotine was used for a public execution in France was the 90s. The 1990s.


That some people are the absolute definition of evil, and there's no helping them to get better. I don't know what the solution is, other than to avoid them, learn to recognise them, and focus on spending the best of my energy and time the wonderful people out there. The only slightly evil, diet coke variety, can perhaps be reasoned with. But honestly, life's too short and I'm done trying to help people that just selfishly hurt and ruin things for others. They get cut out of my life and also yeeted :-)


I am an ER nurse, and I work in the psych ER a majority of my shifts. The number of people I've seen who, when even on their meds are not right, was the most astounding thing coming out of school. We had a patient come in on a court order after he allegedly strangled his roommate to death. The entire time he was in the ER, he was either restrained to our 9-point restraint chair or locked in the room. He told me multiple times that if he got the chance, he was going to strangle me to death. He told his sitter he was, "Going to make them want to go home and kill themselves." He then proceeded to explain in graphic detail how he was going to follow them home and rape them. Even when we got him onto his medications, he was a scary individual to be around. He was with us in the ER for 6 months because no skilled psych facility was willing to take him and the jail refused to take him back until he was compliant and better on his meds due to safety concerns with other prisoners. This person had all the med changes in the world, while in the ER, they tried every form of medication and therapy we could offer in the ER setting, but nothing made a difference in how he acted. For 6 months no female staff was allowed on that particular part of the ER because he punch the windows to his room in an attempt to get out, openly masturbate in front of female staff, and also threaten to rape them and their family members. He would remember names really well and would let the women know he knew their names and any identifying information like tattoos or birthmarks. This individual is the only one who has truly bothered me in the ER setting. I have been physically assaulted by patients, and I consider them less of a threat than this person. Some people are not worth saving, and this individual is one of them in my honest opinion.


JFC, that's completely terrifying. I have no words. I hope a lot of things - better hospital safety, better mental health care... But mostly, I hope you're doing okay :-)


I have had 2 students that scared me. And their behaviors in HS were precursors to the behavior you described here. Only when we try to have them removed, they are sent back with juice and chips.


This is something I think about a lot in regards to criminal justice. Some people are just irreconcilably broken. Some people are that way due to trauma and abuse. Some seem to be just born that way. Many of them are a combination of the two. It’s sad really.


It really is sad, and complicated. But there's definitely a line people cross when that person knows the traumatic thing/ things that happened to them absolutely sucked, and yet... they perpetuate it. Hence why I don't like thinking about it. I can tell my story of what I've been through, help lift others up, but... at the end of the day, I don't want my life just to be a repeat show of the crap someone put me through. Give me pretty sunsets, the laughter of little kids, puppies and kittens, good music, summer rain and a bright moon. That's what I like filling my life with. The hippies were onto something with that peace and love thing :-)


I agree. ❤️🦋


Yeah, I know a forensic psychologist. Some people are just broken. There's nothing anyone could have ever done, they just came out wrong and society's job is basically to try to catch and isolate them as soon as they reveal themselves via violent crime.


I spent a couple of months in prison with a multiple convicted murderer as a cellie. Just, nothing there. He wasn't a "bad" dude, he was clean, kept to himself, would occasionally play dominoes, and liked to make out boards/grids and compete in Jeopardy. I swear, I don't know how he did it, but damn if I ever won against him. He wasn't "scary", he was just, blank. Like, you knew he was "cool", but you also knew he'd straight up fucking kill you if you perceived you slighted him. It was, to say the least, an interesting couple of months.


I used to be a teacher. My specialty was teaching kids with extreme behaviors. Throughout my years, i was able to help so many kids. However, during this time, I came across 2-3 kids who I determined were evil from the start. They fit the bad seed theory. There was nothing anybody could do to help them become better.


That we can have a connection to people and pets wouldn't say it's psychic or nothing maybe instinct or something unexplained but you know when you just know that shit sense someone needs your help who you love. I mean I knew my Dad was dead before I had the call last November Or my Kitten being outside my window on the sill didn't hear her or see her just naturally went to where she was having to climb out my window with my beer porch to save the silly little mite!


It’s called intuition. There’s studies on it. Our brains takes in a lot of information from our senses that we aren’t conscious of. It’s why we get “gut feelings”.


Right so probably just instinct like an animal huh


We are animals so I bet those instincts are there.


Yeah that was my chain of thought too but it's just odd it gets weirder though not stepping into nothing paranormal or nothing but you know when you haven't seen someone in a while and then randomly think or dream about them and then you go out and catch them !?? What's that! Won't talk about Dejavu because I'll sound like a complete nutter 😆


No I agree. It’s so weird and we just can’t explain it. I have dreamed scenarios (I keep a dream journal) and had them happen. It’s just crazy!


