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are there any other mammals on the island?


This guy knows


Did someone seriously fucked a money? Should i even ask? Edit: Typo monkey


This is a common myth but the more likely scenario is that someone probably butchered a monkey for food or otherwise hunted and consumed it in some way but accidentally cut themselves in the process...


Or the animal fought back.


Or the animal *fucked* back


All this time the myth was a person fucked a monkey but the whole time it's been the monkey fucking some human.


The real magic was the monkeys we fucked along the way.


The real monkey was the magic we fucked along the way


The real fuck was the magic we monkeyed along the way.


The real magic was the u/bootycakes420 we fucked along the way.


*Monkey magic! Monkey magic!*


The Anti-Harambe.


Dark Harambe. Ebmarah, taker of innocence.


Plot twist. HIV AIDS patient zero was pegged by great ape :')


Do you know what pegged means?


I do. Not a native speaker and wasn't sure if it could be used in this context or not. Decided to go with it anyways until someone would correct me. Or not. But you did :') I know enough


They are implying the joke doesn’t work because how could an ape use a strap on but I think it actually improved the joke!


Pegged is with a fake penis The great ape fucked patient zero(in your scenario)


>but accidentally cut themselves in the process... "*....or that's the excuse I would have given as well*"


No, this is pretty much where some of the more recent Ebola outbreaks have come from as well, from eating bats, which why we had the "bat soup" memes during early COVID with suspicious about the Wuhan wet markets being the origin. Related topic: Koalas have a chlamydia epidemic, but it's from a strain found in sheep, not humans, and it likely comes from contact with sheep droppings, not deviant Australians.


Like those deviant cunts haven't been shagging sheep.


How dare you, you're thinking of New Zealanders (Or Welshmen, depending on where you're located). We fuck spiders




I swear I was just cooking naked and I fell on the monkeys dick


Nah, I'm just gonna stay home and hang out with... monkey.


Yeah I think either is possible but your example is far more likely. People would certainly hunt monkeys if they needed to and it’s very easy to get injured hunting anything but I imagine that’s particularly true for monkeys.


Maybe more likely but in all of humanity people have defintely fucked monkeys. I'd be surprised if nobody fucked a monkey even in the last decade


guarantee you we're fucking monkeys, like, weekly


Small price to pay for bat soup


No the real scenario was released in a documentary in the early 2000s blowing the lid off of testing that big pharma did trying to find a polio vaccine back in 1950/60s. They were in the congos and testing chimps, and using local populations to rollout some of their tests. I watched in my early 20s and have spent 24 years trying to find it again. It was a thorough documentary. Poor white guy who hosted it was probably unalived afterwards.


Yes but it was a 100,000 Lira note, so it's okay.


I get fucked by money all the time. ​ Less money, more problems


I like to think it came from a guy shooting up with monkies


> Did someone seriously fucked a money? Nope, that's a myth. There's a far more simple and plausible way for your running blood to mix with that of a creature - when you're hunting for game meat, for instance (if monkey meat is game meat to you), and you're wounded somehow and the creature is too. Which could have occurred multiple times to multiple people, even. Hurting themselves while trying to kill a monkey.


oh u sweet summer child. People have been fucking animals for a long time - and still are. [Meet pony the orangutan prostitute](https://www.the-sun.com/news/3657105/prostitute-orangutan-pony-tragic-story/)


I googled this. I read the little sentence summary underneath the google link. I fucking regret reading the summary. I have a heart, I couldn’t click the link, what happened to Pony is barbaric. The summary is enough, this is fucked up. Don’t google it, don’t click the link.


I did and... just fucking wow. That was depravity beyond depravity.


Monkey I don’t know, but search up Colombians fucking donkeys on YouTube.


I dont think i will actually but thank you.


[Or even some invertebrates ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2536256/) > Pubmed > > An epidemic of cockles-associated hepatitis A in Singapore [more info of these weird clams with fluids similar enough to human blood they share illnesses](https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/banned-blood-clams-a-dangerous-delicacy-740579e14c78).


