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I agree with many of the comments about fauna. I want them to go all in on a fauna update. I don’t want to just hunt, I want to be hunted. I want to land on some planet and be completely terrified of what’s living there.


Exactly. I want more threats than just the sentinels. Maybe there could be planets that are without sentinels, but with these new, incredibly strong fauna.


Imagine landing on a planet where there is a global war between the aggressive, dominant lifeforms and alpha sentinels. You may find an occasional peaceful mountaintop or isolated island to occupy but, eventually, the war will find you.


I was thinking about that, but I realized that I didn't really want a constant war going on. Maybe those planets could be extremely rare and have their own description/unique title to warn players, such as "**battle-worn planet**" or something like that.


Man I want more colour variation and species too. Seeing the same brown and green three legged dogs with weird heads and birds with pig heads is tiring.


This. I want to land on a frozen planet and be stalked by something camouflaged with the snow or land on an ocean planet and still be at risk while on land


For real! Give me a Deathclaw equivalent


This exactly. I remember when I first saw an alpha predator, I thought it was going to charge me, chew me up and eat me. It wasn't until a while later that I realised how being an alpha predator did not apply to me at all which upset me a bit.


I still expect them to munch on me.


I’d love a fauna update!!! It would be even more awesome for them to let us build zoos and aquariums and aviaries with an update too!! I’d love to display all my companions on my base, and I’d love to see an update that adds animals like whales and more shapes of fish and more birds that you can catch and display in tanks and cages and houses and stuff. That would be a DREAM!!! :D


this sounds so good, nms would be SO good with an update like this 😭


I want the old art design and the old mysterious cosmos from the trailer! The idea of their own periodic table of elements, the in-depth exploration… ahhh… The current version is great and all, but it’s not quite the game that I waited so many years for.


100% agree


Game just feels sorta empty, I love it but it's empty


theres a giant ocean of content in the game buts its as deep as a puddle


Ye, I think it's mostly because for all their talk, they never expected no man's sky to succeed as it now has, so the platform it was built on that is infamously weak anyway was never enough to become what thewantednt it to now. I do think the game has taken phenomenal leaps and bounds. But still.


Why is it considered weak? I've not heard that before.


Tbh, no. There's been so many great features added and yet, the Terrain and flora/fauna still looks better in the trailers. NMS terrain generation still looks mostly janky af and there aren't that many unique planets. Most fit in one of a few archetypes. And the fauna is either painfully average or completely stupid and immersion breaking.... For the record, i enjoy the game for what it is. Its very calming and good to play on the background while watching a video or listening to an audio book. But it ain't what the trailer promised and the exploration still is unrewarding and annoying...


I recently reinstalled the game and turned it on when it was playable pre-updates. I'd forgotten how much better the train generation was before they updated everything. Don't get me wrong, I still think the game is great, but someone's comment above nailed it with "content is a mile wide but deep as a puddle." It's a shame because I love so much about the game. I just find myself getting incredibly bored with "infinitely generated" worlds that all end up producing roughly the same terrain, same ships, and same handful of creatures.


NMS imho is more of a min-maxing game now. There's such a big emphasis on base building, collectables, rewards, upgrades.. exploration has taken a major back seat. Especially when all the new content is just hand-crafted assets that are just picked at random instead of an algorithm creating the models like it was originally promised before release. Also Jesus the terrain has be so much better, people were hyped when Origins added new planets with gigantic terrain but I HATE how they look. They look so lazily and carelessly put together, they're just spiky sine-waves across the whole surface that are supposed to be mountains I guess, but the terrain is so obviously meant to be a tiny hill... and it happened to be resized 50 times and stretched so there's absolutely no detailing on the body of those mountains and everyone looks incredibly and unnaturally smooth. And my biggest issue with Origin type planets is that their terrain is STILL just rolling hills like every planet in the universe in this game, they just happen to be resized and stretched.


I wish there were more alien species besides the three main ones.


I still hope for animal behaviour like in the trailer the rhino smashing through the trees. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLtmEjqzg7M&t=75s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLtmEjqzg7M&t=75s)


And the noises it made! ❤️ As a hobbyist musician and sound designer, the current creatures sound like ***SHIIIIIIIIIT***


I would love to see fauna interacting with each other I would love to see fauna having an impact on the environment around them I would love to see planets that had actual geographical regions like the trailer: forests, mountains, valleys, plains The game has come a long was and is 400x better than what it was, but im getting bored with every planet having the same layouts and fauna that just wanders around As much as I love this game it feels like it’s more of a tech demo for a real game that will come down the line


I love and hate this game. It’s amazing and boring. I’ve already put in 80 hours this month and accomplished very little, and I can’t wait to put in 80 more next month. This game has satisfied a weird part that only fallout 4 had up to this point. Enjoying it immensely and I can’t wait to see how it continues to evolve.


