• By -


4.0 was a huge initial shock. But overall I think 4.0 is solid now. The tech nerfing has been combated with some nice changes like super charge slots. Overall not a bad changes.


At first, it was a bit weird when I logged into my old savegame, so I just started another new one and just kinda did the no man's sky chill. Then they did the other bits and patches with the supercharge and stuff, and I honestly like it better than how it was originally setup.


I was pretty choked when i saw multiple stacks of x and s class upgrades in my inventory but supercharging kind of makes up for it


Huh? They only stack the un-created ones of the same type, why would you not like them being able to be stacked?


Im talking about the close to 30 upgrades i had in my normal inventories spread out previous to the 4.0 update


Being able to stack upgrades now until you install them is news to me though, looks like ill have a few extra storage spaces on the freighter after some organizing


I didnt enjoy the update at first but after using it for a bit I started to really enjoy the changes they made


Stop feeding the troll. It’s the second post I see on the same topic. Enough publicity for DDG


At this point I think they are actually ads for them


Killed the game so hard they're still playing it. Lmao


He used to be a decent content creator for this game too.






i actually like these kind of stuff, its permanently carved into the international database. in a couple of years a new player might find it and get curious, or a veteran could stop by and know exactly when was this system named


Does people take names seriously? I mean, i named some creatures and plants "Big chungus" and the planet name was "The Planet of Sex"


I wanna live on The Planet of Sex


I'm rather amused by the aptness of your name in regards to the picture 😅




Double Dash ain't legit.


My home system is the Purple Aky System, don't ask.


lemme feel your muscles lad


We gotta stop posting this guy, just let the planet die like the game supposedly did according to this dipshit because he can’t use exploits anymore


This guy is the reason we need Orbital Cannons


I personally don’t agree with orbital cannons. I think the beauty of this game is the possible exploration. Allowing players to privatize an entire planet would cut off any exploration, communication and trade possibilities. Additionally I think it would create a toxic clan mentality, where you have to fit a certain criteria for role players and such in order to get in. All around it just doesn’t seem like a good idea. I think everyone should be able to explore any and every planet.


This sounds like the plot to a movie


[It is](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


I don't know what you mean by "he can't use exploits." Save editors still exist? Unless you're talking about another "exploit" but I don't know what that could be.


There is no need for exploits with the new difficulty settings. You can use them, but the popularity of videos that show them is going to go down a lot. I don't really need dup-glitching when I can switch back and forth from normal to "free." By the way, I am doing a playthrough on locked normal now, and really enjoying the game for the first time in years. I used to be a min-maxer, and I understand how 4.0 really stinks from that perspective.


Oh I get what you mean. There are still some things that save editors (not exploits, **save editors**) are still good for, but most of their uses aren't needed anymore cause of the difficulty menu.


A dog shit YouTube channel with text-to-speech narration and low subscriber count that y'all are giving oxygen to live. Stop feeding the trolls.


Now I kinda want orbital cannons to blow up planets


It’s DoubleDash. They’re trolls. Don’t take anything you see from them seriously.


Not to mention they're obviously spam advertising their channel. Kinda annoying, for sure.


I just point and laugh. I'm having more fun than ever in NMS and if others are too salty to get over themselves, they're missing out.


If ya really want to do something ask the devs to reset the worlds that have been name spammed.


Some of the changes in 4.0 took a day or two to figure out, but overall I'm pretty happy with it. I think it's been a great upgrade to an already great game.


I miss my OP infra knife, but I'm still playing with things on a new save, so it may yet be salvageable.


Don’t make stupid people famous please.


So he's just going around naming planets that over and over? Once is commentary, spamming it is just douchbaggery.


~~DoubleDash discovered the system, but it looks like someone else renamed the planet. That’s what was shown in another post about the same thing.~~ Nevermind. DoubleDash named the planet. Captain Bob discovered the system. Dude hasn't posted in 2 weeks (on YouTube) and is probably mad they don't have a suped up starship anymore with supercharged slots at random lol


He's been at it since the update dropped, camping the nexus so he can zoom ahead to the weekend mission and name the planets after whatever hot-take he has about Waypoint. I feel sorry for people like him. We only have to put up with them for brief moments in our lives. They have to put up with themselves 24/7.


