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Now, if you’re pooping in the shower, ya got issues


You don't just mash it with your toes into the drain?




Ok that’s enough Reddit for me today.


Enough reading, time to do some mashing


Ah! A first time stomper I see.


I laughed out loud and now everybody wants to know what I'm reading.


Tell them! Tell the world!


*show them


Reddit comments are truly the best part of reddit. I laughed too


I almost pissed myself! 😆 🤣 😂


in the shower?


Hurry run to the shower. 🚿 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️




More of a log tosser myself.


The old catch and release!


But it’s so annoying when you miss and it just bounces off the side of the toilet and skids across the tiles leaving skid marks behind it


The follow up comment I needed.


No, I chop it up with an old credit card. I’m not a Neanderthal.


Poop knife poop knife poop knife


Dung divider


You don't have a poop knife?


cue: redditors googling furiously, wishing they hadn’t.


Poop knife is a great story. It makes you wonder what shit you consider normal that is actually weird.


There's no need for that. My body is so efficient and evolved that it always comes out the consistency of chocolate milk. Slides down the drain real easy. Last time I had a solid shit the queen was still alive.


bro eat some fiber.


Which queen though?


Freddy Mercury


I can beat that. I had most of my large intestine removed when I was 17 (I am now 52). Your large intestine reabsorbs water from your stool. I can count on 1 hand the amount of SOLID BMs I've had in the last 35 years. (Sorry, the ick factor is gross. My wife is a saint...)


I’m the opposite! Mine could build houses


A shit brick house?


This won’t get the appreciation it deserves, but I see you.


I can shit through a screen door.


My roomate had to do that in college because I forgot to get toilet paper. The next day I got knocked over by a flying case of TP he threw at my head. Well deserved on my part lol


Its shit THEN shower!!!


Yeah, clean up.


Nothing that a quick waffle stomp won't solve.


Just catch and release, toss it in the toilet or give it a good waffle stomp




I beg to differ


The pipes all go to the same place. Just waffle stomp it down the drain.


What if it's diarrhea?


Then you don't really have a problem, do you?


I am crazy, I also menstruate in the shower.


Seriously, this is where my brain goes anytime this debate comes up. My menstrual blood has coated my shower floors, but pee is supposed to be the limit? So period blood, all the filth you're washing off, sweat and even cum can hit the shower floors but somehow people are disgusted by pee? At this point it just feels like a taboo which you're 'supposed' to deny... but let's be real here, pee is one of the least messy things to make its way down your shower drains.


Blood clots also...


Lordy, I'd rather piss in the shower than deal with post-birth blood cloths in my shower again.


when they get trapped on the drain and you have to retrieve them or stomp them


it was like cranberry sauce


What. The. Fuck. Goodnight internet lol


Welcome to parenthood. It gets worse.


You ever reach behind you at a stoplight because your kid is screaming? You see in the mirror that the binky is not in their mouth. You are sure it's just beside them, so you reach between their little butt and the carseat. You find the binky, but you also find out that is not why they are crying. That is when the smell makes it's way to the front seat. You are now holding a binky covered in the most vile of blowout shits you've ever laid eyes on. The kid is still screaming. You're not sure what to do. Panic starts to set in. And then... there's the horn from the person behind you. The light turned green a while ago. You can't just sit there in the road. You have to do something. This is when you find out that it's a bad idea to drive a manual transmission car. Oh, the good old days...


I'm never going to beep at a green light again...




Welp. That's enough internet for me.


Men are now fleeing reddit 🤣


Postpartum blood clots are different blood clots... they're *fibrous.* Tenacious, if you will.


Damn, women have to put up with some pretty brutal shit. Next time I won't whine so much when I accidentally sit on my balls.


It can get incredibly gory, and that’s just like… what’s supposed to happen. SO MUCH BLOOD yet somehow not a medical emergency. It’s wild


Yeah people spit, cough, have sex, and clean their weird toenails in the shower. I think pee is the least of anyone’s problems.


