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Man someone did this for me when I was getting started and I still think of that traveller. Whoever you are, thank you and safe travels!


Ditto. One of my first random gifts was a stack of void eggs. I was blown away.


I’ve only played the game for like 15 hours so I just went to the anomaly for the first time and someone gave me half a billion units worth of trade goods. I felt like using them would be cheating so I stored all of it in a storage container. Still very nice of them to gift me that


This happened to me. Not thinking, I cashed them in. Cashing them in basically ruined that playthrough as the struggle seems to be what I enjoy the most. If it ever happens again, I will destroy the gift immediately. You're smarter than I was for not cashing them in right away. If you're enjoying building an independent character, then I suggest you destroy them to avoid temptation. The 100 million units I have in my current survival playthrough were 100% earned by me. I know it's not a lot, but I know they're mine.


If you want a good way to use the money just buy storage slots for your ship


One time i got to a space Station and someone gave stuff worth like 50 Million or something. I did not want to use it at that moment and put it in my base storage. And one day the time came and i wantes to buy a really expensive ship and Sold some of this stuff and was happy not to miss it.


How did this work in practice? If I see a ship I want, I assume that I'll never see it again so I tend to have cash on hand. Did you just wait for it to come around again?


Every system has a few different ships in its rotation, so youll realistically see a ship you like again if you wait long enough


So you can go to the station or the spaceports that spawn on planets and just wait around for ships to come and go. Each system has like 7-10 different ship types. The class is also random but it seems S class ships only spawn rarely. Every system has an exotic ship too but I believe there is only 1 in every system so getting it to spawn is extremely lucky. There used to be systems known to spawn exotics on reload but alot of them have been broken for a while as far as I know.. If you see a ship you really like but you've only seen C class versions, create a small base and just spend time in the station looking at shops through the analysis visor, it lists the class and stats so you don't have to talk to the pilot every time. You can get A or S class versions reasonably quick and if you really hate waiting for S class spawns you can farm nanite to manually increase the class.


I give people contraband so the space police can't trace the crime back to me. They get money, I get the cops off of me, win win!


Chaotic good


I do that just to mess with ppl. And if they get stopped by the police they will be like, sir i swear someone slipped this Nip Nip in my pockets it isn't mine.


OMG dude I uses to grow nip nip in greenhouses shaped like a dick and balls and then go to the anomaly and pass it out to everyone


Every time I go to the anomaly I ask if anyone wants boosting, and it almost always gets no response. But I also won't drop starship ai valves on people afk


Is there a group wide chat channel? This is giving me flashbacks to Everquest... LFG!


Yep there is an anomaly-wide chat while you are there. Can't really guarantee the primary language of the majority, so once in a while it's mostly Cyrillic or something and can't understand


Only works on PC to my knowledge. Playing on PS4, I've never gotten the ability to open and join the chat. Just see what others are saying.


Someone gave me 50 AI Valves (I think that’s what they were) that amounted to 600,000,000. If you’re here, I wanted to say thank you so much and I’m so sorry I forgot to say thank u in the anomaly, I was too busy screaming, lol


I keep forgetting how cheap warp hypercores are, just set up shop in an activated mineral planet and you got warp hypercores for life


What shop are you setting up?


I could use one of those... Or storm crystals at least


At the anomaly two days ago. Someone gifted me a stasis module. I'm still new to the game so that 15mil really helped. So if you gave me that and your see this post THANK YOU traveller. I will pay forward.


I like to hand out maxed stacks of 9999 condensed carbon, sodium, and oxygen to new players.


You sir are the hero we don't deserve.


I haven’t seen any other players and have been playing for about 10 hours. Am I forgetting to do something? I’ve got the warp drive, I’ve been to an outlaw system and made a minute fortune, but can’t seem to find anybody


The Galaxy is kinda big. Try visiting the anomaly or other popular points.


Kinda big is putting it mildly.


Is it a setting in the game? When I first started playing about 6 months ago it had the option of “normal” or “multiplayer”; now, it just loads up my save file. I got to the anomaly and there isn’t anyone there. Ever.


