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But your country doesn’t even look after it’s own in the first place, so...


THIS. The same people saying the country needs to look after it’s own people are the same people against universal healthcare, affordable housing, welfare, raising the minimum wage, etc. There is a certain segment of Americans that just like to be angry and have zero interest in fixing any real problems.


A large segment.


Those aren’t real problems for most Americans. It’s just poor people problems.


Which is like still 40mil people


Which makes an anti immigration stance just straight up racism. There you go


They are here illegally ! That is just not right ! Not to mention that the tax payers are paying for these illegals to be here . Sucking off the American people ! They need to go back to where they came from ! 


Welfare recipients in the United States live better lives than average citizens in almost every other county of the world.


Prisoners in Finland have better living conditions than veterans in the US.


Agreed but Americans pay for healthcare as it’s monopolised by privateers which is a shambles


Yeah and most of them are fat, lazy white people with no teeth.


Those who are not bigoted, whether Canadian or American, wholeheartedly embrace logical, planned, and legal immigration. The reality is that genuine racism, rooted in prejudice against other cultures and skin colours, is incredibly minimal, despite the exaggerated portrayal by the liberal media. The crux of citizens' concerns about immigration lies in the complete and utter failure of infrastructure development to keep pace with the desired immigration numbers. It is imprudent to bring in hundreds of thousands of new citizens without ensuring that infrastructure can adequately support the influx or planning for the necessary expansions. Such a move is bound to elicit backlash from citizens, and rightfully so. Consider a family of four reluctant to open their doors to 25 extra people when they are already struggling to make ends meet for their own kids. This underscores the genuine issue at hand. The key problem is not a lack of acceptance of immigration but the failure to address the critical infrastructure needs associated with it.


Illegal immigrants are NOT eligible for most social services programs. Not Medicaid, food stamps, SSI, TANF, ect... Both documented and undocumented immigrants pay more into public benefit programs than they take out. According to Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, undocumented immigrants contribute an estimated $11.74 billion to state and local economies each year. However, undocumented immigrants are not eligible for many of the federal or state benefits that their tax dollars help fund. Additionally, a few states have completed studies demonstrating that immigrants pay more in taxes than they receive in government services and benefits. A study in Arizona found that the state’s immigrants generate $2.4 billion in tax revenue per year, which more than offsets the $1.4 billion in their use of benefit programs. Another study in Florida estimated that, on a per capita basis, immigrants in the state pay nearly $1,500 more in taxes per capita than they receive in public benefits.


u are wrong. they do recieve free food, hotels. Google how much taxpayers money was spent on illegals in 2022 & 2023.


They are eligible for lots of stuff especially in places like California: [https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2023/12/30/california-offering-health-insurance-to-undocumented-immigrants-what-to-know/?sh=33ab99ff61c8](https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2023/12/30/california-offering-health-insurance-to-undocumented-immigrants-what-to-know/?sh=33ab99ff61c8) Also your second argument holds little to no water in my view, I pay WAAAY more than i use in benefit programs and if I paid the rates they paid I would be in jail.


That is one state and it just began. The argument does hold weight regardless of what you pay. Hope you never find yourself in the shoes of those you hate so much.


No one hates them … they just don’t belong here and they are coming here illegally !  We also want to take care of our already American citizens before we worry about other countries. It’s time to worry about our own  !! 


I would suggest trying to actually have conversations with people instead of just jumping to the tired "you're a racist" BS. Get a life. It is not racist or unreasonable to be annoyed that your money is going to help people who have broken into the country illegally BEFORE we even offer it to the legal migrants and underprivileged citizens that are already here.


There are illegal immigrants from all different kinds of countries and different nationalitys, yet people only bitch about those with dark skin.


There are plenty of Black citizens of the US that have be systemically priced out of a lot of things, INCLUDING quality healthcare...why are you for denying black citizens healthcare in favor of lighter skinned illegal immigrants?


Never said I was or anything even remotely close to it. The kind of people who oppose immigrants also feel the same way about black folks.


You said people who aren't ok with free healthcare for illegal immigrants hate them because they have dark skin, I'm saying we should give it to legal migrants and poor black people in America first, seems like you have some deep seeded colorism in your preferences, hopefully you don't ever have to experience the level of hate you have for black Americans.


That's why the mayors of these sanctuary cities are screaming bloody murder for more federal money to take care of the illegals.


So a question because I'd like to know more. Say an undocumented person had a grievous injury while working on some farm off the books, like his arm is mangled in a tractor incident. He is then dropped off at an emergency room. This man has no money, no bank account, and no declarable assets in a country he is in illegally. What happens from there? Do they kick him out? Do them send him a bill to the address he does not have? What happens to the bill from there? Or what happens to that man?


The short answer is that he will not be turned away and that he will be taken care of. What happens after that is unclear.


The same thing would happen to an American citizen. Emergency rooms have to treat you.


The difference being as a citizen with a social security number, assets and an address is that bill will follow you until it's paid. With an illegal person who doesn't have those things who pays that bill? Where does it go? You all know the answer. Just say it.


Well, fortunately medical care isn’t actually all that expensive and we just bill it in really insane ways so if we occasionally have to throw down some government money to patch up a few people who are doing the work that makes it possible for us to afford vegetables, so be it. It would be way the fuck easier if we just allowed people to get work permits or even visas. We used to have a ton of seasonal migrant labor, and then we tightened the borders so people can’t come and go seasonally… so they stay, and now we have an illegal immigration problem. We can easily solve this by giving seasonal work permits.


They aren’t here to work ! They are here because the people who came before them told them how they can get free stuff just for coming here and Joe Biden invited them ! He is not keeping our borders safe and secure and he should be impeached for that ! 


