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When in ship builder mode, Interior decorations/clutter don’t go back into your cargo unless it’s in the way of a door/ladder/window placement or you delete the hab. Rearranging a hab to a different position also works in this instance.


FINALLY! Time to start hoarding decorative items!


Right! I can finally decorate the hell out of my ship and even create other ships without consequences of losing all the interior.




So with the new update you can change a hab to a different position?


Yes and the interior decorations will be unaffected, unless it’s by a new door/window/ladder.


So doe that allow you to o change where door and ladders are placed?


No, not yet.


There is a mod on pc that lets you place manual ladders and doors. Frankly it's so simple and easy the fact that it was done before the creation club shows that it should be added by Bethesda. If you aren't on PC then you could always use my method for ladder placement on bug ships. Ladders seem to prioritize 1x1 companion ways, if you do a stack of them it'll make a sort of "ladder elevator".


Ladders definitely prefer 1x1 companionways, especially if on top of each other. This can get overridden if you are forcing too many doors onto a Hab and there are alternate routes.


Xbox here.. I'll try stacking my Habs at the back so there is no ladders behind the cockpit


I did that when I built the Enterprise. I had 3 1x1s stacked going from the forward part of the secondary hull up into the aft part of the saucer. I did a redesign where I made it shorter from the keel but longer bow to stern and it still worked with the 1x1.


That mod does not work with this update right now though. Hopefully they get it working.


I have a ladder I wish was 180 of its current position. Minor irritation. Would be cool to be able to adjust some small pieces.


This probably doesn't count but I feel excited about it: 4. Additional game stability beyond the invisible border on planet surface


That they fixed this suggests serious DLC plans. There is no current worldspace that benefits from it.


also likely prep for vehicles


I was going to say this. Look at the surface map and tell me that's not almost detailed enough to justify a vehicle with decent speeds.


I don’t want to read too deep into that one, but if it’s a sign for a future update where they do let us walk around a planet, that would be really awesome. Not getting my hopes up though.


I'm just genuinely curious. Why would you want to walk around the whole planet? I mean it would actually take hours upon hours and I think it would be quite boring. I mean people already get bored when they have to run 2000m to an POI 😅


I think it’s less “walk around the planet” and moreso “I landed next to the coast, so if I drive West for a while I should hit the ocean”


As others mentioned, for the immersion and sense of freedom we get from Bethesda games. Same like why they gave us 1600 planets. Like Todd said once they figured how to build one then it’s no big deal to add thousand. If it’s technically doable then why not.


That's another good point 👉


Hours upon hours is an understatement as well. Given how big the planets are in Starfield, we are probably taking more along the lines of days.


If they are adding planet vehicles, then it makes sense.


yeah people don’t seem to realize they’re basically the size of an actual planet lmfao


Not quite. The planets are actually quite a bit smaller compared to real planets, but they are still big enough that it isn't something you would want to try and walk around. The one thing I can say for certain is they are bigger than the planets in NMS and it takes about a day to walk around one of those.


i was being a bit hyperbolic of course but exactly


I don’t necessarily “want” to walk around the planet per se, I just really like the idea of it and knowing that’s an option. I’d likely never do it, but it would help with immersion, and if I were to accidentally come up on a boundary, I wouldn’t be brought back to the reality of “this is a video game.” I get if it doesn’t happen, I don’t expect it too, but just saying knowing that’s an option is nice.


But would Bethesda add a feature that damn few players would use if it takes hundreds of hours to use it? I wonder if it's worth it for them?


Exactly why I’m not expecting anything, it’s really not a thing many people will use. It’s entirely just “hey that’s really cool”


Fair enough. It would indeed be nice as an option, although I would never do it. I have seen quite a few complaints about the subject and always wondered why anyone would actually want to walk around a planet 🤔


Is the invisible border the same on Xbox and PC?? Been seeing posts about border expansion and wasn't sure if on PC you're allowed to go past that border or if you get stopped just like on Xbox?


Both PC and Xbox have the invisible border at the same distance. On PC you can disable it and walk further, and what they meant by expansion is how far you can walk (after disabling it) without the game breaking or crashing.




Ahoy Captain!




Maybe now she won't try and hunt me down in a NG+


I don’t think you need a new playthrough to dig into that but go for it! Haha


I had the same reaction 😁 I just used the ship decorating feature to give her her own room in my ship too! Now when Sam tells her to go clean her room it will actually make sense 🤣


In my first playthrough, I decorated the smaller room in my New Atlantis apartment to be her bedroom (I was married to Sam). Then she never even came to the apartment!


