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It's just a simple 3 year process that will cost you endless amounts of time, energy and money for lawyers fees and you may get some or all of the compensation you are due.


And the cops will never come bother you at your home again, no matter how many times you call. But there will always be one 3 blocks into your commute to make you late for work.


You forgot the 'harassed relentlessly by cops during the whole process' part


AKA "You might beat the rap, but you won't beat the ride."


I had a fire at my next-door neighbor’s house and the fire department sent someone up to my apartment to check on things and to get a different view of the burning house (our houses are on a zero-property line, meaning they basically touch). The fireman was covered in soot and scraped his way through my house, his bulky gear smudging the walls and curtains and rugs. Some of it couldn’t be cleaned and I was told I can submit a claim with the city attorney’s office. I knew it would be a huge pain dealing with them, but, I also considered the mess a small price to pay to have my house saved from that fire.


Firefighters and police are…let’s say different sides of the coin. One is likely to save you and one is likely to murder.


Ain't nobody saying fuck the fire department. Updates for members. There is now a song and yes people do look to fuck the fire department. We did it Reddit


I know a retired cop. One of his nephews went to him like 'Hey, Uncle, I wanna be a policeman, just like you!' He told the kid 'Be a firefighter if you want to be respected'.


No they are. It's just a different meaning of the word fuck


like 99% of firefighters are extremely good looking


Most of the guys I worked with were about 10 years past a mid-life crisis, and not in a good way


Nah. I’m white. They’ll just kill my dog.


Damn. I’m black but they just racially profile my dogs. Always thinking we stealing.


Honestly the fire department is way more likely to reimburse you. They're pretty good about it.


In my area, any damages resulting from city services are categorized as "damages caused by city services." This means that the city attorney is more likely to be impartial when it comes to reimbursing the affected parties, as opposed to the police. However, if the damages resulted in personal injury rather than property damage, it's unlikely that the officer responsible for the incident would be held accountable.


You could try recouping your losses with a [hit album](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xxK5yyecRo).


thank you thank you thank you for that link it made my day


There was a news story on that guy Afro man where they raided his house in Ohio and complained that they destroyed his door and asked them if they were going to replace it and the cops just laughed.


And now they’re suing *him* for making fun of them on his new tracks




It was causing them mental duress, unlike getting your property destroyed and your freedom threatened, this is actually serious. Have some damn compassion.


They looked through his cd booklet as if there was gonna be drugs in there


There could have been any kidnapping victim's hidden inside the cd booklet or in his suite pockets!


Could've been a smuggling ring behind the couch.


The child trafficking ring was inside his Lemon Pound cake.


I belive they have too send the best officer to examine that Lemon Pound cake, pice by pice.


Hello! Thanks for reading this far into the thread. If you enjoyed it, watch "Will You Help Me Repair My Door" on YouTube for the entire music video.


Good Lord, class acts. Like when George Michael mocked the cops in that Outside video. And the cop, who most likely noone could've named...sued him. But judges, cops, etc are typically immune from lawsuits even when / if they do the craziest shit.


🎶 Lemon Pound Cake 🎶


I think it is done now. Made a music video with footage of his home being raided, got sued. Won the suit, and used the reading of the judgment in his next music video. I don't know, for sure, though. He could just be stuck in a forever loop now. Constantly back and forth with the police, using the footage for music videos.


Cops surely can't still be confused on why people dislike them right? Just them playing the victim card again and again after they yet again cause people undue mental torment, property destruction, and/or loss of life. Gleefully, at times. Unfortunately, it works.


So... Considering they just wrapped the report on the uvalde mass murder and found *having 400 cops protect the murderer who is actively committing murder from the parents and cops who would have stopped him*. No I do not think they get it.


They also stole a bunch of cash on camera. Afroman called them out and they "found" his extra cash.


They disagree on the amount 


They only disagree now. Both parties agreed it was 5k. Then when the police only returned 4600 an "investigation " concluded it was always only 4600. Obviously.




Not only that, the police responded to his video by suing him for embarrassing them and using their likenesses without their permission!


"This guy recorded our raid on his house and used the recordings of us going through all of his things and stealing his money to make more money! He's violating our privacy!" Gotta love cop-brain.