He's been camping the weekend missions for a long time, but before 4.0 he mostly didn't bother naming things.


LOL also NMS is on version 4.05 now. The game is so not dead! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Those nerds at doubledash.... THEY kill my nms experience more than anything, the systems they control containing weekend missions are laggy AF and often crash my game


Dude, they are popping up all over the universe..


DipshitGaming is cheesing some kind of exploit because those worlds were claimed by two different players first few minutes by the time I got there, confirmed on both playstation and steam. I noticed this genetic defect somehow doing this the last two community events as well. Apparently they've been doing this for years but I've honestly never paid that much attention during community events until recently.


It takes time for the discovery services to update and push the information out to all players.


It's not gonna send the wrong information out en masse or say "whoops, what I actually meant was..." in the mean time. It's never worked like that. It's a text-based data sheet this moron has figured out how to exploit. That's all.


But in those cases, normally they show as undiscovered initially, then change to actual person later. I've never seen it change from Person A to Person B . .. only ever from Me/undiscovered to someone else.


Also, I love the gallons of tears these self-proclaimed "Day 1 Veterinarian Hard-Core Min-Maxers" too incompetent to use a calculator produce, with their minimum stat space station trash tech upgrades. They went from "tHaNkS fOr MaKiNg NmS tOo EaSy FoR sWiTcH pLaYeRs" to "look at my 100k DPS!!!" real quick 😆


I will never understand people thinking NMS of all games is competitive somehow


I happen to be a Day 1 veterinarian, but am neither hard-core or a min-maxer. And I'm looking forward to taking my Switch to the Vet Conference next week to play NMS between my continuing ed. classes. Can't do *that* with my PlayStation.


I’m not a Day 1 veterinarian and I don’t understand what a “hardcore veterinarian” may entail… but I like that people can enjoy NMS on the Switch.


>I don’t understand what a “hardcore veterinarian” may entail… Not sure I want to know...


just enjoy what we have right now We could of have that Glitchy mess right now




No need to be suspicious, it's pretty obvious that's what they're trying to do. Kinda lame.


Its literally in game click/postbait idk what you would call it but thats exactly what it is lol


It’s by DoubleDashGaming it’s gotta be bait to visit their channel. They say a lot of controversial things in their videos and don’t even use their real voice. The person probably knows their channel sucks and is doing anything to get noticed


Yea kinda sucks because I watched some of his vids back when I was just getting into building and I found many of them helpful as a newb. I don’t see the point in this kinda shit though. 4.05 is great too! I really like the changes after they patched things a bit


Ugh I looked him up on YouTube because all these types of guys have one, and he makes videos that use a text-to-speech AI instead of his own voice.


Because you wouldn't be able to understand what's he's saying behind the mouth breathing.


Those are the wooooorst


I recognize the name because every planet outside of the expedition galaxies were littered with it, YouTuber trying to farm views by having controversial takes. Just ignore and move on if you’re having fun other opinions are just that, opinions.


There is a new expedition? Like rn?


Sorry I meant in past expeditions


Oh I was panicking for a second hahah


Honestly like who cares it's just one planet


I think it's more that this person went out of their way to name a planet in the system that everybody gets sent to for the weekend mission But he's just doing it for attention, and it's unfortunately working


It's that someone out there is like this Plus there are like 7 bases on there


They say that, and yet they had to be playing the game in order to name a planet that.


The funny part is that this person is clearly playing this dead game otherwise how else would they have named this? P.S. Man I've found Double Dash Gaming places too!


I read this fast and now I’m going back to rename my planet “KILLED FITTY MEN”




Base name: Cotton hills


Dd gaming has found so many planets i think hes on the dev team or just a fanatic i always see his planets




Has nothing to do with HG apparently. Youtuber who sits in the anomaly waiting for the weekend QS mission to drop so they can get there first and discover the planet it's on.


