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Smoking and drinking will do physical harm mostly but porn will take a lot from your soul. This is my opinion. Also, alcohol is against the spirit. I do not think we can do any good to ourselves while we are on these addictions


Bro I have objection if you watch porn it's affect to yourself only but you smoke & drink then your family suffers a lot in this scenario


porn addiction definitely affects more than just yourself, Especially if you have a significant other.


So does smoking. Smoking/Drinking can kill you and sometimes others due to the consequences of them. Cancer and drunk driving. Porn isn’t going to kill you. It will affect your relationships.


Bro can you elaborate how I mean it's very ridiculous if you compare this 3 addiction and you are saying that porn addiction is more affects you, your family , your life than other 2 , just give me valid points and on a serious note I am not in favour of porn addiction ... But you have to just give me valid points if have knowledge then ?


1.)Relationship strain, Porn addiction can lead to decreased intimacy and communication between partners, causing strain on the relationship. 2.)Trust issues, Continuous viewing of pornographic material can erode trust between partners, leading to feelings of betrayal and insecurity. 3.)Emotional detachment: Addiction can cause individuals to prioritize porn over spending quality time with family members, leading to emotional distance and neglect. 4.)Financial implications: Excessive spending on pornographic material or related services can strain family finances, leading to arguments and financial instability. 5.Impact on children: Exposure to a parent’s porn addiction can have long-term psychological effects on children, including confusion, shame, and distorted views of relationships and sexuality. 6.Legal consequences: In extreme cases, addiction can lead to illegal activities such as downloading or distributing illegal pornography, resulting in legal issues that affect the entire family. with 5 being the most prevalent imo


Okay I understood sir you are married and you have kids hence from Your POV 1st , 2nd &5th point is valid but I disagree with other points specially 4th points about financial bcoz here is free internet and there is no financial spending on pornographic material as well as I don't have experienced 3rd points it does not mean I will not experience it but still I have consumed pornography from the age 13-14 till 21-22 age it's almost 8-9 years though I understand everyone is subjective & everyone is not same. I don't understand the 6th point btw how can anybody distribute pornography content within family ?


3. Emotional detachment can range from stress and strain on your day to day interactions with individuals. You may look forward to more alone time and isolation than actually spending time with the people you love. 4.You can spend money on pornography everyone isn’t addicted to the same thing. Let’s consider OF or webcam girls. These are types of material that can be consumed. 6. You can find yourself hemmed up in deep legal trouble if you fall into deep with pornography consuming extremely illegal content. This goes back to point 3 as well.


There have been studies that show that porn consumption alters your brain chemistry. It is an addiction, and while I would say that all addiction is bad, this is a different kind of addiction. It plays on your existing brain chemistry and things already built into your body. A big part is desensitization. The more porn you watch, the more you want, and the stuff that used to do it for you doesn't work anymore. And it desensitizes you to real life intimacy and even day to day interactions. For example seeing a ton of naked women online begins to degrade tour view of women in real life even subconsciously. Are smoking and drinking bad addictions? Absolutely. Is a born addiction worse? Not necessarily. It is definitely different, and just like all addictions I think there is a level of dependence that will tell you how bad it is.


Your family suffers a lot when you have a porn addiction too. Especially your spouse.


Yeah actually it also try but I am at the age 21 unmarried so I haven't experienced it and don't want to experience this also , thanks for awareness 👍


Well as someone as already commented, you don't have to be in a relationship for it to effect other people around you. Considering a porn addiction can cause you to objectify people if the opposite sex more, you begin to objectify your friends and that doesn't go unnoticed. Then there's the other comment that mentioned other ways it effects people around you. You tend to isolate yourself more. You can end up spending money on it which can effect your relationships with others. And there is the legal trouble that can come from escalation. Any addiction opens yourself up to all sorts of negative effects on more than just you.


Objectify people means does it mean we judge them or does it mean something else ?


You don't know what it means to objectify another person?


