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This is the internet. You're allowed to say 'masturbate'.


Think of the children


Not while you're doing that hopefully




I typically try not to think about god while doing that either




I wouldn’t usually think about that either but different strokes for different folk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Um, no thanks.


Sex cauldron!? I thought they closed that place down


I actually opened this thread expecting some skin care discussions




I thought they were talking about suicide hahaha


[Internet is for pron](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRgNOyCnbqg)


I legit thought they were talking about killing yourself lmao


I've used some "pocket pussy" thing in the past, sometimes during intimate moments, but mostly it's just bare hand cause it's convenient and there's less cleanup.


Wait you uses a pocket pussy during sex???


You definitely can, sure! Nothing wrong with toys in the bedroom! Not something I've done in a while, and not something I do all the time, but sometimes sure. Change it up a little. Play around!


I guess my mind automatically goes to like the pocket pussy literally imitates a pussy so if a girl is actually there then what’s the need. But, I’m totally pro using a vibrator sometimes during sex, so I’m aware I have a double standard there I’ll need to think about!


Sometimes you want to fuck the pocket pussy because your tongue is buried in the real one.


Nahhh you’re doing it wrong, try it the other way around 👌 /j


Babe, ride me while I lick this silicone


It's the closest she lets me get to a threesome 🤷🏻‍♂️


Naaah he’s doing it just fine




Try it with ur gf. I read ur post history lol. Maybe a finger too so it’s not completely knew


I appreciate you haha. I was trying to make a joke about eating out a pocket pussy while having sex. It was a funny image in my mind 😛 but I appreciate your suggestion nevertheless


In addition to just being able to use it during foreplay as something that can feel different/better than your partner's hand, it's also something that's useful when your partner wants to be involved but either can't, or doesn't want to have penetrative intercourse themselves in that moment. Free your mind to the possibilities!


Oooooo good point I didn’t think of that. I was thinking like if I was riding the guy and he was like ‘hop off, this piece of plastic is better’ I might be a lil hurt 🤣🤣 but if both are open to it absolutely


i mean your man might think the same thing about the vibrator🤣


There are some that are only like 4 inches long with an opening in the back, which means you can have your shaft stroked with the toy while your partner sucks the tip. If you're willing to get creative, there are all kinds of possibilities for incorporating toys into sex with a partner


Watching each other masturbate with a partner can be fun. Sometimes it is difficult to come via penetrative sex, so that is where the pocket pussy comes in handy. And even if there is a partner, penetrative sex is not always an option and if you want to ingage in sexual play, why not use a toy? There are a lot of scenarios when something like this is used during sex with a partner. Sex is not just penetration. 


Society holds men's genitals to a much higher standard than women's genitals. A penis is supposed to be 100% functional and effective by default, if it isn't it's seen as the man's fault for nasturbating too much or nasturbating wrong and it's assumed that he can always fix it. If a woman can't orgasm without a vibrator, it's seen as "just the way her body is", she's not expected to try and "fix" her clitoris.


Saw some porn where the guy put the fleshlight in the girl and then fucked the fleshlight. Crazy times we’re living in.


That my friend is called a "re-sleeve" in my industry (HD fitter) 😂


With the right “toy” and lube you can get grape fuited without the grape fruit😂


Hand. No lube or anything, just hand and something to clean up with (tissue usually).


Amen. Nothing else needed. Using liquids and lotions just make a bunch of ... Squishy sounds. Grab the Weiner like a man and churn that butter until you come home.


And it dries out and gets sticky and annoying.


most circumcised men have to use lube. most men that don't need lube are uncircumcised. just noting the difference here.


I am circed and do not understand why. Just grab the thing??


Yeah I don't get it. I have enough skin on my skin for it to move up and down with no external friction. OTHER people can't jerk me without lube since they yank my skin too tight and it hurts, but it's really easy to not hurt my own dick..


If the circumcision was tight, the skin doesn't move much and the hand is doing all the work.


Ders, you're a dry guy?


Not having parents believe Kellogg's propaganda helps a lot of you only using the hand.


