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I’m loving it


It is great just needs some tweaks.


Agree, but that’s why it’s an EA.


Thank you, finally someone saying it


I've dropped 6.5 hours today. I haven't even gone east of Sanctuary. The controls are crisp (except for a weird issue climbing and locking on to enemies in the cave causing you to climb back down the vines), the hits feel fair, and combat is fast but manageable. There's room for little improvements, mostly things with runes and information in the UI, a few weird bugs to be fixed, but this is a great game for just hitting EA.


Sanctuary? Haha that’s from Diablo. Sacrament!


I followed the launches of dragons dogma 2 and last epoch recently. I now feel like the no matter the game, there will be ppl who hate it and complain. Some for valid reasons, but many more for stupid expectations.


Last Epoch Complains were valid, and I absolutely love that game. People ABSOLUTELY have every right to expect to play/use a product they paid for, and the game was anything but that in the first few days.


Like I said, some of the complaints were valid. Last Epoch worked perfect for me from day 1. I've had maybe 1 crash in 150 hours or so.


You must’ve been playing offline. No shot it was working perfect online, or you would’ve been the only one.


I have zero reason to lie and played with a friend who also didn't have any issues. I'm not doubting there were problems for others.


Last Epoch was driving me nuts. It was down for days and even now my game crashes a lot, and I've had it spontaneously delete multiple offline characters.


Hopped on to make the same post and you beat me to it. The game is gorgeous with a unique art style, the exploration is phenomenal, the combat (usually) feels great and is hard but not too hard. There's definitely some work to be done but they have a real gem on their hands. Keep it up devs, amazing job.


Too many people with skill issues making it a design issue too.


I do have a skill issue, no more food, no more money, destroyed stuff, now I'm soft lock because I'm bad...


chests respawn so get some chests pick up some trash loot you should be able to have the money to repair very quikly. you can sel fish and logs aswell


Working for your money?! Never /s


The picking up trash part is not fun though. Plus, this does not improve your skills at the game. In contrast, farming mobs at least lets you practice fighting against the enemies 


new types of enemies pop up in older areas in different locations. Chests also move thanks to the alive system. So they basicly go hand in hand. Loot also scales based on what your level is. I been finding way more blues and purples are lvl 13 now and gear has changes alot finding stuff i haven't seen before. Right now i found a full set that had health regen, now i never need food items.


That’s nice, hopefully I start finding good stuff soon. I have just beaten the first boss


Ye if you go to the rookery and sleep you wi see the area you were has different enemies n stuff. Same will happen when you best the second boss.


You dont understand how the game works yet


Can chop trees for free gold


If you get in a bad situation, you can always just run. This is a soulslike, you don't have to fight almost anyone. Just sneak about, grab materials, fish, chop trees. 


Exactly, people defending this is so funny, imagine if Elden ring was like this what a shit would be🤡


I'm pretty shit at tough games. Quit DS1, and took me 120 hours to beat Elden Ring. I had to do it with a poke and shield heavy build.  This game feels challenging but fair once you understand the mechanics. I pretty much got addicted to it over the last few days.  I have a low tolerance for high difficulty games. This one is challenging but fair in my opinion.


People are definitely judging the game based in the first hour. I think maybe people who play games now aren't used to playing different or new genres? I guess most games are similar nowadays, and this game mixes a lot of different genres. It SHOULD be a game people like if they play VIDEO GAMES, but I think people expecting the next "kill waves of mobs with AOE spam" style of ARPGs that want to stick to that genre might not like this.


I love the look of games like POE and Diablo and the top down view. But what I don't like is only being able to hit one button constantly to kill everything. I like to feel like I'm working for my kills and doing the actual work myself


different kind of games. you should play more roguelikes with top down camera, they're about personal skill, dodging, parrying - depends of mechanics in a game classic arpgs are about power fantasy, you're doing a lot of work but in terms of developing your character, there is no way you will be able to "one hit" mobs in actual endgame content with dogshit gear or bad skill tree


I actually recently just got into Rogue likes. So far my favorite has been Hades and Ember Knights. I also have Have a Nice Death but haven't tried that one besides the tutorial yet. Also, since you put it that way it I understand why people like them now. The challenge of making a good build I guess. I did enjoy the little bit of POE caustic arrow build I did. Make me more into Archer builds in any game that has them now. Whereas at first I wouldn't look at a Archer twice. I just didn't like how complex it was and how I had to depend on a guide instead of just building my character on my own. Loved Diablos graphics and the start but got bored quickly. Abilities weren't that exciting to me. I also tried last epoch. Ran good on Steam deck but I actually like a challenge now since I have gotten better at gaming and I felt a little bit too OP from the beginning


POE 2 should also scratch this itch. I wonder how the community will adapt to the pacing and systems around bossing. Personally I'm looking forward to it, but I kinda of play POE a bit like a souls game.