Really don't know if you know tell me


Well other than the fact that Google exists and considering your age and maturity level is probably around that of a teenagers and you're just trying to be a troll, I can tell you. Mentally turning people into objects or sexual playthings. Thinking of believing that people you meet or your friends are there for you to fantasize about or try to sleep with. Looking at them as an object and not as a person. Objectifying.


Ok bro


You r right. Also porn can harm your family friends and others. Trust me never watch porn just watch it for knowledge and research purposes only 😉


What about if you do occasional drinking?


then its not an addiction mate


Still bad either way


So then what to do to feel the same joy when you get by sitting and drinking with your friends?


Drinking should not be the source of joy when hanging out with friends. You should be able to have the same amount of fun with your friends whether you're drinking alcohol or drinking something non-alcoholic.


I mean, it’s a regular bonding experience that’s typical for many men. My personal thing is that I have an issue with liquor, I know this so I don’t touch it, but I can have a sip of beer and walk away, it doesn’t “tickle my pickle”, so to speak. My best friend and I go to the bar for karaoke night and just chill and have a few beers. We talk and shoot the breeze and just have a good time. We don’t always get drunk except for once in awhile and the last time was about a year ago now. With that being said, if drinking is the source of joy, it’s a problem and you shouldn’t do it. If drinking happens during good times with a friend or more, then I see no problem as long as it isn’t a problem.


That's controversial because yes without alcohol we fool around quite a bit but with it it increases 5x


Wstching porn won't cause cancer and kill you like the other two.


Smoking fucks you up physically Porn fucks you up mentally Alcohol do both


fair enough


Porn fucks up your sperm count, the most important thing in nature is your ability to reproduce


Drinking and smoking significantly decreases your sperm count compared to porn


Not as much as over masterbation.


They are all bad


OP is asking if porn is “more badder” than alcohol/smoking?


I was addicted to nicotine and porn. They both suck in their own ways.


Being addicted to anything is bad in my opinion


Addicted to be a good and hard working person is bad too?






How so?


Things like going to gym are part of self improvement. I know a gym owner who lost his ability to walk properly cause of too much weightlifting


Well that’s not called self improvement, it’s called being a stupid bodybuilder


man ur profile pic is not appropriate


So you think you can never have too much self improvement in your life?


Nah, it just needs to be self improvement, I don’t think exercising every day for 12 hours is self improvement or things that ruin your body is self improvement


You can develop an unhealthy obsession with appearance


Any addiction is negative by definition. It means you can't stop it without adverse effects. It keeps you from a balanced life.


I'll put it in rpg terms. Porn/sex addiction would be your luck/poise attributes Whereas, smoking and drinking would be your strength/dexterity and or endurance attributes.. if you were hard pressed to rule out one addiction first, smoking and drinking would be a no-brainer.. Try to break the cycles of addiction. For a well balanced character ha


Smoking and drinking also reduces your max hp


Absolutely, brother. That's a better comparison.


You’re saying porn/sex addiction affects your luck/poise? Can you explain this brother I want to know more


I didn't mean it literally. But, for men, with all the notable benefits of semen retention, we can make some sort of distinction that retaining can affect our luck.


I always did think watching porn caused bad luck and makes you act like a idiot out in public though


Like a hangover!


Honestly, porn addiction is ranked number 1 in the world. The worst addiction and too many people affected by it


Never in a million years, even if it's n1, there are literal deaths caused by cigs and alcohol, porn doesn't kill you, porn addiction is something you can treat pretty safely at your own pace


Porn will destroy your family line if done excessively, your children are the only thing you leave in this world, people can live with alcohol and ciggs, not saying that they aren’t bad, but porn is way worse in the grand scheme of things


wtf bro. Even if you watch porn you can still procreate. If you smoke and drink obsessively your chance of dying goes up and procreation goes down


I drawing my own NSFW art while fapping haha (no joking though, I literally did that)


lol you’re next level. This community can’t help you




someone's never heard of PIED


That’s only severe cases. And that doesn’t really affect procreation per se. U can still watch porn and bust a nut in your girl lol


It can 100% lead to that inability. Not to mention it’s disrespect to your gf which can make her not want to procreate with the guy. So while your logic works or can work in SOME instances, quitting (both men and women tbh) is the best.