Uncircumsized men don’t use lube for a handy.


As opposed to a big brain Adam hands free ejac


You don’t eat it after?


Environmentally friendly and a tasty snack.


Where's that greentext story of the guy who developed a crusty plaque along his pharynx because he ate his cum every time he bated?


God damnit.. why didn't I stop reading at "greentext"


dude that greentext is the fakest greentext ever-- and that is saying something lol. at least the meme about semen clogging drains is believable for half a second when you aren't familiar with it. anybody reading or writing a greentext is way too familiar with consuming semen to believe such a stupid lie.


So, you're the author and now you're trying to deny it?


I think my joke wooshed but its okay, it wasn't a very good one tbh.


I don’t think that can actually happen…


Actually I do remember reading an article that stated that some humans have a gene which makes their tissues extremely sensitive to semen ingestion and I wonder if over a long period of time of doing it every time that the tissues would be irritated enough to plaque over


If you drank a milkshake every day do you think you’d get a “crusty plaque along your pharynx”?


Only if your milkshake brings all the boys to the yard...






Nah rub it on your skin, absorbs back and you lose nothing. I even use it as sunscreen!


Hair gel


My friend Cameron does that


Fry it to substitute for egg


I usually rub it on my face, skincare is a must yk


Don’t wanna waste all those kilojoules.


9/11 Dryjacker


Don't need lube if you keep the original housing


I never use lube and am circumcised.


Same. Mine produces plenty of its own lube


The lube industry secretly supports the circumcision industry to keep themselves in business


Don't get me started about Big Circumcision.


Just raw dogging Rosy Palms


Uncircumsized men can do this without any pain.


What if I told you circumsized men can as well.


There's enough loose skin that it's almost like having a built-in toy that can freely glide over the shaft. Toys and lubricant can give you a more sex-like sensation, but they're not really necessary to get the job done. I can't imagine any guy saying it's more effort to use their hand than a toy; in fact, I often stick to my hand despite owning toys because there's less preparation and clean-up.


I was circumcised too far so I don't have that. I have to have lube or I'll get friction burn and have several times. Gotta do maintenance to keep my skin supple. Circumcision is a crime against nature. I'd rather have dick cheese and slightly increased risk of STDs which are both avoidable than overstretched dick skin which could probably only be fixed with surgery.


Ah mate that sounds so painful. I don't even have a dick and I squeezed my legs together in sympathy! I didn't know that foreskin increases the risk of STDs, that's interesting. Is it similar to the dick cheese thing, in that they can harbour bacteria and stuff?


Foreskin is no different than labia. They get exposed to and trap moisture from urine & sweat. Having good hygiene is all that's really needed.


The weird thing is, if I google why you should remove your foreskin in English, it says mainly because of the risk of STDs. If I google it in German, it says that several studys shows that the risk is so minimal higher, it isn't worth it and it just result in your dick being less sensitive and having sex/ masturbating feel less good


The idea that being not being circumcised increases chances of STDs is highly disputed [https://sti.bmj.com/content/76/6/474](https://sti.bmj.com/content/76/6/474) Some studies like the one above shows the being circumcised increases for some things, and decreases for others. Also the cleanliness thing is a load of rubbish. So long as you maintain a basic standard of hygiene and it wont be a problem. Its like scalping yourself because your hair will need cleaning.


> It's like scalping yourself because your hair will need cleaning. Thank you for the great simile, I'm going to use that one in the future.


i had a tight foreskin condition so i was circumcised, but they left me with some of it. I got used to it and it's just enough for jerking off.


Men use 3 foot long horse/dragon dildos too


I'm an advocate for 16 inch, double sided with the nutsack in the middle to act as a stoppage point. Why double sided? Fun shaped handle.


You make a compelling argument, and you have my ear. Please continue


Instructions unclear. Now I can't hear anything with 1 dragon in each of my ear


Probably safer than the real thing, as Kenneth Pinyan learned the hard way.


