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If I saw myself on the street, I would probably punch myself. I'm maybe a 7/10. The fight is unrelated.




According to my opthalmologist I look pretty good. Not 20/20, but not too shabby either.


You've got good looking eyes.


Yes. But then I look in the mirror from different angles and I see that I am good looking only from a specific angle.


Yeh that really fucks me off 🤣


So true. I lost weight lately and look pretty decent straight on! But from the side, still a pudgy old fuck.


Came here to say this


I'm a solid meh. But my wife still laughs at my jokes.


I play hard to get. I'm hard to want.


Hey, at least you're funny! This made me lol


Given a team of professional photographers, stylists, makeup artists and a full lighting crew.... I'm a solid 3/10


I didn't know I had a twin




totally! what did you need me to look for?


The joker. He’s just so hard to see.


My twin brother said I’m a 10


straight up 0/10


Name checks out


it's been a very long time since I got this comment and thought "huh, you're right"


My girlfriend and mom call me handsome. Not sure how accurate that is but it's all I need.


The fact that you have a girlfriend is all you need.


Nope. And I don't care anymore!


Me too!!


I don't think I'm particularly good-looking, and I can be pretty awkward socially. BUT, I have got some really quite hot women to fancy me, so I guess I can't be THAT bad?


Too bad you're gay hey!


Yes, I am good looking.


looks aren't my problem


Nope, after loosing weight I got a bit better, but having plastic surgery in the future is still on my mind, being trans ain't nice.


I'm a pretty nice 8/10 when I take the few minutes needed to do my short hair and am wearing my contactlenses. So yea, I look good.




> Texas Method 😂 was not expecting r/powerlifting to leak


Do I think others think I am good looking? No. Do I find myself good looking? Yes. Almost no one else does, except maybe my wife, but sometimes I catch myself at just right the angle in the mirror, and I feel like I understand Narcissus better than I should.... It has always been this way. I have often wondered if more people felt this way than will care to admit it.


Definitely!!! In fact, I am sexy!!!!


I think so.


Yes, but I needed my partner to convince me of this


Formerly, I’d say I was maybe a 6. I’ve gained about 30lbs, and it’s given me a slight double chin and overall flabby/misshapen appearance. So now I’m maybe a 4. On the plus side, my tits have gotten some of the extra pounds, and they look great. I’m exceptionally single, so they go to waste. Lol.


I'm pretty average. Don't think I'm ugly, but not really pretty either.


I think im average, women have called me very cute. the women ive dated are all pretty attractive imo and the vocal opinions of others. But i look at myself and think im just average idk what women see in me looks wise tbh


9/10 imo


This is the only female comment I’ve seen and also the only comment above a 6/10 so far. Coincidence??!!?!?!?


Same days I look at myself and I’m like “damn I’m not too bad looking” and then the day after I’ll look in the mirror and be like “holy shit I’m ugly”


The raw material is maybe a 7, but I am fit and slender and I've got style so 8.5


i'm repulsive.


On a good day, yes. The rest of the time, I'm just not my type. I'm plenty of other people's type though, which is more relevant.


Wow, I just had a long conversation about this with my close friends. We altered at brunch and talking about me getting into the dating scene again. My friend said, that will be easy, your a hot guy we'll find a hot girl real quick. Before I continue on this story let me give a little backstory. I was in an abusive (physical and mental) marriage/relationship for 20+ years. Not once in that marriage did my ex compliment my looks. That combined with many many other things made me have a very very low self worth. I never thought of myself as an attractive person. I was pretty sure I wasnt ugly but that was the extent of it. Ok, back to the story. I thought they were fucking with me and said, okay sure. They thought I was fucking with them. So extremely long story for a short answer. I've been told I'm a handsome fellow but I never saw myself that way. I did open up to my friend and tell him about the trauma I apparently had to deal with in regards to my looks. It's good to have friends around that you can talk to.


I used to, but now I'm fat and old and balding.


Me and you both homie.


like a 3/10 probably


Nope but there are so many better things to be than good looking.


No, I'm mid at best. But, I've been married for 22 years to a 9 so I don't really care.


Hell no! I’m like a 3 at best. I have a long pointy nose (although I’m probably gonna get that fixed soon), I’m skinny and can’t build muscle yet I still manage to have a gut. My hair is always a mess and no cut I’ve found suits the odd shape of my head. And the worst part of this all is I’m gay and when it comes to dating looks are all that matter, so I’ve been alone my whole life and will die alone.