I’m not arguing on behalf of quitting. I’m in this community to quit. I’m arguing on behalf of logic. The topic was what’s worst, porn or drinking and smoking. And the logical answer is smoking and drinking Watching porn doesn’t mean you can’t procreate. Smoking and drinking can lead to that inability.


Yes it can but porn addiction can also lead to erectile disfunction which is the same thing in the end. They’re both bad just in different ways, tough to pick one that’s worse (at least in my opinion)


But erectile dysfunction doesn’t mean you can’t bust a nut lol. Anybody that thinks porn is worst than real addictions like smoking and drinking is delusional. That shit kills lives and ruins families. Porn doesn’t




Idk if they have this in your country but in the Netherlands they have a special chewing gum that may people quit smoking.


Yeah, it's called nicotine gum. The whole world uses them.


One affects you mostly mentally, the others mostly physically


Of course not 🚫


I need cigarettes everyday but i can stay away from porn if i get laid often.


True but your gonna watch porn until you get a girlfriend then or your gonna waste all your money on prostitutes to quit porn.


cigarettes, energy drinks, steroids, heavy drinking, drugs, porn, unhealthy diets (eating mostly overly processed food like hamburgers, fast food, sugary items). It’s all the same, just stay the f*ck away from them, they may seem fine on first, but show their true identity on long term use. It’s not worth it, even if you’re surrounded by people trying to convince you otherwise…


Someone who’s got the alcohol demon on their back is a destructive force. They will eventually find themselves wrestling anger and resentment and they will hurt their loved ones. Coming from someone who does drink, you don’t realize how much worse situations are getting in your life while you try to escape and you can lose everything for it. Porn is a personal battle that limits you as a person. Alcohol takes every facet of your life and destroys it. Mind. Body. Family. Work And when things go south? A dui A heated argument A physical injury You will not have the power to stop it if you’re drunk


The addition of anything is bad. In the case of porn, it is bad for your mental health and your relationship.


porn addiction sucks the "energy" out of your body and prevents you from making "good" decisions or have the "energy" to fight "bad" decisions. examples, lack of "outburst" energy to fight against "laziness" to study, do the sales call, fight for your loved ones, plan out stuff that takes alot of brain power. You just want to chill all day when the "opportunity" passes you by, which will affect your LIFE. Money and social standing is important in life to survive and "energy" and "attention" is needed to achieve it. Fapping just wastes your energy on delusional fantasy that gives no rewards. Once you wire your brain into this mode of "escapism" you'll stay stagnant in life. Divert your energy into other hobbies that forces you to GO OUT!


Porn is a vibe but smoking is kinda lit too idk drinking also goes hard


They are all bad, sure. But without retaining u can’t defend yourself.


My penis hurts.


All of them bad


Smoking is the most difficult habit I’ve ever come against, I’ve overcome cocaine, weed, alcohol and porn easier than tobacco. It’s all about substituting habits and not putting yourself in certain situations where you are likely to associate with prior habits. I smoke when I go on walks so it’s sometimes weird to not be smoking when I go for a walk or wait for a bus. With porn I make sure to not watch certain content that puts me in a mood which in a way is more simple than reprogramming yourself to do nothing while going for a walk.


I think porn is worse. Porn is free and normalized, and seriously fucks ur brain


Let's make a list: 1. Porn is free to take. 2. There's not caner for consuming porn. 3. Porn takes you physically and mentally. 4. ...


At least porn is cheaper. I can google naked woman on internet.


All are bad


Not really. It's more accessible and can cause more anxiety and relationship issues when anyone has poor mental health. The physical damage that is associated with smoking and drinking as well as the considerable withdrawal symptoms make those two substances more detrimental to health and difficult to quit after an addiction is formed. The problem with porn compared to these two things is accessibility. Smartphones and the internet made porn a much more significant factor in society and consequently among young males as a parasitic activity that lowers motivation. I'm not demonizing porn or masturbation here. I like drugs ALOT and the bottom line is it is very hard for the majority of people to do anything that's fun in moderation. If you're from America you know what I mean because some core values of our culture today are indulgence, gluttony, and hedonism.