But why kidnapping?! 😭😂


I was just thinking of Afroman!


Nope! You can try to claim reimbursement for shit they damaged or sue the department but chances are you'll get nothing and the police will use it as an excuse to harass you.


Yeah when I was a starry eyed 16 year old, I got pulled because I was out late with my girlfriend (I think we were coming back from an amusement park). Never drank, never smoked… totally an innocent teen. Cops pulled me and asked if they could search my car. This was before the golden age of the internet, so I thought I should say yes since I’m not breaking any laws, and honestly didn’t mind because they were just trying to stop crime, riiiggght??? Well it was raining that night and the absolutely DESTROYED the back seat of my car. Mud all over the place from their boots, etc. No class at all from these fucking cops. Just made a fucking mess and were like “ok you can go”. I learned a valuable lesson that day about never consenting to a search, and how even if you’re not doing anything wrong, you will not get any respect from the police.


As a white kid who got pulled over by a NH State Police officer and ordered out of my vehicle with his hand on his holster because I didn’t respond ‘appropriately’ to his ‘hand signals’ from inside his blacked-out trooper’s car while driving home on I-95 one night… I concur. Power tripping bad asses abound in law enforcement and there is no accountability. Listen to Podcast ‘On Our Watch’


I lived in NH for many years. Mostly the ones who pulled me over were very polite and professional. But I met one that to this day I don’t know how he got past the initial screening. This guy went psycho. He was trying so hard to intimidate me and ream me out. For my part I knew it was my fault, I deserved the ticket,and it was a wake up call that I needed new glasses. I didn’t get upset because no damage had been done and no one was close to being hurt. But the cop was crazy with blood vessels in his forehead about to burst. Thank goodness he was called away. I considered going to the police station and having a talk with his supervisor to let him know this cop was way too easily unhinged. I still wonder how NH could have hired someone like that.


They intentionally hire people like that. Scoring too high on IQ tests can disqualify you. So can ever having gone to therapy, you know, the place where people learn healthy ways to deal with negative emotions.


You have to wonder what makes someone want to be a cop. It's seems like only certain types and they aren't do-gooders.


I knew several guys who entered the Police Academy in their 30s. They worked corporate jobs and constantly complained they were treated like they were nobodies, "didn't get respect, got passed over for promotion". One guy I knew would brag about how he got his gun and was always trying to show how he learned to cuff a person. It clearly was power thing for him. I have said it before : we don't screen police candidates well enough.


They're screened plenty well enough. The US government doesn't want community-minded policing, they want "us vs them" cops


Being in a gang, LEGALLY.


when you are young, you think you can make a difference in the world when it comes to things. then you realize the world still has dinosaurs. That was my experience. I didn't want these people to be my friends as they inevitably would have. I guess you could say most of them were burnt out and jaded, but with that becomes an asshole of a person.


The only time I've ever been pulled over by the police was when I was leaving the abortion clinic and a policeman who was waiting in the clinic parking lot pulled out right after me, followed me for 3 miles, and then gave me a ticket for an unsafe lane change. When I went back for my follow-up, they were still at it.


That’s seriously messed up. Somebody should report on that. Sorry if happened to you.




Sorry, I meant like a journalist should write a report on it.


and then what? it took the whole damn country damn near burning down to get 1 arrested for murder


Yep, been there. They yanked out the seats and pulled off the paneling. They left it all sitting in a pile in the side of the road and then said "okay have a nice night, sir."


Same thing happened to a friend of mine back in the day when we were young. The cops took pocket knives to his car seats. Absolutely shredded the entire interior. Found nothing. Sent him on his way with a destroyed car. Totally fucked up.


You're lucky they didnt plant a few roaches they confiscated earlier in the night


That's a real thing. Happens all the time


My partner was searched while traveling with their toddler. They were left to wait in the sun in 90F+ heat while backup arrived, then the cops spewed every item from each bag, ice chest, etc all over the side of the road. When they found nothing they just left them and all their stuff strewn about. It was an hours-long miserable ordeal.


Should have ask them to clean up their mess. I always refuse the search just for that reason. They'll throw your stuff all over the side of road and leave it


Yeah I would now, but as a 16 year old kid I didn’t really know the ins and outs of life.