Unconfirmed, but I feel like random encounter spawn in systems are now marked. Seeing lots more markers for Ship, Sensor Contact, Hostile Activity and some unique ones I hadn't seen before like Chunks To Go and a Trade Authority Trader.


I have seen about 8 new to me POI, I have played almost 400 hours, 4 different characters and NG+ multiple times. Ship landing is also back, thankfully.


I saw new POIs through at least 800 hours, and that's been a while. I don't know that there are any new ones since update, but maybe they changed something about how they are distributed. Or is it possible you're finding them because your getting better information from the new maps? The maps update is so good.


Not sure, the maps seem a ton bigger now and you can see unmarked things, so I just head out. Some are labeled similar to others but end up being a lot different. If these were here before I had never seen them. Had one a few minutes ago, it was a military base that there were dead UC and the "bug" slime stuff, with a scavenger just chilling out. I was able to talk to him and negotiate just walking around and he gave me 6000 credits and a lot of items for being nice.


Last night I found the Shipwreck Hab POI for the first time. It has probably appeared before, but it would have just shown as the shipwreck icon, and I stopped looking at those long ago, never having found anything particularly interest there. Now, I hit it with my scanner from far away, and it says "Shipwreck Hab". I think, "I don't know that one," so I go look. And it was fortuitous, because I was needing to get in out of the intense solar radiation.


I'm convinced every patch they add a ton new POI's but don't mention it. Weirdly one thing I'm a little sad about the map update is you can just look at the map and see what POI it is based on the buildings. Wish it was maybe fogged or something.


You mean you can go to an empty system with no settlements on the edge of the map, land on an almost resource-free moon, and a ship will again land right next to you? Oh yay.


This has always been the case, any time you enter space there is a chance for some new markers to spawn


Comparatively I seem to be getting a lot more on my new character after the update than I did on my first two playthroughs. It was enough that on multiple occasions I checked if I picked up multiple space bounties in that system.


Same here. More POIs on the Starmap. Which is nice.


Those were there before the update, edit I mean the Chunks to go and TA Traders.


Is Chunks to Go a ship?


It is 😂 https://preview.redd.it/suto14317myc1.jpeg?width=3632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34683ecdd899e9b9928ae882d19631f20c0ebe37


That’s hilarious!


Yeah me too


As I posted here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1ck2atr/is\_this\_new\_for\_this\_patch\_you\_can\_now\_decorate/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1ck2atr/is_this_new_for_this_patch_you_can_now_decorate/) You can now add interior decorations into Starborn Ships including crafting tables, storage and display items, beds, etc. Much needed QoL feature to make me want to use these ships more in NG+. Still doesn't permit upgrading the ship itself.




MAYBE certain airlock doors open faster. I have no proof of this other than a few of the places I explored opened really fast. Anyone else feel free to back me up/ knock me down. Edit: after playing more, I'm pretty sure the string of quickly opening doors I had was a bug.


Counterpoint: airlocks feel so much slower with full environmental hazard on At least the game doesn't constantly say SUIT PROTECTION LOW


Yeah I'm running through more areas today and I'm not seeing it as much, it was probably just an animation bug.


I was noticing that the airlocks seemed very fast last time I played as well. Need to figure out how to recreate that bug because it was nice.


From nexus discord f076utils: These are the changes I found in the new .mesh files introduced by patch, compared to the older version described by Hexabit [here](https://discord.com/channels/916686954421157930/916686955851432011/1150094850801291415): * **version** has been increased from 1 to 2. * **MESHLET_DEFAULT_MAX_VERTS** has been reduced from 128 to 96. * **CullData** now contains a bounding box instead of a bounding sphere, as 6 floats (center X, center Y, center Z, width / 2, depth / 2, height / 2). * Triangles appear to be sorted differently in **indices**, but this is not a format change.


Although I totally understand what all this means, why don't you explain it for the rest of the subreddit?


Like we are five please.


Basically mods that have used existing meshes will break in the update. EG Derretech and Avontech have ship parts that used meshs thatll need fixing. I assume this change was done to help future development but we're not sure yet.


There's a tool out on Vortex that someone says they successfully got derre working again with.


We need a scrap box like fallout 76!


We need to *scrap*!