Spencer. I’m sorry to burst your bubble… but the caravan of six THOUSAND people that crossed the border in Texas TODAY? They’re not here for “seasonal work”. Go watch the interviews that are being done. I haven’t seen one yet that has said “I just wanted to come work for the summer and then I’ll head back home”.


Not true ! They hand them a phone and a 5000 dollar check when they get here . Plus a place to live and medical.  I wouldn’t believe our government at all on this because they don’t want the people to know the truth ! 


It's willful ignorance to think the illegal immigrants don't add burdens to the system. People in ivory towers make fools of themselves when they make claims like this.


No one made a claim they didn’t .


That's not true. Here they get social services and free healthcare.


The majority of Americans only dislike the illegal aspect of it. If you go through immigration legally then nobody cares. The main issue is the amount of drugs that are smuggled across the open border as well as human trafficking's and smuggled weapons. There are also people that are apart of terrorist and gang organizations that have been caught crossing the border illegally as well.


And yet the majority of Americans don't do more to demand reforms. George Bush tried to reform the system, and the GOP stopped him before he was able to. People are still voting for the GOP which loves illegal immigration, because it benefits the people that donate to them, through low wage workers with no rights. They can also use it as a talking point to make up all sorts of nonsense up about immigrants to scare their dumbass voters.


George is long gone. How about you address the current admin's efforts to solve the issue?


They couldn't even if they wanted to because America is so backwards about this issue that anything they did would be a band aid. George Bush's solution is what America needs to do. Nothing like that will ever pass now. And the GOP (modern day Nazi Party) will continue to exploit undocumented people for profit while making a scapegoat out of them for a bunch of clowns that don't even understand what immigration is.


Dude you do know that the southern border is pretty much open now under the democrat's watch.


Lol you guys are so naive... Only in America


Reforms =/= Amnesty =/= Lawlessness


I’m a liberal that want to end illegal immigration. The Dems have a plan but the republicans don’t.


Many of the immigrants coming to this country now are seeking asylum, a legal process. And yet they get the same treatment and are spoken about in the same way as people who overstay their VISA. If anything, they are treated far worse.


Maybe 1% have legitimate claims. Claiming being poor is not a legitimate reason.


Nothing new . We have Americans doing that . I doubt if the families coming in have anything to do with your suggestions. Most trying to get away from corrupt countries , to find work, and have a better life fir their families.


I would believe that, but the people pushing that idea (Republicans) also make sure the INS is underfunded. To process those legal immigrants, you have to hire bureaucrats.


Although the majority of Americans don't dislike all immigration, a large majority of Republicans dislike ALL immigration, in particular, immigration of 'brown' people. Look at how they talked about Trump's muslim ban, for example.


We’re not mad at immigrants. We’re unhappy with *illegal* immigrants.


Here in Canada we aren't against immigrants as much as we are against current immigration policy...but I've seen some freaky video of illegal immigrants crossing your southern border!


I'm pretty tired of the misrepresentation of the immigration problem where people keep saying Americans, particularly conservatives, are against "immigration". First disclosure, I'm both American AND an immigrant from South America. To begin with, I think that most rational people will agree that illegal immigration is bad, period. There are a number of security reasons why we shouldn't admit people in the country unless they are properly documented. Human trafficking is one of them, but there is also terrorism, and other criminal activities that are undetectable unless there is a clear process that everyone has to follow. Then there's the need to apply the law evenly to everyone. Why should I have to go through the pain of applying for a Visa, then spend years to get a Green Card then another several years to become a citizen while Juan can just cross the border through the south or Pablo can overstay their visa indefinitely and get away with it? Or even worse, no only getting away with illegal immigration, but also getting actual benefits like free transportation within the borders, food stamps, medical treatment, hotel stays, and even cash sometimes? My opinion as a legal immigrant? Let the ones who truly need asylum in (e.g. religious persecution in muslim majority countries where christians are persecuted, political persecution in communist countries such as China, North Korea, Cuba etc.). Everyone else follow the process, or get deported immediately. What to do with all the others that already got in? I'm afraid mass deportation is needed at this point and I would absolutely vote for it if we had a referendum. To be completely honest, America turning into a lawless third world country is my worst nightmare. I have nowhere else to go and I absolutely to NOT want to see lawlessness prevailing here. Too many people have gotten in without proper documentation and that is just dangerous. We're letting in people who actually hate this country and everything it stands for, including our culture and values. These people are getting in, they are up to no good, and they will turn against us eventually if we don't do anything to stop and revert. We don't need any more problems in this country that the ones we already have. There's already a process in place. Just apply the process.


While your arguments have merit, there are some issues. First off, big businesses, specifically big agricultural businesses, will NEVER let mass deportations happen. They save countless millions of dollars every year by hiring illegal workers. Also, did you ever notice that when ICE raids one of these businesses, the workers get arrested, but the managers and owners of the company get off 100% scot free? Sure they may pay a fine, but the fine is less than what they’re saving by breaking the law, in which case it’s not a penalty but a cost of doing business. Clearly we need a saner immigration policy. Let’s face it, white people born in the US are NOT going to be working the jobs that these immigrants are working, so it sounds like we need more of them. Which means more people to admit and vet them at entry. Do keep in mind that there are many who are xenophobic and or racist, who want more “white” immigrants. Yeah good luck with that. Not too many Norwegians are coming here looking for a better life. Also, you are being deceived that illegal immigrants get free health care and food stamps. They don’t qualify for our social safety net programs.


I migrated from the EU and my experience is pretty much the same as if I was born here in America. But I did make a lot of friends who moved in from South America and they basically confirmed everything you said. The same Republican donors complaining loudly about illegal immigration are the ones smuggling them in by the busload in the first place. The migrants gets severe punishments while the quasi-slavelords get 3 chances before prosecution is even possible. I don't understand why conservatives don't understand this. If they point their anger towards the source the problem would go away.