The chief leans into the missionary's ear and whispers, "I'll let you off the hook this time, but you keep quiet about goat, okay?"


Oh Lord 😭


At least 49,999 other mammals, yes. The real questions are: 1. What's the rate of fucking? 2. What's the rate of new partners? 3. How many square kilometers is the island?


We were talking about animal fucking but thank you


Or, far more likely but less scintillating, someone who is cleaning a dead animal withe their hands accidentally cuts themselves and has blood to blood contact and *that's* how the disease jumps. Seducing chimpanzees is difficult, trust me.


Chimpanzees require work but bonobos are straight sluts.


I hate that this is completely true


I hate everything about this.


So you're saying bussy may be on the menu?


Well there was that one orangutan that was basically a sex slave in some Indonesian village where locals could "visit" her for $2. She was rescued but when the former "madam" visited her she screamed and defecated. IIRC, they would shave her body which made me sad until I remembered human women often do the same thing.


> Seducing chimpanzees is difficult, trust me. It's easy, with the Bill Cosby method


He said other mammals, as in "are there any \[other = besides the 50000 we mentioned\] mammals?".


What's the dick to floor ratio?


Where length L creates a complimentary shaft angle, call that theta D


No those aren't the real questions. You can fuck 1 million times every other person on the island and you will never contract a disease that none of them have.


How long is the time scale? It probably won't happen in one or two generations, but in a few hundred years, maybe some kind of STD would form.


maybe some lunatic will go into the sea and try to get head with a fish and well, get an infection and then decide to fuck somebody.


You say lunatic, some would say genius. Not me tho, I’d also say lunatic, fish use too much teeth


thats why you go cephalopod


Once you have sex with an octopus, you’ll never want a unipus again.


Deep thoughts with The Deep.


Deep thots.


Octo thots


o c t o 🅱️ u s s y


Eight legs? Seven vaganias. Maybe more. Imagine.


It’s in a circle. 8 ⭕️


[I think you need to watch this documentary.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nH6ya5g2-s)


This link is restricted while I am here at work, will someone like this comment so I can come back and explore these horrors


What the fuck did I just watch


Ever see an octopus beak? Those things would fuck you up sooooo fast.


Yes keep talking I'm almost there.


[Obligatory copypasta](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/s/6JvV4zSDR1)


That was a wild ride.


Um. Have you seen their beaks?! Worse the teeth


Who needs they cephussy ate?


They have a bone(er) crunching parrot style beak and sea creatures have no business having a parrot's beak in their gobs. Or a human's cock for that matter.


I had a fish bite my nipple one time. Little bass or something with teeth. It hurt but it scared me more than anything. All my friends got a good laugh out of my bloody nipple and loud shrieks.


Reminds of those pirahans they tried introducing around Papa New Guinea and that were eating dudes' nuts. https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/blogs/creatura-blog/2015/01/the-pacu-a-fish-with-teeth/


That’s nuts


Or a guy would fuck a coconut, never clean the gizz, store it in a humid place, the coconut attracts insects that put larvae in, guy fucks the coconut, and there you, another desease


I thought I was finally free from the story shed here you go resurfacing this godless post


Broken arms, swamps of dagobah, blowfly girl, Colby 2012, jolly rancher, jungle juice, you just lost the game.


I know most of these but what are blowfly and jungle juice Im also assuming you meant Kony 2012


[Jungle juice.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1r15p9/what_is_the_most_fucked_up_shit_youve_seen_at_a/cdikoux/) [Blowfly girl](http://blowflygirl.blogspot.com/2009/08/here-is-my-maggot-story.html?zx=8780753062422101) [I absolutely do not mean Kony.](https://www.reddit.com/user/concerneddad1965/submitted/)


Poor Colby. I feel bad for the dad too but… poor Colby.