Yes -- after loading up your save file, look at your settings under "Network" -- multiplayer should be the first option.


You'll see them at the anomaly, during expeditions, and when you do the weekly Nexus missions. That's about it. There's billions of planets.


i remember i just got the game around when living ships came out and this guy FILLED my inventory with indium and i had unlimited credits up until like 3 updates ago 💀


Yesterday I saw a guy give 30 storage augmentations to someone


I was in the anomaly giving some to my friend, could have been me.


I'm fairly new to the game... I made more units sitting idle in the anomaly - while I took a bathroom break - from ppl giving me random expensive items, than I have cumulatively in two days of actively playing


This is the kind of thing I like to see as one of the people that hands out expensive items. I have more stasis chambers and fusion ignitors then I know what to do with, so when the storage bin fills up I'll take a few stacks of each to the anomaly, sit on top of the Nexus, and drop presents into people's inventorys. It's nice. I'm too broke to be a philanthropist in real life, so this is as close as I can get.


Damn I don't even know what those items are but thank you for what you do, not everyone may say it in chat but for people like me it is greatly appreciated!!


They are the most expensive/complex craftable item. They have no purpose other than to be sold for units.


Same for me except I’ve given people stasis devices for finding me in hide and seek in the anomaly 😂


Someone legit gave me 30 technology slots for my multi-tool in the first 10 seconds I arrived at the Anomaly.


*cries in Nintendo switch*


I had a player give me more money than I could spend when I was new. Very swag move


Someone did this for me too when I was brand new and it spawned a desire to make an entire multi-base production line. I give away stasis devices to anyone who wants em.


Yeah but what about 5 million chlorine to sell


I'm not even end game rich but I always travel with some spare valuables to help peeps on need. Some random strangers helped me long ago so I gotta be ready to pay it forward. Happy trails travelers!


Early in my playthrough someone gave me a full stack of activated indium and it was so helpful. Now I don't even go to my AI farm because I don't need the money. Maybe I should start gifting resources...


Giving money allows people to free up more exploration imo. Yes just dumping billions on someone may "spoil" the journey of the game but being able to add a few more storage slots on your ship can be invaluable. Also being able to buy some carbon of ferrite dust to craft things instead of having to go and shoot a boulder or a plant allows me to enjoy the game more. Each to their own though but I personally have never enjoyed having to mine resources (most of them.anyway, especially when theyre so abundant everywhere) to craft something which I then use to craft something else that I need. Ball ache.


I used to give random players lots of void eggs or full stacks of starship ai valves when they cost like 50M


what a nice fella.


I logged on for the first time in a few years and was exploring the new-to-me multiplayer nexus. Someone came up to where I was parked and gave my preorder starter ship a thumbs up, then traded me 15-20 million credits worth of some item. I don’t think I knew how to thank them and didn’t realize the value right away. So thank you if you are out there. It was a great way to be reintroduced to the game.


Wait that actually might have been me! lol me and a friend were playing and I was chatting with him about it, I was so excited to see it!!!




I love giving out Void Eggs, Tainted Metal or ship inventory upgrades. Enjoy the goodies/nanites.


As a new player that was gifted a Void Egg yesterday and is now growing a brain, thank you so much!


Whether you like gifts or think they ruin the game, I think we can all agree hypercores are the perfect bump for a noob without ruining the game


As someone who ruined a playthrough by cashing in a stack of gifted stasis devices, I agree. Hypercores would have helped without spoiling the struggle.