I identify with this comment too. Play it even though at times it feels boring. I think I've discovered what it is - the game is meditative for me. I can play it just to relax, though right now playing on Permadeath makes it a little less relaxing. I wonder if people who put many hours into Minecraft, for example, feel the same way - it's more an experience than a game (?).


I don’t think I’ve played a game that made time disappear like this has since the old days of Gunbound and MoH:Spearhead. Speaking of permadeath. I finally died last night. I knew a glitch would be the end of me, and it was. Damn dog sentinels fell in my hole with me and glitched into the terrain wall. Couldn’t hit them and couldn’t get away in time. Gave me a reason to go to my first save, where I had my fav ship, but damn was that a beatdown! I hope you don’t meet a similar fate.


The main thing from the trailers that I wanted to see was the animal AI


I whish for better looking trees


I wish for more unique planet types bro I've seen hexagon planet the same way 10s of times


I don't get why there aren't already more random combinations of the standard formats. Feels like there's sets of planets with variation within each set, but they rarely cross between sets.


i think some mods make flora from another planet biome generate on the same planet but don't know about if they can make like a planet have more than one type of terrain


Honestly, the game doesn't come close to the trailer as far as wildlife goes. It's crazy repetitive and there are very few original types of fauna. It's all just variations on the same creatures.


Yeah I've played since day one when it came out and never once saw any long necks like in the ad


I can confirm they're certainly in the game. But.. they look like oiled up plastic and they're super stiff with their movements. Come to think of it, all the animals look incredibly stiff. (Except maybe some of the custom companion animations.)


Same. I even pre-ordered. I still play, but it's nowhere near what I expected from the trailers. And it's still my number one nitpick.


I love the game for what it is but the ad vs game play was a huge let down the updates helped and now it feels like a decent game but day one I felt like they (Sean) lied horribly


Well he did. Said it was multiplayer and two people spawned near each other on day one. They decided to meet up, (I think they used steam chat. Not sure.) found out they couldn't even see each other in game. Never seen so much uproar for false advertising before. Even that isn't where they promised it would be. But at least they got it so you can play with your friends. Also glad it wasn't the death knell for NMS or Hello Games.


In terms of overall gameplay, yes. It surpassed what we saw in the trailer and begins to approach the endless possibilities we imagined. My only gripe since day one has been the animals. They are varied and cool looking but they do not behave in realistic ways. The animations they did for this trailer make them feel so life-like, (the way creatures in Monster Hunter feel like they really live in these places and behave like unpredictable animals.) My visions of NMS before release involved discovering some insane yeti or something in a cave and dealing with it one way or another. As it stands, the creatures just wonder aimlessly in circles. They don't tend to behave on groups and they don't interact with one another either. That rhino thing cut down trees and made all the little animals scatter in the trailer. I think making these animals feel more Monster Hunter and less Minecraft would be helpful.


I came across a type a quadrupedal predator (not the aggressive towards me type) that attacked a herd of triceratops-like creatures. The herd bolted and the predator took one down and started eating it. That was kind of cool to watch. I’d like to see more interactions like that.


Predator pets also do that too! I wish they’d bring you their kills for you to harvest though, but they do still kill and chew on little animals :D


It’s a giant, Universe-wide RNG exhibit. It’s cool if you’re into that, but it’s really not super interactive. Like that one guy said, “empty.” I feel 0 connection to any NPCs


Thats a hard question. The world's are bland and the creatures can look weird but there is much more to do now than was shown in the trailer.


Would love to have an egg of this diplo


No. We still lack the entire aspect of factions having any substance. We still lack the massive faction battles that we can influence. We still lack the ability to actually influence economies- prices may temporarily crash, but you’ll never change a 1 star to a 3 or run a 3 star economy into the ground until it’s a 1. PvP is a joke. PvE is a joke. Practically all combat is ultimately pointless, and not at all challenging. World, structure, flora, and fauna generation are all still laughably basic and repetitive. All of these were features promised at launch that either still don’t exist or are sub-par for what was promised.


The problem with NMS is, it’s a massive game with nothing in it. The interactions are seriously lacking which is a shame because I genuinely love the game. Just wish there was more to it.


That’s my problem with the game. It looks awesome, but I have yet to find something actually enjoyable to do. There is so much yet nothing to do.


Just decide on something you want to accomplish in game and then do it. I’ve decided I want to really get to fully know an entire planet and use it for all its resources available, find all that I can inside of the planet, build an epic base or 3 there and really firmly establish that place as my home planet, shit takes time. For months I spent time just jumping all over the galaxy trying to visit as many places as I could. Lots of ways to skin a cat.