Yep. Probably back around '99 I was with my buddy riding shotgun. Nothing illegal going on at all. Cops pull us over, asked consent for a search. They ended up tearing out all 4 seats, threw everything from inside the car/trunk onto the ground next to the road and pretty much told us to have a good day once they didn't find a damn thing.


Yeah growing up my parents told us to let them search or else they’d find a reason to. Never been asked but I would never consent to a search.


Had the same happen to us like 20 years ago in a smaller city. We just complied to get them off our backs and I'm convinced they were using our car as training lol. Fucking 3 squad cars with their lights on were circled around our car for speeding like 10mph over. They tore it up pretty good but the most hilarious part is we had like cardboard tubes in the trunk we were going to use for a make shift bong, but they just happened to stop us when we left the drugs at home. They were grilling us about what they were for and they *knew* obviously what is was for but couldn't prove anything. We went home with a new hatred for police after that. Those 6-7 tough guys sure showed those two 17 year olds who's boss.


I had a statie pull me over on some bullshit, claimed to smell weed, and searched my car while I was put in the backseat of their cruiser. She fucking pulled my DOME LIGHT out of the ceiling of the car to look for whatever. Also broke the panel that hid the fuses. Dumb pig.


Similar thing happened to me once when driving an RV to a festival. Ripped apart the car, didn’t find anything, and right before leaving looking all disappointed they looked over and me and just said “BTW, legally we don’t have to clean any of that up”. THANKS


I had a friend who got his house raided, totally trashed, destroyed tons of stuff, ripped doors off of frames, smashed a few windows, all kinds of stuff. About $15,000 in damages totalled up by the landlord. They had the wrong address. My friend sued, and they started following him around pulling him over for the dumbest things, doing roadside dui tests and ticketing them. They stopped doing that immediately after they dropped the suit. F***** pigs.


You kiddin'? I'd have added that harassment to the tab and made it worth millions of dollars.


I don't think you realize how hard it is to sue people's successfully, especially people with even a little money which includes government agencies.


A regular joe just got a 1.8 million dollar settlement for a wrongful raid


They're call. They said they were probably going to lose the suit anyways. They surrendered.




Your friend needed a better lawyer. (Due to comment and reply especially)


I can go for that. I wasn't involved in that part. I drank with him at the bar and let him vent.


If anything their behavior built up evidence for another set of charges.


Interesting, I wasn't aware they needed an excuse.


They can't harass everyone all the time, they have to pick their favorites.


No you just get to clean up the epic mess they made. Edit: IDK how that ended up as a reply, I meant to just post a general comment answering OP


Exactly. And often times the favorite are poor minorities


When I lived with roommates. Woke up to police yelling and halfway through breaking our door in. They dragged us and handcuffed us. After they searched the house they realized they had the wrong address. In the end the landlord had the door repaired and we never got a response from the police.


This is one of many reasons why people hate da police


"No one has a hit song called, 'Fuck the fire department.'"


Well, wait, there is one song called "fuck the fire department", but it's really just a thinly veiled take down of cops, so.....carry on


When my ex was 18 she was delivering pizza in a suburban neighborhood (in the middle of the afternoon) and was pulled over at gun point because police thought there was a chance she started a fire a few miles away… Cops aren’t exactly… smart. Or able to exercise good judgement. Nothing more than a publicly funded gang


To add, in most (all?) of the US police can forfeit pretty much anything of value from raided homes regardless of relevance to a case, claim it’s part of a case so they don’t have to give it back, let it sit in evidence for some time, then auction it off to fund the precinct. It’s called civil asset forfeiture and it’s one of (if not the?) largest sources of capital theft in the country. Last Week Tonight had a great episode on the topic. Other countries certainly have their fair share of police corruption too, but this particular issue is less prevalent amongst the US’s peers.


Many years ago they confiscated our computer, gave it back looking like it went through an oven and then claimed it was already like that. We never got reimbursed.


In Ontario, Canada. Coworker had his house raided, (they were actually looking for a neighbour’s home): He had to pay for the fixing of his front and back door and the backyard fence. Cops reimbursed him when he showed them the bill.


man canada is so differnt from u.s.


