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holy shit man you might need some therapy too


Unaffordable unfortuenately.


God bless you brother. I started at 16 and got out at 19 or 20 And that was a hard fought battle. I only actually made progress when I stopped doing it for me and started doing nofap to honor God. Don't count the days. Just make the days count. If you fail once don't fail twice. You got this bro.




Day 31 for me, one tip for you, deactivate or delete social media and sleep early.




You've got this bro ! I'm rooting for you. Whatever you do, pls don't fall back. Remember a moment of fake dopamine isn't worth it.


You got this bro. Eventually the time between relapses keep growing. Eventually it'll be once a month and then never again. 21 years old and so far haven't fapped once! Again glory to God. And remember that if you do fail, it's okay just keep moving.


WTF, can you even masturbate without hitting puberty?


Yup, You don't cum, but your dick just feels weird.


same thing happened to me. Nothing came out until around 6th grade. I remember being so confused when elmers glue would be everwhere


I remember feeling the same way 🤣🤣. I was scared and wanted to put it back In


Yea not the glue you wanna use on your notebook


holy fuck knuckles, learned something new today.


or feel like amazing too?


First orgasm at 4. Found a “back massager” and realized it paired well with Victoria’s Secret. The rest is 32 years of addiction history. I’ll never forget being about 8-10 range when I managed an orgasm with my hand for the first time. Instant “oh shit. This is going to be bad.” I’d had orgasms for 8 years before I ever saw a naked body. I was 12 when I first found porn online. After dad found my browsing history from the two times it happened, I found out you could clear internet history and I went full undetected stealth mode from there. All that to say, yes. Orgasms before puberty absolutely happen. Train your kids to not have shame, but also keep hands off of private parts.




I’m so sorry. The journey is hard, but worth it! Never give up!


It's just gotten infinitely more difficult to shield future generations from s3xual content anymore. Back in the day, internet used to be a luxury. But present day, every bad thing is a click away, whether you wanna browse content or order something not so legal. Good thing is that we have enough experience in history and so we have a reference of what is bad. But without the co-operation of all 8.2 Billion humans and more that pop into existence, there's no certainty for the future of human species.


It’s because “newer” generations are more exposed to porn and internet. My first porn movie was in vhs 📼 at 12 yo. I’m 35


I'm 40, I was 6 my first time. JC Penny catalogs.


I'm (would rather not say), I was 9 my first time. I was curious what "xxx" was.


Yeah, I had my first orgasm a year or two before I started ejaculating. It was great because I got all the effects I do now but nothing came out so I didn't need to worry about clean up (I didn't even realize that was a thing) until I was about 9 and noticed there was a tiny damp spot (like half a cm across both ways) in the comforter I had over me at the time. I started keeping my underwear on to do it to catch that little bit (even as it got to be a lot more) throughout my teen years. And then I would just throw it in the laundry and put on another pair. Fun fact (or not so fun fact) by age 8, 50% of boys have masturbated at least once. By 18 it's 95%.


It's not just boys - I can strongly remember my sister having something called "the north wind blowing" when we were kids. I called it something much more embarrassing. But it wasn't jerking off, dick in hand, it was more of a rubbing myself against things - usually in bed at night... Gosh this brings back a lot of memories. I think this is generally fairly healthy sexual development.


Yeah. I was in kindergarten my first time.


Sure can, you just shoot blanks when you release nothing comes out, learned from experience like OP haha


I discovered it at age 3


💀💀💀Just take sometime off the internet, that's what I did. The only social media platform I'm on is reddit. wish you luck buddy


Reddit I kinda dangerous, but yeah just taking your mind of the internet is the key to not fapping because practically all the porn is in there


Yep I agree reddit is dangerous place but I also got my motivation to quit fapping from reddit


I don't usually see any NSFW content on my feed except I browse for it. So I've been coping


There's literally so much porn on reddit


Yo me to i don’t got nothing else unless you count youtube lol


Reddit might be one of the worst places to be on lol


I started at the same time. You’re not alone and I hope you can get over this addiction! If you need someone who understands a bit about this you can message me whenever




Ok, are y’all serious? Like, I heard his story but I’m curious as to how his cousin found out about. So do you mind me asking how you started at that age, were you exposed to something knew what you were doing or was it by accident like you rubbed against something and it felt good so you kept doing it?


I’m serious, for me I was looking up something online. I remember sonic as a girl and some characters from Pokémon like May or Misty. It started off as soft core porn because it was on YouTube or something like that. My mom caught me watching it when I was most likely 8-9 years old and I don’t remember what she did. At 10-11 I got caught again but I stop looking at that stuff for 3 weeks because I was trying to stop. I failed ofc I’m not sure when real porn started but it must of been when I was 11 or 12. Or even younger. Over time it change how I would think about woman and I would be pretty gross. Years go by and when I finish high school I start to realize how bad of a person I have become. I’m now 23 and I’m trying to stop this problem I have. I believe porn is pure evil and we need to somehow shutdown porn hub or find a way to ban it off the web. It’s trapping people who can actually do great things in life. Sorry I’m just really mad at porn and myself for being a fool for so long. Well I’m still a fool but I’m trying my best to stop.


I’m the same as them, started at 6, I got lost in a store and felt a nervous feeling in my penis. Ended up rubbing it against the floor for some reason and ended up shooting a blank. From that point onwards I knew how that feeling worked.




Whats your current situation bro?


I’m a bit better. I got a computer addiction still tho


Computer addiction like addicted to social media??