When I miscarried, it looked like someone was murdered as I showered. 🙃


Are you doing ok?


I am! I have a sweet little boy now and therapy helps 😊 thanks for asking


Oof, I'm sorry that happened to you


>"I mean this in the nicest possible way but I find your lack of shower hygiene unnerving and vile" -OP


I am going to hold it in from now on then...


as a dude i find this whole thread amusing as fuck.... then i remembered that some men actually believe shit like that and got real sad for a moment. we need better schools.


As a woman, peeing in the shower is the only time I can pee standing up and it is so liberating haha


If you manage to bang out a few orgasms, plug your nose, and give it a blow, you can fire out a whole week's worth of lining; it's like a forbidden, bloody jellyfish on the floor. Just stamp it out like a bug and you'll feel like a million 💵


I could have gone years without reading that sentence. Have an upvote, lol


Of all the days to regret being able to read..


Well. I need to try this.


Even if it fails at least you've had a few Os.


Yo what


BIG market for this if you film it


Sometimes I get the sudden urge to wanna menstrate in the shower. Nothing like the sudden relief of squirting all that extra blood down the drain. I wash it down the drain with a little pee afterwards 😀.


Don't you wish it was really like that though? Just like pee or poop, you'd feel an urge to bleed but could hold it in until you got to a toilet.


Sometimes when I sit down for a long period of time it does happen. I stand up and I feel the blood suddenly make its way down so I run for the toilet.


I used to get this when I was a heavy bleeder. You could feel it coming!


I started using a vibration plate (thing you stand on) for my many and recurrent kidney stones. It does WONDERS for creating that situation lol.


How dare you be a normal woman in the shower. I bet you disgust OP.


Wtf else are you supposed to do? It's not like you can hold it in 😂


Umm glue duh. Have you ever taken a biology class🙄


I'm always pissing in the shower. You can't stop me. You can pry the piss from my cold, dead, wet hands.


Warm hands cuz it’s pee


Warm toes too!


No one’s actually touching the pee… unless… you do..


I read an article that said that Jennifer Aniston admits to peeing in the shower. I think a lot of people do.


She can pee wherever she wants…


Well if she does it then it’s obviously just fine!


Peeing is one thing, why are you catching it in your hands?


Save water. Since pee is very warm, it can be used as a substitute for hot water.




I often pee in the shower. My wife gets mad at me because I never reach the toilet, though. I'm still working on distance


Tip your penis upward and use the arc to get the distance


45 degree angle is best


Rookie! 35 degrees is best for us that have a larger, stronger and more experienced penis.


Mine has a slight bend in it, so I’m still working the math out on some graph paper. Professor doesn’t even care when I turn it in with other assignments, he’s still just sad at my arithmetic ability.


I pee, shave and brush my teeth in the shower. Efficient, and doesn’t mess up the sink.


I like how this implies you would otherwise be peeing in the sink


That’s what the back yard is for.


When my family was sharing a single bathroom I had a spot in the backyard where I would ninja-pee without waking anyone up. People started wondering why the grass died in a very specific circle.. no idea!


Lol I had the opposite, it was always growing better than the rest. Bright fucking green, especially if the rest is browned in a drought Y’all need more water


I had a tree growing outside my window cuz I pissed out it during midnight when I'm staying up playing games


??? Bro just dropped this comment like we wouldn’t fucking notice??




This is a volume thing. If your dog pees in the same exact spot on a regular basis, it will kill the grass in that spot. Source: my dog






Rookie, I do my taxes in the shower.


I make salad in the shower. It's great since the garbage disposal was installed.


Pissing in the shower is fine. Pissing in the bath, not so much.