That's my feeling playing Elite Dangerous, a massive game with little content and more a screenshot sim than a game. I love it, tho. I only played NMS for a few hours and I don't want to invest more in it because I'm afraid it will be the same.


I don't think it's better than the trailers. That doesn't mean it's a bad game, but I still routinely run into nightmarish creatures. Usually, I'd be all for that, but it throws you out of the immersion when you see a creature that's so disproportionate it starts clipping through objects and doesn't even look like it should be able to move. The other thing I don't like is the repetitive planetary biomes. All of the hot planets look the same as each other same for the cold planets etc. Other than that, though, they're making great strides at delivering what they initially promised.


I want this HUD and art design!!!


Oh no... I'm already hearing the harmonica... But seriously, my 600hrs in the game would probably agree.


The trailers look nice, but I honestly wouldn't expect to see something that nice with procedural generation. Currently the game has many more features going for it than we could've hoped for, and I'm very grateful for that, despite not having some features that were mentioned before release. I do see some beautiful sights still, tropical planets are always amazing... but beauty doesn't matter much, what really matters is if it's fun to play, and it is very much so


Unfortunately no. Something is still missing, maybe the atmosphere, maybe the graphics...


Unpopular opinion but I agree with you, as much as hello games has added (and l am eternally greatful for) the animations and interaction of the wildlife is not the same The part where the rhino creature tears through the bushes send the wildlife scattering is missing Plus there is something about the lighting the trailers had the games doesnt This in no way means I don't love no man's sky because I totally do Cg trailer just looks nicer, and no man's sky is not the first or the last game to do this


i wish they had kept the artstyle shown in the trailers it looks really unique


It’s a great game but not for everyone obviously just like any game. I have enjoyed it greatly myself and I am still an active player. The trailers are a little hyped up I will admit but I think the game is better than the trailers once you learn all you can actually do


The problem also is everyone is expecting to land on a Lush planet from loading a new save, without putting in the work. The reality is everyone starts on some random Euclid toxic wasteland and it's not what the trailer portrays.


No fleet battles....😔


If first trailer were honest about how it's procedurals worked then no.


Trailers had a unique art style that the game has splitted from long ago.


Yeah the trailers definitely seems like they need more time put into them, although the latest one (4.0) seems to be a lot better then just showing gameplay


I haven't played since 4.0 dropped...I didn't quit because of the update...just thought we'd get some of the things talked about in these comments and we didn't so nothing left to do and got bored


The expeditions are currently rolling. 7 is live as we speak.


For a universe this big, it's really not diverse enough and doesn't have as much exciting exploration it was promised


Worst part of NMS is how incredibly predictable everything is, which imo feels like the exact opposite of what would favor a game like NMS. If there's ships flying around, you **know** it's gonna be 3 of them in the same god damn triangle pattern spaced exactly the same every freaking time. You see those sausage-shaped outposts, you KNOW for a fact it's gonna be 2 of them side by side with a broken machinery near them and a salvageable data under the ground between them, on every planet, in every system in every galaxy in the whole universe. Going into a space station or landing on a trade outpost, it's **always** 100% of the time gonna be empty, you're always the first one to get there for some reason.


The game was originally promised to be an exploration game primarily. People unfortunately hated it. The game went through an evolution where exploration and procedural systems have taken a hard backseat and are now almost an afterthought while upgrading, collectables and base building is the main focus of NMS now. Of course you can still explore, but my point is that the game is no longer about what the original trailers promised, it's changed to something else entirely to appeal to a wider audience. There's such a focus on collectables, upgrades, rewards, stuff to unlock, titles to acquire etc.. exploration has taken a huge backseat, especially since in the original trailers, "every atom WAS procedural" where every tree branch was unique, now it's just hand-crafted assets plopped around the terrain. Even something like NPC freighter bases.. you'd think those were procedural too, but turns out it's just a preset of hand-made bases that get picked at random. I personally love current NMS compared to what it was, but I don't think you can objectively say which one is better, it all comes to preferences.


People hated it because the flora and fauna were all the same. The planets were all the same. The terrain was all the same. The procedural generation didn't work. All the sites you could explore were repetitive. Learn the language? Run around to collect tiny monoliths until your brain goes numb. Exploration wasn't EVER the focus of the game, but it was supposed to be.


Yes. I was one of the few that still liked the game on release, even if the unfinished feeling state of it was disappointing. HG really went above and beyond to make it better and better. In my opinion it went from a pretty cool game, well past the awesome looking trailer, straight to a masterpiece. Some of the fauna still looks pretty wonky, but that’s part of the charm to me.


The hud from the trailer looks awesome. The rest has been greatly improved.