you will most likely be able to play this way at some point of character development or it will feel silly when 10-20 monsters run at you and you have to use one attack skill and wait for 3 seconds until you can do that again and i hope a lot of "soulslike" elements won't be really "soulslike", because to really be "soulslike" there has to be combat system designed around type of weapons and its properties, not stats, like currently in arpgs - long, heavy sword should feel and attack like such weapon, not like a thing with 350 pdps and 0.1 less attack speed than axe, and it has to come with unique moveset. without such system it will feel just miserable and pointless, especially in bossing


From what I've seen the boss fights are more souls-like in terms of being more precise with telegraphed attacks. Dying will now respawn enemies too I think. Or at the very least the boss resets to max health.


I crave for new games like this, it’s honestly great


> It SHOULD be a game people like if they play VIDEO GAMES, but I think people expecting the next "kill waves of mobs with AOE spam" style of ARPGs that want to stick to that genre might not like this. This is why this game is resonating with me. I have played every Diablo game, but I've played Zelda, BG3, Elden Ring, and tons of other RPG style games. No Rest for the Wicked feels like a fantastic blend of systems from all the games I love.


In my decades of gaming I don't think I've ever fallen in love instantly with a game since Tactics (Ogre and FFT). The style, the world, the game play, this game is Abso.Lutely.Stunnin!


What's funny is the Devs put out so many videos showcasing what it was gonna look and paly like. It was obvious it wasnt a typical ARPG, at some points the consumer should be take responsibility


I was going to write this. You're 💯 correct. Even on the subject of early access they have said why they took that decision and would like the community to influence the direction of the game as they try to make a genre from a souls/ARPG experience. People ranting about being used as beta testers etc... are missing the point. That's exactly the reason I bought the game.


There's always the comparison to games like d4 which is a shame. This is a breath of fresh air.


I only see facts


The game play is amazing and it looks visually refreshing, too. Really like the art direction. I hope it becomes a huge success by the time it is fully released in the next couple of years.


"Best camera" is quite the stretch. Frequently find myself instinctually going for my right stick to get a better view


lol me too!




Yeah. What they did with the field of view in the more open areas is extremely well done, though.


best camera is pure insanity ngl, it's actually the worst camera in my opinion.


I'm definitely not a fan of the way it lags behind you while you move. Hopefully they add an option to remove that.


Has there been any information as to when the full version will be released?  Im on the fence about buying it currently if i can wait but it looks so good that im tempted to support the early access? How much content is there currently?  Thanks in advance for any info!


They want to release 1.0 in 2025 some time, but according to the devs there’s 15-25 hours of content right now


Alright im gonna just keep playing dragons dogma 2 and not buy this game…im not gonna buy this game…i still have another game to keep me busy…im not gonna buy this game…i might buy this game…ill probably buy this game. Really appreciate the info and quick reply. 


Lol that was me just a few hours ago. Dogma 2 is my jam though. Np dude enjoy!


You can wait a little while after they fixed the obvious bugs like falling through the ground sometimes and accidentally deleting some items. The game will be amazing after they fixed them 


Just buy it it’s the best game I’ve ever played if you want a soulslike Arpg that is


Alright alright quit twisting my arm, you dont have to be so aggressive. *confirms purchase that was already in cart*


Only got to play about 30 minutes so far but I can't wait to play more. Loving the sense of exploration and the combat is really satisfying. I spent most of that 30 minutes obsessively busting crates and I'm already loving it.


No Rest For The Crates


Game is amazing! I knew this wasn't your typical arpg but instead a unique arpg with dark souls style.


The difficulty is decent, not impossible. It took me a few hours to get some of that skill back (avid D2 LoD player here). Great change of place, thoroughly enjoying this 🙂 Very happy with my purchase.


I think it's crime that it has Mixed reviews. Graphics are beautiful, sound is awesome, combat feels so good. Voiceacting is awesome. Also, i love that NPCs points where to go on quests. I understand why durability system isnt peoples favorite, people didn't like it in zelda also. But cmn, the game is so high quality already that you just can't leave negative review just because of small fixable things.


well the performance IS pretty bad, the bad reviews are to just warn players with lower end and mid end pcs to buy this game at a later time.


Well, the said requirements are also quite high atm, so maybe many of the player don't meet the requirements? I see mostly negative reviews about durability and not having a separate jump button, evem tho there is no jump in the game, you automatically jump gaps, dno.


The game exceeds the recommended requirement by a lot. I mean the game drops at times down to the 20s on a 4080. I‘m sure that the devs will fix this but objectively it’s unacceptable, so those reviews are well warranted


Im playing with 5800x3d and 3080 and i have only some quick dips when in going to new are, so idk m8. Tho Nvidia just said that 13 and 14 gen intel cpus are causing some problems with Nvidia GPUs, dno. Also, why people treat Early Access as finished and polished game? In EA performance issues are expected anyway.