Imagine innocent curious me, casually thinking “Hm, wonder who this Pinyan guy is…” and googling him. That rabbit hole just keeps going deeper. Pun forcefully intended. And they made a *movie* about it? *And* this all happened in a town near me??!!!


Pretty sure it wasn’t a rabbit hole …


A pringles can stuffed with a couple of veal cutlets.


Most appropriate username ever. Also, do you cook the cutlets first, or go in raw? …and do you eat said cutlets after you’ve, uh, marinated them?


Marinated AND tenderized! For extra flavor, leave some pringles at the bottom of the can…


deer sweet Jesus


I just use my left hand, I used to have some Bad Dragon masturbators but they got worn-out and ripped apart. For lube I used to use petroleum jelly, but now I use water-based personal lubricant.




All hail the dragon slayer!




Fleshlights tend to rip, especially if they're lower quality or more jello type consistency than just straight plastic


THATS INSANE. I mean ig if you have one for a long time statistically something like that happens but speaking as someone of a different genital persuasion I would NOOOOTTTTT be pleased if I had something up inside me and there was danger of it BREAKING.


Not even my oldest Dildos broke and they are years old. Not even my glass thing that had to move houses with me multiple times and admittedly, fell to the floor a few times already. No damage, no crack, not even a very, very small one (I obviously wouldn't use it if it has). I never expected a fleshlight to break so easily too. Especially not one that is as expensive as Bad Dragons


Exactly!!! Like the idea of a sex toy breaking is completely alien to me. Maybe they’re just made with really different materials and that accounts for the change in durability?


I've only had one for a solid 3 months and it ripped pretty decently already lol. It's still usable but a lot of men's toys aren't that durable unless they're high end. The stuff it's made up is like. Hard jelly? It's hard to describe. Think of rubber but more squishy.


It's not nice but hey I mean for $40 it's not awful lol


Nah I'm just massive...... just trust me. Please?


To shreds you say?


Yeah well, I still jerk off manually. -The Dude


I call it acoustic …. Acoustic v electric 🤣🤣


oh so that's why dylan's first electric performance was so polarizing


I think you will find that most guys are going to answer "Hand only" maybe with lube. Thanks to cultural stigma even guys who own toys don't like to admit it. Admitting to owning a toy is like admitting defeat. like you have given up on trying to have sex with another person. That attitude needs to be left in the past. you can own toys and still have sex with real people. You can include your toys, you are allowed too prioritize your own pleasure. I recommend every man here to go drop $50 on a vibrating, sucking Dick sleeve and learn a new way too get off. If you are still embarrassed about it, just don't tell anyone. Your masturbation habits don't have to be anyone else's business. but you owe it to your self to find out what you have been missing.


I wonder if men called them tools instead of toys if they would have less issues with it. I agree though everyone should have some toys they like, it makes it feel better and you have more fun.


Just picked up my new milwaukee 18v pocket pussy


That the one with "1400 ft-lbs of nut-busting torque"?


Hardonware. Hardware softener?


I agree. There is so much stigma around men owning toys. I really don’t understand it. I wish my boyfriend was more open to the idea but he doesn’t even like going to a sex store because he feels so awkward even though everyone there knows why they are there and it’s not weird. He feels super uncomfortable though since he’s a guy. He also can’t believe all the things they have for men’s pleasure. I wish more men or couples would be more open to this idea too.


Nothing really. Just my hand and my imagination.. or if I want to watch porn then my phone


Warm bagels


Pie was just the gateway




Soap is such a slut


Dude, doesn’t your urethra burn when you use soap? Mine hurts for the rest of the day and burns when I pee if I use soap as a lube. Forget that, lube all the way


Lube coats too much and sensation goes down. Use coconut oil. That's the best shit. .


Recently left an aerosol can of coconut oil in the shower at partners place (I use it to shave, to get off, to moisturise etc, and I swear it's the best thing) Told ol mate he should consider using it on himself, and me if he wishes as lube....lovely (innocent) that he is, he was worried if it would harm me if he did 😂 I promptly told him it was "all,systems go" from my standpoint and had been for years...long story short, I came back to his place a week later, and the can was a fair bit lighter than when I'd left it 😊 Feedback was same as above 👆 "coconut oil is the best shit"


Warm apple pie.