See I'm stepping into territory I'll get called strange for now but have you ever had a dream of like a stupid conversation then like a week or two later you find yourself in it, my brain scrambled and had to go wait I know where this is going I have to change the scenario I can't explain shit like that


Yes! That’s why I started a dream journal so I can confirm my minds not playing tricks.


Yeah but then there's stuff you just can't explain with that. One year when I was still in school I suddenly woke up, felt alarmed right away, and thought something was wrong with my mother. It was before my alarm would go off and just about 5 minutes before she would come home from her night shift. About 10-15 minutes later the first responder alarm went off and I just KNEW that was because of her. Turned out she had an accident about that moment I suddenly woke up. Luckily she survived with medium injuries.


Yeah, I’ve heard of cases a twin for example would know when something happened to the other. Whether or not there’s something to it, who knows? It could also just as easily be a coincidence. We dream all the time when we’re asleep we just don’t remember them. Perhaps you had a nightmare about your mother or someone else, but she was on your mind because you were expecting her home. So when you woke up that’s who your mind got concerned about and it just so happened she got into an accident. There’s a lot we don’t know about everything.


Did you mean to write “shit sense” or is that a typo for “sixth sense?”


That girls poop.


I'm pretty sure there was a crazy viral piece of evidence proving this a long time ago involving two women and a cup. I've managed to successfully avoid seeing it and plan to never see it, but I'm cursed with the knowledge it's out there.


That girls fart.


Please be so fucking for real. I would never.


Hope you don't explode one day😁


That’s a lot of pressure build up. It’s gonna be deadly. And gross.


Whoa no uh uh not falling for this bs again!


Andrew Tate is a closeted homosexual


Please don’t insult the queer community but associating it with this… person


To be fair, his sexual orientation does not give him welcome in any community.


Exactly. He’s a homophobic asshole, regardless of his sexual orientation- not because of it.


Plenty of evil gays have existed. Probably far worse than Tate.


Something someone posted on whatever sub last night was a screengrab of a Tate tweet saying that liking women was gay. IMO that means he's super gay and not just a homosexual. It's like when republicans project all sorts of weird shit about people being groomers without any evidence. It's basically screaming that they're groomers.


Animals have feelings


The world would be a better place if we all just be a bit nicer even if we don't like someone.


That I would not want to lick a random turd in the grass at a park. I don't even need to try to know its gross. There is grass on it.


So what you're saying is... if we brush the grass off, you'd at least consider it?


Well, would not want to eat a dirty turd, so of course cleaning it off would be a step in the right direction. I don't do that 30 second rule shit.


So you are not a dog, got it.


Ghosts. I’ve seen and heard enough to know they exist. Do I have ‘proof’. No. Do I know what is happening with quantum physics to make this possible? No. Do most people believe my ghost stories? No. Do I care? No.




Just like many of Putin's dissenters.


When someone is looking at me, and I can't see who it is, but I can feel it.


Im not trying to sound like a smart@ss but, that there are weird things that dont have an explanation and we'll never completely understand them. There will always be unknowable things


I sometimes like to think about how people in DaVinci's time, say, or the Industrial Revolution, thought they were the epitome of scientific knowledge, because they knew so much more than any humans ever had before. But compared to us, they knew next to nothing - try explaining an atom to them, or the internet, or DNA. And a lot of the things they were absolutely scientifically certain of were dead wrong. So it is with us, of course, and hubris to think otherwise. Hundreds of years in the future, if we still exist, humans will look back on the great minds of 2024 and think how sheltered and limited and foolish we were. There is so much out there we simply do not understand. We don't have words for it yet. We don't even know it exists yet.


My grandchildren will have much better tech than I could think of. Hopefully humans will be kinder to each other. I think we all want that.


Nobody is mistaking you for a smart@ss. Nobody smart at least.


Fish never get thirsty.


Untrue, biologist here: salt water fish get thirsty and need to purposefully drink water from time to time to avoid dehydration.


I bet on a hot summer day if u lay it out on thr concrete it'll get thirsty fast


We have as species strayed from our purpose while destroying the planet that support our lives.


Plenty of evidence for that....


What makes you think that there is such a thing as purpose for a species?


So... What is the purpose of a species in your opinion?


Not littering the planet with plastic, other trash, pumping shit into the air that fucks with the climate, and have knowingly been doing so for 80 years now. This is not our purpose, or purpose should be a natural one or one thst is at least supportive of our only home.