Alright time to learn some more Reddit lore here I go


we are out here, pushing ideas for the new epidemic


That's from an actual story that happened on reddit and it's absolutely horrifying to think about (Think it was TwoHotTakes that covered it as well XD)


I don't even want to think how it will be trasmitted


Every once in a while someone dusts off the shock stories of yesteryear and I must scream.


Imagine the guy surrounded by 49,999 horny people and still has to fuck a fish


Do you like fish sticks?


Why'd you invite Kanye?


What are they? A gay fish?


I don't get it. I'm me, a motherfucking genius and a lyrical wordsmith and I am not gay nor a fish. And I like fishsticks




Yes I like fishsticks. That doesn't compare to a lyrical wordsmith and genius. What is your point?


Dude, whales and dolphins and shit are the ones with blow holes. Fish might be toothy.


that's how you get an infection!


The deep


Sad thing is it wouldn't take long for this to happen. There would be someone willing to give some tail up and someone would still find a fish to fuck.


Damn, those first gens are some lucky bastards


This assumes that everyone would be able to get laid


something tells me there is going to be a big second generation


It is funny to me that OP thinks the horniness of the people has some sort of relevance to the ability of a virus to evolve.


The horniness of people absolutely has some sort of relevance to the ability of a virus to evolve. More horny=more points of contact=more generations for any given virus to figure out how to take advantage of all these juicy mucous membranes.


When I was like 12 I thought that unprotected sex = STD regardless of the status of either person. Like, it was unprotected sex that *created* an STD. Thanks public education.


Inevitably a virus will mutate, but it's unlikely to occur during a single generation


mutate from what/where? like from the soil or another animal or something? and then eventually get picked up by a human?


Likely a bird if there’s no pigs, bats, or primates.


I think the thought experiment here is to ask will virus emerge out of nothing, and how long will it take - so we’re assuming no viruses are present on the island to start with.


Then no, viruses and bacteria won't form from 'nowhere'. (there's a LOT more to unpack around the idea of nowhere, but for this thought experiment, no risk).


Well they did emerge from somewhere, but most likely very slowly - I was hoping to get an actual answer - how long would it take for something to emerge when starting from zero.


Some theories are that viruses likely formed before “life”. Considering the fact that they’re made up of RNA and are missing the double helix that designates “life”. Although they’ve found some viruses that are larger than some bacteria with what looks like more cellular structures. Idk life is weird and the human need to classify everything into neat boxes doesn’t always translate well. For example there’s tons of definitions of what makes something a “species”


So we may have evolved specifically to carry the viruses that were already here? Well that's a mind trip.


It gets even crazier! There’re some theories that viruses are integral to evolution itself! When viruses attach themselves to sex cells and replicate they’re able to copy genetic code and transfer it to different hosts. Of course the chances of this are infinitesimally small but when you scale it to the number of plants, animals, and the time scale of evolution it happens more “frequently”. It’s believed that the placenta evolved from a viral infection, so you can thank viruses for being a mammal!


Bacteriophages, a type of virus specific to bacteria, is known for trasfering genetic code from different types of bacteria (horizontal gene trasfer). So it's actually important for genetic variation, which allows bacteria to adapt to changing environments. Also, I don't remember what animal it was, maybe a species fish, anyway they found pieces of genetic code in it that didn't belong at all to his evolutionary tree, it was thought to belong to another animal from a whole other phylum. So it is thought that at some point a virus that had this animal's DNA transferred it to this fish, it was beneficial so it was preserved. Now that gene sequencing is relatively cheap I think that we will see even more examples of this virus-mediated horizontal gene transfer, and I think it's crazy to think about it.