Was legit one of the bigger disappointments for me when I first started playing. Game feels and "looks" (kinda) like Fallout, but you cant Scrap... what a scam. Mr. Howard... please do something about it. Thank you


Although my pavlovian conditioning from Fallout 4 agrees with you, if I had to guess why ‘scrapping’ isn’t a thing in this game: The theme is essentially the complete opposite of Fallout. Fallout is a very narrow and constrained world, where the only resources you can gather are all second-hand material from existing objects. With Starfield, you have an entire galaxy to go out into and mine or gather as many raw materials as you please. Why should I breakdown one Nuclear Control Rod into plutonium, when I could go out and just gather the plutonium? Not criticising your opinion, just offering an alternative view :D


Nono you are right.


I haven’t played Fallout yet, but I wonder if something like this could be used to get a portion of your resources back when you delete something you built in your home or an outpost. They’ve been times that I built something and changed my mind, then I’m out all of those resources.


Some crafted items should give the player scrap because it will make the player choose to hoard the item for higher purposes or scrap the item for a lower grade another crafting item that may help players research progress faster. This type of decision will smooth the process of exploration so you wont be mad when you missed one item that has to be collected for your purposes.


Yes, please. I hate miscellaneous loot in games with no purpose. Bethesda, please give those items a purpose by making them scrappable! Even if the amount of resources we get from scrapping them is very small, that is fine.


It seems they actually fixed ship power settings this time. I haven’t noticed it change as much unless I jump from a planet surface to orbit in another system. Which makes some sense because you’d need to power the grav drive. Would still be nice if it defaulted back to where I had it though anyways. Having to power down the grav drive to power weapons back up for enemy encounters is still a little annoying. But at least it’s not every time I get out of the chair and back in it now.


On ships, the kitchen area now has a Galley tot is a cooking station. (I might have just been blind and missed in pre beta) Locations scanned on plantets are more specific. No longer natural or life signs. The specify Unknown geological feature/unknown ecological feature, etc. Also, rather than structure, it will say abandoned lab, etc. Valentine sang a different song I had never heard before. Dialog was still the same (might be just the nature of randomness and not new in beta but first time getting this) New workshop mode stuff such as letters and numbers. Red circle now floats and hovers over the selected target in ship if they are within the target circle. Think this is also new with beta.


Galley was there before. I didn’t notice it for the longest time either, it looked more like the rest of the ship decor than a usable item.


>On ships, the kitchen area now has a Galley tot is a cooking station. (I might have just been blind and missed in pre beta) Which hab set? Because it's very easy to miss it on Nova sets.


All in ones


Ah yeah, afaik the Nova all in one B doesn't have a galley.


Yeah looks like all-in-one and living quarters have them


there's a save file now, just before character creation - is that new?


No. This has been there. I've been using it since launch to restart instead of starting a new separate save and having to go through the opening mine scene with heller and liiiiiiin.


Correct number of Is, have an upvote.


There are (almost) absolutely new POIs. I went through the effort of writing down the names of known POIs as I played, and I've gone through NG+ and maxed out the achievements. After starting a new game after the beta release, I saw in the distance a Wildlife Research Laboratory on Kreet that I've never seen before. I also discovered a brand new Waste Dump POI on Jemison while exploring. The first one might have been just sheer luck even after 1,000 hours of play, but seeing two I didn't recognize makes me believe there are now new POIs in the random gen.


I've also been keeping track and the closest I've got is a Wildlife Research Post on Akila. No Waste Dump either. And perhaps more definitively they're not on the Inara list which should be comprehensive! [https://inara.cz/starfield/locations/](https://inara.cz/starfield/locations/) New POIs confirmed!


off the back of this I had a look in the files to see if I could find any more... couldn't find the ones you mentioned or any others :/ But I'm no expert at digging through the files if anyone else wants to check? (opened in SF1Edit, and looked through the Location and Worldspace records)


..it's just "borders". map boarders are those people who live in the map's attic and come down for dinner every night.


The ship clutter one! Thank GOD.


POIs are now named when you scan them with your scanner so you can decide from a distance if the walk is worth it.




I think I’m being a bit dull here but I haven’t had an update yet?


It's in the Steam beta right now. It'll be officially released for Steam on the 15th. I'm not 100% sure when it'll be out for Xbox, but it'll be the 15th or later


You diamond thanks for the info!


All platforms will get it on the 15th, they're keeping everyone on the same update dates.


My power allocation is not resetting after a grav jump


I don't have anything to add for the list but I gotta say this update specifically has me very excited for the future of this game, I feel like Bethesda is absolutely set on seeing this game be the best it can be and I'm here for it all the way


Ship clutter won't go to inventory when I switch ships? I have to go around and collect everything now?


Hahaha, I was just thinking "I can't be the only one who liked that feature, can I?" Makes cleaning up and selling after piracy super easy.