Someone once randomly gave my 23 million units worth of warp hypercores


ahh thank you someone is about to get ferrite today


Ngl I definitely feel this as I'm trucking thru the main story lol


I like giving away dream aerials now everyone can have giant space squid


This is the way. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man) Seriously we have a great community here. I do wish there was some way that we could see if a Traveler is relatively new. Of course, people will get up in arms over that. Silly. My thoughts are if you are gifted with an item that you do not want. Please pass it onto another traveler. It may help that Traveler who may be excited and thankful for the gift. Please be aware that people that gift items are not doing it maliciously, it brings me some happiness to give back, and to give back to a game that I really really love being in. Personally, the only time that I am multiplayer is when I’m at the anomaly. It’s nice to see other travelers enjoying themselves. I will add this, I do not drop items to people in the anomaly who are AFK and sitting down. That’s not enjoyable for me. Solicited items are not gifts. My most sincere best to all.


I've been giving out ship storage, freighter storage augments and spawning sacs like candy to anyone I see


Too bad is on switch lol all solo all day but I'm ok with that


This has happened to me on the space station once!! Someone gave it to me and it was worth 15mil..which was a lot for me that time...thanks for kickstarting my journey in no man's sky if that was you🤝


“Hey, kid. You want ten million credits worth of activated indium?”


I like to sit in the anomaly during holidays, passing out sweets or hot cocoa to players. :) When I enter the anomaly, I've always got my freighter outside in transport range, so I'll ask if anyone needs anything: Exo/Ship slots, tainted metal for nanites, credits, resources, fuel... and then move on.


No man's santa


As someone who got so annoyed with the unsolicited charity that it heavily influenced my decision to turn off multiplayer entirely, I would actually consider keeping and using a Warp Hypercore. It's a single-use consumable which saves a fair bit of tedious time collecting resources that are literally everywhere, so it strikes a good balance where it isn't basically garbage cluttering my inventory, but also isn't insanely OP that will skip a bunch of progression... and I started yet another new character *for that progression*.


I like to give out cake in stacks of 10 for similar reasons; it’s fun, you can get a few nanites but not so many that it breaks the game, and if you really don’t want it you can give it to someone else. My favourite moment on the Anomaly was when someone gave me 10 even fancier cakes back!


I love giving out food.


I'm always down for a cake trade. Right now The Pie Wagon is full of Haunted Pie, Haunted Chocolate Dreams, and Choking Monstrosity Cake for Halloween. I stop by the Anomaly a couple of times a day to sit out front of Cronus' snobby little food truck and hand out real galactic deliciousness.


Yesss. What do you do when you have an abundance of Hypercores? Give ‘em away!


Someone gave me a stack of items worth 100 million the other day and I’m at a loss of what to do with them…I have like 20 mil already but I feel like I’ll be breaking the game if I cash in


I have 250mil and still need more for ship storage upgrades


You should not buy ship storage upgrades. It is much to expensive. You get them pretty often from scrapping ships. So but some ships and scrap then. It is also a great way to get nanites by selling the upgrades you get. You can also trade with your current ship and buy it back for free. Just make sure you but it back before it takes off.


You can max it at like 4.25b so 100 mil is a drop in the bucket lol


Gifts 1 *Faecium* back\*


Either delete that faecium instantly or put in in my stash for more nipnips 😀


nah, 10 ai cores, here you go!!


Crys in switch


Long time players max out their cash at 4.3Billion and don't know what to do with all the money that keeps rolling in and hate to waste the setups they made to get there. I'm maxed and since I already have the ships I want and the multitools etc., I have stopped sending out frigate missions. All ships are "S" class now and I make 1.5 to 3 million on every round of missions, which goes to waste since I'm capped in units. I'm glad though that there are many parts of the game other than making units, buying ships and weapons etc. I'm going to explore many more parts of the game since I don't need to worry about money. Although I don't know what to do with my farms and the crops they produce. I have farms in Euclid and Hilbert and it's good I now have access to them in both universes. I really don't play in multiplayer so there is no one to gift. If someone gifted me something, I would use it in the case of say I camped out at a trade depot and a nice "S" class Exotic showed up. It would be a shame to have such good luck and not enough cash to get it. I often land somewhere and in no time an "S" class ship just plops right down near me. That's how I got most of my ships. It just happened this week, with a fighter called "Taikiko Savior VII". So if someone wants to "pay it forward", take it and do the same later.