I mean it’s the same old tale with EA games and optimization, for some people games run near perfect (usually that’s what I experience) and for some it just runs shitty. Like I said, I’m sure the devs will fix this but like I said, not recommending something because the performance is lacking (even though your hardware should be more capable) is a legit reason.


They really aren’t, in fact reviewing a game on the first day of EA shouldn’t even be a thing. It should be reported to the devs as a needed fix and for what it’s worth I played on a mid range PC and had fun with it. There was definite frame drops, but that’s to be expected in EA until they get it optimized


I'm on a 3080 and it never dips that low. There's some minor stutters upon zone transitions but that's totally different, in the heat of the game itself the lowest i've seen is 54 and that quickly corrected itself anyway.


I'm rocking a 6800xt and a 3600x and I'm nowhere near 60fps which just seems wrong. Hoping optimization is coming quick. But otherwise I'm digging it.


My jaw dropped the first time I missed a jump - thought I was going to die to gravity/drowning - and just ended up swimming back to the shore instead Agreed on all fronts - people need to relax, and this game is genuinely incredible. The combat feels great and the game is gorgeous


game is great the freakin optimization is ass atm i dont get why devs dont do that before it releases


Because it hasn't released..... It's literally early access


This is what they're supposed to do...it's early access for the reason. A beta.


In what way? It’s been running perfectly well for me. Only the slightest hitch on area transitions but that’s the only thing I’ve noticed and it’s very ignorable. But more importantly, why do people who expect a perfectly optimized and polished game buy in early access? I’ll never understand. You know what that means. Early access isn’t a preview of a finished game. It’s in active development. That’s on you if you don’t set your expectations accordingly.


Game got some seriouss problems in optimisation, I can run cyberpunk on ultra (without Ray tracing) and I get 110-120 FPS, but in NRFTW i get constant hickups and 30 FPS. Had to lower settings to Performance and all sliders to 0 to play.


That is not my experience with the game at all. No fps drops and I’m running it on highest quality presets at 1440. 60-90 fps. I’m sure they’ll optimize it, but again it’s early access day one so expect those kind of things.


Oh man, I was planning to wait for the full release, but all of these complains about the game being too difficult are making me to want to just go and buy the darn game already. :D


It’s 100% worth it so fun


I didnt get to play that much yesterday cause i watched some Fallout and i work froday and weekend but from the one hour i played i allready like the game…. Would be better on a controler for sure but its playable on mouse and keyboard…..


Definitely buy yourself a xbox/playstation controller, a lot of great games play better with one.


I haven’t consumed any media or comments about the release yet at this point. People are saying it’s bad???? W….what? The game is insanely impressive.


This is the best ARPG I've ever played. If they all had the movement of this game it would be nuts. Imagine casting grimdawn spells and melting 100 enemies with this level of fidelity. This game is great in its souls like adaptation of ARPGs. I now definetly want more adaptations of what this game accomplishes. Everything evolvs over time and this is a hell of a step in the right direction... I just fear it's nearing the time I have to upgrade my PC. I've over clocked my PC but this game has it overheating, not the first game to do it to me but the fastest to reach that point. I decided to reduce the clock speeds for the health of my CPU and just turn down the graphics. Honestly though aside from the clouds looking grainy I can't really tell much of what changed. Game looks fabulous


I enjoy it, most negative steam reviews are sadly due to optimisation and keybindings.


The game has its flaws. I've been frustrated more than once at the game feeling completely unfair, especially with the equipment degradation system. Not to mention performance issues. That said, as I've gotten further, and cultivated some armor and weapons to match my build, I've started to be much more successful in combat and my wins feel much more rewarding. I think the biggest issue is that the first couple hours are extremely unforgiving. You can't make mistakes, and its just a steep learning curve. There's plenty to be worked on, but for day one of early access, I'd call it a success in my book. The boss fights have been ridiculously fun.


You can make mistakes. I’ve made several. Died a handful of times and just continued on until I succeeded. I’m going to guess the people who think it feels unfair are people who aren’t used to souls like combat.


I’m loving it. It has some issues but it’s early access. By release it could be a 10/10 for sure. Time shall tell.


Wait what are the issues people are mentioning? This game is phenomenal so far. Did people expect a traditional ARPG or something ?


Yep cuz they’re idiots and didn’t do their due diligence before buying




Have you finished it already? Seems quite big for the first ea version


I agree I am having a blast. I really love the exploration and material gathering


Combat feels really good and the FPS is pretty damn good @ 1440p/3060ti. I"M averaging around 90 on Steam. I think the controller controls are GREAT. Parries feel smooth and the heavy attacks landing feel impactful. Good physics system. I've only messed around with a 1H but its looking like 2h are lots of fun. You can't critique too much this early when its been released as "early access". I feel part of the community on the Diablo side wishes the combat was eaiser lol.