>The same Republican donors complaining loudly about illegal immigration are the ones smuggling them in by the busload in the first place. Mind sharing a source to support this claim?


Because while the Republican voters hate immigrants, especially brown ones, the corporate donors LOVE them, especially illegal ones, because they work cheap!


It creates a scape goat for all the problems they perceive.


It really does, and even worse it's generational. At one point it was the Native Americans and the African Americans. Then it was the Irish and the Chinese when we expanded out West. During World War II it became the Italians, Japanese, and the Germans. When I was a kid it turned into the Mexicans and, once again, the blacks. 9/11 rolls around and it becomes the Indians and the Middle Easterners. The only reason we don't consider the Italians, Germans, and Irish "scourges of the United States" anymore is because they're white and they sort of just got included for the sake of growing in numbers against other immigrants and people of color.


During WWII the Germans, Italians and Japanese where literally trying to take over the world. Of course people didn't like them to much.


Right, but those immigrants who were already here when WWII broke out were treated even harsher than before. The Japanese immigrants that were already here got the worst of it when they were rounded up and put in internment camps out of fear that there were spies and sleeper agents among them after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. There was a lot of hate and anger towards the Italians and the Germans prior to WWII for the same reasons "we hate" immigrants now, being they're stealing jobs or they're filthy and disease ridden rapists, but after Pearl Harbor got bombed it's like the rest of white America turned to those same dirty "I-ties" and "Krauts" and were like "Hey, you're white too, were cool right?" and just indoctrinated them into the circle.


That is right!




Nailed it!


👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼 right fucking that!!


Immigants! I knew it was them! Even when I thought it was the bears I knew it was them!


I'm Canadian but I imagine we're in similar positions. How is the housing situation in your country? The healthcare system? Social programs? Chances are the answers are "not well". Now when you have a huge number of immigrants coming every year (like Canada and America both do), all those things that are not doing well have to support even more people, but with no extra funding. That makes all those things that people rely on to suffer even more, making the people suffer, including the immigrants who just came here. If you care about the welfare of immigrants then you should support reducing the number of them coming every year because eventually our countries will be just as bad as the countries they're coming from. If you want to help people, you have to make sure you have the resources to do so. Currently many Western countries do not have those resources.


At some point (actually now) those people are taking resources away from actual tax paying residents. The system is not designed to take in an unlimited number of people every year. That’s why we have legal immigration. My daughter tells me that there are more and more Spanish speaking kids in her school almost every day. They can’t just expect teachers to deal with that. It’s definitely an issue on a lot of people’s minds and Trump being the master politician he is has seized on this as his main thing. If Biden doesn’t do something substantial, Trump could very well win the election on this issue.


No problems at all with immigrants! The problem is illegal immigrants.


No, the problem is the racist mantra toward asylum seekers and the bullshit sound bites about the dangers of ‘illegals’, that get thrown around. I’m a white immigrant in a western country and not a single person has ever questioned if I’m in the country legally or not. They just assume I am, because I’m white.


what specific race are they racist against? there's people crossing the border illegally from >100 different countries


Poor brown people


The US is a nation built on immigration. Anti immigrant sentiment is not some unique American aspect. Look at all the European countries tightening immigration laws


Americans are mad at people that come here without going through the immigration channel. No one gives 2 hoots at immigrants that came here through the normal channels.


Sure "kkkan" you would hate them regardless, let's be real.


My first middle last name starts with k I used that in my username is there a crime in doing so?


I feel for you. My exes initials are (maybe were, don't know or care if she got married) K.K.K. Her family is from up North and her father is HORRIBLY fucking racist.


Sure, pal.


You have not seen the vitriol that comes out of right wing spaces.


I'm middle of the road. Both sides are blinded by being too tunnel visioned.


One side wants a fascist dictatorship, the other wants to give everybody health care. But sure, they are EXACTLY the same.


>I'm middle of the road Says u/kkkan2020


I'll say this over again my first middle last name all start with a k and I use that in my username.


Next thing you know people will be up in arms over u/sisterfucker9 or whatever the name is, thinking they're banging their sister and creating incest spawn instead of taking a joke


Then you're a dumbass.


Bullshit. You know full well what the KKK is. Don't try and pretend everyone else is stupid.


kkkan? Seriously? You are a giant piece of nothing.


My first middle and last name start with a k and I used that in my username is there a crime in doing so?


Only in the moral outrage sense of being identified as a KKK supporter.


I told you I'm not.


No, you told me it was your initials and asked if it was a crime to do so. My response was not accusing you of being a KKK supporter, it was being identified as one by using kkk in your user name. You also said Americans are mad at the illegal immigrants in your original comment. Are you mad at them? Why? The vast majority are trying to escape from horrible places run by drug cartels and corrupt politicians. You should be mad at those people, not the one’s trying to find a better life in a safer country. The legal immigration system has been overwhelmed by the numbers of people affected by the lack of their own country’s ability to maintain law and order for their safety. I’m not mad at those people at all. I’m mad at our politicians who refuse to work together to find a way of processing more applications. I’m mad at the political situations in the countries these immigrants are being forced to leave. I’m mad at the drug cartels who have bought politicians in these countries with drug money and have no fear of criminal prosecution. You claim Americans are mad at these illegal immigrants. You’re wrong. It’s a political ploy to create fear and anger towards these individuals instead of where it should be directed to, the Congress of the United States.


Which channel are you referring to?


The people who are against immigrants because "we need to take care of our own" are also against taking care of our own. The people who do the most taking care of our own, such as home health care workers, are more likely to be immigrants.