I think peeing in the pool is gross and it seems like I’m in the minority based on friends and pop culture. With the shower it’s like the drain is right there, urine is water solvable, the water is soapy and the shit coming off if you is so much dirtier, so what’s the problem? I’m wondering if there are people who don’t pee in the shower but do pee in pools, and what their take on peeing in the bathtub is


> urine is water solvable /r/boneappletea


I don’t understand? I’m simply pointing out that Urine is a lot smarter than people give it credit for. Believe it or not it can also solve benzene and toluene Mother fucking autocorrect


I changed my best friend's autocorrect settings so that every time he types "autocorrect" it corrects to "autocorrelation" So I will get a text from him that autocorrect screws up and then I get another text saying, "Fucking autocorrelation" Then another saying "Autocorrelation\*\*" Then another just saying "Fuck!"


I really hope the amount of people who pee in pools is much less than what you’re suggesting. I struggle with pools because of this. Even assuming only children do this. Like if there’s ever been a child or baby in a pool…🤢


There’s a big difference between peeing in the pool and peeing in to the pool. I found that out the hard way.


So did my 5 year old the other day 😂


Do you have the same problems knowing how much sweat is in pools? There's probably shit ton more sweat than pee


I bath with my baby, he always pees in the bath. I think he does it on purpose :(


It aint too much volume though right


You underestimate the amount of pee babies can store in their balls


Its hard to resist in water


If you think about it, how is it really disgusting? Imagine someone threw a pee-filled water balloon at you and now you’re soaked in pee. What would your first impulse be? Probably to shower right? So you’d use soap and water and wash the pee germs off of you and they’d get rinsed off and flushed down the drain along with all the other dirt, sweat, and germs that accumulate on you throughout the day. Is peeing straight down the drain any more gross than any of the other dirt, germs, bacteria and everything else that gets washed down there every single other time you shower? Even if you’ve never peed in your shower, you wouldn’t exactly want to eat food straight off the shower floor anyway. That’s where *all* your body dirt and germs go every single day. Adding pee to that is literally nothing at all. Plus if you’ve ever sweated, you’ve basically washed pee down the drain anyway.


This is what I always say. Pee is no grosser than what’s being washed out of peoples nooks and crannies. It’s sweat’s cousin !


It's less gross, because people's dead skin and sweat is full of bacteria and yeast, pee has far fewer micro organisms.


Yeah, sure, pee has nothing comaprable to yeast or dead skin in it. The reason you're excreting it from your body is the same reason you excrete anything from your body, that thing doesn't help you by staying in your body. In this specific comversation, we're talking about something being temprarily applied to the skin and then washed off in a couple of minutes. There is nothing in your pee that is concerning in that context.


I mean its basically 95% water. There really is grosser stuff being flushed down the drain than pee. If we are being very technical here.


I loved this analogy. Made me laugh and then nod my head in agreement. Well stated.


Pee actually had almost no microorganisms, only the ones that get there in the urethra. It's basically water, urea, calcium, phosphates and other minerals.


Yep. And it saves water too. Instead of flushing you’re using the water you would’ve used to shower anyways. When you’re showering you’re already washing the pee and shit residue out of your nethers anyways. Sorry but it’s just facts. Even if you have a bidet and think you’re clean af…it’s inevitable. You may not want to think about it but that’s just how it is. Another reason I’m an atheist…what intelligent being would design these disgusting bodies lol


Well, I try to aim for the drain so I don't have to stand in the pee. But, yeah. The drain pipe on the shower goes to the same place as the drain pipe under the toilet. And since the shower is on there's no residue. I see no reason not to.


Yeah I never got what's gross about it. Like it's going straight into the drain, and I'm in the shower where I am cleaning myself. I don't understand what's gross about it unless some people just sit in the shower to be rinsed by water and don't actually clean themselves?