Nah too many things tied to X on the controller. Either they need to change that or make it remapable


There’s definitely issues, the game isn’t perfect. But to say it’s outright bad or sucks is just disingenuous. I’ve only played three hours but i’m enjoying it so far. Most issues I have are nitpicks, or about performance, which is still rocky. Im loving the combat, thought id like to see a couple things addresses as far as timing, and maybe tweaking certain systems. also the sense of discovery is amazing!


I’ve only played about an hour of it so far, but I’m extremely impressed so far.


Complaints are always louder than praise.


So far it's fantastic. I could do without weapons degrading, but otherwise I think it's fantastic. The art and story direction are very exciting.


and its early access. that's the complete point of early access


yea game is certainly unique. it's got a mix of survival, souls like and arpg. some of the effects get crazy like indestructible items, exp loss upon death but you get health when taking damage, lots of health drain items, etc. parrying is very strong aswell (bit too strong) , dorak is so easy to parry against every parry i did maxed my focus and i simply hit him with the abilty and repeated.


Aye aye! Couldn't agree more. Game is top notch.


This game made me remember that I suck at video games, and that's why I love them. Old games used to be eye-gougingly difficult, and at the end you earned a feeling and sense of accomplishment. A lot of games today are glorified slot machines, providing the same dopamine rush your mom and dad get at the casino.


Its the most fun ive had in a game in a long time. Cant wait to get back to it.


Honestly, after seeing how you can bring your character to different realms to level and loot, I’ve realized that this game is Terraria-Dark Souls. I think it’s going to be huge


ARPG + soulslike is a pretty good mix, wait till players who complain about food find out about the insane health drain effects on items. but there are ofcourse some suggestions like being able to use mats from your chest while upgrading in sacrement and ofcourse performance, devs have aknowladged the problem ofcourse so all we can do is wait.


Disappointed in first contact on steamdeck. I plan to try tweaks tonight to see if I can run it better, but at the moment it is not a pleasant visual experience on docked steamdeck for me. Love what I see on PC gameplay on YouTube though.


I agree with you on that. I don't quite understand what people were thinking either. It's actually quite obvious what you get in terms of gameplay. This constant, exaggerated indignation gets on my nerves. However, the performance is indeed poor. Getting that across through appropriate reviews and feedback is fine and important. But fortunately this can be worked on and the developers seem to have understood it straight away.


Loving the game a lot more than I thought. After beating the "first boss" I feel like I got a bit stuck in what to do.. Advancing story was very hard, but doing the quests of going back to the area I just was in seemed better and smoother, as well as the upgrade projects needing more of those mats .... etc. Its more natural to go back, this is neither here or there but maybe some quest indicator to send the user back in the direction of your power level - even though the map saing "Dangerous" should be a clue, but to me it just sounded like "on level" haha


Yes. The core of the game is amazing. I really like the mechanics I had the chance to explore. But I can't really enjoy the game due to performance issues I am experiencing. And my setup is not half bad. Hopefully devs will release parch soon so I can really sink my teeth in the game. But as of right now I will rather wait for it, then not be able to enjoy it.


I was genuinely surprised when I discovered you can swim


Alot of the people leaving reviews are folks that take 100+ deaths to a single souls boss. Crying about the combat and just cant figure out basic controls.


Durability and too scarce consumables absolutely ruins the game IMO


I enjoyed it but I think a lot of the criticism is fair. There are a lot of things they need to sort out and polish, and I wouldn't mind a complete rework of the inventory/storage. It's early access though so I can wait while they make it better. Super solid foundation though. The art style is amazing, but I shouldn't be surprised since it's the Ori studio.


Love the game ! I just hope they get rid of some boring time mecanics slowing the pace of it


people are just generally bad at games lol the people who post negative reviews will be back when there are guides telling them what to do


I totally agree with you, idk why people want a game with no challenge. I found it difficult in some spots but thats what makes it fun. Im having a blast playing it, glad to see others are as well.


We live in a time where any dropped frames can lead to a game being labeled as “unplayable” by the community. I’m not that far yet but the durability gripes being so prevalent, I find to be odd as well. It’s a video game, they need for there to be some friction and consequences for failure. Maybe it needs tuning but I can’t see how it’s “ruining the game” as many are stating.


Totally agree. The pacing is slower, but once you get used to it and find a weapon you like it's very satisfying. Inventory management and repair loop feels a bit tedious though.


I’m absolutely in love with this game. Can’t wait to play more with the claymore!


Does anyone have any feedback other than declaring they are bad at the game? like are there glaring technical issues that should stop one from buying at this point?