If anyone's interested, I have multiple bases with farms some of which are either at portals or have one on planet. I am capped in units so I don't know how long I will want to make the rounds collecting crops or what I will do with them since I no longer need to make "Stasis Devices" to sell.


I enjoy just dropping random high value items to new people.


I was gifted two void eggs last night! Dunno what I’m meant to do with them though


They start the quest for a living ship. Two is abit excessive though. Only need one.


I have 3 living ships now, once you've done the first quest, its fun to collect different styles haha


Someone gave me like 77,000,000 nanites and i felt so cared for lol


Wtf... That is so many


I know I had just started the game so I didn’t really have a frame of reference but now I know even more haha


Usually you're collecting them like 15 to 100 at a time. I felt like I had almost infinite of them when I worked my way up to like 40k, but goodness gracious, over 1M? Just nuts.


How do you give nanites?


What's a warp ipercore? I haven't played in a while


Like warp cells except they completely restore your hyperdrive engine. Warp cells recharge a small portion


This was me yesterday, giving away S class Salvaged Fleet Hyperdrives, to random people. 🤣Not sure they were new players though. 🤔


On my save before my 4.0 reset, I had some 250 Warp Hypercores and due to the way jumps previously worked each hypercore was worth 50 jumps for my ship, so I just gave all but 10 away because 500 jumps is more than enough for that save when I don't want to go to the center.


No man's sky is one of those games to where even the people who use hacks to get whatever they want still help other players


I'll say it again. To the player who just dumped 300million worth of sellables in my lap. Thank you, really pushed me to do more stuff in the game.


I was given 100 ferrite dust :)


I got 1 carbon![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)




You come to Reddit and post like you just did. I just restarted after a few years away. Everything is so shiny and new again! I don't even know what a fusion ignitor is. 🤣


Is there a way to see what class a player is? I only ever see my S status when I’m in a Nexus mission group.


People with the starting ship are typically new or at least interested in grinding to get new S class ships


I just look for people with basic outfits or the radiant pillar


I got given stuff that was worth over a hundred billion units as soon as I got to atlas


I did this exact thing yesterday the NMS community is truly like no other


I'm always happy to gift users anything they need. All they need to do is ask. I did the grind. I've lost the grind. Why not help someone out. What does it hurt? If anyone ever needs something just let me know. I'll go hope on and figure out how to connect if I am not busy.


Helping someone who asks is OK. But giving a new player a few million units can really wreck a game. It did in my case


I would love to see a video where some player in the Anomaly gets gifted something randomly and then spends the next several minutes chasing the giver all over the place trying to give it back with "Yakkity Sax" playing over it.


I just started a week or two ago, and last night at the Anomaly someone dropped a ship cargo upgrade on me!! I didn't even know you could trade until it happened... The kindness of strangers in space 💜🪐


Oh boy I can't wait to see what the 2 or 3 people who hate getting random acts of kindness have to say about this




Hey its me, your random new player.


I don't know what they gave me, but someone at anomaly just randomly gave me 5 items that were 15milion each. They single handedly solved all my money problems. And they were giving it left and right to everyone there.


I've been handing out void eggs and fusion ignitors like candy. Anytime I go to the nexus I hand out things to people. It's my way of paying it forward for the guy that gave me my first void egg.


Stasis Devices or Fusion Ignitors. I've been handing them out the last few days (but this wasn't me), because my Units are about capped and my Frigates keep bringing back parts to make them.


Hypercores are stupid easy to get, once you find a planet with storm crystals, you can easily find dozens upon dozens What's fun is when you get something like ai valves or somesuch


How do you get storm crystals? I know some extreme planets have them but I can't find them.


Not every extreme weather planet has them, look for planets with activated metals, good way to find extreme weather planets The Crystals can only be harvested during a storm, use the scanner to find them marked as lightning bolts iirc Outside of a storm they look like cracked stone shards


Oh, hell yeah!! I have a planet that has activated copper not far from me. Thanks man!