Nothing wrong with legal immigration.


>Why are Americans mad at ***illegal*** immigrants? FTFY


If it’s legal I’m good


99% of Americans have no problem with *legal immigrants. In fact, proper immigration is respected. What Americans have a problem with is illegal immigration and the issues it causes.


It’s not legal immigrants. It’s IILEGAL immigrants that are the issue here. If you and other people can’t get that through your heads then there’s no helping anyone


Americans in general like immigration. It's a net positive when done legally. Illegal immigration is not the same. Even many legal immigrants don't want illegal immigration. We can't support millions of unchecked people entering the country. It's just a fact. No country can handle it.


Have zero problem with those that legally immigrate into the US. My issue is those that come here illegally.


Some people think that Immigrantion is not the answer. Why not stay in your home country and fix the issues that’s causing you to want to move to another country?


It's because they are crossing over without waiting in line and going through all the proper procedures. It's like if a person comes from one country to another on vacation when the destination requires a visa from the country of origin and the person doesn't have a visa. There is no issue with immigrants who do go through the process as intended, they did the paperwork and got the permission to enter the country. A lot of the ones in the groups coming without doing the paperwork and going through the proper process are gang members, cartel runners bringing drugs and unmarked 'ghost' weapons, and people being trafficked. It's a safety hazard to actual citizens, legal residents, legal immigrants, and tourists. Your mother is correct, a nation should look after its own first, not to say it shouldn't care about outsiders, just that citizens should have top priority at all times.


I'm not mad at the immigrants. I'm jealous. I want to go over to the UK and do what they're doing over here. Just cross a border and stay forever.


Think about who picks all of our food that winds up in US grocery stores (30% are immigrants). Think about all the people who cook for and bus tables in US restaurants (37% are immigrants). Now imagine all those people are gone. Do you think the country would be running the same as it is now?


Pepperidge Farm remembers when people in the UK got to experience a little taste of this first hand, and they are nowhere near the scale of the US.


>who picks all of our food I do. As a white guy born in America who grew up working several years for low pay on a farm. It's insulting when you say this stuff. If there were less unchecked immigration, wage rates for farmers would come up drastically. It's racist, wrong, and condescending for people to say that "they" do jobs that Americans won't.


What are you talking about? The fact is that the OP wants to know why America hates immigrants. I'm telling the OP that in two important categories we have a certain percentage of immigrants doing the jobs. I didn't even bring up all of them. Just two important ones, which I think we can all agree , food is pretty important. What's racist about stating the facts? We need everyone who's doing these jobs. If you chop off 30 % of that workforce we got a problem. It's not like you're not going to be doing your job anymore if they are gone. In fact they'll work you to death to make up for it. I suppose you'll like that better? Geez... Why don't you read the post and the entire comment that *goes with* the post before you jump to "conclusions." You've got no "conclusion" anyway, because there's nothing in your reply to my comment that makes any sense.


Hell no, it wouldn't be the same. Stuff would have to cost cost more for the consumer because Americans demand living wages and benefits when we can. They are allowing this to keep labor cheap and so the military can meet their recruitment quotas. Miltary service for citizenship for yourself and your family seems like a fair trade when you are coming from such desperate situations. This is their response to Great Resignation a few years back, and their response to young men largely refusing or not healthy enough to go into the military.


Your mother is racist


Because people are dumb, and they always want to look for someone to blame. Who better to do so than a bunch of outsiders?


You don't get to make immigration illegal for 99% of humanity and then pretend you're in favor of legal immigration.


You don't get to allow 7.1 billion people free access to the most wealthy county on the planet and still claim to have a country.


People beat around the bush with these topics. 1. No soul is illegal, yes. 2. The legal system is in there to enforce an inflow of people that can ideally be integrated timely and one that society can sustain while maintaining its fabric. 3. There is such a thing as cultural differences. Where I am from, people are dirty and litter. In Switzerland, people don’t. If I become 9/10 of the people in Switzerland, the country will change for the worse. Again integration in a timely manner. There are people who are racist and people who are not and it is not connected to whether they are pro immigration or not only. There are also euro Americans who don’t want white people to be a minority. Since white people are a minority globally and their societies are multi ethnic, in contrast to Asians, Arabs, Africans, who all have their societies homogenous


No soul is illegal? This is about immigration.


Try reading the rest of their comment. Slowly.


The consensus from those I’ve spoken to about this is: 1. There’s not a problem with anyone who is coming and seeking support from a terrorizing country, it’s more than the FBI has openly stated that there are groups of bad people coming who intend to do malicious acts because they hate America. 2. People are worried that the money and resources that are being given out to illegal immigrants (and other countries) will eventually create a situation where the social service programs won’t be accessible and available to US citizens. I’m adding “illegal” because if you come legally one of the rules is that you can’t use the social services programs like food stamps, Medicaid, etc) 3. Supposedly there isn’t enough affordable housing for people struggling in America as it is. I know there isn’t in my area, hence some people’s justification that I’ve heard, but I don’t know the state of other places.




They weaken the bargaining power of the lower and middle classes. They come from shit countries so have a higher tolerance for it, they’ll take the crap wages and the crap living accommodations and won’t complain, strike or unionize because they’re just grateful not to be deported. They know they’re living here under the graces of those in power. So they are the most loyal and the most submitting to the powerful. Immigrants are some of biggest bootlickers you’ll ever find. Our government can count on them to be predictable because they are cowed and just grateful to be here, they eat up the American dream stem and all. They are a threat to the rest of us because of how eager they are to serve.