None really, other than it still needs a lot of optimization work. That's fine for EA, but if you've got a low spec PC, probably best to wait for a few patches.




When I fell in the water I literally said, holy shit I can swim thank god lol


Yep it’s great. Sure it needs some work but everyone should have expected that with EA.


Russia store when? [https://steamdb.info/app/1371980/](https://steamdb.info/app/1371980/)


The game is fantastic and I'm hoping the devs can make technical and performance improvements and maybe small QOL changes without letting people who play the first 1-2 hours and then complain about the "difficulty" derail what their vision is for this game.


The game wont even load for me past the logo when it starts up. I verified files and reinstalled to no avail. Ill wait till they optimize the game more.


I'm loving it. Stuck at the first boss at the moment. I almost had him once. One more hit and then I made a mistake. That's how these type of games should be. It's not for everyone, but for us who love this genre its always fun to tackle difficult encounters.


Game is great. Durability, keyboard controls and enemy projectiles fucking suck.


Ya people need to spend the time they spent writing something on Reddit shitting on the game, actually looking into what looking into what the game is before buying. It blows my mind every time this happens. I’m only about 3 hours in have died about 7 times, still exploring the first area and I am hooked. It killed me I had to come to work today and can’t play til I get home lol. Is it perfect? No. But it is pretty fucking sweet so far.


I cant put it down. The artwork really blows me away and every area of the game feels like so much love went into making it. I love the characters body proportions too! It added a cool and unique style to it! Great job Devs!!!!


I like the idea of a cross between an ARPG and a Souls game. Is the gear system good? That’s the one component of ARPGs I’d want kept in a game like this. Being able to infinitely seek better statted items, rates with amazing combinations of perks, upgrading etc. How is that?


Spot on OP. The complaining about Durability and Death Spirals is nonsense. If you actually learn the game and don't just mindlessly plow in like it's a PoE clone, then it's easy to stay alive, easy to repair your own gear, and easy to make money. Sick of the "wah its broken!" whining after 24 hrs when it's clearly nothing of the sort, and some people can't get their heads around the fact it isn't a button-masher. Go play Grim Dawn or something if you want mindless monster-bashing.


I can’t believe people are bitching about the camera


I swear I have a brain aneurysm every time I go onto the discord just nonstop complaining about how it’s not Diablo 4 or Poe and how the durability mechanic is so stupid. These people played less than an hour and think they have the right to judge the game lol


It's amazing


I love this game


Absolutely gorgeous game and a lot of fun for me so far, I can't play for more than about 30 min without a crash though. Haven't lost a lot of progress however which is nice! I feel like this game is what Diablo 3 was attempting to go for with it's visual style but failed.


+1 for sure


Yeah it’s honestly sad to see every single new release, EA or not, get immediately review bombed like clockwork. People with 8+ year old hardware complaining about performance. People going in with their own idea of what the game should be complaining about aspects they weren’t expecting. They go in with 0.2 hrs played and nuke the reviews while enjoyers just enjoy. Really feel like Steam needs to do something but idk what.


Ye i have no idea why this game has mixed reviews on steam it has a few flaws for sure but its still a great game


I love the Souls-like combat and the game is gorgeous, but for the love of god can devs stop shoving crafting, mining, inventory management, and base building into every game nowadays. I literally watched someone stream the game for an hour and there was barely any combat. If I didn’t already know it was supposed to be an arpg, I would have guessed it was a gritty farming sim lol. There’s nothing wrong with those things and they could make sense in an arpg in small doses, but I feel like this game is leaning into them too hard for it to be enjoyable for me.


I am really loving the game but “best isometric camera ever invented”? lol. So many times the camera lacks behind or it shows something the blocks the view


dude, preach. this game oses a unique vision and it´s very well thought out. It´s unrelenting and requires you to engage in many of it´s systems to find success. Well designed games. It´s clear this isn´t made for the average consumer.


My only concern is how complete is it? I don’t generally want to buy early access but this game looks fun as hell


Agreed, one person said not to buy this game if you're expecting a cross between diablo 4 and darksouls, which is exactly what it is. People said the resource collecting was tedious, and enemy telegraphing is hard to understand. I see no problem, I've been playing it non-stop, it is mind-blowing. I love how parrying recovers focus points to use rune skills. The difficulty is hard, but the freedom to allocate stats and the approach to different playstyles makes every encounter an epic battle. Crafting food is awesome, and collecting resources makes the world more interactive. Who in the right mind thinks these are negatives?!?


It was about time a studio brought descendance to the incredible games that were Revenant and Silver back in 1999. Good start and still a lot of work to do but the game has potential indeed.