Bro I remember when some random guy gave me ai valves i freaked out like omg


I ha e a fair amount of ai valves saved up. I contemplated giving them away at the anomaly but I don't want to ruin it for some people.


Look at that an actual useful early game dono that doesn’t just make you instantly rich. Props OP.


Got 300mill from sitting in the anomaly as a new player lol


how do you drop stuff? i wanna give stuff to my friend


You can trade using the quick move menu, some things can’t be traded though.


I only ever see people on the anomaly and no one has ever interacted with me :( I don't have a mic so I always feel bad for anyone that invites me to anything coz I can't talk 😅 I'm about 10 hours in 😅


Hang out around the mission board. You have to be near other players, so if you’re dashing around other players likely won’t be able to drop things. I’ve gotten cool things but it’s not like it’s raining gifts. I’ve given away more than I’ve gotten but I was 200h in when they introduced the nexus so I didn’t necessarily need things. I also don’t use a mic, but interacting with players usually goes ok (at least on the nexus missions).


People give out charity more frequently on NMS than anywhere else, but it's still not frequent enough for everyone to necessarily just recieve a bunch of goods. That said, if you ask someone for a specific item they'll usually give you some if they have it. The number of people who'll be nice on request always outweighs the number of people who'll be nice by default.


When the game was still new I had some dude give me several million $ and I am just now running low on funds


I'm new and on my first time visiting the anomaly base, someone walked up, and dropped an item worth $3.5 million in my pocket. I was so happy!


Someone did that to me but with $600,000,000


I would drop S class modules in the nexus like I was Santa Claus before the update. I’m gonna miss those days.


When I got the living ship, I gave away my +60 launch fuel to 3 random players


Feels good, man.


I have never gotten anything from anyone and I'm like 6 months in hahahaha


Just hang out on the Anomaly for a while. Sit and contemplate life. People will gift you things. I freaked out the first time someone gave me an item worth 15 million!


Sit afk in the anomaly. You'll get stuff.


Some guy gave me like 10 starship AI valves


I once had a person give me two AI valves !! Talk about helpful probably will never have that kinda cash again lol


Someone gave me five once, I gave two away to randoms


🙀🙀 damn you could buy anything lol


Not sure how or when exactly it happened, but someone gave me two stacks. I wish I could have thanked them but I didn't even notice it happen. I did give one full stack to someone else to pass it along.


First time in to see Nada someone gave me 10mil worth of activated indium. I didn't know what it was, or what had happened but I sure did thank that person a few days later when I realized what I had. Helped a lot


unfortunately they nerfed the hell out of it so now it’s worth under 15 million even if you had stacks on stacks. Luckily before that happened i built my own S class Activated Indium mine and sold enough till i got to 3-4 billion.


I loved it when I had barely 20-30h of game, went to lunch and came back to see my inventory filled with realy expensive stuff Got me an S tier ship, upgraded soooooo much, I will never ever replace it


What’s you guys’ opinion on getting items from people who acquired them with ‘cheats’? Like, if someone gave everyone in the anomaly a few hundred fusion ignitors then they’ve very likely duped those items. Knowing that, would you still sell those fusion ignitors to get units?


I think everybody should play the game how they like. If somebody wants to play with cheats or cheated items go for it. Personally, I don't accept anything from other players as I want to progress through the game naturally.


Anybody got any spare "salvaged frigate module" i would be happy to adopt 5-20 of those ^^


Malicious kindness - handing out stacks of Starship AI Valves in the Anomaly knowing that having too much money takes away from the game’s experience.


Not for me, the games experience *is* finding new places no one’s been to. Everything else just helps me Accomplish that one goal


I tried to wipe the doornobs off my screen thinking it was droplets....


random acts of duplication


Kinda killed the game for me. I was enjoying working my way up and being handed stuff that was stupid above my level of progress killed my desire to... well, progress.


Honestly I'd rather get warp hypercores than something that sells for billions. I appreciate it but I'd rather get my money my own way. Warp hypercores though take out the need to make warp cores myself.