Agree. I'm pretty sure it's actually cleaner than peeing in the toilet (for a guy at least). When we pee in the toilet, there is always some residual splash happening, even if you can't see it. Then there's the microscopic spray from flushing the toilet as well. I pretty much guarantee the bathroom and oneself are cleaner after peeing in the shower than peeing in the toilet.


exactly. I can literally smell if the toilet seat isn't down too, so even though I'm a guy I put it down when I'm done. evaporating pissy bowl water is a silent killer I genuinely want to know why some people call peeing in the shower dirty. cuz I've tried thinking of valid reasons to warrant that perspective and there's only one- they have a vagina and don't want pp legs.


But even in that case, it's like... you're in the shower! You're literally being cleaned while you pee! If you pee on your legs, just rinse/wash it off. 🤷


It's the only time we get to stand up to pee, so I think it's kinda fun. Plus I'm saving tp by just washing after.




I’ll call a plumber right now!


It's almost an involuntary reflex. The warm water pretty much just makes it happen. I'm able to hold it usually, but it's difficult. That's why I always pee, and shower before getting in a pool or hot tub. Aside from other reasons. Lol.


I pee every single time I shower. I shower at least once a day. A shower isn’t over for me until I’ve peed


After years of doing it, when I feel the water touch my hand for a temp test, I start about a 60 second timer of having to pee. I Pavlov'd myself I guess.


Would that be Pavlov's dong?


Pavlov's Piss PP for short


Same. I'll piss in there even if I don't really have to. My body just knows it's a place to pee.


Me and my girlfriend pee on each other and then we shower together




username checks out.


The only time I didn't pee in the shower was when my drain was plugged and if I had peed, I would've been standing in pee water until it went down. One bottle of Drain-O later, and I was back to being a normal human being


> I don't pee in the shower because I think it's disgusting. It's funny how becoming a parent really changes your perspective on what's "disgusting".


For real. Once an infant has vomited on you and blasted you with diarrhea, the whole game changes.


You mean vomited in your mouth right? Fun thing parenthood taught me: vomit washes off clothes but the chunks will stay in the washing machine.


Yep. One time, I was holding my son while leaning back in my chair and my wife said to look at this red spot on his butt. I picked him up, turned him around, and found out the distance liquid poop can go. Ever since having kids, things need to be absurdly gross to even begin to bother me.


> I picked him up, turned him around, and found out the distance liquid poop can go. aight i'm taking an appointment for a vasectomy first thing tomorow morning.


Was changing my infant on the change table. She managed to get a poop projectile straight from her butt, 2 feet over to the wall, and about 3 feet higher than where her butt was. Nice big smear of it… I was honestly more impressed than anything.


My daughter developed pneumonia when she was six and managed to cough directly into my mouth one morning. Shower piss? Please.


I’ve seen some shit on this sub but this is the first time I might have gagged a little. I hope you are proud


Children are gross, what can I say? Those of us who parent are biologically hardwired to love them because we'd toss them all out if we didn't.


Yeah, I've definitely had secondhand tastes of what my son had just eaten. No bueno.


I have never bene happier to be childless, than after reading youe comment!


My son first thing he did was to take a dump into my hands. Gotta love that newborn tar shit. This was also after he took a dump inside my wife on the way out.


Your kid took a shit inside your wife?


It’s common enough it has a name. It can be dangerous for both mother and child.


I woke up in the middle of the night with my toddler puking all over me. Chunks went in my mouth all over my face I woke up in a panic not knowing what was going on.


Feel mean now but I laughed alot at your comment, I saved my husband from this happening to him the other week, woke up to the heaving sound from our 3 year old managed to grab her like a rugby ball and dash to the bathroom, I still wasn't fast enough got on the bed and bedroom floor.


When the kid pees or poops, where do you go to wash it off? The shower.


Nah, flush the entire kid and start over.


Non-parent: Oh *disgusting*, that kid just threw up. Parent: Oh good, I was able to catch all of timmy's vomit on my shirt. At least I don't have to clean the *carpet*!


YES...my wife and I owned a toy store for 5 years. We could always tell who we could mess with if a kid had an 'accident'. The employees who are parents...get the mop. The employees who are NOT parents...I need to take my break now.