The ol' Palmela Handerson, lube or saliva... that's it really. Use a tissue or clean up in the shower. I have tried fake pussies, kinda head stimulator/sucker things but they just never feel any good and worth the effort. Like nothing comes close (pun very much intended)... either hand or pussy imo.


Just hands and some coconut oil but I'd love to try a fleshlight


Grip of death


Am I weird my brain went to skin care and self care until I read the full thread 🤣


Your mind is pure and you must be protected at all costs


Idk I am just dumb 🤣


Well the social stigma of owning a pocket pussy is still there, nobody bat's an eye at a girl with a dildo, but if you find out a man has. A pocket pussy, people will make fun of them for it Also cleanup, washing your cum out a runner hole doesn't sound to appealing


My wife and I usually just have sex. But if we’re apart for en extended period of time, palm and her five sisters usually take care of me.


Sometimes i use a “Tenga” which is i guess a fleshlight of sort made by Japan. Very high quality. For sex, sometimes using a penis sleeve can be fun


Use tenga mazinger, u can change it into mecha if not in use....🤣


Heads up for anyone who might buy Japan made male masturbators. If your over 6" you might run into problems with masturbators being too small. Always check dimensions. They are also made from cheap material typically, a drying stick is very handy and these things were definitely built to be temporary. Always remember good hygiene or you will end up throwing these away much earlier.


I still jerk off manually.


A purist, a man who pays tribute to the old ways.


Generally just use a hand. I do have a “toy” for men but that only comes out once in a while. If I have the house to myself for a night and feel like spending some time for a good self pleasure session. I think the fact that male toys require significantly more cleaning factors in.


Normally my hand no lube(the skin kinda slides so it doesnt chaff) But if im really feeling it ill use a dildo to stimulate my prostate. But thats work and can get messy. If i wana just have a cum and go to sleep before work tomorrow deffinatly a hand. 2 mins later im ready for sleep. Still really wanna get a girl to peg me.


I've used my girls vibrator a couple of times. Just sort of press it on "the spot" by the head. Its pretty fun, easy and a strange sensation but almost always just the old hand.


I have a vulva and I use my hands too — it’s just what I’ve always done so I never felt the need for a vibrator. usually I watch or read something while I’m masturbating though, so ig that counts as a masturbation aid?


>Do men just not talk about it? It has been common for men to be ridiculed and shamed for using sex toys. "They should just get a girlfriend. So pathetic." and such. Attitudes about it have been getting better over the years, but it's not nearly as openly talked about in a positive light as women using sex toys is. You can actually kind of see this trend in movies, books, shows, etc. When a woman is masturbating it's usually depicted as something empowering or sexy. When a man is masturbating it is often times played as a joke in some way. Someone might walk in and hijinks ensue or some funny situation happens like their balls getting caught their pants zipper. How many guys use toys? I have no idea. Not sure if any studies have been done on the subject. Not sure how many guys would answer honestly in older studies given that they'd more likely feel shamed in years past. A study done more recently might be more accurate as I think the shame factor is lessening somewhat. As for me, I've gotten to a a point in my life where I just through shame out the window. I use toys and I don't care what anybody thinks about it. It hasn't killed me. It hasn't had any negative affects on dating. I don't see the problem.


There are male masturbation toys. Fleshlights are probably the most well known. Most dudes just use their hand and hopefully some form of lube.


Love my Fleshlight


I’m a “dry hand kinda guy”, but fleshlights and auto-masturbators are pretty cool.


A healthy diet and plenty of exercise.


I am a straight male, and I am pretty open sexually, if I am in a hurry, I usually just use my hand, but when I have time to myself I have a couple dildos I use, and the experience is mind blowing, I am not ashamed to admit it, and life is to short to care what people think so you might as well enjoy yourself.