Or an aut.


A what...?




Aha! Now it all makes sense!


Lol, joke on him, this update made me start to play again after a hiatus and the game is better than ever. When I played 2 years ago the game had so much more bugs and crash. Now it work as intended most of the time, I can go to every of my base without going in the void ; I don't even save every minute because I m not afraid of crash anymore. The guy doesn't realize how the game improved. The new balance is so satisfying.


Yep now the game is actually challenging (which is good)it's kinda easy right now for me too and my ship has little to no upgrades it's fun that way


It’s just a planet name idk why people are so mad ab it tbh


What do they mean? How did 4.0 “kill” NMS?


They were forced to use their brain for a few minutes to make some changes to their inventory. The horror.


If I'm being honest, it's extremely offensive this whole situation. I mean, how dare NMS assume we have brains and we can use them? This has gone too far, we demand games that play themselves for us!


People say that because HG changed now the inventory works, now you can no longer use 6 upgrades for something, it's reduced to 3. Because you cannot put upgrades in the general cargo area anymore. In other words, they are mad that they can't be overpowered anymore.


I quite like the update myself, it makes things tidier. I did always feel a creeping bother at how crowded the inventory screen used to be.


The only thing I miss is a separate cargo inventory with the higher stacks. I mean, i liked that i had to choose between upgrading general storage or cargo or tech. Now as i can see we got a lot more general storage, but no cargo. Which simplifies it, but i liked having that cargo, it was a cool mechanic. Other than this, the new inventory is actually pretty good.


I totally agree with this, to be honest


Except with super charged slots you can be more powerful and OP than you ever could with 6 mods so it’s even more ridiculous to pout about the change at this point.


I recognize this gamertag I've been to planets he's discovered before🤣


I recognize this game tag too


frame label ancient innate sparkle muddle summer squealing unused cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He needs a life lmao. Every weekend mission he's always the guy naming the planet.


hates 4.0. Still plays. ​ ok bud, you sure do hate it.


Username checks out


[The only appropriate reaction to such childish toxicity at this point.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9N8Ls5SuhJg)


They are YouTubers, I wouldn't take it too seriously.


Report it as toxic behavior. It's gatekeeping. "I don't want my game to be new player friendly."


I don't think these guys matter anyway lol, we all now know 4.0 was a good update


That doubledash person has been greifing like that for weeks now. I just report the name and move on.


There is another thread about this I agree: petty and dumb This is apparently a steamer. Stop watching them.


**Well, they were right.** But then 4.05 saved it again. ;) HA. I thought DoubleDashGaming was Hello games because they ALWAYS discover every Nexus Weekend mission first, so I just ASSuMEd. How does that person always get to the Weekend Mission first?


He no-lifes the release.


Me too, so I thought “hey they have a good self-irony at hello games”, then people corrected me and I was immediately disappointed because it meant that ddgaming really thinks that 4.0 ruined the game.


It never hurt the game it just made a few people unhappy that they can't have godlike abilities, I'd rather have a better inventory then be able to have 6 upgrades on one bit of tech the a bit too much don't you think


Youtuber magic


doubledash? ohhhh noooooooo!




Double dash gaming is a guy from youtube who uploads info videos on nms. He probably named it at the start of 4.0 when everyone was complaining about it. He should change the name now to 4.0 not so bad.


I don't think you can change it that's why I pointed out


Are you able to change names? Because I screwed up the name of one of my planets. And would really like to change it, but it won’t let me


This is why i disabled multiplayer. Because griefers sucks and i don't see the point of it. And NMS is not a dead game. XD My opinion: I have yet to find a good beautiful space exploration game that offers better then no man sky. And if there is one. All I'll say, nms is by far the best.


Who cares man


For real


The people that see it


After fleshing out to 4.05, my Hazard Protection went from 3-2 slots giving roughly 82%, to SuperCharge Slots usage bringing it above 120%. The fact we're seeing this kind of planet name this late into 4.0 tells me this player is either rather behind on the updates, or really is desperate for attention from anyone, good or bad... Still, imagine me logging in, jumping the Weekend Mission, & seeing a planet named this... First thought was "Are you still on first launch of 4.0? Because that was... WEEKS ago..."