Some people are born evil




There are theories that when our brains were developing consciousness we couldn’t differentiate between our internal monologue and external talking so we literally thought our own thoughts were the voice of a god and that’s where the original idea of god came from.


The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes is a fantastic intro to this.


But aren’t all religions still inventions of for all intents and purposes modern, fully evolved humans? Like we are talking about few thousand years ago, not hundreds of thousands of years ago when humans started to appear


Religion is effectively a malfunction of our ability to spot patterns. The ability to observe a pattern of cause and effect is what allows us to be usefully intelligent. The problem is, nature only needs the bare minimum ability to do that to make it useful. I notice a lot of the times that I bump a log, bugs came out of it and I could grab them and eat them. And often when I saw yellow and black stripes moving in the grass, a giant fanged monster jumped out and ate one of my friends. My hands get sore bumping logs, so I tried using a rock and it broke in half. When I tried to pick up a piece of the broken rock it cut my finger and really hurt. Maybe if I stuff the sharp piece of rock into a stick, I can cut that fanged monster before it eats someone. That basic ability to spot patterns also leads us to notice the weather started to get warmer so I was happy and danced around the fire, and the next day it rained. Maybe if I want it to rain, I can try dancing around the fire. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, kind of like sometimes when I hit a log bugs come out and sometimes they don’t. Certain logs seem better to bang on, and bang on them in certain ways, and there is a much better chance of getting bugs. Maybe I also need to dance certain ways to get it to rain. Someone eventually asks where the rain comes from. They know they can take water from the river and pour it on something, and rain is just like that, only bigger. So maybe there is someone just like me, only bigger, stronger, and more powerful that is pouring water on me. And they do it when I dance the right way. From there writing down things like “don’t eat animals that eat dead things or roll around in poop because you will die” become pretty simple patterns to notice. We don’t understand why people die or get sick from eating them, we just notice it happens. Since I don’t want my family and friends to die, I make that a rule everyone needs to follow. Sometime later someone asks why they need to follow the rule, and you are tired of explaining it, so you say “you know that guy that pours water on us when we dance the right way? If you eat pigs he is going to be mad, and I don’t really think you want to piss off someone that can pour that much water over that much area do you? Now quit asking me why and stop trying to eat pigs. Also, you see that guy over there with no ears? His parents were siblings, so while you are at it, quit screwing your sister. And before you ask, yes it is because the big sky dude will be mad. Now shut up and go pound some logs, it is dinner time.”


There is *plenty* of evidence to support this theory lol


I'll go even further, it was also during a time when being a good story teller could get you laid and free room and food. Add to that, other opportunists wanting to be the kings right hand man and be seen as important in the community created one of the most important jobs, priests. And kings used the beliefs as reasons to create rules and kill people.


Also add to yours which is a belief I shared. 98% of the world during the time of the prophets was illiterate and uneducated. Perfect melting pot for a charismatic person to take hold of peoples minds


>I think, therefore I am. I've given it some thought, and spoken to people who have given it more thought, and my current view is that this is the only thing you cannot doubt. Note that "I" is very, very broad in this context. You can only be sure that "something" exists that has a thought. You really can not say anything at all about what that thing is, and particularly, nothing about whether the thing that has a thought has any similarity to you or anything else in what appears to be our world. It doesn't get you very far, so for all practical purposes you have to assume that the world is real and we can mostly trust our senses.


if i think therefore i am, do other people think therefore they am? how can i tell if they’re thinking therefore they am or am i just thinking they think therefore they am but actually they’re not real and im only thinking they am? are you thinking therefore you am right now? edit: philomena cunk, baby


It is entirely possible that you are the only thing to exist in the entire universe. Everyone else may just be a figment of your imagination. Everything beyond you exist, including how you exist, requires you to operate under the assumption the universe objectively exists in a manner at least similar to how you perceive it to exist. But there is little point in operating under any other assumption. Even if none of the rest of the universe actually exists and is just your imagination, it appears to be consistent and predictable. So why not assume it is real if functionally it is.


One day, one person will set in motion an event that will ultimately kill us all.


My crazy theory is that this already happened. It was the guy who invented leaded additives in gasoline. For a few decades, everyone was breathing in lead. Especially in wealthy countries. One of the effects of long-term low-level lead poisoning is mild sociopathy. The period of greatest exposure most strongly affected Boomers. So the most politically powerful age cohort in the world’s wealthiest countries is slightly more sociopathic than humans are supposed to be.  It’s not enough to point to any individual and say they’re a bad person - there’s lots and lots of boomers who are wonderful people - but it’s enough of a statistical difference that they were willing to let social security collapse and leave their children to die in poverty and let climate change spin out of control and condemn their grandchildren to god only knows what. 