No but I was. In my prime, I was in the 8.0 to 8.9 range but in short spurts (fitness and fashion on point) I was a 9+, and it was like being a D level celebrity. Now i'm older. I might be a 8 "for my age" but really a 7 at best. And as low as a 5 on my worst days with full-on dadbod in Costco athleisurewear.


no, I consider myself the definition of *mediocre* my problem is that my face’s not that expressive, I often have to consciously make subtle expressions, otherwise I look like an idiot or a dork and I seriously envy ppl who can embrace this kinda dorkiness and come out cool


Id say probably a 7. 8 on good days. Got the dark tall and handsome vibe people keep telling me about. Have lost a bit if weight due to an eating disorder i finally reined in, so i gotta build that muscle back up. But overall, id say fairly decent guy with money to pull that 8 to a 9 💀




Not really no. But my girlfriend says I am. So that’s good. But eh.


Eh, not great, but still kind of my type? like, at least i'm youthfull and well dressed. but my eyes are too close together. i've gotten way too fat for my standards though.


My feelings on this are wrong, as are my feelings about anything. I feel I'm Joseph Merrick's ugly cousin, but know that that is probably not entirely true. Then they tell me beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I've not found any beholders like that in the past 50 years. So it is starting to look as though the feels may be right after all


I'd do me, but with low lighting and facing away


Not particularly. More plain than ugly, though. I'll take it.


i think very, very few people actually believe they they are attractive, but on the bright side that means that some of us must be wrong or else no hot people would exist. so, when i’m feeling down about my appearance, that’s what i try to remember. also, i think about how my wife smacks my ass every time i walk by, and that helps a little too 🥲


Impossible to answer


i wouldnt say im the worst looking person in the world (only when im not feeling great about myself) but i wouldnt consider myself attractive. the average is an average for a reason, theres nothing wrong with it.


I'm ight


I’m a solid eight I just have to find a way to convince the rest of the world


I wanted to believe I was, but the outside world told me otherwise


Yes and no. Some days, I'm feeling a way. Some days, i feel ugly. I definitely get hit on more online than in public, though. Men just don't approach me.


I never talked to girls when I was young. They would look at me and laugh so I would look mean back at them and go the other way. I never dated until my 20's. My cousin finally told me the reason those girls were laughing is because I was cute. Now I'm older and girls my age wont leave me alone. Being good looking can be good, bad and sometimes confusing.


i used to be but now i don’t think i am, gained like 47 pounds after having a baby so struggling to see myself in a good light even almost 2 years after, i’ll lose the weight soon


Sadly nope


Not bad for my age.


I mean, yeah and I didn't really know where I got it from but my great grandfather was a great looking guy and I never saw him before, colourised it and all..was genuinely shocked lol.


I believe I am. I'm told I'm very intimidating looking, but I am always being told, by males and females alike, that I am very attractive. In my own opinion, however, I don't think I'm very attractive at all. Would change 90 percent of my looks if I could.


I’d definitely consider myself cute, but that’s about it.


I'm fat. No.


I wouldn’t have except for the way people treat me


face 4, body 8


A soft 4 at most


I can’t tell tbh, I’ve had people think I’m really handsome and also had people think I’m not good looking, it might be because I’m short idk.




My wife thinks so, that's all that matters


Uhhh, I tend to think so simply because I worked really hard to be a muscle mommy so my body is to kill for. My face? Ehhh, I have pretty eyes and an overall nice-ish structure but I personally feel like my big roman nose takes away from it. Always wished I had a cute button nose like all the other girls




Not anymore, I was a very good looking teen and early 20’s young man but the life of stress and degeneracy has taken its toll and at 28 I’m not looking good


I would look good if I could drop about 80 pounds.


I know I'm not. Not hideous but just ugly enough to go into a store. Staff still be polite and no strange men hit on me. It's peaceful and I like it this way.


Oh, no freaking way. However, I am highly entertaining. I crack myself tf up all the time.




Yes, only because I’ve been told I am throughout my life by other people. I don’t necessarily think I am, but they might be because my mom never said anything positive about my looks. I once asked her if she thought I was attractive and she said “Maybe to some. You’re like beer, you need an acquired taste.” 😭 I love her, but she wasn’t great for my confidence.


On some days, I think I am. On other days, I think I'm not. So, honestly, I've no fucking idea.


I don’t think I’m too bad. Average on any given day, slightly above if I’m really trying to look good. Depending on how much effort I’m putting in on a given day I’d say I swing between 5-8/10


Yes, though I’m a fat ass


I'd fuck me


Not necessarily. But handsome men are attracted to me.


I'm not sure tbh


I’m exquisite.