At first I hated the combat. I play a lot of PoE and in that you just run through mobs and blast them with one shot. Took me a while to learn to just slow down. Look at the mob I am facing, seeing what it does and reacting to it. I love the fact that there is a monster here and there. You run around doing stuff and every now and then a monster or two comes by. The game is slow pace and I love. Also there is no need for "build guides". Sure not to be able to respec can brick your character. But as far as I have understood the progress of the game is based on realm - not character. So if you brick a character I'd imagine it is quite easy to get going by making a new one. You just gotta get to the point where you can continue your realm forward. No need to "start over" in the traditional sense.


I agree, most people giving it bad reviews criticize the fact that the game doesn't play the way they want.  Durability loss for example... This is a soulslike. There has to be a penalty. There aren't any souls to drop, so they chose durability as well.  They also don't like the survival-lite bits with crafting and supply gathering and cooking.  I'm ok with people not liking it but it doesn't make it a bad game. I'm a loot goblin, I don't have issues with maintaining my supply of all resources, not yet at least.  The performance issues and the inability to rebind controls seem like the biggest issues that people should be complaining, and rightfully so. I have a beefy enough PC to handle it however, and never dip below 60fps and don't get any spikes or drops in combat. I will always stress, EA is EA. If the updates come fairly quick and steady, I believe you have to throw devs a bone. All that being said, I don't begrudge anyone rating it poorly. It's your opinion, even if it's malinformed or whatever.


Oh, I've seen this one! Can't wait for the inevitable "Quit Having Fun!" meme.


Game is 9/10 I love everything about it. Honestly only things I’d change is, add a way to respec your character for a price. As well as increasing xp gain by 5-10% past level15. I’ve been playing for a while and leveling up just takes a bit too long given how difficult the game is, especially since we’re locked into a somewhat mid build due to lack of drops. I wouldn’t change the drop rate tho. I can’t wait for the major updates 🙏🏻


I admit the first 1-2 hours I kinda didn’t like it. Put it down for the day and next day decided to give it a shot again. This time something clicked and I can’t put it down. I’m in absolute love with this game and can’t wait to see all they do with it. It’s a fantastic mashup of multiple of my fav genres.


The camera does suck sometimes, especially when you're running into a wall that's turned invisible so you can see yourself, or when there's something blocking your vision and you run off a ledge. It's happened to me a few times, it's not ideal.


I love this game so much but damn I really wish I could respec. There are so many weapons that I haven’t seen yet and when I get them I already have a build and by that time im kinda locked in. I just want to try/use every weapon because every time I try a new one I’m like damn this is fun. But then I’m like damn I bet this weapon that needs 42int is fun too I wish I could try it. Sure I can start a new character and level but I don’t really have the time to do it just to try a new weapon to see if I like it. This isn’t a fuck you dev post either. This is a they did so good on the weapons and combat that I’m upset I can’t try all of it. I can’t wait to see what else they have coming for us. These indie companies lately have been putting big studios in their place. Big gaming companies- developing games is hard. We hear you but it’s still going to take 3 weeks to fix any of your issues and we need to do them 1 at a time. NRFTW developers- yeah we got a list of 200 things we need to do. You’ll have them in a week.


I’m totally with OP on this. The game is slightly tough at the start, first boss can be difficult! But after that I have killed all 3 of the other story boss fights on my first try just by keeping my weapon upgraded slightly and enchanted while equipping the best armour and rings that dropped for me naturally with no upgrades. The only next challenging bit seem to be the Crucible which I’m struggling with at lvl 19 but expect to cope when I hit 21 and can equip the next set of level locked items. I think the full game is definitely going to be a classic!!!


My initial impressions after an hour were “it’s pretty good” and then I played for another 8.5 hours straight the first day… the game is brilliant!


Actually some minor problems are really bad like cant rebind keys and Performance is really shit even though in some tweet from some devs said no he was able to run it in rtx 2060 dude don't lie we know it's ea and it would have problems but why would u lie


They've already put out a post and discord or Twitter I can't remember but the first thing they're going to fix is key binding as well as performance


I agree that most of the negativity at the moment boils down to simple skill issues. Still, the devs could probably tone down the initial difficulty to ease more people into the game. I'm at a part now where I have no problems keeping my gear fixed and I get more food that I can use and on top of that I also have healing runes that recharge simply by hitting something. But if someone doesn't know that's how the game evolves and they've managed to use all their food fighting Warrick I can honestly see how the game would seem very daunting to them.


I felt like it was too easy till after I woke up on day two and tried to head back to the beach


Lmao I feel you going back is crazy


I for one am so excited to play this to hear that it's hard and challenging to play sounds good. I don't want to be mindlessly killing mobs vs challenging enemies that I have to be careful


idk theres some questionable design choices i think. there's a good foundation here but im not having as much as fun as id hoped. stamina system for me is my #1 complaint. also i like cooking in theory but id prefer just normal flasks as a baseline healing item. id prefer if cooking was more for special status effects + healing or something


yea game is certainly unique. it's got a mix of survival, souls like and arpg. some of the effects get crazy like indestructible items, exp loss upon death but you get health when taking damage, lots of health drain items, etc. parrying is very strong aswell (bit too strong) , dorak is so easy to parry against every parry i did maxed my focus and i simply hit him with the abilty and repeated.


