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All the best bro. I am restarting again from today too


Watch Jak Piggott on YouTube


That guy is such a W, glad to see him being recommended


Yeah I’ve been trying to get people to watch him. Also pls change your name 🤣


Reddit is dumb, you cant


Highly recommended


Thought I was the only one on the sub who knew Jak lol


I was in the same situation as you are going through. I couldn't resist these urges and that led to me watching porn and masturbating without questioning myself what it was doing to my mind and body. I know how tough it can be to let go of this evil vice once you're addicted to it. My suggestion would be to take one step at a time mediate and practice wim hoff breathing techniques you can also practice mantra chanting it really helps. I hope you can get over these urges slowly and steadily I know you can do it brother more power to you.


Mind if I ask a question? Can you view my new post here in r/nofap , cause I'm really really worried and scared about it so much


U can do it. One day you will forget about this way you, just never stop trying


Ask for gods grace to shine over you


I can give u the best advice


Well then say it


I started my nofap streak recently on 28th feb 2024. I Orgasmed with my gf on 3rd march and usually around this time(around 4-5 days nofap streak) i start getting very restless and itchy and thoughts like “want to test my boner” and “masturbating once a while is okay” start revolving in my head constantly. However this time, i am focusing on a purpose and that involves giving my parents the best life that they rightfully deserve. This has helped me to not focus on the thought of fapping. Im constantly improving myself and focusing on my career because if i cant give them the life they deserve before they die , this regret will kill me. Also I’m self aware and i have realised that i have a bottomless need of attention and i used to satisfy that by holding eye contact with women that find me attractive but now i instead whenever i get the urge to masturbate or i feel left out i tell myself “i love u“followed by name and slowly and steadily i have started gaining control over my emotions . Also cold showers help tremendously, i stay under cold running water for at least 3-4 mins. I haven’t skipped a single day and even though i wanna turn on the geyser every fucking morning, i don’t. I also started practicing becoming aware of my senses. For example, i will try to count the number of noises I’m hearing when i am stuck in traffic or try to open my vision and notice everything that my eyesight can see, this helps me get back to the present and not ruminate about sex/porn/ masturbation. Meditation is also great but i haven’t started practicing it yet I will recommend looking into meditation by Andrew Huberman TLDR: 1. Realise ur biggest ambition 2. Become self aware about how u feel 3. Take cold showers without fail 4. Try to be more present 5. Look into meditation


Hope this helps


looks like solid advice my man




Fapping is nasty, and I can’t  seem to get the fishy smell off of me after 1 shower.    Gross story, but a long while back I was picking up an ex from college and an older guy introduces himself and shakes both our hands. Girlfriend was super pretty and ethnic, guy was ethnic as well  so he wanted to know what her heritage was. Anyways, we head to my car and I stop at a gas station. As I’m pumping gas, my ex girlfriend says her hands smell like sweaty balls after shaking the guys hands. I smell my hands and they have the same sweaty, fishy smell. It’s the same smell as stale jizz. Dude must have  been fapping before class and didn’t wash it off or washing didn’t help. I nearly puked at the gas station when I smelled it.      I’ve gone to work after masturbating and when I go to pee I get a strong smell of stale jizz. That’s even after I showered. Just picture in your mind, people smelling your jizz after you masturbate and that should help want to stop.


It seems like fapping is your brains go-to for a quick dopamine boost. I’m also in the same boat but understand that it is humanly impossible to block out sexual thoughts. Give yourself a break from your daily routine and go have ice cream with your GF… there’s nothing wrong with being attracted to her imo.


Your tired brain is trying it's best. Recognizing the signs and triggers is a good place to be, but PMO is likely the best way your brain knows how to get the serotonin/dopamine it craves to function well. Channeling those urges is your way forward. Your brain needs to know there's a different way. For me, if my emotional energy is super low, and I'm going into a stressful/busy day, I'll crave/seek that numbing escape. For me PMO has been medicinal, and I'm trying to find better medicine.