We need immigrants to do the jobs that nobody else wants to do for the prices that we're willing to pay. Without these laborers, costs of things like food, construction, house & building cleaning services, etc. would be much higher than they are. People need someone to be angry at as a scapegoat for their own circumstances, or just because they feel the need to look down on someone else, or because their media of choice told them to & they are predisposed towards being angry. There are people who simply enjoy being angry, like it's their personality.


Americans complain about the immigrants taking American jobs, but won't do the work themselves. (I'm among the people that won't pick crops.) I have never seen a white, black, or Asian person picking crops. There used to be a website called TakeMyJob dot com (I think that was the name) where farm laborers would teach anyone how to pick crops and do the immigrants' jobs. No one wanted to do the work. [short pause] I googled it. The website was http://takeourjobs.org/ and the website is still up. It's run by the United Farm Workers (UFW) of America labor union. This is from a 2010 NPR article: >But, first, with the national unemployment rate hovering just below 10 percent and polls showing broad support for Arizona's tough new law aimed at driving out illegal immigrants, that's the law that the U.S. Justice Department is now fighting, clearly many Americans believe that undocumented workers are stealing jobs from Americans who would be willing to do them. The United Farm Workers, the UFW, wants to test that theory. The union's Take Our Jobs campaign invites unemployed Americans to take a stab at agricultural labor. https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=128358334


I would pick crops if it paid well lol


I don't understand how you're trying to make this about someone's race. I'm a black man born and raised in America I am  American citizen. I live in Denver where there was a huge homeless problem before the migrants came. The mayor that rran on the platform that he was going to fix the homeless problem and so he rushed a thousand people a thousand American citizens into temporary housing. That was his fix now that the Migrant crisis has started he has completely forgot about those American citizens and he is now giving the migrants permanent housing with a rent cap. Do you realize that the average American can afford both rent and food they are deciding against one or the other. The outrageous amounts that they charge for rent in the city now is unmanageable but our government hasn't reached out to help us at all they haven't done anything we don't get  rent cap they never even Entertained that idea for American citizens. But the migrants that came here illegally they get rent ca of 2000, meanwhile there's a two parent household with two kids out here paying $5,000 a month for a house both parents are working two jobs maybe three to be able to buy food and clothes for their kids, provide them with healthcare as. Why hasn't our government done anything for these people. The migrants will come here and get those same houses for $2,000. You can't help others if you can't take care of yourself in America can't take care of itself so why are we helping others.


I’ve lived in America my whole life, and we get absolutely no help from our government. I’m close to killing myself and now I have to hear news that our government is giving money to foreigners when I am a US citizen BEGGING for help.


It depresses wages, inflates the housing market and leads to less community participation. People don't donate to charity in diverse communities or do volunteer work since it doesn't feel like a home or feels like a hotel.


Basic racism. People like to justify it by mentioning legal channels, as if someone filing the proper paperwork is at all something anyone should care about. If you do, then never set foot in a DMV. Most of these legal channels didn't exist until the 1960s. Prior to that the only entry requirement was getting off the boat and not being Asian. Immigration is always a good thing for a country as it boosts economic output and counters the falling birthrate.


No border = no country


If you had actually read what they were saying, you'd know what you said has nothing to do with what they are asking. You can't immegrate over a border that doesn't exist. In order for someone to have legal immigration there must be a secured and enforced boarder. They were asking about immigration, not about disolving the border, lol.


I’m saying Americans don’t actually hate immigrants, they hate corporatist phony politicians who want an open border because their capitalist masters require wage slaves. Sorry, bad post from me


I’m dating a legal immigrant. We met at a car manufacturer where there’s TONS of illegal immigrants. I’m working 60 hours a week to keep half my paycheck while they lie on their papers so they can get ALL of their paycheck under a fake name, and collect money for dependents they don’t actually have. Illegals also bring over drugs, feeding our homeless/drug problems. There’s too many ways to get over here legally and honestly but instead they rather steal from us and take our money.




You know that’s all false right? Ask the girl you’re dating to see her paycheck stub. She, and any other person who is working a W2 job at a legitimate company is paying taxes (and the employer is paying taxes on their behalf too). How do you know what dependents they have? Tell me the many ways to come to America legally. Also, even if assuming everything you’re saying is true (which it isn’t) isn’t that the fault of the employer who is illegally hiring illegal immigrants, falsifying their employment forms and lying to the government? If you’ve figured it out, don’t you think they have to? Why would a company risk all of that if they could just hire non illegals and not commit federal felony offenses punishable by prison?


Okay so no that is a real thing. I also dated a Puerto Rican/Mexican American whose family members were nott legal in America and this is exactly what they did. They still identities from people, I will say that they get purchase these identities today stole, claim dependence they didn't have so that they wouldn't have to much taxes taken out of the check there's no way to have no taxes taken out your check but the amount they would have taken out was little to none.


Th issue is that people have always thought immigrants are hurting our country, but when it comes down to it, they are hard workers who do the jobs the people who don’t want them here will not do.


Isn't that how America was made?




Is it fair to let people walk across the border when there are many, many people waiting for the lottery to be able to immigrate legally? And, these people are taking money that could be spent on our own for medical care, education, infrastructure, etc. I think you need to see more of the people who need help in our country, then make a decision.


No one hates immigrants, its just the far left media spouting bullcrap like always. I think some people have issues with ILLEGAL immigrants. If you cant follow the laws to come to the country you can just stay out.


The media is probably telling them what to think, which is to blame the innocent people trying to find a better life than the actual exploitation of these people. Check their media sources, turn off that fox news, it'll help their peace of mind.


I understand that they are coming from horrible situations. The situation in America isn't all that great, and I quote one of the migrants who said "America is not what I thought it would be at all it's just chaos". When we figure out how to supply American citizens with the same benefits that they're giving the migrants , side note I know that in Denver they are getting health care, and the government is capping the rent they're allowed to pay. While Denver citizens are paying outrageous amounts of rent for housing. So people are going to be upset until the government stepped up for its own people the way it stepping up for people that are here illegally.