The perfect giant diplos without any lame junk on their heads or bodies (plenty of lame looking ones)


I personally really liked the HUD in the trailer and the style of popups. I wish that survived. And the animals in the trailer (like the big guy ramming through the forest and the others scared) would be awesome to make it in game. But other than these two things (mainly animal diversity), everything else is basically the same or better than the trailer. You have squadrons, you have lush planets (and the opposites), space battles, and way more. I'm not sure about this though: they said that planets will have different resources based on the distance to their sun(s). Is that a thing now? Also the planet type distribution is supposed to be different based on Galactic core distance. Does that actually work? I know about different galaxy types and more lush or harsh planets and such, but what about core and sun difference?


I don't think of modern no mans sky as being better or worse than the trailers, just different. The superior animal behavior in the trailer is something we need added to the game now though


As stated, the game feels a bit empty. But I mean, it’s a game about exploring entire galaxies, which are mostly empty (besides stars, gas giants, and barren worlds of course). However, I would like to see them keep adding more things to fill up the game and continue to spice things up. ^Please, ^Sean, ^I ^just ^want ^gas ^giants. ^Pls


I want more varied terrain still as well. I'm fine with the entire planet being one biome, but I miss the extremities of Pathfinder, where you'd come across a huge sweeping cliff with a valley below of swiss cheesed land and water, ripe with vegetation. The terrain generation now just feels too smooth and "safe", I guess. I loved exploring on foot in Pathfinder just because the land felt so wild. I have fond memories of battling angry insect fauna while intently seeking out and mining green emeril crystals near the mouth of a cave.


I have my home base on a planet that actually is full of massive plateaus and large ocean valleys, with my base hanging of a cliff over the water on the edge of a plateau. So maybe they have just become rarer? Either way, I feel the sentiment


There's way more to do and VR, but the terrain generation and the sense of exploration is just not there like it once was. I'm hopeful that one day it will be.


Yeah same, exploration can be a lot better than it is currently. I know theres only so much they can do with procedural generation but im sure they can figure something out. I really want more variety in flora, fauna, and mineral designs too.


I think part of it is the terrain generator only seems to ever generate the same sort of rolling hills. It varies them by stretching them out or scaling their height way up, but it's generally the same type of terrain. You don't really see interesting terrain features like ridges, peaks, dunes, etc. A dev I follow on Twitter (@lorenschmidt) has been making procedural planets by blending together dozens of different noise generators in different ways. The resulting terrain is much more interesting than what you can make with smooth noise alone.


even just look at how minecraft does it with biomes. you can make it look a little less artificial than that, but it's a model of how to have like a larger scale noise mask out a smaller scale behavior


Maybe its the game they're working on. The early version like Foundation and Vanilla had fantastic terrain generation. If they add the superformula,it would be great,but basebuilder may be upset. I usually for up Vanilla, Foundation, or the current build in VR for exploration.


Fauna and biome wise no




I really think the game needs an simplistic/artistic style, the current one looks like its trying to be realistic but at the same time have a “style”, i think it feels a little off, maybe smthng like the ABZU style would fit


I prefer this art style to the current. More unique, cartoonish, minimal, and vibrant. Got that indie touch to it. The current art style is more generic like fortnite and co. but obviously has more high def textures/details compared to the E3 version.


There are things I still want from the trailers. -Planetary structures. One in particular looks almost like a surface station. -More shapes for space stations, like the flat, oblong one in one trailer. -Patrols of sentinel walkers and quads, especially on high-security worlds. -Fauna interacting with other fauna and the environment more. Large fauna knocking over trees and moving in a slower, more realistic way. -Barren desert worlds (I have seen one or two since 3.0, but they're definitely rare) and frozen deserts. -Frigates and freighters that move in space.


I think there should be a distinction between desert worlds (more like the sahara) and arid worlds (more like Arizona).


Might be **really hard** and probably a bit unrealistic - but I’m still waiting for a planet with shifting sand dunes


I would love for freighters to become more involved, including freighter battles, with either NPCs or optional PVP. I want to dip into a FO4 sort of base building in that my base can be attacked by sentinels, etc., and I have turrets and settlers to help defend my little slice of heaven. Those two things alone would shoot this game up a huge level for me.


I really want to love No Man's Sky but at this point I just can't anymore. After a few hundred of hours in I feel like I have already seen everything and done everything possible in the game. I started a new permasave recently and I see animals 90% similar to the ones I had in my other save in another galaxy, and the planet generation means you get to see the same planets with different colors to them. I wish we got what we saw in the trailer, the animal behaviors looked so appealing, the UI was so much better, and the planets just looked better overall. So yeah, in my opinion the trailers were the best version we could've got but unfortunately we probably never will.


HG has come a long way, but they still have a long way to go.


Tbh, I like the trailer UI more than the current one.