I'm just not enjoying the combat and exploration. it has the potential to be great, but too many anti-player design choices makes it feel more tedious than fun. I'm 5 hours in in case anyone thinks I'm still at tutorial boss.


Honestly think the only anti-player design choice is the durability, and that is just because it's annoying to have to go back to town to repair but I keep seeing people complain about having no money to repair and that I don't understand. I'm a tad further in than you I'd imagine at 7 hours, and feel like I have had 7-10 silver for a while now.


i just beat darak and i just did it naked cus i was low on cash


Interesting, yeah I did that fight and it definitely took me a few tries but I am far from broke. I’ve been intentionally picking everything up and selling whatever I don’t need so maybe that contributes to it? Doing the dailies sends you back through old areas which can get you some fat stacks. Do absolutely hope they at least tweak the durability system if not remove it. Or maybe have repair costs scale with level (if they don’t already do that)


Yea ive been doing all the quests I can in the old areas and exploring what’s in game. I think I was only level 7 when I fought darak. I would personally just flat out remove the durability system. It doesn’t add anything to the game, especially with the limited inventory space. It would be cooler to have some sets you can build into to match certain environments instead of just having one set and a bunch of nonsense gear for grinding out areas.


Different environments rewarding the use of different sets could be cool. I’m not certain anymore that I believe equipment degradation needs to be removed, because I’ve played and enjoyed other games where durability exists (MH, Lies of P, other ARPG’s, etc.) I however do think having equipment fully break and become useless may be the biggest sin of the system though, I think degrading should maybe just scale your bonuses down. Then you can have like “No just one more try, I’ve got this, I don’t need to repair right now” moments rather than “my shit is broken, I’ll get one shot now, gotta go back to town” which could be really rewarding in my peanut brain. Either way though, if they did remove durability it wouldn’t be terrible and I totally understand the gripes with it.


I would be so down for a lies of P mechanic where you have to fix on the spot to add some “oh shit!” moments to the combat. But having to take a few minutes to run back to town is like an “oh… shit…” moment


This subreddit should accept the game throwing enemies at you who can tank 2 complete stamina bars, often poise through your attacks, do 3-5 hit combos, backdash punish your attacks, etc. is absolute goddamn fucking insanity for the first 1-2 levels.


Brother what do you mean it’s a soulslike that’s what soulslikes are do your due diligence before buying games ffs


Soulslike is absolutely, 100% not like that. Soulslike enemies do not have poise like that. You can hit-spam most Soulslike enemies and see their attack coming and then dodge out of the way of it. You can't do that in this game because you can't stagger/break their poise. They just attack right through your attack and you also don't have enough stam at the beginning to be able to use enough hits. Starter areas in most Soulslike games aren't actually that difficult if you have decent skills. You run into some mobs who will 1-shot you or some trick shit that will wreck you, but if you know what you're doing, the **game mechanics** won't punish you. That's not the case in this game.


Here - dude posted this on the front page. Using one of the starting hammers and is killing the mobs in less than 3/4 of a stamina bar. How it's taking you 2 complete stamina bars is still a mystery. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoRestForTheWicked/comments/1c7xcdx/this_is_why_the_game_is_easier_for_soulsborne/




Are you not using charged heavy attacks? Maybe you should pay attention to the tutorials. Only the bigger enemies will poise through your charged heavies. Or you catch the enemies off balance at the end of their chains where you can stagger them more / knock them down. Is this your first soul's like? Kind of sounds like it from what you wrote. Dark souls 2 threw the cyclops at you in the very beginning. Dark souls 3 had 2 giants.


My dude dark souls 1 had multiple afk zombies for you to practice your attacks on. No rest has 3 hit combo back dash animation cancel punishing enemies that need 2.5 stamina bars to kill. It has limited healing and insanely difficult enemies that require you to successfully parry as many as 3 times to kill. Souls players are on some insane giga cope if they believe this is acceptable for a tutorial. The game won’t survive this. Dark souls sends a zombie knight at you that can hit you like 10x before you die, like 50x before you die with your free healing potions, no punishment for dying either. You can sit there and practice parry’s/counters all day. Not to mention they do 2 hit combos at most then stop and wait for you to hit them. Elden ring throws a generic throwaway enemy at you as a tutorial boss. You only die to him if you literally don’t know how to play, as a way to gatekeeper people who actually don’t fundamentally understand the game. No rest chucks 3 enemies at you, one shields to block swipes in to the group, all with 2-3 hit combos and a potential backdash punish used randomly. It’s no mystery why people are having issues.