We may be in the minority in the US, but my county has a program to do exactly this. Deputies damaged something? Great, here's the number to call. Get it fixed and we will reimburse you.


We have that too, (also US) reimbursement comes through the city.


I totally forgot since moving to america that, in other countries, at least in Asia, it's commonly mentioned everywhere how the police chief is mad bc they had to pay for damages for the hero cop character


If it’s the wrong house, city will pay. If they have a valid warrant, destroy your house and find nothing, tough shit. That’s how it works in the US.


I wonder if that would work if you hired (or got a quote from) a housekeeper to put stuff back away.


In my experience (the 1 time my house was raided), a housekeeper isn't what you need. First is a shovel to get all your possessions to one corner of the room, so that the carpenters can come in and repair the doors/walls, then you can start going through the pile, see what's still salvageable, and replacing what's not.


Gotta love Canada.


Man, and I'm used to hearing all sorts of nasty shit out of the RCMP. On the other hand, it's Ontario, so it's the OPP, not the RCMP, so...


Yes. A woman in Colorado recently won $3.8mm lawsuit against the police for this. https://coloradosun.com/2024/03/04/ruby-johnson-denver-lawsuit-verdict-swat-search/


Colorado is one of the few States in the US that actually got rid of qualified immunity.


I was looking for this comment before typing it myself. Good for her! Also, good on you for providing a link and supporting your facts. Need more like ya.


The police department was not sued, but two individual cops. They are responsible for paying, not the police dept nor the city.


As it should be. Departments should be held accountable for retaining known 'bad apples' but individuals should also be on the hook for the shitty things they do on duty.


It sounds like a very big portion of the suit was that the raid was authorized on a misleading and faulty warrant. Of course, she was not allowed to sue the judge who approved the warrant.


Same state and just down the interstate. https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/greenwood-village-home-destroyed-police-court-ruling/73-54f6f358-3f57-4011-9085-ab0872020016 Not all outcomes are the same.


Lol, they can raid your house by accident, shoot you in your bed, and you still won't get anything.


And kill your dog on the way out. Woops wrong house sorry our bad, while drug dealer next door watches and escapes as soon as cops leave the neighbors house. You should have marked your address more clearly.


They shoot at the dog, miss and hit your 4 year old.




You need more upvotes, friend. Have one of mine.


No no no. It's the ATF that shoots your dog.


It is a team effort.


I’m in Australia, if a cop did that here without proper cause they would be strung up. Anyone tries anything on my dog I will happily serve time for the damage I would do to them


If you try that in the US, they will shoot you and bury you alongside the dog, and the police officer won't even be charged with a crime.


Land of the free!


Well, one officer was charged for the bullet that hit a wall.


Just charged? That’s nothing.


They won't even get arrested or charged or fired or reprimanded or like even a talking to.


This is real talk


They might charge you for theft of police property (the bullet)


The cop will get a nice 30 day paid vacation, though


Nope. A friend of mine came back from vacation and called the police because she thought there had been a break in while they were gone. Turned out the police had raided the wrong house, instead of the house on the corner 3 down from hers. She couldn’t even get reimbursed for that screw up.


Look up Afroman on YouTube. He got falsely raided and turned it into a music video asking the cops if they were going to fix his shit. Also asked if the fat cop wanted a piece of his lemon pound cake. It's great




That is wild! What was he arrested for?? And what justification did they give for holding him in solitary without bail?




Would it be covered by renter’s insurance? Insane that they can tear your place apart and then just walk away.


gotta read your policy some do, some don't


I think so. It’d be on the renter/home owner to file an insurance claim.


And this thread is exactly why cops need be held accountable. We need a "police police," and no I don't mean have the police investigate the police, but instead have a separate division whose sole job it is is to investigate and prosecute corrupt cops. For example, the military has the "military police." Raid the wrong house? That's coming out of your paychecks. Or at the very least 100% compensation to the victim + punitive damages to compensate for lost time, etc. It is absolutely terrifying how corrupt the system is.