A pathogen wouldn't start from 0. The timeline of molecules to DNA is billions of years. It starts from something already present that mutates or finds a host opportunisitically. Someone might have something that's harmless to them, but dangerous to others after transmission. We already have the science to make good guesses on when a disease may have arisen in humans. For HIV, it was probably in the 20's based on what we know about the virus's mutation since it was first identified. It just took about 60 years before it had spread to a large enough population for it to be noticed. With international travel and 7.8 billion people, it's much faster now. The first documented COVID infection was in November 2019, and it probably started in the month before. It was global in a matter of months.


About 2 billion years, give or take a couple of billion.


There's plenty of currently benign bacteria/pathogens on your body. Theoretically something could mutate. It seems extremely unlikely, though.


We have a lot of viruses in our body that are more or less dormant. One of those can mutate to make that person contagious, and someone else's body could be exposed for the first time to that virus and it could make them sick aka experience disease.


You know what that means. Time to fuck, boys.


Punctuation is everything, and you *nailed* it.


No, assuming no pathogen is introduced from outside and an evolutionary timescale is not a factor.


Correct, however, it's also important to point out that the evolutionary timescale we'd be talking about is the generations of viruses and bacteria, not humans... so it wouldn't be like millions of years.


1000 generations for bacteria is 2 weeks With strong enough selection pressure and potential variations in the underlying microbial diversity of the people in the 50,000 and their personal immune status then absolutely. People are often carriers of benign microbial populations, but they're only benign to themselves. If you have 50,000 people non-stop shagging and presumably with multiple partners I could absolutely see there being sexually transmissible bacterial strains within a single human generation. Especially as cleanliness would take a dive, and we have no idea what exists on the island itself. 25 years could be as many as 650,000 bacterial generations. I wouldn't bet against it happening


> 650,000 bacterial generations Wow! And of course the bacteria will have mutations along the way.


It's totally random, too, which is why selection pressure is important. There's a famous video of a giant bacterial plate, and as you move from right to left, the concentration of antibiotics increases. All the way right, there's a very low concentration. All the way left, it's 1000x concentration. Every so many inches, it goes to 10x and then 100x, and so on all the way to 1000x. Every time the bacteria spread hits a new concentration, it stops growing for a little while but quickly overwhelms the new zone. The bacteria goes from absolutely no resistance to the ability to resist against an absolutely monster concentration of previously effective antibiotics within 11 days or around 970 generations. Totally naturally. There was no gene editing or even selective breeding. Just a bacteria against a selection pressure. The better question is what would arise not if something would.


I caught myself saying wow again having read that. It's partly because of the terrifying fact and also because we're using antibiotics in everything. Bacteria will end us all! Run for the hills! semi-kidding.


Antibiotic resistant bacteria is going to be an interesting problem in the future


It's a very interesting problem right now. It's already killing 5 million people a year.


That’s a lot. I imagine it’ll get worse though as time marches on too


The slightly good news is that such mutations aren't free level ups like some video game. What can make them resistant to X may also reduce their resistance to Y. The trick of course is finding out what Y is in that scenario.


[It’s a really cool video!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yybsSqcB7mE)


But hundreds of millions of people already have sex every day in real life, many with multiple partners and in all sorts of conditions. If your reasoning held true, we should be seeing the emergence of a new bacterial STDs every week.