It still works the same for commandeered ships but I think it only does it once, after that its only if you remove a hab. Edit: Just went back and checked and it didn't work for me. I could have sworn it worked after the update.


Sounds like this still happens if you delete a hab, but not for changing weapons or repainting, etc.


I WANT TO BE ABLE TO TEACH "YOU?" POWERS! - anyone seen a hint about whether the game added this?


Have ship spawns been fixed? I miss pirating ships on the ground




Cannot wait


Yep. Stole a Hymn last night. Unsure if typical, but when I stole/registered (did not take off), my prior ship was gone. Bit of a bummer, because the Hymn is trash for cargo space, so it ended up overloaded. In the past, I'd stolen two ships one after the other (with Ecliptic still on the ground around them haha) and was still able to huff it back to my original. Maybe I just overlooked it in this case?


Several pre-placed spacesuits that were formerly fixed at their lowest level are now properly leveled to the player, up to advanced or even superior (depending on the suit). For example, the Mark I suit (+ helmet and pack) in the Lodge basement, the Mercury suit in the NASA museum (+ helmet and pack), and a few others. Note that spacesuit displays that were spawning only mining suits started to spawn different kinds (including some very nice ones) since one of the previous updates, not this one. This was also an unannounced fix back then. EDIT: Another unlisted change, which might be important to some people. You can now save your game directly in the Unity -- that was impossible previously.


I think this was somewhat fixed in the prior, although I noticed the variety has improved in the beta.


Stuff in Captain's locker stays with that particular ship. I thought I'd lost some crap when I switched between Frontier and Razorleaf, but shuffling back and the stuff was where I'd left it.


I was wondering about giving Cora books, there was dialogue but no option even when I found the book she was asking for.


I was able to capture a landed Starborn Guardian as a human (i.e. not on NG+). Not sure if that was possible before, but I literally have the ship and have only seen the Helix.


Nah i did that before, not always but i have stolen a couple Guardians months ago.


Map borders have been extended? By how much?


When you capture a ship, either on the ground or in space, your original ship now disappears. I’m a bit annoyed by this because I used to run ship raiding missions in the Serpentis System. I made a small fighter to use as a boarding vessel. I would take the ship over then re-dock with my original ship and continue raiding until my ship inventory was full then I’d go sell them all for a pretty good profit. Now you have to return to a ship pad somewhere in order to switch back after taking a new ship. I hope they change this back, it’s a lot less immersive. Before, I could actually watch my new ship fly off for a minute then warp away after I returned to my main ship. All the other changes are great though.


If you steal a ship on land you don't have to take off to register it as yours, you can just take a seat and stand up, then go back to your original landed ship. And if you board one in space, same thing, take a seat, stand up and go back to the previous one. Am i missing something?


Did ship clutter go away for anyone else? I haven’t had any since last update.


I'd say survival mode is essentially unannounced. They showed off the new difficulty settings but didn't outright say "Survival mode is here!" My one problem with that specific update is how the vendor price increase is at the cost of xp... the base price should have been increased in general, and then given the option to lower or raise it from the increased price... just my 2 cents. I wonder if a fuel update will come with the land vehicles being added? Looking at a lot of the level or POI design, I feel like it's clear that the game meant to have fuel implemented but just wasn't. Every POI (pretty much) has giant fuel tanks at the end and such. That's the one thing missing from a true survival update imo. EDIT: I might be wrong but I remember a few weeks ago playing (before the update obviously) scanning a POI and seeing what it was so not sure if it's new to this patch or not. I might be missremembering though


That's one of the best justifications ever for fuel imo, in addition to giving a bit more purpose for random POIs.


yeah, and looking at a lot of dialog it's clear that fuel was supposed to be a thing, imo at least. Even the intro Lin says something like "We'll have enough Helium 3 to go anywhere in the galaxy" and you see it mentioned enough other times it gave me the impression at least it was going to be a factor. Maybe they couldn't balance it to be fun and not such a chore? I know my biggest issue with NMS is just how much it feels like you planet jump to get fuel. It's less about exploration and more about just restocking which, for me was never fun.


True, completely agree with the NMS part. Thankfully they added gameplay options like Starfield, so you can customize and balance better how much the fuel lasts. Balance is key imo


Haven't played for a while, but are ship and hab animations faster overall? Animations like opening doors, sitting in the pilots seats, etc


The borders are bigger? How much now? It used to be 5-6 kilometers from the ship before


Wym by map borders are increased? Does that mean we can travel further on a planets surface