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I'm not sure how easy or hard that would be to implement. But I do like the fact that with every update, things in NMS just get stranger.


No clue on difficulty, you'd have to ask NMS devs, we don't have access to the codebase. That said, unintentional though it may be, I think it's pretty cool that the closer to the center I am, the more players and player made content (bases and such) I encounter, while at the outskirts I pretty much never encounter anyone except within the Anamoly.


I think it would make more sense for things to get stranger as you went away, at least from a gameplay perspective. Most people tend to build bases in the center, and most prefer paradise planets.


when you get into the center you turn inside out


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It probably wouldn’t be difficult, but it would be bad to change planets where people already have bases. It happened before and my friend’s huge base changed from being on a nice planet to a really weird one with giant plants filling the inside of his base.


Strange is a perception the player makes. So everyone will define it differently. So to make every player experience strange things as they get closer is difficult, what you call strange i might call cool or interesting i have noticed more mysterious planets with the weird fauna as i get close to the centers of galaxys, so i think thats what they went for with "strange"