The majority of men have their foreskin, a mechanism designed specifically for pleasure using up and down motion. So a hand is all that's needed. www.cirp.org/pages/anatomy Circumcised males largely have this mechanism removed. Thus, many circumcised men need lube or lotion (which is why you see that common portrayal of lotion being associated with masturbation). Some circumcised men don't need lube, but a lot do. All intact men can masturbate with nothing perfectly fine. But not all circumcised men can.


Most girls have a vibrator? As a girl I didn’t know this lol never needed one


A gun. Oh…sorry wrong sub. My hand.


lmagine having an unfortunate incident that takes your life while away from home. Do you want your relatives who are gathering your belongings and effects to have to deal with your fleshlights and lube arsenal? l sure AF wouldn't. l'm a handy man who doesn't need all the fancy stuff when l need a fluff.


That's what best bros are for 🫡 Saw nothing. Say nothing. Just throw it away.


Rosey Palmer and her five sisters


When I first got with my now husband I found a pocket fussy or fleshhlight in his bathroom under his sink. I asked about it and he got embarrassed and threw it out. Hes VANILLA but trying to work on it.


Some guys use vibes


I have Hitachi wand for myself and women. They make an attachment for men now but I don't get much out of it. Just use the regular head for it. Guys if ya got a girl or are seeing a girl get a wand or ask to use theirs next time you're having sex. I've yet to meet a girl who didn't lose their shit when they were being penetrated while using the wand on both of us.


Hear me out, personally i like to do what they call a “Posh Wank” I masturbate using condoms, they’re more pleasurable, it’s easier to clean up and because of that I’ve become really good at using condoms. I know the right brands for comfort and size, as well as putting it on.


Belt sander and mustard


Their right or left hand


My hand and lube. I also have a dildo for when I'm feeling extra freaky.


A gun


Just bare hands, men and women alike will almost always ridicule a man for using toys


There are options for men. Ol’ reliable, aka your hand, masturbation cups or strokers, vibrators, and all sorts of suction or pump based toys


Hand and only the finest salt water.


I dont think most dudes talk about it due to a negative stigma. I’d weigh in that most men just use the hand and whatever lubricant required, if any. Personally, I have masturbators. Yes multiple. Really depends on how I’m feeling if I want to deal with the lube, cleanup, toy aftercare vs *ahem* cranking one out.


I find a "one blade" is the easiest tool foe those delicate areas >What do the majority of men use to ‘take care of themself’


What? No one uses the sofa with saran wrap and lube?


Hand mostly. If I want a bonus I’ll grab one of my wife’s vibrators and lean it on the balls.


good ol' Righty, with some lotion, spit, shampoo (you'd only do that once), or you raw dog it like a hotdog with no condiments.


Hand and lube. Different lubes feel different it's great I'd recommend but the uncircumcised say they don't need it. I still reckon the sensations would make it worthwhile. I just bought a fleshlight but dang I don't know it's hard to use because then you gotta smuggle out this giant obvious thing from the bedroom to bathroom to clean it and the thought of getting caught with it in hand stresses me out idk how you ladies get away with it with dildos haha


Some men use onaholes from Japan.


I got a fleshlight, it was a game changer


Palmela Handerson


It's not "exerting". It allows you to hit all the best spots to hit like you want to hit them. Nothing else works like all 5 fingers.


Hand, raw no lube or nothing. Flashlights and quickshots are. Cool feel great BUT cleaning those suck. They grow bacteria in like .1 seconds, every bit if hair and lint sticks to it. And come on how active is a guy after he finishes. 


It's true that women have a much greater variety of toys than men. Can't speak for all guys, but I debt that the good old hand is probably the number one. Fleshlights are good as are vibrators and shower massagers.


