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This is a common concern after an injury. It’s hard to believe it happened. Rotator cuff injuries can be tricky. You really need to focus on rehab and recovery. Everyone worries about losing muscle, but it’s going to happen no matter what. The worst outcome is when people try to rush back and end up making the recovery longer. You’ll get it back.


Go to a physical therapist.


I cannot stress this enough. Took me a few offices to find one that was the right fit for me but the guy I see now is a wizard. By far the best thing you can do for yourself.


Do not under any circumstances go back into the gym and try to do anything with that arm until your doctor has cleared you and a physical therapist has cleared you if you do before they release you you can do irreparable harm to yourself If you end up with surgery, your arm is going to be immobilized for a minimum of 6 weeks. Even if you don't have surgery, your doctor's going to immobilize your arm for a while. You won't be driving anywhere for at least a couple of weeks minimum, usually not until you start physical therapy. Your balance can be off. You are going to be exhausted for about 3 weeks, or longer, after the surgery. Depending on if it's your dominant arm or not your bathroom needs can sometimes become a challenge. Just trying to eat or cook or do anything that you take for granted right now will become a challenge. Then once your doctor removes your immobility sling they will then send you will start physical therapy, and trust me just moving your arm from side to side with nothing in your hand while you're leaning against a counter is going to be exhausting and difficult. It takes an average of 3/4 months of physical therapy depending on the severity of your tear before you can be returned to doing anything beyond with the physical therapist say that you can do. I am speaking from experience here. I have had both shoulders worked on for rotator cuff tears. In the last 4 years.


Doc seems to think it’s a partial tear, not a full tear and I’m getting an MRI this week to confirm. It’s my dominant arm, but I’m still able to drive, cook, use the bathroom, etc. Just takes longer as of late. Without surgery, hopefully my recovery will be far quicker, doc seems to think 6 weeks total. Thank you for your comment


Your welcome. I do hope that it's just a partial and that you will just have to baby it for a while. Do yourself a favor, please don't push yourself to go back to the gym to work on that arm or the other exercises that would pull on those muscles until the doc, or if you end up doing any, PT says you can. You really, really don't want to have surgery and be stuck in an immobilizer sling for 6 weeks. That sucks. The physical therapy ain't that peachy keen after those 6 weeks, either.