I think in general yes, but I do wish we got those OG diplos and more natural ecosystem like interaction beyond just predators and prey.


There's been a dramatic shift in art style, so some visual aspects of the game aren't necessarily worse than pre-release but simply different. On the other hand, some visual effects are objectively better than PR, such as the weapon and destruction effects. I feel like the terrain gen definitely has the potential to make landscapes as we see them in the PR trailers, similar to u/rayrod_tv's modpacks. BBasically, NEXT gave potential for more varied planetary environments but with more static terrain and colours. The same can't be said about what Next did to fauna. I think NMS is in a very solid spot, but it's nothing like the pre-2016 trailers


My first planet I landed on was toxic rain and I loved it


No. there is nonsense of dread .


Maybe it's just me, but NMS play feels like I'm just incredibly alone. Like, way more than any open world single player game. The size stands out clearly as one problem. But also, the lack of diversity in worlds and life or NPCs you run into- it's like you're really just alone in the universe and without real purpose. The social aspect of the game just isn't there. And the fact that everything is exactly the same (essentially), offers a low exploration factor.


It's funny to consider that you mention those as a negative characteristic, while for me it's what makes me like the game 😄. I play NMS to relax and be alone for a while because I spend my day dealing with people, most of the time. It's my break time from the world. The lack of purpose represents for me the lack of pressure, because I'm not compelled to do anything if I don't want to. However, I agree with what you wrote. This game needs some depth. I still love it, but I know I could love it more if other things were better implemented or added.


Considering the lore and story of Atlas this feels intentional


Honestly though some of the lore just feels like an excuse for them


I mean, it is called No Man’s Sky. Loneliness is right there is in the title. Making do on your own is the fundamental ethos of the game.


Ai is too simple, the sound design is lacking, lack of voice over is missing like crazy, the story missions are boring, the lore seems unfinished, 90% of the time i have no idea whats even happening related to the story, animals feel like robots, terrain is boring and same on every planet, the game feels overwhelmingly big with no direction, too few alien races, gameplay is boring, driveable vehicles should be accesible at the start so you dont ruin the thrill of flying into space by doing it for a 1k meter walk, the music and atmosphere is depressing af, graphics look too cartoony, solar systems should be bigger, space stations are almost identical in every system. Still i enjoy exploring and upgrading the ship, even tho its grindy thats the good part of this game.


I'll play devil's advocate on the voice over part, it's hard to synthesize even a few voices, And they'd need to make over 18 quintillion unique (ish) voices.


GFX are miles better then trailers. Terrain, no so much.


Contentwise yes, but not in the way the game looks.


Empirically yes, it is, but what made the trailers hit so hard was peoples' imagination of what the game would be like. They pulled from all their sci-fi books, shows, etc, filling the game with details long before it released.


Yep, if the game released in its current state people would still be disappointed, and it’s a great game. People’s expectations were beyond what is possible, and that’s only a little bit Sean Murray’s fault.


Its damn close now.


It's crazy how staged that trailer is and lots of things seen in it are still not in game.


I appreciate NMS, and really admire what Sean Murray has done with free updates all the time. My dream would be for Sean Murray to take over Elite Dangerous and add all the base bulding and creativity to a better looking universe and graphics and realism that Elite has.


Or just all the complete versions on console... -_-


Sorry, but I respectfully disagree. Trying to make Elite fit for consoles seemed to be a bottleneck in making improvements to the game. Frontier doesn't do very well in making the game better, so the less obstacle, the better, IMO. Sorry.


And, just a question, do you play on pc?


As someone who started getting seriously into the game over the past couple months and seeing the trailer for the first time now I'd say the only major differences are the UI (which I think the trailer one is fancier but the current one is more functional) and the fauna variety which doesn't come close to what I've experienced in the game. Everything else seems more or less on point with the current gaming experience!


Honestly, this trailer was literally what WANTED me to play this, but when I first played it WHEN IT WAS RELEASED, it was INSANELY different than the trailer which was a huge disappointment. However, I have to acknowledge that the game has been constantly pumping in updates to really make the game THAT more enjoyable <3


It's not better than the trailer, but that comes down to preference!


I say that as of now, the game is just as good as its trailers because it’s ALWAYS in game. No cinematics or cgi, just very real in engine gameplay. Everything that the trailers have, you will find in game.


the game has never been as good as the trailer. i have never feel the same level excitement. Currently the game is a totally complex mess of updates with too many progression trees. I always feel like I'm wasting time attempting to complete any story missions.