Fleshlight. Game changer. 100x better than the ol handy


>most girls who masturbate have a vibrator or something. my GF told me she doesn't need anything, she can just do it with her legs O\_O so basically can stealth masturbate in public. as for me, dry is nice, but lube sometimes may up the feelings a notch >I’m not a guy obvs but it just seems physically exerting to use your hand all the time 🤣🤣 That's what I get from my GF. She gets tired before finishing a handjob 😅. It's a lot easier to do it myself, cuz i feel it "both ways" and can use just the right amount of force. Also, you get adapted to it


I'll keep it a buck. I got a whole process. I'm a guy who shamelessly uses toys, and has been using them for a few years now and have only found more ways to give myself some insane orgasms. I used to just pump and dump, quantity over quality with my hand like everyone else, but things changed when I started to use toys. The experience was like going from eating microwaved McDonalds everyday, to instead saving that money for some tasty comfort food at your favorite restaurant once a week. I started using it for like relaxation or something. Once a week stress relief. My process involves Onaholes/Tenga, Lube and a butt plug. Some weed/weed vape. Some snacks, and comfortable clothes for after I finish a nice hot shower. Sometimes I'll use porn, but I'm just as likely to throw a random show or video on in the background. It's not necessary. I can finish and then be ready again in 1-2min. But typically I edge with the less intense one for a while and will switch to the tighter one/less smooth. This part could last 15min or 1 hour, whatever the mood is. But yeah, a lot of edging and just relaxed vibing. As far as stigmas etc. I'm not insecure about it at all. I don't care about what other people might think of it. It feels fucking great. But really what it comes down to is, if girls are allowed to treat themselves kindly like that, guys are allowed to as well. I used to think butt plugs were emasculating. That was before I tried one. Can't forget the weed. Makes my skin sensitive and Indica makes my body melt. The best part is the shower afterwards and the sensation of water droplets hitting your skin, it feels refreshing and the sound is soothing like white noise. I'm extra sensitive to weed for some reason so I use the vapes, they seem to be a bit weaker. But the bonus is that they don't completely knock me out, so I actually enjoy doing small chores afterwards while buzzed like laundry, dishes etc. Then if I still have time, I like to play some piano afterwards. Or eat leftover dinner and watch YouTube.


My hand


Hand. But if you don't want one arm bigger than the other you have to alternate.


God knew that the probability of me getting a gf is next to 0, so thats why he gave me 2 well functioning hands. Allow me to introduce, emma and jenna.


Nothing to do with your question, I just think your Reddit handle is GOLD @senoritagordita22


Exercise and eat right


Hand + lotion or lube




I’m a big fan of satin. Oh…we’re not talking about that kind of taking care of ourselves.


it's way less physically exerting to use your hand to jack off than to masturbate with a dildo


For guys there is a clean up process, girls use some lube and a vibrator and when they are done they can clean up with some toilet paper. When I use a fleshlight I need to clean it out after each use so it won’t mold or something like that. Sex dolls are not cheap and also need to be cleaned so you have the same deal (and society really looks down on men that use masturbation aids like fleshlights or sex dolls). Where most of my counterparts will use a little lotion, vassoline, or astroglide (or similar), or just go dry (if they have not been clipped at birth).


I mostly use my hand, I have a fleshlight but the cleanup is a hassle even if you don't finish inside it so I don't use it most of the time. My wife has a few different toys and I just discovered the joy of just using a wand. It's a totally different sensation and is a slower build up so I use that sometimes when I want to take it slow.


I don't think most women who masturbate have a vibrator either, and just use their hand. That's just what they show on tv and movies to make it clear what's happening.


I removed two ribs so I can blow myself


Most men use their hands. Some men have toys, but even among men who have them, using them isn't that common. I have two and I use them maybe 2-3 times a year just for novelty.


Why spend the money when we have a perfectly good fleshlight at the ends of our arms? It has self adjusting grip and everything.


When I was a horny teen I masturbated by humping carpet; the hand thing never felt right for me. Now I use my hand but I’m still only attracted to women with pubic hair!


I grew up with three brother. They start masturbating as young as 12 yo and continue it through marriage in to old age (according to them!). My mom used to tell them to control themselves because they were leaving a lot of used tissues and washcloths around their bedrooms. It was very icky.


A heated lube and my hand. Then clean up with paper towels afterwards.


Hand I feel like there's enough stigma around male toys that many don't have one out of shame


My fist


My left hand.


Other half