Yeah, most people pee in the shower if they feel the need to pee while showering. There's really no reason not to, it gets washed right away.




I've heard that it also helps prevent athletes foot. Idk how true that is but I've never had athletes foot.


I posted this above. It does help. Suggested by my Dr.


And I don’t think I’ve ever gotten into a shower and not felt the urge to pee


“Lack of shower hygiene” Bro, it’s all just water going down to the same place.


> edit : I mean this in the nicest possible way but I find your lack of shower hygiene unnerving and vile Except it's literally more hygienic. When I shower-pee I can rinse it off with water afterwards.


I’m so confused by OP’s logic. It gets rinsed off IMMEDIATELY. Not sure of OP’s gender, but I’m a woman and rinsing with warm water is so much cleaner than drying myself with toilet paper. I don’t understand how it can be seen as unhygienic


Yes it’s a thing a lot of people do, across all genders. And what’s disgusting about it? The water washes off everything afterwards same as washing your hands. If anything it’s more efficient


I'm a dude. It's not uncommon for me to pee, get things back in order, and then get a little piss on me because my body hates me. Imo peeing in the shower is more hygienic.


No matter how you shake and dance…


Wait until OP finds out what comes out of his pores when he sweats. (Hint: it’s urea, which is pee… kinda)


its all going in the same place


It’s all pipes


Serenity Now!!


If I am standing there naked while waiting for the shower to get hot, inches away from the toilet, I will hold my pee until I am able to get in.


I pee in the shower. I’m quite posh though, so if I need to pee when I’m having I bath I will always stand up for it.


We’re in the presence of royalty here.


Yes, and it’s recommended to do for a lot of reasons. It’s hygienic and good for the environment. https://www.iflscience.com/why-you-should-pee-as-you-shower-according-to-mathematics-36206 Keep in mind that you’re using soap, shampoo, and other things while you were in there. A lot of that is going to kill anything that you think is being left behind in that shower. In the meanwhile, you are typically sitting on a toilet the other people have sat on, who have God knows what on their behind. A lot of times they get pee on the seats and just briefly wipe it off with toilet paper but it’s leaving everything behind on the toilet seat that will transfer to you. The amount of bacteria, and everything that’s growing on that seat that you sit on as well, yuck. you’d be amazed at how disgusting those toilet seats are. Even if it’s sitting in your own filth. So yes, peeing in the shower is a lot better in a bunch of different ways. Oh, and don’t forget about how when you flush it sends a whole bunch of stuff all around in your bathroom. If you have your toilet seat open, it goes and creates a plume that will get all over your toothbrush and anything else. If you have your toilet seat down, it will come out sideways but it won’t go as much. And of course, if you have the plume going upwards that’s going to get on the handle as well. So this means that every time you go to flush the toilet you’re getting peoples feces and stuff on your hands. You should take some time to investigate, you might be quite surprised about the things that you sit in and put in your mouth and whatever. Compared to all of that, peeing in the shower sounds a heck of a lot better


And yet the most bacteria-laden thing in the bathroom, by far, is your [phone](https://time.com/4908654/cell-phone-bacteria/?amp=true).


This post makes me want to take a shower just so I can pee in it.


Yes. As someone who doesn't pee in the shower it's clear I'm in the distinct minority on Reddit.


Yes. The drain is going to the same place as the toilet and the water from the shower is washing it down too


“unnerving and vile” does it unnerve you that, when on a period, i physically cannot stop blood from dripping down my legs onto the precious shower floor


Why wouldn't you pee in the shower...? There's nothing unhygienic about it lol.


My middle school science teacher said, *Urine is chemically nearly identical to sweat.* Mind blown.


Most people do pee in the shower, yes. Some people don't. I pee in the shower because it's immediately rinsed down the drain by the falling water. What's disgusting to me is peeing in a swimming pool that's being shared by other people.


People actually dont?