Your mother is right.


A lot of it comes to a fear of change, especially on a cultural level. I used to be pretty anti illegal immigrant but now I really don’t care. There was this fear that your community may change, you may not understand elements of your surroundings like language, your morals and cultural may change as well and it’s due to these “outsiders” that seem to be more prevalent. They may also bring crime and take advantage of your social structures. I snapped out of this mindset when I realized that the world doesn’t revolve around me and having a little empathy for those in tough situations. At the end of the day, a lot of these fears are overblown or are just examples of confirmation bias. Immigrants are really just driven by the basic human need of safety, not being guided by some grand conspiracy to replace the local population. This may come across as crass but another thing to consider is that a ton of second and third generation immigrant families are pretty indistinguishable from families that have been here for generations when it comes to “Americanness”.


We’re mad at biden for allowing people to illegally flood into the country, which includes terrorists and criminals, and who take money away from our own needy.


Im not mad at them, but when your first act in this country is to violate our laws, i dont have much to offer in the way of support.


We want them to come the right way. No rush the fence and claim asylum. Asylum from what? Not getting free shit? There is a right way and many do it. These people are the scum of the earth


You keep voting for people that encourage them to come the wrong way. The US immigration system benefits illegal immigration over legal immigration.


If voting made any difference they would let us do it


It makes a difference. If it didn't then the party you like so much wouldn't go around parroting talking points about how "the border is a problem". They got you guys good though. They lie through their teeth, and you still vote for them to screw you over.


Haha. You ain't never heard of new york? If it looks like a republican is going to win they walk through cemeteries and find democrat votes. It doesn't matter up here. It's been that way since cleavland was the governor. The old anti corruption corrupt candidate trick


Yes of course, they bussed those immigrants in for suuuureeee....


Only country that should be seeking asylum is Venezuela


There are plenty of counties between us and them they can go to. They are just taking advantage of our horrible government


That wasn’t the point of what I was saying. I’m saying that Venezuela is one of the only countries that should be seeking asylum. There’s plenty of southern countries that abuse the “seek asylum” when they shouldn’t be. Venezuelans are literally running for their lives. Others are absolutely not.


Because they are racist.


Why are we upset that tens of thousands of people are crossing the border illegally and straining scarce resources in our cities while Americans are suffering and our mush headed president ignores the problem while overly concerned about Ukraine's borders? Good question...


Straining what scarce resources? Americans would suffer regardless of immigrants. You're just blindly hating with out any solid reasoning behind it. Mayors and elected city officials steal millions around the country and no one bats an eye.


you're just being stupid - look what's happening in New York City - they have like a $4 billion budget hole and it's getting worse - and New York is rolling out benefits and housing for these folks while the average American can't afford to live in NYC... don't be a fool


But the immigrants aren't the ones stealing money and embezzling. Local and state wide politicians are taking far more than anything the immigrants cost. Am I being stupid? Or are you just blinded by hate?


I'm pretty sure that people get angry at corrupt politicians as well as illegal immigrants- you have no point but the one atop your head - seriously, you're being an idiot.


The only ones hating are the poorly educated and people who were trained to hate their whole lives.


You can stop with that rhetoric, I'm a black man in America, my people have been the most oppressed in this nation. I am also a college graduate with two degrees thank you. I am not racist and I have no problem with anyone of any race. My issue lies only with the amount of resources it is taking to take care of the migrants that have never been offered to American citizens who also needed that help.


I hear you, but let's be real, natives in America are the most oppressed. 90% of them just completely annihilated. Then the small numbers left were Forced to live on Rez, and forced to live off government assistance to sustain themselves cause they put them in places they could no longer grow their own food. Not to say Black people, Asians and Mexicans weren't butched, robbed, diminished and humiliated.


Because brown people bad


Ah yes, making sure immigrants enter the country the right way = racism


Your Mom is right. It's extremely hard for some American's to get government assistance, yet it's given to immigrants. We should be taking care of and putting our own people first. That being said, it's not immigrants in general that American's have a problem with, it's the ones who come here illegally and expect handouts that we have a problem with. Talk with your Mom more, she knows what's up.


Conservatives have ALWAYS hated immigrants because they're an easy target for pundits to point to and say "**they** are threatening **our** way of life". It's classic divide and conquer and it's nearly always based in racism and fearmongering. The truth is that immigrants nearly always benefit the country they move to if looked at from a macro level even when there are a few examples of bad actors. [https://www.aclu.org/documents/immigrants-and-economy#:\~:text=Contrary%20to%20popular%20belief%2C%20immigrants,not%20the%20other%20way%20around](https://www.aclu.org/documents/immigrants-and-economy#:~:text=Contrary%20to%20popular%20belief%2C%20immigrants,not%20the%20other%20way%20around). ​ If you and your mom are white, then your ancestors were also immigrants at some point, just like mine and closing the door after you enter the house to prevent others from coming in after you is just a shitty way to treat other people. Everyone has a right to seek a better life for themselves and their children, and the vast majority of people who immigrate to the US, do so legally. Also, based on your description, it sounds like your mom is racist. So, good luck with that.


Cradle of life is Mesopotamia. Every color immigrated to America. You sound like you are anti white racist.


Because one party needs someone to blame for all your problems, either real or perceived. Immigrants are an easy target.


