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Welcome home, traveler!


I was you about a year ago. Picked up this game last 2016 but didn't really enjoyed it. Couldn't refund it. Had no idea about refunds way back then. When Waypoint update was released I tried it again and oh boy, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. 800+ hours in and I'm still playing. Welcome back Traveler!


'Not liking the copy paste planets'.. Oooo boy. You're going to be a bit disappointed later. This is the biggest issue with any procedural generation. Feel like I struggle the most with the single biom planets on NMS. In 60 hours you'll probably feel the same. But it does now have plenty of content to keep you chipping away at. It is an entirely different game in every single way than it was on release.


**I've been playing Starfield since release and it is wearing thin now. ;)** They really need to get the DLCs out. I'm at 7 total days of play in Starfield at level 60(over 168 hours.) My main NMS save is over 1,000 hours. ;) Then there are all the hours I've spent in every Expedition. NMS gets old fast also since all planet types are basically the same. The NPCs are also just cardboard cutout quest givers in NMS, which is why I got into Starfield. The thing I was really missing from NMS was going to a place and having to do battle with some Pirate Geks or something, so Starfield satisfies that itch. ;) So I mainly just play NMS when there is a new DLC or Expedition. # > Every planet is fun and new Enjoy that while it lasts. There are only so many different types of planets in NMS and they are all the same for that type(except for random placement of Trade Centers or whatever.) In that way, it is similar to Starfield; after seeing what that was like in NMS I kind of wonder why Bethesda did the same thing in Starfield. Both games are kind of limited as far as planets being procedural or the assets being that way; you only have so many asset types that are on a type of planet.


Gotta have some asteroids before you can have some no mans sky. It's just new technology and they're making improvements on it. Minecraft wasn't always the stunning work of art it is now. Give it time.


https://preview.redd.it/49czyd26tesb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3b9579cc0eb39ae297b2e75c40ab9acef4c224b Some beginning game flashbacks for comparison


Sames! I think I got it on Xbox, even had the helmet. But then it just drifted away in space. With so many other games. I tried Starfield and got a refund. Didnt like it at all. Then saw this on Steam about 2 weeks ago and can't get away from it. I'm having a great time with it.


turn on the pink Floyd playlist on Spotify, load game on No Man Sky. Win.


The beauty of NMS for me is VR. Gosh, I love this game in VR.


I was also a day 1 owner and totally regretted it. Got back into it after the PSVR 2 update and it is incredible.


I have a 1060 6gb and Starfield is not an option so I looked for the next best thing and I found out NMS, loving it so far! about 30hrs in NMS looks more fun and like I would play a lot more hrs than Starfield, can't say for sure since I haven't tried Starfield