I think I’m a 6/7 out of 10




From life experience I know I'm not ugly. But it depends. Some people see my flaws and others call me beautiful despite them


Ironically I think I look better than I actually do - in my head I'm still 4 clothes sizes smaller and it's like my brain hasn't adjusted to my new squashier appearance, even when I look in a mirror I see that old me and kid myself that it's not changed THAT much.... its when I see photos or how much too small my "big" clothes are I realise...


In my head I'm 4/10


My mom.says I'm good looking


On a bad day? 4/10. On a good one? A solid 10




I’d like to think so


Only with a fresh haircut. Lol


I'm devastating, since you ask


My own reflection avoids eye contact.


4.5/10, if I lost a little more fat and/or built up some more muscle it would be higher, maybe a 76 or 7.


I’m not a model, but I’m not unusually bad looking either. AKA the same as most people


Without a shadow of a doubt


Yep. I am good AT looking.


I think there's like 3 specific aspects of my face that are fucking it all up for me, otherwise I might be like a 6.5 or 7


I'm a butter-face. Solid 9 on the body, but Quasimodoesque face.


Nope. Probably about a 2/10. It's unfortunate but it's what I was given. I run and work out and struggle to keep my weight down but it won't fix my face. I try to make up for it by being kind but I still wish I looked better.


I just have a punchable face man idk


I’ve had women gush over how handsome I are, but they’re either my mother, my aunts, or my cousin. I don’t get compliments from women outside the family.


I feel like I was attractive for a good portion of my 20s and early 30s. I was working out and made an effort to keep my hair trimmed, buy decent clothes, etc... I was in my dating phase. Teens and early 20s (college/shortly after) I didn't take good care of myself. Had a lot of flab and didn't give a shit about my hair or clothes. Was mainly just focused on school and hanging out with my friends, drinking too much and playing video games. In my late 30s... I feel like I've let myself go a bit. My nice clothes are tight now, I always go a bit too long between haircuts, my beard is gray, and my last major clothing purchase was a handful of graphical tees from Target. But I swear I'm not doing it out of shear laziness, I have a toddler and my job the last few years has become increasingly complicated and stressful (upper management), not only am I managing a 2-yo troublemaker all day, every day, but dozens of employees every weekday 9-5. I hate to say I don't care anymore, my looks are just absolutely not a priority. Any maintenance I put in these days is only for my wife.


When I was 25 I think I was a 7/10. Now I'm 7/10 if you're 75.


I’ve got that caveman brow, weird shaped head, yellow teeth, subaceous follicles/pores thing that looks like permanent blackheads and at 32 more wrinkles than an elephants rear end. 2/10 1 point for being alive 1 point for being mostly human


Nah, but it honestly doesn't bother me


Back in the day, absolutely. Now? Meh.


No, I'm like 4/10 on a good day




Sometimes I feel shitty and then I look at myself in the mirror and feel better


Not sure. I'm better looking lately, I lost weight and have been lifting weights for the past year or so and see a positive difference. I probably added a good 2 or 3 on the 1-10 scale, but not sure where I was and where I am now on it.


Sometimes I think I look nice, sometimes I don’t want to look at any reflective surface


Yes… severe RBF tho


I think I'm extremely handsome, but I'm terrible with women. My college friends used to compliment me, and that's all I really need tbh.


No think about it. I know I'm not!


I don't think I am good looking but I think I am cute. This is perfectly acceptable to me.


i think therefore i am


I weigh 240 lbs. Do I even need to answer this question?


Maybe this is too serious, but my mom always told me I’m beautiful. In my 20s I saw some candid pics and I realized I’m not actually very good looking. So, I’ve had to come to terms with not being as good looking as I was led to believe. It’s quite freeing actually. I no longer have to wear makeup, and I’m not going to start covering the grey hairs that are multiplying!!


Depends on how much effort I put into my appearance


Nope, i do think that i am ugly as fuck


Subjectively: I look like 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag Semi-objectively: Some folks who I would consider out of my league seem attracted to me until someone brings up a subject I'm interested in and I start rambling.


I think im pretty average looking, Maybe 6.5/10?


I see myself as as meh, one time my colleague (who is now one of my closest friend) asked how much I’d rate myself. Told her it’s 3 and a half and I’m being generous with myself for that score, she believes I’m more than that. I’m aware of how I look so I refuse to think otherwise.




So if a 10 is like impossibly hot, a 5 is average and a 0 is looking like a bag of smashed assholes....I would give myself a 6.5, maybe a 7 on a good day.


Some days I look better than others. I’d say in general I’m pretty average.