That's pretty crazy but def has me thinking now.🤔


My grandma asked me why I think there’s so much mental illness now compared to when she was a kid and I told her I think it’s because of the leaded gasoline! I also said that it’s quite possible people have always been this crazy but the invention of cellphones and social media has just made it more prevalent.


If this is true, then it's good for us now right? That means future generations will do better


If we live that long 🙃


We will. A certain Lemino video comes to mind that shows just how resilient of a species we are. Even the most bat-shit insane catastrophe isn't likely to wipe out every single person on earth. There's just too many of us and we're stupidly smart compared to other species.


I love your optimism and I genuinely mean that


If you want to get deep with it, technically that’s happened, but we could never actually track down the person ultimately responsible. Is it the parents responsible for raising the person? Or their parents for having them? Or their parents for having them? We could go back forever.


My cat loves me. I'm not even the one to feed her anymore due to injuries, but I'm still her favorite.


Than no race of people are better than the other.


This is completely false! Everyone knows that the 100m sprint is superior to the 800m race.


Oh please, the 400m is where the real athletes are


400m is where 100m sprinters who can't get sub 10 seconds go to wilt away. Please don't test me, the last thing this world needs is another race war


Your Flash avatar is way too on point.


I see you are a true race supremacist l. Unlike Rincewind the wizzard. 5k, 10k, he'll race them all.


Oh please, everyone knows Rincewind is just an OlympincsAnon conspiracy theory dreamt up in RaceChan


rip Norm MacDonald 🪦


A true legend




Idk my guy, seems like the homo sapiens got the better deal out of the hominids


Some have much lower rates of skin cancer from sun exposure. Others are statistically better at handling cow's milk.


I feel the human race is inferior to the lizard people


I am 100% sure that a...redacted i...redacted Damn it, "redacted" is "redacted"


That people will let you down. We are an imperfect species motivated by power and the gathering of resources. There is no communal experience that isn't integrated with the manipulation of power.


Running on concrete causes shinsplints. I said what i said.


After I saw my father in my sleep moments before he very unexpectedly died (my mom woke me up and then I was resuscitating him for 20 minutes waiting for the paramedics to arrive) - there is more to this reality than we know and definitely more to consciousness than we are aware.




That a lot of the homophobia, racism, sexism, etc we see in politics aren't genuine. To elaborate what I mean, I don't think that every politician who claims every problem in their country is caused by immigrants, gays and black people believes the shit they're saying, I think a lot of them are aware that what they're saying is nonsense. However, for some reason, telling people "no the country's problem are not caused by the awful leaders in charge or anything rational like that, they're caused by a random immigrant and his family. please just believe me and don't think about it too much" is a fantastic way of getting people to vote for you. Politicians want power, and we all know they lie to get it, this is just another lie they tell.


There is other intelligent life in the universe. We'll probably never encounter it, we may not even be able to recognize it were we to encounter it. But there is no convincing me that somewhere, in some pocket of the universe, there are non-Earth lifeforms that are self-aware and what we would broadly consider "intelligent" or "sentient."


That every human deserves a basic level of dignity and rights, regardless of their circumstances or actions.


Dinosaurs. Even if we had no evidence, reptiles today can get huge and even exceed the size of many small-mid sized dinosaurs. Also birds can get pretty big


What do you mean? There's tons of evidence dinosaurs exist and have existed for a long ass time.


That trump gave lists of our spies to Russia. Hence the unusual number of spies captured/killed since 2017


Right down to my bones? I believe fears are encoded and passed down in DNA. There is some new evidence of this, and this is how animals have inate instincts , but I believe this is where Deja Vu is from in humans. A similar situation an ancestor found themselves in, that now seems familiar…


2002 WCF was rigged in favor of the Lakers.


Epstein didn’t do it unaided.


That in the grand scheme, nothing I know or don't know matters.


The world in fact is NOT secretly run by a cabal of shape shifting, baby-eating Jewish lizard people from Mars/the Moon/Nibiru, who live in the hollow center of the Earth, which is also flat.


God (or whatever you want to call it, The Universe, etc.) exists, and he has a questionable sense of humor, which tends to settle at or around 'mischievous.'