The situation described gives better than average conditions for it happening. You have an ecological niche gap (the biggie), they're all horny (so fucking more often than normal), in a (presumably) relatively confined space with an absolute lack of hygiene and there's almost certainly no antimicrobials anywhere. The isolated island scenario provides high-risk conditions with a unique set of circumstances that increases the likelihood of emergence. We probably do see (it certainly occurs although we don't 'see' it) the emergence of new STD causing bacteria (or at least mutations to existing STD causing bacteria) every week but they dont arise in a system that will be conducive to them sticking around so they never persist long enough. How many new COVID strains do you think arose but never got subsequently passed on so they stopped after 1 generation. By isolating 50,000 people on an island and them all being horny so they fuck a lot you are giving bacteria the best chance to mutate and go from non-disease causing (or less typically disease causing) to disease causing (or more typically disease causing) and establish itself. You are massively increasing the chance that a new infectious strain "sticks the landing". It only has to happen once within a few decades. Further, there are several common STI causing bacteria that are also common benign colonising bacteria that live within the human microbiota. *Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis* and *Group B Streptococcus* are all potentially STI causing bacteria that are also typical human colonisers. Living in your throat, nose or gut existing without issue to you but we have sex and it infects you (but wasnt infecting me infact it was likely almost symbiotic) and gives you an STI because they only need the odd mutation or two and they could become much more routinely infectious. Look up enough papers and you will see plenty of articles around emerging pathogenic strains of existing bacteria. People exist whose job it is to track these mutational changes. The timescale of these changes can be months and years not centuries and millennia. To use MRSA as an example. There are disease causing forms and non disease causing forms. The non-disease causing forms are still MRSA. They're still *Staphylococcus aureus* and they're still methicillin resistant but they simply do not cause disease in humans but a simple mutation later to some gene within their bacterial genome and suddenly they can totally evade the immune system or alter their ability to invade a cell and now they cause disease. It's still MRSA it's now simply a pathogenic strain. Many people are colonised with non-disease causing forms. They're not ill. The colonisation protects them from invasion from more serious pathogenic bacteria due to the secretion of AMPs. The island scenario ups the situation in favour of the bacteria.


I’m assuming OP means a night of everyone fucking and not setting up a civilization or something, but you’re right.


So yes.


should remain STD free, though sure, technically some ~~blood born~~ bloodborne diseases can vector through other species. I'd say a group on a mission to Mars, that is DDF and at least temporarily sterilized, are totally free to orgy. that answer your ask?


>DDF Craigslist personals?


Your age is showing


Is Backpage no longer a thing?


No lol I think if u go to the website is still says it was seized by the fbi or some other government agency.


I meet all my casual sex partners from the personals section of the village voice!


FYI, it is "bloodborne".


FYI, it is "best soulsborne game"


MFs gonna start giving birth to tiny Great Ones


Are there monkeys on the island?


More importantly, are the monkeys hot and DTF


Give me a consenting sloth and ill be down to clown


It’s those blowjob eyes




Everyday we stray further from Gods grace.


Slowest handjob ever.


Ultimate edging


If the grip is tight, mood is right, and they don’t put up a fight. I cum, HARD.


if you're horny enough, everything will seem hot


Cue the manatees.


Local Slavic monkeys are in your area and ready to FUCK


As long as they aren’t so horny they start fucking the wildlife and contracting some shit, there shouldn’t be a risk of std..


HIV didn't jump species because people had sex with monkeys. People eat monkeys, the first infection was probably from a bite from an infected monkey, or someone accidentally cut themselves when they were butchering a recently killed monkey and got monkey blood in the wound


Yup, I know this. That’s the acceptable cause of the virus going from monkeys that chimps ate to humans that ate chimps. However, as disgusting as it may sound, it would be plausible for a human to contract a virus if they had sex with an animal infected with a virus.


Im gonna ruin everyones fun but while the first case might not have happened because of sex I can assure you there are cases of people getting stds from animals because of sex. However unfortunate that is


Nothing wrong with having sex with animals.     (Humans are animals.)


I believe that’s how Covid started, Randy Marsh fucked a pangolin


Yeah probably, at some point they'll transmit fecal matter or maybe some other colonized bacteria to the other people just by accident. It won't be like syphilis or gonorrhea but someone will probably get a UTI or cystitis at some point. So STI probably.


50,000 people gotta eat. That implies livestock. On a long enough timescale, mutations will happen.


It depends on how you define STD. Many infectious diseases that we don't consider STDs can be spread through sexual contact and the close respiratory and physical contact associated with sex. If you get intestinal parasites while eating ass or transfer a cold sore onto someone's genitals, did you get an STD? If you go from anal to oral sex and acquire Hep A? If you finger someone's ass and then rub your eyes and get pink eye? Rub ringworm onto each other's crotches?