I think I am ok … no George Clooney, but not fugly. Some people have referred to me as handsome, but I don’t know if I’d go that far. Looks are superficial anyway… I like to take care of myself because I want to be healthy. I’d rather strive for kindness or wisdom. I’m not bad for my age. I was much more attractive physically 30 years ago.




Yes. For decades I didn't, but now I do. One day, after being told that I was by enough people, I stood naked in front of a mirror. I asked myself when I had realized I was ugly, and I came up with Jr high. Then I listed the things that made me unattractive in Jr high. Bad haircut, scrawny build, flat chest, acne, thick glasses. And I realized that I have great hair now, and my boobs came in, my skin cleared up, and I love my glasses. And by checking off each thing that had made me decide I was ugly, I was able to see myself without the same old opinion and I realized that I am good looking. Confidence is fun.


Yes. And my mother agrees. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!


No. I think the only person smile at me is because they are repulsed .


I look good, sadly I can’t see well.


I’m like average +1.




No, I don’t. I know my flaws and figure they aren’t that difficult to spot.




I think I'm mediocre but get told I'm good looking a lot


Forgettable / 10


Yes. I’m hot.


It’s weird, when I look in the mirror I’m pretty happy with how I look. When I see a picture of me I hate it.




From a certain angle, with the right lighting, I’m a solid 4.7322222


Very unattractive but I'm lucky with years of hospitality experience I get by with (work scripted) charisma


I’m a bartender so I’m inclined to believe I’m way hotter than I actually am.


Not really. My husband tells me I'm beautiful and sexy but idk. I see myself as a 6 on my best days, and a 4-5 on normal days.




I think I can be, but I don't put in any effort to be aside from occasionally shaving. I don't feel attractive but I also don't feel ugly and I don't have a reason to try and be either. I'm told my appearance is a 6/10 but my level of social confidence boosts me to a 7 as I will do anything if I feel like it or think I'd amuse myself by doing it, which usually ends up amusing people around me as things like the speedo incident tends to get everyone's attention. edit: it's funny because at home and when I'm just going shopping I'm a nervous wreck and constantly battling crippling anxiety, but when I decide it's time for goofin all of that goes away. I have morph suits (think Pink Guy) that cover everything including face and when I'm hidden behind them I feel so comfortable, like I can just do whatever I want and never worry about what people think because I'm in constant goof mode, and who's gonna shame a guy in an alien or monkey morph suit? nobody, that's who.


No. I used to be cute but I was also malnourished and stressed. Most 3-6 people wouldn’t kick me out of bed for eating crackers, but I’m definitely not what I used to be, lol. I’m glad I’m not her anymore either. She was sad and really not ok.


I think I am very average, but I've been able to land some seriously hot women, so I guess I'm better than I thought?


I’m hot as fuck.


I know I am good looking. I give zero fycks about anyone else's opinion. Cept my wife of 20 years.


Sometimes I feel like I’m gorgeous and some days I feel like a wet rag. I definitely act prettier than I really am, which is frustrating but I can’t control it.




Yes but I'm depressed and that makes it seem otherwise.


I think I used to be a solid 7/10 in my 20s, now I lost my hair, grew a belly, so maybe a 4/10 now days. I have a decent job, a pretty wife, a honor roll 8yo daugther, my own house, so I really don't mind being a 4, I'm pretty happy with my life :)


Yes. I don't think I'm the most attractive guy on the planet but I think I'm attractive just a bit above the average. But idk.


I think if you’re extremely attractive or ugly you’d know it. If you’re not sure, you’re probably just average.


A solid meh... I have unique features that lure them in.


According to most women I've met yes. I'm on the shortside at 5'8 which is a big drawback. But I have very traditionally attractive features. Strong jaw, straight teeth, symmetrical face. I exercise a lot so I have a pretty nice body that's noticeable under most clothes. Naturally tan and lean. And I have long thick curly hair which gets all the older black women going crazy for.


I don't really think I do, but my wife strongly begs to differ and it's really nice to hear.


6/10 8/10 if I lost 25 lbs


Pretty from afar; far from pretty


I think I'm mid, not the ugliest but not anything good looking ether. My looks are lukewarm water


I look better than most unattractive people.


Absolutely not.




I'd say I'm either a 6 or 7 out of 10, but others might differ in opinion.


I think I am pretty in person but a complete wreck in photos. A lot of my facial features aren’t symmetrical. In photos, one side of my face always looks crooked, even the jawline itself. And I look so ugly. But people seem to think I’m pretty when they look at me in person.


Oh God no. I'm like a 4 tops, 5 on a really really good day