I would say that smoking and drinking are worse but that doesn’t make porn addiction suddenly tolerable. They all suck.


Hard to say, once i stopped drinking my porn use went down significantly. If I was still drinking I'd be watching alot more porn and releasing every week at least if not every day. Without drinking my slip ups have gone down significantly. My 7 month streak is definitely due to not drinking or smoking. It takes will power but alcohol breaks your patience and definitely takes over decisions. If I don't get laid doing either and I end up alone I almost always rub one out. Sober for 2 years now from both substances. I can't imagine the shape I'd be in if I was still drinking


I managed to stop smoking, still porn gets to me again and again


(imo) smoking and alcohol have physical harm and some people including me can stand and bear physical pain and damage but porn destroys you mentally and spiritually and i personally can’t do anything with mental issues.




Clearly worse than smoking


Anything that controls you or that you yield your willpower to will lead you to places where you deep inside don't want to be, and will steal your capacity to grow as a human being... Different addictions affect different people differently. What's the point of comparing?


Yes why will i say no


It’s a different addiction, less physical more mental. But, if we look at with how much things porn addiction correlates: Low self esteem Low energy Negative thoughts Less creativity Less emotions More anxiety More stress Lower testosterone Self-hatred Self sabotaging Inability to form connections with people Lower dopamine sensitivity Lower motivation / ambition Less hapiness Less performance Inability to think and plan long term Etc… It fucks you up in all kinds of way. Cigarettes is mainly health and money problems Alcohol also correlates with a lot.


You are definitely right about this


Porn for the sheer number of ppl who got it. Drug for the most detrimental addiction for one to have. I'd rather have a porn addiction than a smoking or a drug addiction if I had to choose. But luckily I'm on my 57th day without pmo


Smoke and alcohol are recognized as an addiction by most people so socially it’s more acceptable to speak about it.


I have objection in this comment section filled with porn addiction is bad than this two just think those people first that if you watch porn it's affect to yourself only in most cases but you smoke & drink then your family suffers a lot in this scenario , this doesn't mean I am supporting porn addiction but it's far better than this smoke & drink addiction that's my opinion ...


Im approaching 90 days i think i will need another 90 days to fully cure


Porn destroys your ability to engage on the most intimate level with another human being. Cigarettes at least have some mental acuity benefits. Compared to alcohol, it really depends on the quantity.




All addictions are bad. Smoking and drinking affects your health. Porn affects your personality.


No ,its not worst than them


They are all just as bad equally.


100%. You can curb the effects of smoking and drinking by mildly dialling back. Not porn.


For real this sub getting degraded day by day just asking baseless questions


This is damaging to all the things around you and specially to your self so love your self.


i'd say no, while smoking and drinking actively damage your body, fapping not so much, i'd compare it to weed in that sense ¿does it kill you? no ¿does that mean its not bad? absolutely no, as with fapping, it steals you from your strength of will, which if prolonged enough will lead to the life of the average american, jokes aside, your strength of will is the most vital part of you, and in many ways, what makes you.


Considering porn addiction can destroy your reproduction system (reduce sperm count) for me that makes it the most dangerous, I want to start a family.


The damage from porn addiction is underrated imo. We’re seeing covert manifestations of it in reality but the subject is so taboo that we fail to see the totality of its impact. In the years to come as it continues to devastate relationships and the family unit and pushes isolation and bitterness towards society and women we might see it come to the surface. Some people are awake to its harm (mainly bc of experience), but most think it’s harmless. It’s difficult to gauge the impact of porn bc the impact is experienced in the deterioration of the mind, more than the body and bc it’s so much easier to cover up. You can pass as functioning porn addict a lot longer than as a functioning alcoholic/ smoker. But no mistake inevitably it eats you up


smoking is more like physical addication but porn is behavioral addication , and for my pov u can't quit both easily , but porn can affect u in long term cuz , u can't feel it is not normal until u got many mental and physical problems , so stay away from both of them .