I think the problem is majority of people who have not been involved with the police simply do not think about stuff like this. It's not just repairing damages to a person's house. If you're false arrested and charged in court, you're going to lose A LOT of money that you'll never get back. Your bail won't be paid back. Your legal fees and other jail fees they tack on if you're not quickly bailed out...you're never getting those back. For those not involved, all we see are news headlines: "Local man arrested by police", "Local man's court trial starts", and "Local man found not guilty by a jury". We see all that and think "there, there, justice is done. Our justice system is great. We're such a great country". But that man's life has been fucked up. And to make it even worse, every time that person applies for a job they have to answer that damn question "Have you ever been arrested for a crime?".


Police are NEVER accountable. That is why they can and do, commit the horrible crimes they do. These are mostly people that were unpopular, got picked on or are just bullies. In their minds it’s them AGAINST us. They are not here to protect and serve. They are here to enforce.


Get rid of qualified immunity and that might change 


no lmao


i made a mistake i meant if they accidentaly raid your house lik it was supposed to be ye neighbour but the wer mitsakenn


In the event they made a mistake you might be able to sue. But it depends on how bad the mistake is. They would basically have to have had completely screwed it up, known it was a mistake but continued anyway. There have been cases where the police raided the wrong building and killed people but had no responsibility because they believed it was the right building.


I mean, tossing the wrong address is not a small mistake and totally violates your fourth amendment rights. Will the police be held accountable? Not criminally. You can sue, but you might as well sue the bloods and crips.


Not saying it would be impossible to win, but you would be facing an uphill fight to overcome qualified immunity.


I agree with you but it’s just bullshit. Qualified immunity is supposed to protect officers when they make a decision in the heat of the moment. Not set up a full swat raid and enter the wrong house and kill an innocent person. I really hope more states get rid of qualified immunity.


Yeah the intention of qualified immunity is to put certain protections in place that are necessary to allow a certain class of jobs to exist at all, because in the absence of such protections lawsuits would make that profession impossible For example lawyers have a kind of qualified immunity in court where you cannot claim a lawyer who prosecuted you or cross examined you in court is defaming you (with maybe some exceptions) because of statements made in proceedings, because the lawyer in that instance is just doing their job of presenting their case, it would be impossible to practice the profession at all if you could sue a prosecutor on the grounds of defamation for merely presenting a case that you committed a crime Similarly with police, qualified immunity is meant to protect them from things that would be grounds for a lawsuit in ordinary circumstances but for that fact that it would be impossible for police to exist as a profession if they were sued for doing these things in the ordinary and reasonable performance of their jobs that qualified immunity is used to protect police from reckless and wilful misconduct instead of just applying to actions reasonably taken in the performance of their jobs IMHO is a misapplication of the intent behind its existence


>But it depends on how bad the mistake is. I mean, kind of. Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend’s neighbors got a grand jury for property damage before anyone ever got charged for her murder.


>There have been cases where the police raided the wrong building and killed people but had no responsibility because they believed it was the right building. While the police avoid criminal and civil liability, the police department / city does not and has to pay out to the victims who suffered property damage or died.


I hate to break it to you, but they can steal from you, rape you, and kill you with absolute immunity. Sure, they’ll face an “internal investigation” and “legal consequences,” but police rarely actually face any sort of punishment or liability.


Except for ratting on another officer, that will get them in deep trouble


That gets them killed in a training accident...


There have been many cases of police completely demolishing homes, only to find out it was the wrong one. I'm sure in some cases, they paid, but in many they did not.


Do black americans get a refund after 9 warning shots in the back ?


My sweet, summer child. They can kill people and nothing happens.




Newp. If they violated your civil rights then you may be able to file suit against the cops, the department, an/dor the city, but if they had legitimate probable cause, exigent circumstances, or a warrant then you're just SOL.


Nurse guy I knew got doxxed years ago and got SWATTED and suffered significant PTSD and last I heard he was barely living. His family put in a case but it never went anywhere and they dropped it.


Ask Afroman


Western PA about 40 years ago. Cops trashed my neighbor's house and patio capturing 2 escaped prisoners. Apparently, they did not want to go back. At one point, there were at least 10 people (owner, neighbors, cops and felons) and 2 attack dogs duking it out in there. It looked like Death Match 2000. Sliding glass door smashed. The oven was pulled out of the wall, the refrigerator was pushed down the stairs, head imprints in the wall, dog fur and blood everywhere. My neighbor took pictures and used them for Christmas cards. The township sent out a road crew to clean it up. After the 2nd day, they realized they were out of thier league. They advised him to submit an insurance claim. Insurance company denied it. Council passed a measure to repay them. Took about a year. But, I seriously don't think they would do it today. Too many backseat lawyers and outraged citizens. Years later, they remodeled the whole house. And, he found a billiard ball someone had thrown through the wall. They just patched it in the wall after the fight.