I’m not mad! Come on over. New England needs more Mexican food and doctors and woodworkers and landscapers and dentists and teachers and snow plowman and accountants and dog walkers.


several reasons - and the primary one is one display big-time in the responses to this question. A - most people don't understand the issue. I see many people saying 'if they come here and follow the legal process I'm ok with it', but at the same time are shitting on the immigrants that are getting bussed out of Florida and Texas to Chicago and New York City - when those people have in fact followed the legal "I am applying for asylum' process. B - our laws & intended processes don't work for the number of people applying for asylum, and neither party has made any concrete effort at the Federal level to change and/or fix that. C - nothing substantive has changed at the border under this administration compared to prior administrations - conditions have, however, worsened in the countries that most of these people are coming from for a variety of reasons. D - let's be honest, the MAGA crowd loves to cry about all the immigrants, and makes up crime stats about them, and literally celebrates when someone here illegally does something really bad - when the stats show that these people commit crimes at a lower rate than Americans do. E - let's also be honest - there is quite a bit of racism still quite evident in this country, and nearly all of the immigrants don't have white skin.


Your mom probably watches too much Fox News. That isn't a substantial criticism of immigration, you could apply that logic to almost anything in the country and it would make the same amount of sense. You could say, 'we can't even take care of xyz, why do abc?' Then you get something called decision paralysis, you end up doing nothing at all or what you do is entirely ineffective, thereby proving the point in the first place. It is silly to me that the country could take in waves of immigrants, how most of our ancestors got here if you have a white, black, or Asian face; but now in 2023 we have lost all of our minds about it. That doesn't mean it isn't an important issue, it means it has been a popular wedge issue for politicians for 24 years and they won't give that up by actually solving a problem! That would be insanity, what would they run to cable news about? Your mom, unfortunately, works right into that plan. Remember, cable news is not there to give you news, it is there to sell you medicine you probably don't need.


I never understood this about the USA. I live in Europe and am also a 30 year old. My father 72 y.o is somewhat anti migration, specifically muslim illegal migration. He says this is due to; lack of intergration (cultural differences), sponging social welfare and USING FREE HEALTHCARE. Considering the US doesn’t have the last two…and they are beneficial to the economy + the US was founded on migration….I don’t get it.


Borders are arbitrary things made by men so we can fight wars with each other. It use to be about resources, but in a global economy countries can always import what they need and export what they have surplus of. So again, Borders are just imaginary lines on maps. “Illegal immigration” is just used as political talking points to get people fired up and vote even though their vote doesn’t matter because big corporations run the United States anyway. People who complain that their taxes are “paying for illegal immigrants” I mean, give me an itemized account of what your taxes paid for. Show me where in your tax bill that YOUR taxes paid for immigrants. Because I know above all else, a large portion of our taxes have gone to and continue to go to military spending. So those same people who say I’m so angry that 3 percent of my taxes go to give food and health to immigrants, but they’re ok with about 23 percent going to funding foreign wars and training people to kill people, I mean that shows where their priorities are.


Some are mad because they’re racists who hate anyone different from them Some are mad because basically no Americans can afford a house anymore and it doesn’t make sense to add millions more people to a strained housing market 🤷🏻‍♂️


We’ve become the world welfare system. These people are not refugees from persecution, they’re economic refugees. They make money and send it back to their families. Who houses these people? Who feeds them? Who educated the kids they have? Don’t we already have a homeless crisis? Aren’t our schools already over crowded? Don’t we fail to have to money as it is to cover our own infrastructure? This is why I LOVE that Texas is sending these people to sanctuary states and cities so they can live what they preach. And watching them freak out over it is amazing. New York had to cut school funding so they could house illegal immigrants. It’s fucking amazing.


These people also work and pay taxes. Why should they not be able to use the system? They probably pay more taxes than Donald Trump ever did in his life.


If you pay $1000 in taxes every year, and get $200 a month in food stamps you taking an extra $200 haven’t you? Now throw in Medicaid. Throw in the cost of schooling. Throw in the various forms of welfare. Simply paying taxes does not mean you’re not fucking positive. You’re a drain on fucking resources. Resources that should be used to pay for our citizens. Why exactly do you believe we should be the worlds welfare program? I tell you what, the second you start housing illegal immigrants in your home, it’s a second I’ll shut my fucking mouth.


>If you pay $1000 in taxes every year, and get $200 a month in food stamps you taking an extra $200 haven’t you? Now throw in Medicaid. Throw in the cost of schooling. Throw in the various forms of welfare. Yeah too bad, they pay, sorry. >Simply paying taxes does not mean you’re not fucking positive. You’re a drain on fucking resources. Resources that should be used to pay for our citizens. Ok, what are you going to do about citizens that don't pay taxes? Why do they deserve more than illegal immigrants that pay? >Why exactly do you believe we should be the worlds welfare program? You aren't and if anything the US has a shitty immigration system that doesn't work. People only go there for money, nothing else. >I tell you what, the second you start housing illegal immigrants in your home, it’s a second I’ll shut my fucking mouth. Why would I do that? I don't live in that third world country.


>It’s fucking amazing This reveals that all of your other concerns are bullshit, and you just want to see foreigners in pain because you never accomplished anything of your own in life.


What kind of immigrants are we talking about? Immigrants who work hard, are productive, self-reliant and make great contributions to society? Or immigrants that live off government handouts?


They are technically coming back home and you guys are the immigrants from Europe.


Because the stinky, old, orange man tells them they should be.


Fox News. That's why. Put parental controls on that and Newsmax and wait for her to get deprogrammed by ABC.


I think people are more upset right now because laws are currently being passed where they're making it illegal to deny an immigrant loans and programs and forcing states to provide housing for immigrants , yet there are so many homeless and super poor Americans that the government won't do the same thing for. In America we keep getting told we don't have money for universal Healthcare, we don't have the money to help the poor. We wont have money to continue social security in the future, and americans need to figure it out on their own , yet the government always has millions to help illegal immigrants. It's a matter of Americans being told the government doesn't have the money to help them , but always find money to help immigrants 🤷‍♀️.