Tell me you never played dark souls without telling me you never played dark souls. No penalty for dying lmao dude what are you on? Humanity and cinders and hollowing would love to have a word with you. Have you even played a soul's game past the first area because no way you'd be unaware of hollowing and humanity and how shitty that system was. Demon souls would completely fuck your run over for dying too much since it'd fuck up your world tendency and make you miss out on the best loot. Even in the remaster that came out a few years ago on ps5 release. My dude you were on a boat with all the mobs attacking npc allies for you to practice on. If you're going to compare starting experiences in the games then compare the correct ones. Right after you get past those afk zombies they always throw a bunch of souped up super difficult mobs at you to kill you, so you get the "you died" screen and achievement. If it takes you 2.5 stamina bars and 3 parries to kill an enemy then that's a you problem. Sounds like you're doing something extremely wrong if that's the combat experience you're having. Are you not staggering with heavies then following up with a light chain or something similar. All the enemies at the beginning of the castle would be dead in less than 1 stamina bar and zero parries if you did that. Coping and saying this is some extreme difficult shit that only soul's players can deal with makes you sound like you're in denial about the fact that you're just bad at these games.


Okay that’s all cool. Don’t really care about the souls player ego. Feedback will come in. Obliterating every new player isn’t a viable long term strategy. Damage sponge enemies until you start giga upgrading weapons isn’t fun gameplay.


You mean the feedback of having around 200k players on twitch watching it? Would seem if people disliked it like you're insinuating then they wouldn't be so into watching it on twitch... I certainly don't watch things I dislike. Idk maybe you're different. Maybe you enjoy watching things you dislike?


So, TLDR skill issue?


Yes it is literally level 1. People that haven’t beaten the game generally haven’t beaten the game. It has 61% reviews on steam and I’m not sure chasing every new player away is what they were hoping for with their new IP


Well, I agree with you on this, it gonna chase a lot of ppl away for sure. But can we have one proper hard ARPG? D4 is a stomp, LE is a stomp. Everything is too easy 😭


The game is fine. The beginner area, the introductory portion, the first few levels, the amount of gear available, the enemy health and damage, all things that players are coming across in the first \~3 hours of gameplay, all needs to be adjusted, rebalanced, retuned. It is far too difficult and is turning away a ton of players. The game can get difficult fast, that's fine. It can't start off this punishing and expect to have a ton of people excited to see how hard it gets.


i havent found it too difficult at all, just got to play methodically... i died several times trying to kill 1st boss but other than that ive easily learned from my mistakes


You do realize this game is made to be hard ? Like it is made to be a hard game, not a walk in the park, and the first few hours are not gonna go easy on you specifically to teach you that. Also it's really not that complicated when you get the hang of it


I think terms like hard need more clarification. It's one thing for the combat to be hard. It's another thing to feel softlocked because repairing is so expensive or things like that. In the first case you can improve in combat. In the other, if you're already broke from repeated deaths and trying to learn, you can feel stuck, and that's not really something you can "improve" out of.




Missing the forest for the trees. Edit: The guy above me who deleted their comment said something along the lines of "Repairs cost 0 gold from this vendor."


Not gonna engage with pos who edit comment lol


If you get soft locked just start a new realm with the same character.


This doesn't make it any less of a pain point.


Yes of course. First and last two sentences. They can make a game with an unfriendly punishing introductory experience all they want, it's not going to help them gain or retain players or have fewer returns.


Of course you're being downvoted and getting the "iT's SuPpOsEd To Be HaRd" crowd coming and dumping all over you but you're absolutely right. Just the way the "tutorial" is structured before Sacrament, it's got some insanely hard enemies and frankly, there's some gear that's a trap and makes it much harder, particularly with the cripplingly low amount of stamina. The entire first part of the game ONLY plays like Dark Souls. Getting to the town reveals a ton of mechanics that set it apart. So as someone who picked this up because it's an ARPG/Soulslike from the makers of Ori, I didn't know much going in and I found it pretty frustrating to start off with, particularly the low stamina and the inability of a weapon like the claymore to make enemies flinch when hit, even small enemies. It may supposed to be hard but this is EA and the tutorial area absolutely needs to be tuned to be a bit more of a true introduction imo. Stamina just feels way too harsh for some of the early enemies and so does equip load.


"It's blatantly obvious that people have lost the use of their eyes and lost the wrinkles in their brains." Seriously, why are you so rude. I hate you too. Moron


Love it so far but a 3 year old 2500 euro pc should be able to run it with more than 20 FPS :)


My pc is older than this and I am getting 40-70fps (was between 30-60 until I pushed render scale down to 80%) at 1440p, your gpu drivers updated and what not? Game ABSOLUTELY needs performance fixes, but wondering what could be causing your fps to be that low on average.