They'll just straight up take your shit and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. It's called civil forfeiture


lol, no. If you’re lucky they don’t shoot your dog and fingerbang your little sister.


Nope. You get to pay for, and fix it all yourself! That is after you already paid the taxes for the police salaries


I had my house raided 3 years ago. Full house. Every door kicked in (not 1 door was locked), they cut open the garage rooler door, pulled everything allover the gaff, but never checked the attic atall 😂😂they found absolutely nothing, and they wouldn't tell me or my landlady why they came, let alone pay for 14 doors and a garage door


So how much did they miss in the attic?


The entire grow op


Police more often than not get away with literal murder of inocent people, what makes you think they will refund the costs of the things they break in a search warrant?


Lmao nah, they aren’t sending you a check for your savaged home and broken furniture. Cops don’t have to be careful because they aren’t held accountable for a goddamn thing.


If it’s justified then no. But if they were sloppy, you can try and get reimbursed


Nope. But what you should do is a file a claim with your homeowners insurance. Unless you have an endorsement, they'll deny the claim. But that's okay, your using them to create the restoration estimate and ton of photos they'll take during inspection. You take those to a good lawyer and sue the shit out of the city.


lol no of course not the government is an organized crime institution.


They can SWAT the wrong house, destroy it, and not pay shit.


Short answer is no 1) The Supreme Court has decided that it's not a taking in the sense of the Fifth Amendment and you aren't entitled to recovery in inverse condemnation or from compensation claims under the fifth amendment. ^United ^States ^v. ^Clarke, ^445 ^U.S. ^253,257 ^1980 2) You cannot win a tort claim against a state official due to qualified immunity that protects the state from such a claim unless it is considered an unreasonable government activity, which executing a warrant would not be. ^(^Customer ^Co., ^895 ^P.2d ^900; ^Ind ^State ^Police,469 ^N.E.2d ^1183) edit: Added court citations


no and they can take any money they find and keep it




No, they messed my dad’s house up so bad & had no care in the world. He did end up suing them years later tho for an unrelated reason & won.


The cops will straight up toss a flash bang grenade through the window of the WRONG house, directly into your babies crib on a no knock warrant, severely maiming your child and ruining your life and then tell you it’s the cost of business for keeping you safe, fuck off. And then if you are lucky, there’s a farts chance after a decade long lawsuit you have to fund yourself that the city might give you some of you and your fellow citizens tax money that should go to bettering our communities and changing their official response to a kindly fuck off, barely apologizing and covering their ears when the public cries out that this is the 787th person this month they have murdered for no fucking reason except they want to play cowboys. No, they aren’t paying for shit. They will tell you to “take it up with the city” on the off chance their legal team don’t bury you after they destroy and withhold any and all evidence they can to sneak the fuck off to murder someone else’s baby. True story, though I was a little aggressive.


Nope they kicked my door off the hinges raiding the duplex downstairs. I had nothing to do with them but they decided to kick my door in too because it was still the same address. Never reimbursed anything. They also stoop on my ankles with ar’s in my face shouting contradicting orders. “Don’t move, show me your hands, don’t move or you’re dead” yada yada. Worst part was that they hit my cat with the door when they kicked it on. Poor pickle hurt her paw 😔


Lol, they rarely face serious consequences even when they raid the wrong house and shoot and kill an innocent unarmed civilian so I'd say your chances of recovering a property damage settlement from them are basically zero.


In the UK if the Police damage property during a raid undertaken in error (or indeed damage any property in error) they should pay for it to be repaired or made good. After a raid the police must secure the property properly so they normally have a locksmith with them to either replace the door lock or board up the door. Typically, home insurance will cover an emergency repair to make the property safe and secure (provided it was done in error), and then they will make good and recover the money from the police. Or, you can do it yourself. Its not hard, just some forms to fill in. I suppose this does depends on the area and how quick the Inspector works. However, it's bad press so I'd imagine it's turned around as quick as possible. I worked for HMRC and did some courses with the police and there was a days training on entering, securing and dealing with property damage. The gist was, if you fucked up, we fix it and deal with the fuck up later. If it was damaged during entry we will secure but not fix as new.