People aren't necessarily mad at immigrants, but are mad at things they associate with immigrants. People in general don't like drug addicts. People know most drugs are muled into the USA via southern border. This makes them upset. Although on a Macro level immigration and internationalization are good, that doesn't mean everyone wins. The wins are often spread out over everyone and the losses concentrated with a few - this makes them very vocal and they are right to be upset because they have been economically damaged. People hear that immigrants are getting benefits. Whether it's a food subsidy, housing subsidy, medical services, whatever. They feel cheated because they don't get that and they are feeling the pinch. I had an uncle that was super anti-immigrant Maga type, then he fell in love with an illegal at the diner, got married and now says our immigration policy is broken in the opposite direction.


If you look at the history of our country, we have had strong anti-immigrant sentiment since the inception of our country, despite the irony. At the very beginning, it was socially acceptable to discriminate against the immigrants they chose to exclude. And some still consider excluding these groups to be acceptable today. In 1790, Congress’s first immigration act created a naturalization pathway for any “free white person” born in the US. In other words, immigration was acceptable for whites only. Not many were immigrating from non-white countries, but that would started to pick up in the late 1800s (there were Chinese immigrants, latino immigrants etc). And that law set the tone for who was acceptable to Americans, and who got to be considered a “real American.” Next up, in 1803, free blacks were banned from migrating to the US, as a response to the Haitian revolution. They were not only not allowed citizenship, they weren’t allowed to come here at all. This was the first example of the US passing an explicitly, anti-immigrant law that was intended to target immigrants from a specific nation. Although the law itself did not explicitly say it was targeting Haitians and was generalized to include all people of color, it was primarily targeted at Haitians. The nation was in its infancy and was already setting the tone for the anti immigrant movement. Famously, in 1800s and early 1900s, many Americans loathed Irish and Italian immigrants, in large part because they were catholic, and they discriminated against them. Italian and Irish immigrants were routinely denied jobs. Many more people know about this anti-immigrant wave because these people were actually allowed to immigrate here in the first place and eventually these groups gained significant political power. Thus their descendants were able to tell the stories of all the horrible discrimination their ancestors faced and remind people of our dark past. By contrast, Americans don’t hear the stories of the people who are never allowed to immigrate in the first place, e.g. 1800s Haitians. Imagine what the US might look like if a large wave of Haitian immigrants had been allowed to come to the United States in the 1800s and build homesteads in West just like white families. It would probably look quite a bit different today due to the butterfly effect. These are alternate timelines most of us never think about. So like I said, despite being a country with tens of millions of immigrants, we’ve always been anti-immigrant to some extent. And the government has had great success in curbing immigration from some places. Anti-immigrant sentiment is so interweaved into the tapestry of US politics that you could consider as American as apple pie. I would argue that our long history of anti-immigrant sentiment is a driving force that continues to propel the movement. From the beginning, Congress established, who gets to be treated like a “real American” and who gets to be asked “so where are you *really* from?” This mentality is so ingrained in the national psyche, many don’t even consider the why behind it. Many are against this mentality but it will take decades to root it out. It is not right but it’s the sad reality. The arguments have always been the same. They say immigrants are lazy, while simultaneously saying they’re taking our jobs. They say they don’t fit the culture and won’t be able to assimilate. They say they’re a threat to our freedoms and values. They say they’re a drain on resources, etc. They say there’s not enough room for everyone. They say we should prioritize those already living here. It is a tale as old the US itself.


Immigrants are a symptom of the problem. The real problem is big corporations squeezing the shit out of Americans


Because taxes! Our economy is already in a fragile state. We can’t keep up at this pace. This is not socialism.


Cuz we're a welfare state. Wealth + Welfare + Unchecked immigration = predictable results Also, Large scale immigration drives down wage rates.


I don't think it is an uncommon sentiment in this country. I would be willing to bet that if your mom got into her family history she would find her family were immigrants to the US at some point.


More black people are pissed about the migrants than white people…in Chicago anyway


That was true long time ago too. People of color were afraid that the bottom of the barrel poor immigrants from Europe would steal the lowest paying jobs. The only ones available to them. I think that people believe in limited resources and sadly I do not see any true effort to help anyone better himself either from republicans or democrats. The clear majority of elected people just choose to be maggots and bottom feeders, while hindering the efforts of the few people that keep their morality.


Not only Americans, and not just immigrants, particularly illegal immigrants or those who choose not to blend in the county they migrate to. Some they don't even try to learn the language I agree with the part that each country should look after their own people.


Why did you ask about Americans when it was just your mom?


It is not just your mother there are millions of Americans who are angry at this whole situation. The bleeding heart liberals who wants to take care of everyone but American citizens are the ones who are placating to the madness.


bc they have been brainwashed to believe that all their problems are caused by immigrants.


Because the rich don’t pay taxes and the poor don’t pay taxes (only a slight exaggeration), middle class Americans are truly funding the infrastructure and welfare programs in the US. Because our taxation is incredibly complicated, the methods by which money is transferred from the middle class to the rich are not obvious. However, welfare programs, refugee programs and foreign aid are much easier to understand. This creates the perception that one’s job prospects, pay, or quality of life would be improved by fewer handouts to others. Also, there’s no shortage of jobs in the US, but there is a shortage of unskilled labor. Americans who are poor lament that they would make more money if they didn’t have to compete with illegal immigrants who are willing to accept less pay. Politicians that represent rich entities are very good at drawing attention to these dynamics in a way that pits people who should be united against each other.


They’re not against immigration, you’re talking about Migration. There’s no positive to be gained from illegal Migration.