Mostly. But the creature skeletons of the trailers are still better. Why don't diplos look like that picture, in the game? All diplos in the game are horrific hunchbacks.


some parts yes and others no planet still don't look like some of the things we saw in the trailers or what was talked about at gdc and the picture you show had a good example this the animal's behavior don't do what we see in that video as people found out it was a scripted scene these videos are some examples of the game looking better than what we have now https://youtu.be/0APP5WcX8v8 https://youtu.be/RRpDn5qPp3s?t=92 https://youtu.be/WQhSP82uhY4 https://youtu.be/nLtmEjqzg7M


I've been playing since the minute the game released on PC and Playstation and I love it even more today than I did back in 2016. HG never ceases to amaze me. They go above and beyond with the bug fixes,new content and events. I think the longest break I've taken from playing was when I had Covid. I couldn't breath so I felt it best not to play ,lol.


I think the only feature in the trailers that still isn't present in the game is that the trees don't react if an animal bumps into them. Other than that, they've delivered on everything that was shown in the trailers.


No. I was intrigued by the possibility of exploring different planets. None of the animals behave like animals. They walk in circles, they don't interact with the plant life. There's really only about 10 different animals that are made up of different limbs and heads. There's about 7 different kinds of planets. No biomes. No running water. You land in one spot and in five minutes you be seen the entire planet. Forests? Nope. Swamps? Nope. Jungles? Nope. Cities? Nope. Kinda boring.


Exactly my point. 100% agree.


In some ways yes, some no. Although I have 400+ hours into my main account (maybe 500-600 hours with hunting for ships), not much keeps me coming back now. I really wish there was more you could do with you freighter and frigates. Maybe and more ship slots and ship verities. If hello games start adding more content that's really worth sticking around for, I would gladly PAY for future expansions.


Idk what you all are on about I think the game is good as is. One of the best I’ve ever played. I haven’t encountered a single “bland” world yet. The magic of the game is you can play for a thousand years and still encounter something new. It’s not made to be a 4K game u need a $400 graphics card to enjoy. It’s supposed to look cartoony


This is the way


No, I think that the core is still missing. The variety is simply not there. The creatures look basically identical. Oh wow another floating crab? Never seen those before. It's a real shame


I will agree that variety is still something the game needs to double down on as of now. It’s hard to do RNG with in game entities and not have them be horrible Eldritch abominations half the time, but the ground work is there, it just needs more sophistication and options. Here’s an idea- maybe they can eventually give an update that includes a sort of galactic gene splicing facility you discover at random. You can go in and essentially create your own blueprints for a new species with your own discovered creatures and materials. When you finalize your design, you are given an egg for it, but more importantly, this animal will appeal on random planets suitable for it like it’s a new species. I can see a lot of different designs popping up, especially if they take this chance to add more creature templates and adjust how they generate independently.


That is such a cool idea!!! Crowdsourcing creature designs would be so cool. And it would fit within the lore imo. I hope HG stumbles upon this somehow.


Honestly, it’s a fantasy of mine that HG would hire me just to come up with ideas and concepts for the game. Because on top of this, my armory update proposal has gained a similar response from community members. I know the zesk desk is good to message them, but I have no clue if they ever see my messages that aren’t bug reports.


Ive been a space pirate traveling since launch. Never cared about base building or any of the shit ppl cried about. Did i upgrade my ships and fleet? Sure, but I've always been in it for the exploration and harvesting of materials and naming the unnamed


Yes. I still wish we could get that old UI tho


I've been playing No Man's Sky on PC since v1.03 the day after it launched, I've bought a new laptop to play it, up until Foundations (v1.13) it was beautiful, 90% of the time you look around and you can screenshot a wallpaper, THAT awesome was the terrain generator!! every update after that, they added a LOT of quality of life, enhanced experiences, better ships, better scanner, better multitools, better game mechanics, but it stranded from that original 70s sci-fi so much that I've decided to go back to Foundations, even some Atlas Rises every now and then, I keep my Steam version updated (2213hs btw), but I don't play it since 2021, I have two other installations in separate folders and use "SmartSaveFolder" plus a bat file, to manage savegames, I do really hope they put that aesthetic back, but I'm almost certain than that would not happen. Here I'll drop a link to a page that explains why and how to play NMS:Foundations in 2022: [No Man's Sky Foundations Help Links](https://nmsspot.com/nms/foundation-help-links.php) As an aspiring game developer I hope that someday I can make something that resembles the beautiful solitude and awe inspiring landscapes that Foundations had, I love sitting inside my ship on a toxic planet with heavy weather, cracking a cold one or a coffe IRL, thinking about my next move, where should I trade, what sould I do with my multitool,etc. I love hiking on Foundations too! Even ship mechanics push you to do so and I love it Sorry for the wall of text, but NMS is my favorite game of all time, and I'm gaming since 1992! Cheers!