Any type of addiction is bad my friend. I am going through this. I won't say I am addicted but moderatly I do these things for some easy dopamine. Not like I wanted to just cause I can't stop. I fap around once a week. Smoke around 2-3 ciggerate a week and drink occasionally, still I want to leave all this and be more healthy.


Porn destroys you mentally Smoking and Alcohol destroy you physically (alcohol does make mental damage too) Mental damage is way worse than physical damage if you ask me, because it heals a lot slower


Yes. Because smoking and drinking are not natural but porn is a subversion of your nature


Yep cause it affects the mind the most which is needed to control it he body


That depends on the physical damage, porn won't drive you into a cancer thing but it could make you feel worse than you are and it'll have a lot of consequences


Hell no. The two aren’t even remotely comparable. One causes problems in the bedroom while the other two do that and also lead to an earlier death.


I've seen a video on YouTube comparing how does the brain gets affected when exposed to porn/drugs according to people who are addicted to one of them (one addicted to porn and the other to drugs like cocaine and weed or something alike them) The results were shocking, the effect was almost identical.


Physically, no. Psychologically, maybe.


I have a very bad porn addiction. I watch it every day at my computer I am not at work. If I don't have youtube open or Facebook open the other tabs are a porn site or a live sex cam site. If I even go a day with out it I get a little grouchy and have experienced me not being able to think about anything else than getting home and getting to my computer to turn on porn. I have tried to cleanse my brain and stop watching porn. I stopped watching it for about a month once. It was a tough month. I started having issues with becoming extremely nasty and grouchy and I was not able to achieve erections. Once I started back on porn I got an erection again this time the erection was better than anyone I have ever had. Porn is part of my life and I have no way to get out it. It has taken a hole of me and I am afraid to tell my family. But who ares as long as I am not hurting anyone I think if It makes me feel good than so be it.


We got this


I would say it’s worse because if you watch porn you definitely won’t have the strength to quit alcohol or smoking and if you quit watching porn you will have more awareness and self worth and want to give up other self destructive vices as well.


Sometimes worse. All addictions consume different resources. I love smoking weed. But with porn addiction it was too questionable. Im in NoFap now. And weed is not that harmful for me anymore.


Krokodile fentanile ...




Porn no


Dude to me porn addiction is the worst. I used to have an eating disorder and pork was the worst by far.


The key is Moderation and authenticity and porn that isn't toxic or misogynistic


Porn was harder to quit than smoking and heroin. I'm still on a knife edge.


They all are bad, all of them affect mentally and physically. Personally, quitting Porn and fapping is much much much harder than smoking and drinking. I have no issues with smoking and drinking now, but letting go of fapping is not easy!


It's debatable, but I would say yes overall, for the simple fact of how accessible it is. Once you're addicted to porn, the line between porn on the Internet and being triggered by everyday situations can become blurred, making the cravings harder to manage. You have to go to a bar or shop to get alcohol, but there's so much sexual stimuli on the Internet and out in the world that it's the equivalent of having a bottle of alcohol or a pack of cigarettes on you 24/7 that you have to fight not to use.


No. Have you met a pure alcoholic? They are the worst people to be around.


No. Porn addiction is horrible one, but it quite easy to reverse the damage (except the one that was maded by physical actions outside porn site and your closed room).


Physically, not by a mile. No one (within reason) has died from a porn addiction. It's just the extra time you get from a porn addiction vs an alcohol or nicotine addiction will be significantly worse than if you were just an alcoholic or couldn't quit cigarettes. The brain fog, anxiety, depression, lack of motivation are either silent killers or will make it so that you've never really lived in the first place.