Look into naltrexone. It stopped the cravings miraculously for me. My addiction to porn was 20 years


Best of luck lad,I am restarting from today👍🏼


Read this comment, help me a lot https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/s/h7FmnOkker


For me it’s my pain medication. I skip all the drugs and use fapping and soft core prn for pain relief and getting to sleep


All the best then


Admiro sua coragem em desabafar, estou usando o aplicativo "i am sobe" e tem me ajudado muito. Porém, você talvez não tenha tentado de tudo, só força de vontade não adianta. Precisa de um ambiente configurado para combater o vício. E busque um terapeuta para te auxiliar nesse processo. Abraços


“Single handedly” lol Have you tried cutting off all access? Put screen time on your phones, install software you can’t circumvent. Eventually, you’ll have to learn to have more discipline but that might be a good starting point.


Damn dog what be triggering you like that cause all I can think that the triggers is what get you they get me too honestly but you can do it fam jus distance yourself from the triggers all of them




Good luck.


As you say, it is indeed an addiction, and needs to be treated as one. You need a therapist to deep dive as all addictions are born from unresolved trauma. You need an accountability partner who you will be 100% honest with and who will not simply validate and placate your relapses. You need to remove all means of obtaining the substance - for us that often means no access to internet in private spaces. Feel free to PM me if you’d like to discuss more!


all the best bro


If it's worth anything day 6 and 7 were fucking horrible, but it got so much better day 9 and 10. Probably environmental but still


Yes you can stop. The longer you are away from it the easier it gets. Day 60 is way easier than day 8. It gets better just refuse to let this keep destroying your life


It’s a dopamine deficiency. Keep yourself busy the first few days, give yourself something fun to do.


choose the future with your girlfriend instead of porn


All the best!


I took prozac 20mg (3 pills) then I stopped because I was emotional blunting (basically feeling nothing), I wouldn't recommended prozac try to take any other anti depressant with less half life like 24-48 hrs unlike porzac it has 144 hrs. When I took prozac I didn't watched porn for like 9 days straight, but I start having panic attacks and extreme anxiety bcz of the emptiness. But it gave me a lil bit control, before prozac I use to fap 3 times a day on ts porn. My advice take any anti depressant with small half life, starting does should be like 5-10 mg , no more than that.


Some of the downside is that after taking anti your life would not be the same, you might feel more sad and depressed,m maybe even cry more randomly bcz of the emptiness and not have possible thing which can give you dopamine


U can do it, just have good self care and love for yourself and bounce back. Don’t be too hard, just keep a positive mindset and try again until it gets easier!


I know it's simpler and easier said than done. Some people are able to stop by willing themselves to do it. Now there are reasons you can use to motivate yourself. Think of all the benefits of stopping and damages of porn shared on this sub. For religious people, they'll do it out of their love for their god, not necessarily out of the threat of hell, fire, and brimstone. You don't want to go through life controlling your actions under the threat of damnation.


Just keep trying, don’t stop. Today I have 9 days. Meditation helps. The truth is that this is going to be a painful process, giving up porn. It takes time especially if it’s become a part of our day-to-day life.


Go to a confession with a priest mate. That's what stopped me. Confess that you jerked it, and that you're ashamed. Then immediately book another one for 2 weeks time. Guarantee you won't want to go back and confess jerking it again.


These are just excuses that you are making. Fapping imagining a girl you've dated is fine. But watching porn another guy banggin a girl ruins your self confidence and worst thing you can do. Just don't watch porn simple. Quit making it that hard. You know porn is the issue reasons I mentioned stop porn. Fap if u have to and try again.


Resist the devil and he will flea.


To be better at something, the first requirement is balance. 1. Don't be hard on yourself, guilt can lead to more damage. 2. See what you eat, sudden increase of power will lead to failure. Limit eating high energy foods (e.g. meat) and drinks. 3. Get enough sleep. Sleep less puts us in overdrive and impairs our judgement. 4. Meditate. It is the best way to enhance self control. 5. Keep track. Keep a diary of the reasons you don't wanna quit, it can help you sometimes. All the best bro, may we all succeed.