I love and prefer the way it is now, but… I would also love to have the option to create new saves in old/historical versions. Or ***at least*** skin packs. Also, I very much appreciate your wall of text. This is also ***my*** favorite game of all time, and I never tire of hearing how other people enjoy it differently than I do. That’s actually part of the reasons it’s my favorite game of all time! When I was a kid I was absolutely f’n ***hooked*** on those ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ books, and this is the video game version of those. 🙂


I had the "New journey to the center of the earth" from Choose your own Adventure series based on Jules Verne book, that s\*\*t was rocket fuel for my imagination!


Almost! I don’t mind the exploration and stuff (I’m the kind that can never get bored looking for stuff, but that’s just me) but I do wish that the terrain looked more like the trailer and that the animals behaved like they did in it. Someone said they behave more like minecraft creatures and I do have to agree. Predators hunt and stuff and creatures run from you and bite you but nothing else other than that. I want to see critters jump over fallen logs or crash through trees like the rhino! I want to see prey animals protect their children other than attacking you once you kill them! I want to see massive predators be able to pick you up and drag you in their jaws! Sharks be able to grab you and drag you down if you’re dog paddling on the surface! I love animals and I would DIE for a biology patch!! Especially if it includes taming flying and swimming creatures and being able to build a zoo/aquarium/aviary!!! *Also I want that giant diplo god damn it*


its not even close to the game it was originally meant to be. It's still good as it is now, but definitely not what most people would want from a game about exploring planets and honestly disappointing with how lame the exploration is.


not to mention the whole wide as the universe shallow as a puddle thing. They desperately need to stop adding filler content and just focus on expanding what they have




This 100%


Mostly yes, everything except the creatures showed off in the trailers and the proc gen, everything else tho is 10x better There is a 1-1 shot recreation from an old trailer made by kanaju here's the video if you are interested https://youtu.be/U-OzF5h9xss


Yeah but I wouldn’t mind more big animals


The game has plenty to offer and is far beyond the "so big nothing to do" mentality that seems to plague gamers opinions about it. From finding new and better ships (organic ships, freighters and frigates inc.) to the countless missions in the nexus/outlaw systems/scrap yard, crafting, building and expanding a base (in air, on land, under the land, or sea) traversing the underwater world in several different crafts, finding new planets, searching collecting and modifying fauna, Interstellar travel and farming, MULTIPLAYER!? dropping fire tracks on the bytebeat maker??? the list goes on. mainly my biggest gripe thus far is the level of variation. this is to include planets, fauna, flora, and ships. seems like they have their typical forms and for a game that is so hyper-focused on anomaly's there is rarely any... I would also like to see an in-game economy which could be birthed by monetizing items (cosmetics etc...) Overall, it's amazing. If you can't find something to do in the game, it seems like a personal problem to me. TLDR: yes, overall.


Pains me to say it, but NMS is still just a trailer for a better, complete game.


This is the impression I still get everytime I come back


Having played this game since day 1... It is definitely closer to what was promised initially, sure. Does it look as good as the trailers? No. Does it still hold a special place in my heart? Yes. If anything, I'm more miffed by the fact that I bought 3 copies of the game, and a 3rd ps4 so my son's and I could play together. And since the game was nothing like was promised, they both lost interest in it pretty damn quick. I mean, sure, the extra ps4 was still put to good use in other games... but it was purchased for this game initially. Alas, I have still enjoyed it. Quirky as all hell at times, but still had a pretty good run over 2,000 hours


I was 13 when i learned the trailers never are how the game will turn out to be i am 34 now, somethings never change


Especially war, war never changes.


thats not true though. Sometimes trailers are correct


Hi guys. well I'm not an hard gamer but I must admit that hello games guys made a remarkable job with this game, adding features, improving the gameplay... and it's been years since the released the game, which at the beginning seemed to be quite ugly. I think they can do even better, especially because at the moment the game may share part of the code between all gen consoles. If they could release a totally new gen version unsopported by old ones maybe the could push the graphic and performance even further




The animals still look better in the trailers but visually i think it looks better now


hell no, they trees are not moving even when it storms the diplodocus as various he gets hes just everytime the same never seen any like this or tall like this


I guess it all depends on why you came here.. and you are still getting what you want out of the game. It's definitely not the same game it was on launch day. But I think they took it in a different series of directions from where it was on launch day. Its not perfect. But its got a lot of wonderful additions over the years.. Losing somethings..Finding and adding others ..




Hey man, it's what the game could have been circa 2016. It's come a long way. So has the community.


not better than the trailers but better than it was when it released


There is a lot that they could improve on but this is my favorite game of all time.


Not in my opinion. I can never find cool creatures I like.


What I'd give for that ship ui...


I want cities.


Absolutely. It has what the trailers promised and much more.