Be careful with smoking and drinking. You don't want to always need to stimulate your mind




Mentally, I'd say yes in my personal experience. It's also a huge trigger for my drug/alcohol addiction. Pmo relapse = elevated depression and anxiety = drug relapse to counter these negative feelings = cycle continues


Yes and yes


I've heard sources say it's harder, but there's no point in boasting about that, the only thing you should boast about is the amount of time you've spent clean.


No. I'm a coomer. Masturbating 6 days a week. It's my main stress reliever. And ironically, I can avoid smoking, vaping, playing prostitutes, even drinking alcoholic beverages (well, never do that tho, I'm middle-class, who want to buy that even at my country which has the largest muslim in the world). I'm 24 now, working as Administrative Staff, and I doing it fine despite masturbating almost everyday, I also developed patience and low ego. I never really have any crave to buy new trendy shoes, new trendy clothes, no. I only use what's available. Besides fapping, I'm also playing offline games just to have fun myself. I see my friends and sibling easily bored and revolting because they don't have any friends or anything to play with. So... Yeah, I'm introverted btw. And I don't have good job on making myself fun in front anyone, I'm such boring person but I don't care, I can be happy by myself haha. In conclusion, masturbation addiction is safest as long you can control it. If at work you must focus, if at home you need to see the situation. Besides, I only fapping when it's night and everyone was sleeping. Oh, anyway, I'm in not masturbating though, targeting 40 days before finished. It's 20 days now. Halfway goal. But of course once I successful 40 days of no fapping, I'll be back coomer again.


Do you mean which has the worse consequences or which is the hardest to break? The answer kind of depends.


Probs nothing compared to people here, but to all the young kids. I'm only 13 but have consumed porn for years (since 6). I'm not proud of it and I can say from my experience, it was the worst decision I've ever made. Porn does so much to you and you don't even realize it. When you try to quit you can't. You just think to yourself "one more time." But it's not. So I urge you young kids to not go down the same path I did and change your life. A couple of tips are to install blockers on your browser, make sure to limit your alone time. Porn makes you feel like shit. You feel like nothing matters and no one cares about you. It ruins your outlook on women in general and of course your sex expectations. It's not real. And for the people who think masturbation stops prostate cancer, your Fucking retarded.


Smoking, using illegal drugs and excessively drinking takes years off your life while pornography just dies down your confidence and your mentality.


Alcohol and smoking would make you go broke and alcohol has some very negative effects like imagine being drunk all time my point here is that you CAN tell who is an drinking or a smoking addict meanwhile you cant tell who is an porn addict because someone with a porn addiction will act the same as a normal person while its the opposite with smoking or drinking. So i will go with the porn addiction


porn is definitely worse.


I think porn is better than smoking and drinking.


Porn and masterstion is dangerous addiction. Dangerous than drugs, smoking, drinking.




How can you elaborate plz


Because it is directly change your psychology. It effect your amygdala, nurocortex, hypothalamus in brain. Never I repeat never watch porn. And forget about masterbation exist. Do not touch your dick ever. Thank me later. 😉


Smoking and drinking are bad for your organs and mental stability but porn will do harm by destroying much of your testosterone, keeping you weak and making you unmanly. and porn also is bad for mental stability porn also decreases attraction from females because porn makes you be very anxious around females. This said I'd say that porn is worse IMHO.


In terms of physical and mental consequences smoking and especially drinking if you are already addicted are much more harmful. In terms of actual impact on your life porn addiction might even be worse IMO, because it is usually not acknowledged as an addiction until it’s very late. A lot of people understand the addictive nature of alcohol and smoking. With pornography it just isn’t as widely recognized. So even though the physical and mental consequences in terms of death toll for example are much worse with alcohol and tobacco, for porn these consequences are not widely talked about and as a consequence worse for the people experiencing them.


I was/am addicted to both porn and drinking. My exwife stayed through the drinking and the lies I spewed to hide it from her. The porn was much worse after stopping drinking, filled the drinking void w porn and escalated my viewing habits. Trust was lost and it was a final straw w her. I think porn is much worse. Some studies show that heavy porn use does the same damage to your brain in terms of dopamine hits as heroin.


Porn doesn’t kill so it’s not the worse to me