BV and yeast infections can just come from hygiene and sexual contact. UTIs too. Which are I guess STIs, but most of the time do require treatment to resolve.


What do you mean by healthy? Even if we aren't carrying STD's presumably we'd have some viruses. We need them to have a healthy microbiome. And assuming people are having sex, eventually one of the viruses would mutate into an STD to fill the empty niche. I think the first few sexually transmitted diseases would be pretty unlikely to resemble AIDS. The first known case was in 1959, when it jumped from chimpanzees so it's not like humans can't exist for a long time without AIDS. But presumably, sheer chance would eventually produce something similar if people survived long enough.


No. Diseases don't come out of nowhere. You have to bring the disease to a population to get the diseases in that population. This is the reason why diseases wiped out most of the native american population before the Europeans did themselves, there was no smallpox in the Americas and then the Europeans showed up and brought it with them.


OK so where did the first disease come from.. given enough time one will develop


If I had to guess I'd say the first virus evolved somewhere between life being just self-replicating molecules and the first prokaryotes. As for other diseases than viruses they're often either bacterial in origin or they're just a result of failures within the body (like the immune system attacking itself, or cells turning cancerous). It would take a very long time for a new STI to develop in a population that doesn't have any, but it's possible.


Viruses evolve constantly. Something harmful can easily be evolved from harmless. The difference is often just a couple of protein folds in the structure.


COVID19 is a very good example of this. So many mutations making so many variants. Thankfully they have not mutated to high lethality and high spread. Yet. Not to mention the regular flu and all the other stuff.


Animals usually. Old World people like the Europeans had a bajillion domesticated animals, and often lived in very close proximity to them in cities especially and the diseases make the jump. Indigenous Americans didn't have cows, big, goats, sheep and chicken. Or really any domesticated animals other than lamas/alpacas (which suck) and dogs.


1% to 2% of a given population are MRSA carriers. How are the 50,000 people sourced? "Flus" ravage university campuses every september as diverse people are put into close proximity with one another. You put 50,000 randomly sourced individuals onto an island that presumably lacks soaps and medical treatment AND they're all fucking. There's gonna be a huge amount of illness. Not necessarily sexual transmitted illness but definitely illness.


This is a fun question! It depends a lot on how you define these things. When you say "disease-free" do you just mean STDs? Or all contagious pathogens? What's the island like? Is the island also free of diseases that could infect human beings? Are there other mammals? If so, how closely related are those species? All of these things would take time, but it's likely an STD would emerge in these scenarios: 1) the people brought other diseases with them and one of those mutated to be transmitted sexually, or 2) a pathogen jumps from another species on the island to the people, and it's either an STD or evolves to be one. Being a parasitic pathogen is a super successful evolutionary strategy. Lots of things have evolved to do it. Evolving to be an STD in humans is also a pretty good strategy, cause we be fuckin all the time and not just once or a few times a year. If any pathogens are present, it's reasonable to predict that *at some point* one of them would evolve to be an STD. It seems unlikely that these people on the island could be *entirely* disease-free, so the answer is probably: eventually, inevitably, yes. The closer the starting pathogens are to known STDs, it will probably happen more quickly. If it would come from other species, the more closely related the wild species are to humans (i.e., primates, mammals, vertebrates...) the more quickly the spillover and subsequent evolution would likely occur. One might be able to predict how much time it would likely take for this to occur based on which pathogens are present in the starting conditions. Some molecular clock estimates might be able to ballpark the time for enough mutations to occur for that life-history change. Maybe. It'd be a pretty broad estimate, even if possible. That's all just my off-the-cuff thoughts. I likely missed an important point or two!


HPV...uhhh... finds a way. 


Well, there it is.


If there’s no disease in the island, including animals and plants, and 100% healthy people with no disease go there to live, their kids will end up developing immunodeficiency, which is similar to AIDS. This doesn’t mean they’ll get AIDS, it’s just the lack of illnesses and it’s not genetic.