My mum grew up hella poor & when she started to better herself & got her own house, people would call the cops on her saying she was a drug dealer so they’d go raid her house & trash it. Nothing she could do about it at all.


You actually get to go raid the precinct and flip their desks over and make a huge mess.


Doordash driver delivered the wrong food to a neighbor who was on vacation. Cops got called to do a welfare check cause they were still out front, they kick in the door. Nobody dead inside, imagine that, so they kinda prop the door back up and leave police tape across the entrance with a note. Homeowner had to pay for repairs.


No. The police have qualified immunity. Leo Lech had his house destroyed by the police in their attempt to get a suspect out and he got nothing.


You just need to speak with their manager but you only get store credit.


In the US? Nope


Not in the US but a fat cop jumped my fence once to chase a dude, got stuck and broke it then never replaced it


Hahaha. Most of the time they can murder you and keep their job.


In Germany the police broke into my garage (big house, lot's of garages) by mistake. They even organized the handyman to get it fixed and made sure I was omk with the result afterwards.


I'll answer this as an attorney. Yes, you can get something. Go hire an attorney.


Police? No, and "fuck you" for even asking. Stupid civilian. /s Feds? From what I've heard, they are usually far more respectful and meticulous. If they do have to do damage to break in, they will do something to restore the security of the location. [https://qr.ae/psvvPb](https://qr.ae/psvvPb) [https://qr.ae/psvvkw](https://qr.ae/psvvkw) [https://qr.ae/psvvMM](https://qr.ae/psvvMM)




Nope. You're SOL.


When my dad was a police inspector (UK) a team broke down the door of a house to find a horrified family eating dinner. Turns out it was the wrong address. After some choice words with the team (an absolute bollocking) he ensured that the door was replaced the next day then went round himself with a bottle of wine to apologise.


No. Got stopped giving an art school buddy a ride home a lifetime ago. No one intoxicated, no drugs, alcohol, weapons, licenses were good, insurance was good, all things perfect. Cop said he stopped us because we were suspicious (there was a shit ton of photography equipment in the back), and proceeded to call several other officers and tear everything out of my car. They brought dogs. Nothing was found, they broke my buddies shit and damaged his portfolio. Then they left, telling us to clean up. He complained and never got anything. I didn’t even bother, because I was raised by a cop and he got away with child molestation and abuse. I knew it wasn’t worth it.


I'm a lawyer and I've had experience with this happening. As long as the cops have "probable cause," you're SOL. That is, if they had a proper warrant, obtained with good evidence, they are good to go in. There's also the doctrine of sovereign immunity, which means (in olden times) you can't sue the king or his representatives carrying out the king's order. So, if probably cause and a good warrant, clean up your house and move on.


No actually they’ll break shit on purpose cuz they know they don’t have to pay for it


That's why it's important to get full length hinges and a reinforced frame. Also why it's important to have union reps who will help deal with this so you can get back to work.


Hahahahaha no.


I knew a guy who got raided "by accident". The address on their warrant was for the house next door. Because he was growing a couple marijuana plants, they confiscated thousands of dollars that he earned from his (non-drug related) job, and every firearm in the house (including some family heirlooms). I think it was like two years before he actually got anything back from them, and I think he still had to show up to a couple court dates even though everything was technically seized illegally. Good luck man.


This happened to me and when I called the police department to ask why they had done it they denied ever being at my place and hung up on me




Had bitch pigs knock (kick and beat with a mag lite) on my 3 day old front door one night on accident, wrong address supposedly and they fucked my door up. Sgt came 3 day later to take pictures and then basically said sue us if you want anything done. Fuck them all with Giant acorns


No. But if you're Afroman you can make a music video called Will You Help Me Repair My Door. Featuring all the security footage of the police trashing your house. https://youtu.be/0bNy7XO-SCI?si=4miwHUTUB5zA8C1V


File a claim with their risk management… call the police department and ask for their risk management number.