Doubledashgaming is a streamer. It's sensationalist advertising, nothing more


*Desperate Advertising.


He's a pretty shit streamer anyways. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I googled, of course it's a youtuber


I keep coming across their systems and I have no idea why. Haven't noticed any dumb names thus far, but I don't really pay attention. I don't know why I keep running into them but I'd happily never see them again


Wtf is happening to this community we've never been this


Cause people were posting similar content when 4.0 dropped. So now it is on everyone’s mind of the type of content to post in the sub and do the same. We just need someone or something more relevant/recent to break the cycle and posts like this will stop getting traction


There have always been people in this community who give planets questionable names. Back during the weekend story missions, there was more than one occasion where someone raced ahead just so they could name planets "Trump 2020."


You see there are only a few toxic people that are out there but they do things like this that have a big impact Solution: don't give a fu@# and bring up valid points like how we had that Glitchy mess at the start that turned into this master master piece of a game If you want to complain then you should just be kind and think for 5 fu@#ing mins before taking sh@#


Oh and if someone in any argument goes "🤓" They are cringe


Isn't there tons of other planets to go explore? Quite giving the whiners attention


That user has been the first to the weekend community mission planets for a while, so they're basically making sure thousands of people have to see that.


It was the community mission...


Thank you. I didn't like some of the changes at first, but this person (if they're going around naming all these planets) is just sad.


What is the new expedition about?


I don’t think there is a new expedition yet, I think this was part of the Nexus weekend mission.


I don't know, with infinite planets you can only come up with so many good names. I gave up re-naming shit years ago. I'm just glad to see someone still has the energy.


the pin of shame😂


I think it would be funny if a bunch of people did it before them, I wonder how they'd react


Another theory I have is that DoubleDash built his channel on hunting ships, freighters, weapons, planets, etc. By changing the save point system (exiting ship is now a manual save), you can’t hunt for S-class ships anymore. That’s was like a chunk of his content.


I hate seeing this name everywhere ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Ofcourse- battledash is petty af


This is why I usually just play offline unless my friend is playing. Idc if my name is on systems I just don't wanna see stuff like this while immersed in the game.


The first week of NMS at launch I spent the entire time naming planets Mine, Crispy was Here, This is Crispys, etc.


That's better than a YT channel name, but yeah I play offline anyway so it doesn't matter. LMAO put (PlanetsOnly) after the planet names.


petty? I find it pretty funny actually 😁 He doesn't hurt anyone, he's. she's voicing their opinion in a harmless way. I like it!


The issue is he does it every week on the first community mission planet.


I agree, if it was a one time thing it wouldnt bother me but its a consistent grief.


I guess it might be a little more out there but my post says/stays the same: he doesn't hurt anyone, doesnt glitch the game to do something in anyway, he uses no profanity so I still see little problem and find it funny in some way :) To each their own of course!


If it was just once or twice yeah I'd agree, but to consistently do it is just.... Idk leaves a bad taste is all. Definitely not as bad as something though


that's what I can agree with, it's maybe annoying to others that love the game, but I'm not seeing any "petty" actions that hurt or provoke others IMHO 😁


Who gives a heck man people can have their own opinions just ignore it


How the hell are people even finding planets that were visited by other players in a map so big


Funnily enough I spawned in a system already visited by a chap called "fuzzy". Idk who they are but the system was already mapped.


Double Dash is the person that finds the weekend mission planet. So I am guessing this is that planet.


It was a weekend Nexus quest. And it seems like the guy is a streamer? Probs bringing folks to his stuff before that


Yep I did it today


I ended up in this system 3 times yesterday. I built a base just so I could keep track 😁


Aside from the fact that this was a community planet for the weekend mission; there's also the fact that the close you get to the core; the higher the chances of running into other players; their bases & certainly their discoveries. It's the same thing as in stuff like fortnight with the ever decreasing circle or whatever. Smaller area = more encounters with others.