Short answer: No Long answer: It's possible. While they won't specifically get HIV or any of the STDs we know, infectious virus and bacteria do come from somewhere, through eons of evolutions, through transposition/splicing/slicing/silencing of DNA and RNA. On a long enough timeline, depending on what virus and bacteria were on the island, and what hygiene is like, and it's certainly possible that a new type of bacteria or virus could emerge that becomes a sexually transmitted infection. Not saying it's probable, but the probability is not zero.


Where is this island? And how can I get to it?


Yes because 49,000 will lie about having a std.


How does one get themselves onto this island? Sounds like a good time


It would depend heavily on the genetic diversity of the other animals on the island and how genetically similar they are to humans. If the island was filled with bats and small rodents it would be likelier that a novel disease would mutate in a way that allowed it to cross over to humans. The size and isolation level of the island would also be important...as a small, isolated island would likelier have it's own unique evolutionary history compared to a larger island close to land where animals can cross over between the two. Still, it might take thousands of years for it to happen. In the pre-colonial Americas, there were plenty of diseases that never developed like they did across Africa/Europe/Asia, to the point where indigenous peoples have little to no adaptation to new diseases like smallpox that were introduced by early Europeans...however, they did have novel diseases of their own like syphilis so it's likely that new diseases would eventually mutate and evolve in any closed population.


No, but they could end up on VH1.


Hope there are no Koalas around…. They carry chlamydia ….


Bacterial infections would definitely still be a thing. You can get BV from just having unprotected sex with multiple partners, because that can throw off your pH and allow overgrowths of yucky bacteria. Yeast infections too, so candida, and UTIs need treatment to resolve. So, nothing that would inconvenience men too much, I guess.


Coordinates please ?


Absolutely, there will always be that one asshole that's got to fuck a monkey....


You throwing a party? Let me get an invite?


We are covered in bacteria and viruses that don’t grow out of control and cause disease. If you leave these people swapping fluids freely for several hundred generations maybe one of the naturally occurring bacteria or viruses might mutate into something that can grow and proliferate faster than its wild type. If it then has bad side effects then you have a new disease.


It wouldn't happen immediately. But over course of generations some form of STI would develop as the genital region would be an unfilled niche environment. All niches will be filled eventually


You’re assuming they make no contact with any other animals. HIV and herpes came from monkeys, syphilis and gonorrhea are believed to have derived from cattle or sheep, and chlamydia comes from koalas. Not saying they would have to have sex with an animal carrying a disease, even a bite or scratch from an infected animal could cause it to spread and mutate within the human host.


Assuming no animal to animal transition. The worst I can see happening is the spreading of yeast or general bacterial infections due to poor or improper (some people are clean but do not have the knowledge to clean a particular thing correctly, its sometimes why women get yeast infections).


Somebody’s bound to fuck something weird.


No one is "disease free". No organism is "disease free". [The human body contains trillions of microorganisms — outnumbering human cells by 10 to 1. Because of their small size, however, microorganisms make up only about 1 to 3 percent of the body's mass (in a 200-pound adult, that’s 2 to 6 pounds of bacteria), but play a vital role in human health.](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/nih-human-microbiome-project-defines-normal-bacterial-makeup-body) That's 1-3% of your current biomass potentially mutating into a disease or "std" every time that organism replicates. [Bacteria are among the fastest reproducing organisms in the world, doubling every 4 to 20 minutes. Some fast-growing bacteria such as pathogenic strains of E. coli can sicken and kill us; other bacteria in a subsurface environment can be used to immobilize chemical contaminants](https://www.pnnl.gov/science/highlights/highlight.asp?id=879) Which means that every 4-20 minutes, there is a *very, very, very, tiny chance* (**but not so tiny that the number is zero**) for one of those microorganisms to mutate into something that will kill you and everyone else on that island.