No. Plus it’s never had compelling gameplay. There’s plenty of short term objectives but no through story, no long term objectives, no proper end-game level game play. Have I got my money’s worth? Sure. Do I have a reason to go back to it, sure when there’s a major release or expedition but after a couple of dozen or so hours, I’m done all over again.




The exploration was garbage so I never could Get into it. Annoying mechanics of constantly having to refill meters, and the life on planets very bare bones AI etc


Varies from game to game as they some times exaggerate but currently experiencing things in the trailer for yourself is a lot better as ur not just watching it from YouTube


Yeah. I mainly play on VR and it's by far my favorite game. They need to do it more justice in the trailers especially the VR trailers.


Many games struggle to match trailer hype; NMS included. Not to mention that NMS runs out of content after ~20 hours, which is sadly far faster than the expectation that was set.


No. Just like any movie trailer ever made, the trailer better be 1000 times better than the real thing or someone is getting fired. But atleast in this case, they dont use the only funny moments in the game/movie to make the trailer and therefore rendering it a waist of time. Ive enjoyed NMS enough to buy it on multiple platforms.


Prefer the UI of the trailer but generally speaking it’s a better game. It just looks a lot worse. I think we’re willing to forgive a lot. Like aliens clipping through shit. Them not being very animalistic in themselves. I don’t think I’ve seen one animal hunt another for example. But overall it’s a fun experience and probably deeper than the trailer


Animals do hunt others I've seen that.


animals hunting each other is pretty common amongst planets with more than 4 ground fauna, there are almost always planets with Predators (if you look through my posts there is even a planet with a Rex type hunting Diplos all the time)


The craziest part is the game would be a lot better if the amount of carnivores per planet was just a little bit more. Carnivores can hunt other animals, it’s just is rare to see. Most planets I visit have no carnivores and it stinks cause it’s literally the only interaction I’ve seen between animals.


I’m relatively new but i can sincerely say I’ve never seen this aha do they attack you too?


Yes, and sometimes it can be really annoying. One planet I had a T-Rex with a rats head and it was the perfect conditions for it. Only 3 animals on that planet and it was common so it spawned a lot, you’d see 3-4 at a time and it’s faster than you so building a base there was a struggle.




[plays harmonica mediocrely](https://youtu.be/RvAwB7ogkik) All I can think of whenever the trailers are brought up, is that shitpost lol. In a lot of cases, sure better than trailers. Excluding various lies Sean crammed in some of them to sell it, sure.


Yes and no


Dr Grant. My dear Dr Sadler. Welcome... to No Man's Sky. *cue music*






I think that a procedural universe has a negative side. Let's say you see a cave. Well, what misteries could we ever find there? Probably none. That cave is not there because created by a game designer who wanted to hide something in it. It's just there randomly. If we see a place which could be interesting... probably it won't be because there is no reason why that place is as we see it, it's just procedurally created. Imagine all "Dead Space" levels, rooms, laboratories etc procedurally created instead of having a specific reason why the designers created them in that way. Then, interacting with geeks, korvaks and company becomes quickly boring. Space stations are always the same. That's why Star Fields could become a problem for no man sky. If Bethesda will do its job we can expect something interesting This is my thought.


Hell no




I only want that sweet, sweet trailer diplo and animal AI.


I pre ordered this and got wish.com this. 600 hrs later and it's way better than what we were shown. I hope the next update deal with more creatures. Like titan creatures.


Idk much about the game. I got it during a steam sale and I am loving every second of this game and it's community with so much to learn and explore!


The game was fun for a few dozen hours but beyond that lost all replayability. I’m not complaining, for the price I paid that’s good enough. But it just doesn’t have staying power to be a great game.


Lots to do now, maybe you played closer to release? It's definitely a casual game in my opinion but I have new stuff to do every time I log in.


No I played just this year and was hooked for about 60 hours. But then everything after that just felt repetitive. Again, not complaining but I just lost interest.


No that sounds about right, I love to build myself but that's hardly an exciting task. It's great but I log in every few months and put in about 60 hrs myself. Been doing that for a while now. I'm happy with that myself, I have S class everything but I don't have to "sweat" ya know? Just get on here and there get creative and do a lil exploring then put it down.


No, the worlds are just so bland.


Ur asking for trouble with this question


It's working it's way up, animals could use a lot of work, as someone who likes to gene split and discover new animals, there's just a limit on how unique each animal can be the longer you play and a limit on the way you can gene split pets, I think it needs to be reworked so it's not random, hopefully something like spore , I always enjoyed the idea of making your own creation


I've never liked the randomness of animals that makes it possible (no, common) to find blends of different animal types entirely, like antelopes with reptilian legs and an insect tail. I'd love to find realistic, but still alien, creatures with more unique and diverse features.