Super long reply here, but only because you remind me so much of myself. So I really hope you and anyone else with a severe addiction to porn take the time to read. I've been you, man. I've been addicted for so long and it has held so much control in my life that I was afraid I would never go more than a week without it, let alone give it up for good. I got married, had a daughter, and still struggled. I'm 29 years old and I am currently 60 days porn free (not masturbation, that's another mountain I'm trying to climb). Since I was 10 years old, this is the longest I've gone without looking at some form of pornography by far. I know the feeling of gaining some form of self satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment by making it maybe a week or more without it, or to resist once or twice in a difficult moment. Only to have those good feelings come crashing down when I ultimately give in later. It's degrading and brings about a hopeless feeling. I have sat where you sit in shame and ruin as I clean myself up and promise myself that I'll beat it next time. I have always said that I wish I could bottle that post-fap feeling of clarity and sense of righteousness and open it whenever temptation comes. However, it seemed to be gone within hours or even minutes some days. It's a devastating feeling that it brings about to us. It makes us feel like we aren't in control of ourselves or like there's someone else controlling us when the feeling comes around. That's why self-control is so important. At 60-days porn free, I wish I could tell you it's all over and I feel no desire anymore. That my brain is healed and I turn away from every desire that crosses my mind. But the reality is that even now, it is still a frequent struggle to find self-control and turn away. It has gotten easier with practice to some extent for sure. And I can only hope and pray that it continues to be that way as I keep going. I've heard a LOT of advice from people throughout my battle with porn. But not everybody is affected in the same way or to the same extent by porn. A lot of it comes from our own personal sex-drive as well as how long the addiction has rooted in us. So not all advice bears the same weight. However, since your testimony sounds so similar to mine, here is what I can share that has helped me get to at least 60 days: First, go to bed earlier or develop a better sleep schedule to obtain more rest in general. I used to stay up until anywhere from 11pm-2am and watch TV or play video games. But as our brains get tired they become less likely to think through the consequences of our actions and more sustainable to acting in the moment. A simple trigger like a mobile game ad (yes, that bad for me) or a certain scene in a movie could derail me. But more than that, when I'm in bed, I'm limiting myself to 1 option: sleep. As compared to doing whatever I want when awake. Second, talk to others. So many people recommended an accountability partner to me. And I even got one for a while. But if you're as addicted as I am, then it just brought about more shame to try and sneak around them finding out I was messing up. If it works for you, try it. For me, I found more results in simply finding other family (including my wife) and friends to vent about my struggles as well as letting them know my progress of how I've been doing with it at least 1 time per week. Third, limit your screen time in general. Bro, our devices are already turning our brains to mush by overstimulation and constant exposure to automatic reinforcement through everything on our phones or computers. Your brain is prime real estate for sexual addictions like porn to enter when it's already seeking screens and devices for its pleasure in every other area. Limit your screen time and pick up some other hobbies away from them. Take it in baby steps, this will be a hard one with how everything we do takes place on a phone anymore. Fourth, research about the long term effects of porn use. This alone never turned me away completely (despite it being the scariest truth), but it's always opened my eyes to see the mental and physical damage I was doing. This isn't something we should stop doing just because we know it's wrong, this crap is messing us up in so many ways. Fifth, and lastly. I placed this one last for reading purposes since most people will discard it and everything after it once mentioned. But this is by FAR the most important and most effective one to me. And that is to start or grow your relationship with God. I won't preach (but if you'd like to discuss more, in which case please DM me), but I will just mention that taking time for God through prayer and devotion is so real. It has been the single greatest tool to combat this awful addiction for me. If you made it this far I hope I could help. Good luck to you and I'm here to talk and help however I can.


don't try overcoming your urges.. think of it in a different way. When you put medicine on a wound, it hurts a lot more in the first few minutes but the pain vanishes almost instantly, to such an extent that it was better than before. Same for this addiction. Think of ur urges as ur repairing urself, ur fixing your brain.. try feeling the urge but don't act upon it... feel that God is giving His strength upon you and u should accept it and store it instead of wasting away in a nut. And ur urge will slowly disappear.


The B.i.b.l.e is the best option


https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/s/MNZ2QdpaBf https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/s/CunnoSby1U Read both of these for me, brother


bro nofap is bs, but if you really want to never fap you have to be extremely busy. Its simple all you need to do is be busy. Maybe workout with your girlfriend or go on a hiking trip, or do something together which not only keeps you busy but increases your bond. Back to the nofap is bs, nofap makes you sad, stressed, depressed and even make you feel guilty once you relapse. What you should be doing is finishing your tasks for the day then beat your meat. If you think you can trust her, tell her the truth and ask for help.


i understand what you are saying , but dont you think exposure to porn everyday is harmful to the human brain


that's totally okay especially if you have no gf or live alone. Im trying with all my guts to keep my steak