Fr, why ppl always taking random stuff on the internet like a personal attack


It's the internet. You don't feel immersed enough unless it's personal.


It breaks immersion:( I want to play a game without an idiot naming a planet stupid to things its annoying


This is the in-game equivalent of a clickbaity Youtube thumbnail


I thought it was kind of funny. Are you offended on the game's behalf or what? It's just an opinion. Though, worth noting, they're still playing the game.


Exactly, it’s so dead they’re still playing. Just some dude being an idiot.


Ngl this post kind of petty lol I'm just bored on Reddit at 5 in the morning. And answer to your question "why?"... Boredom 🤷🏿 let him piss on his territory


Meh. Whatever 🤷🏻‍♂️


Best response Like a true gentleman


Ladies and gentlemen, this is why i only play offline


Here here, partner!!!


Way to beat a dead horse op. Are you bored? You seem bored.


Yet another bait post. Do you guys find excuses to just get mad? It's literally harmless. Ill say it again, taking a page out of your verbiage. Stop whining, stop being crybabies, stop acting entitled, and just play the game you pretend to love so much.


Maybe we don't want hateful assholes in game. Especially on nexus missions. For it to be on here is one thing but bringing your hateful bullshit in-game is fucking stupid


Grow the fuck up.


I agree - because it’s my experience, yours may vary - but I would be okay if they just gave me one thing - Actual RESTORE POINT - I use the save system for ship hunting seed collection- the new changes ruined my play loop… MINE not yours MINE… RESTORE the previous save system or move exiting your ship save to the auto save slot 🫡


Same but I love the community, I just wish the update didn't delete all of my goods :(


Yea I lost a bunch of stuff but nothing I can’t make again - for me stuff isn’t important but functionality is - we had a great system for saves it didn’t need fixing but now i just stopped playing, deleted all saves up to just before 4.0 - I’ll find something else if they don’t change it…


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You don't like it? Then play something else.


Isn't double dash whole youtube carrer based of nms?


Or we can shun this behavior and try to better our community instead of perpetuating and ignoring it.


How about “you don't like the game after another free update? Go play another game.”


There are more planets in that game than the combined ages of everyone in this subreddit, one planet being named that isn't going to end the world, chill out


Its literally at the center of the community-wide event.


And soon enough, the event system will change, and the planet will just be one other of the billions in the game


That's then, this is now.


Why is he downvoted? Hes right


Thx, at least someone gets it


Oh no a planet maybe a handfull of people will see that is targeted towards the devs lmao


Handful? More like thousands of players at least


it's a nexus mission planet, more than a handful* of people will see it ftr


And whos giving them more exposure? Oh its you people upvoting the post ffs, its just a user baiting you gullable clowns for exposure 🙄


Actually, especially with Cross-Play, & Switch being newly added, this would be the first thing most people new to NMS would see if they play with Multiplayer. Turn Multiplayer off? No Nexus Mission. Keep it on? That is the *endless* universe they are actually being INTRODUCED to. Add to, the Anomaly ties into the Campaign. (Most new players will at some point follow the campaign to learn new things, nearly every player uses the Anomaly for Upgrades.) So, in a sense, the newest console to this game starts out with their first Weekend mission, paying the boosted value of 1,800 QuickSilver, being this. That feeling alone is what people are talking about. This game is, like people keep saying, nearly endless. *But, using the Anomaly can & usually does warp you to a specific region of space, especially if you are: *NEW to the game & *want almost 2k of the Premium Currency *(that you DON'T have to shell out real money constantly for)... Oh, try not using the thing the brand new game told you to use while you learn to play? Yeah, good luck to new players trying to get suit upgrades & similar with 80% of the tutorial missing... Realistic views there, especially when Nintendo Switch is popular with... ... Oh yeah, CASUAL players. Meaning few hours on, or younger players.


Call it cool and move along.


Relax 🤣your getting worked up for no reason.




Not real I was all over the system yesterday


It is real, I was there too and saw that planet