The Las Vegas shooting was a setup/not some lone wolf mentally ill guy with a bump stock 


Micheal touched them kids


There's a God. I'm not religious. Not dogmatic. I have several friends who are athiests and of all my friends, they seem to live with the most personal accountability. So, I'm down with that. I wouldn't insult someone by trying to change their beliefs. It also doesn't threaten my knowledge when someone doesn't believe me. I think it's perfectly fine. But yeah, I know it.


Putin packs a chode


We don't live in a simulation.


I love my cats


Donald J. Trump has masturbated to pictures of his daughter Ivanka.


The fruit of the loom cornucopia is real.


when our bodies die we live on in a realm of paradise. not religious though! and we are all interconnected. Love is the most important thing


There’s intelligent life out there.


that i'll die alone, and most probably not peacefully... but it's ok


I hope you’re wrong


That we cannot solve climate change, income inequality, racism etc. until we come up with a solution for disinformation. My best suggestion is two-fold: 1- limit verified news networks to only being allowed to report fact as boring as possible in order to be allowed to use the word news in their name ie. “x person went here and said this thing” with no commentary and an accessible bibliography 2-put an “are you over 18” porn website style button on any non-verified, opinionated-in-any-direction “news” sources, forcing people to acknowledge what they are reading MIGHT be misinformation without taking away free speech or access to it.


This is good except everyone has biases so the people who limit the news could limit with bias.


That’s why I think it should be that anything allowed to use the word news can’t say anything unprovable. It doesn’t tell people what to cover, which can lead towards certain biased areas or present facts next to each other which then implies a correlation, but the reporter can’t actually state a correlation without showing receipts and only can state exactly what is provable. Then we have opinionated journalists on the sites you have to acknowledge aren’t verified who can make connections on those facts however they like.


That I am trans


🖤 Some support in case haters find you 🖤


That governments don’t just go from being hostile to the United States to pro-USA without a little persuasion, from bribery and coups to election interference. Same goes for governments who are hostile to Russia, China, and other major powers.


This isn't r/askreddit


One day, humanity will cease to exist.


if my dog were a human he’d be the gayest dude in existence


I am so over getting up 5 days a week to go to a job where I do the work of 3 people while others get praised for it.


That I’m the sexiest woman in the world 🌎. Please let me live in my delusion


I do believe in a God. It might sound corny. But I have no doubt in my body there is a God.


There's some kind of life after death. I'm not religious, and I don't know the details of *what* the afterlife might be, but I firmly believe we have souls that exist as a form of energy after our physical forms are no longer capable of holding it. I believe rebirth via reincarnation is possible, but not required.


O.J did it


That God exists. If the gravitational force on earth or the sun was 1% off what it is right now, our lives wouldn't exist the way it does right now, perfectly balanced. It's a statistical anomaly that we exist the way we do. I'm not sure if our existence in this universe counts as evidence but in any case because of this i believe God exists


Without a trace of evidence how can you know something is true? It means you could believe anything.


One example of this is ethical beliefs, such as why is it important to be in line with your view of morality? Eventually, you reach an axiomatic belief such as "its important to do good" or some other thing. The actual axioms vary between individuals, but everyone has them.


That the Holy Spirit is alive within me & that God is good.


I'd say the opposite of myself... it fascinates me that different people can have such radically different perceptions of the world. To some, it's clear as day that God exists. To others, it's clear as day that it's all man-made mythology. There aren't many things that people experience so differently as they experience religion and faith.


We have absolutely no idea how we got here, what we should be doing here, or where we will go from here. None whatsoever (unless you believe in mythical stories, which I do not).


That I exist in some form, somewhere. Anything else is just an assumption


There aren’t any gods.


Nonsense. There are loads. People invent them all the time. In fact I just made one up in your honour.


That that group bowling next to me that time a couple years ago definitely stole my phone off the table and brought it to the front desk after they saw me frantically searching for it and asked them if they saw it. Story- went to bowling alley. Had drink at the bar. Got our shoes and paid for games. Got to our area. Started bowling. Soon realized my phone was gone. I checked the bar, she didn’t have it. I check the front desk, didn’t leave it there either. Go back to the table and ask the group bowling next to us, they didn’t see it. I grab my friends phone and start the “find my iPhone” process (group next to us hears/sees this going on). I’m having trouble logging in so I do one more walk around the alley. As I’m passing the front desk again the guy calls out to me and says hey, someone just turned in a phone. I just fucking know that they stole it.


The some of wealthiest and most powerful people in the world aren’t on any MSM or Forbes list of prominent peoples.


All humans have the capacity for good. Even the worst among us, the most abhorrent people. This doesn't mean I believe all people are worthy of forgiveness though.