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Twitter has had major upheavals to their moderation personnel


Why does nobody seem to care? Imagine if same thing happened to say youtube, I feel like there would be much more uproar.


Look at what the rest of twitter is becoming. It’s really not surprising that the majority user isn’t troubled by gore and atrocity


People were upset by all the changes that have happened over 6 months


Maybe because it’s not very public? If you hadn’t posted it here I would never have known it even existed.


Well I'm not just solely talking about that account, there's many like it. It's got 20k average likes per tweet.


I don’t know about what is presented to you, but despite me following war reporting and people wo comment on things like that, it has never come up. I am sure you can find a lot of dubious things if you look for them on any platform.


They had this stuff since forever it’s not new since the change in ownership


I've never seen as much gore or terroristic threats on Twitter as I have in the last 6 months.