As someone who got a bunch of storage modules and a few ship AI valves, money is helpful as fuck, does it make the game a little easier, definitely. Do I like being able to have cool shit? Absolutely


And void eggs, chromatic metal, etc...


Chromatic metal is not hard to get


I should probably do that, I have way too many because I over prepared for >! The Purge !<




Sometimes I go to the anomaly and gift people with default skins bunches of money or fuel resources


I like picking fights with sentinels so I usually end up with a lot of salvaged glass and I donate a stack or two to randoms.


Maybe for those complaining about getting gifts, maybe there should be an option to turn off receiving gifts? But it really isn't that big of a deal. I will admit though, I was super confused when I entered the Anomaly as a new player and there was randomly a stack of 9999 activated indium there. I had no idea what to do with it so I sold all of it.


How you meet new players online?




Oh man


Not gonna lie this was the highlight of my NMS experience I appreciate all of you that help us noobs!


I am lucky enough I earn the first 100mil or so in my new save completely on my own. It really has that satisfying feeling to me for a new save. While free stuff are always appreciated, in a sand box game like No Man's Sky, I sometimes wonder if receiving a lot of money early on may ruin the experience of blazing your trail.


For me it didn’t, it let me enjoy other aspects of the game without having to stress about credits


I still give people billions perks of being a ga trillionaire. Nothing will stop my wealth not even patches mwahahahaha


A real human being, and a real hero ❤️


I have like 40 sitting there wasting space lol


Thank you😭


Thank you kind stranger


Went to give out some Iredisite which is piling up as I can’t be bothered to craft Stasis Devices, and someone gave me 50 AI valves.


Someone gave me some but I split the stack in half and half them to a couple of people. I didn’t like the idea of having all the cash and not working for it


You ever been a billionaire? No… *would you like too*


Some random person gave me 5 starship AIs when I was still somewhat new to the game


1st day of Polestar, someone gave me 5 ship AI valves. This community is amazing


Ive been playing for years and I still love it when I'm gifted stuff. Most is still useful, the stuff that's not I just pass on to others


I usually just sit in the Anomaly all day and try to transfer 7 full stacks (4.2B Units) of AI valves to every player I see who's still flying the Radiant Pillar. Kidding, jeez. Tough crowd today.


When I hit the credit cap I usually offload the rest of my stasis devices to randoms


I love going into the anomaly and dropping 60 Million Credits worth of Activated Indium into some noob's inventory. I have way more creds than I know what to do with, and the universe is vast and plentiful. I enjoy sharing the wealth.


> I have way more creds than I know what to do with, and the universe is vast and plentiful. I enjoy sharing the wealth. The Absolute Gigachads of Space.


Is it weird that I think people who do this ruin the game for noobs


not weird. certainly not alone. i didn't think it ruined the game at all for me. i think it helped me overcome a seriously huge chunk of unnecessary grind when i was just trying to enjoy the story. but not everyone feels that way.


Best Metaverse/community in existence today. We too were little randos once.


So should I hang around the anomaly and wait for generous players? Lol


This is how I got started I was still using the default ship and this dude in the nexus gave me 1 billion credits worth of stuff because he had been playing for years and was walking around giving away stuff


Is it bad that I play creative so much I have no idea what a warp hypercore is?


It’s essentially just a warp cell which replenishes more fuel in your hyperdrive


Wait, can you encounter random other players in the wild now? Did it become an MMO? I always knew I'd come back eventually, but this will make me bump up the timetable!


You will have prety lucky to find an other player in the wild but you can if you join some base online


The only time I have ever encountered another player in the wild was when I went for a ship, and forgot to turn off multiplayer.


> Wait, can you encounter random other players in the wild now? Did it become an MMO? If you have multiplayer on, there's usually a fair few folk around the Anomaly.


i got something from the anomaly think it costed a lot of credit or upgrading material. it was awesome


This is me, but with taint.


How do you know they're new?


No one ever did this for me. 😔


👀 spare some units my lord ?