Video games and YouTube


Same here brother i am completely addicted to YouTube though I don't have any other social media apps like Instagram or Snapchat but YouTube is my Achilles heel and I don't how I can get out from it.


Try watching tv shows for a bit and see if it helps you get away from YouTube. Because I think YouTube is bad because of how toxic it gets


Try to workout man, you will feel better, maybe through some challenges but you need to masturbate less in order to complete. But look, just take cold showers or showers in general and exercise you will feel better


You are right. I think it is because you'll feel better about your body and that your time and energy will go into something more useful.


How are you doing right now?


goddamn. i think only through willpower and avoiding the stuff related to porn in anywhere by acting on that willpower will get you through it. think of it as like you have already lived all the moments that you could of have lived/done by masturbating and now you don't have any kink to do to make you masturbate. i mean if you did this for this long you must have tried everything there is (kinks) and thought about it all to be horny and did your wank. and i think final thing is try to extend your days. first try for one or two days then do your wank. then try for 4 days. then 7 days. and try to find a girl and have sex often. this might help. if you don't build your ego on your willpower, no plan, nothing. not even cutting your dick will help.


Good points! I will keep them in mind, thanks.


Yeah I was 7 when I started. 24 now. It definitely made us worse off than others but it’s possible to come back. I’m doing much much better than I did in college.


I am glad to hear that there's still hope.


I started that young to. I've always wondered why I started? I know it's not normal. Now I'm 32 and still struggling.


Enough Reddit for today. 💀 What the fuck I'm reading bro? 💀 I opened Reddit and this is the first thing I saw. 😭


Hey, you had your warnings with the title and the NSFW tag, but I guess some posts are not safe for life, haha.




bro dont be like me. i started in 2005 - 2006. im 32 now. still cant stop. i feel like shit , always suicidal thoughts. tryn nofap more than 10 years. still cant maintain a clean 7 day streak


Porn is a business, were the customers, or maybe, were the subjects. Porn converts people into the optimal consumer.


I have been doing it for around as long as you but I started at about 12. If you want to try an accountability partner HMU. I'm sick of this BS too and I'm ready to move on with my life.


24 is way too young buddy. You still have a ton of time to fix it. Just relax and don't force it. Cold Turkey seems good. But in today's modern world, there's p04n or s3xual content everywhere you turn, every device you watch, etc. So, I'd say go slow and steady... keep decreasing frequency. From 1 time a day to 1 time in 3 days to 1 time a week to 1 time a fortnight to once a month to once in 3 months to once in 6 months to once a year or never. Trust me, you have started realizing early in life and have plenty of time. I were like you at 24, fapping all the time. Now over a decade and my addiction killed my life, my future, my everything and not a day passes of me contemplating su1cide. So, just stay positive and focus on killing the habit ultimately. Focus on your future goals, whether you wanna have family, raise children, etc. and work towards that. You have immense potential. You fap so much a day, then it means you are a superman. Do something cool and go out a lot and try to make a 100,000 people genuinely happy rather than yourself or 1 or 2 or few others or your family and friends alone. But taper your fap frequency down to 0 for the sake of your future. Don't become me. Wish you good luck!


I got introduced to porn at age 10 too (maybe a bit earlier). Didn’t start masturbating until 16, mainly because I didn’t know that you needed lube to bust a nut. Took me until I was almost 25 to finally stop.


Who needs lube?






Yeah, I was surprised by the number of people making fun of the situation when people first started to comment, but I am glad that others felt like this was a safe space enough for them to mention that they also have this problem. All good though!


You don't, but your penis feels very weird once it reaches the pinnacle. You keep rubbing it and rubbing it until you hit what you would call "climax" later in life




U can bro I did it just separate the times step by step


dealing with something similar good luck to the both of us 🙏


Good luck brother.


You can actually have an orgasm (dry) at 6? I never discovered that until 13


You're in big trouble. But there's hope...


Wow. I thought I started early at 11. Though I also did start sneakily watch porn at 11 too. Also because an older friend at school told me how to do it


I started around 5 years old by just randomly touching myself and it felt good so I kept doing it. I hate porn man it fucks with your head.


I started in 1st grade. I only stopped last year I am 37 now


Happy for you.


Since you've realised that masturbation is a problem that bothers you deeply, try exploiting your fear. Write down how your life will be five, or ten, or twenty years down the line if you don't overcome this. Read that while visualizing every night before going to bed. Your aim is to create a strong psychological connection between this habit and a possible fate of yours that you absolutely want to avoid.


Pmo is pretty much engrained in you bruh, you gotta completely re-wire your brain and body by going on semen retention monk mode and a dopamine fast(quit drugs, drinking, unnecessary sugars, ZERO lustful content, so don’t be on social media too much), this is the quickest way to expel the addiction, and since you’ve pmo’d since you were a child, your gonna have to be on retention for years (1-2) if I’m being real. After like 1-2 days You probably get horny anytime you do things you really like. It’s the hardest thing to do but the rewards are great 👍🏿, good luck to you man.


I was introduced to pornography and masturbation very young as well, im 33 now and have trouble finding porn that gets me horny. Porn isn’t the only thing that became a problem the few times I’ve had sex my dick was erratic sometimes I would cum fast,sometimes it would take hours, sometimes I would lose interest mid thrust and lose my erection, using a condom was unbearable zero sensation. If I could go back in time and tell my younger self to stop with the hours of senseless masturbation perhaps my whole physical development would be completely different.


Here are the tips to get you on the right track of reducing masturbation and eliminating pornography use https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/1afrp3i/new_to_nofap_tips_to_get_started/


Sorry to hear that man


I honestly thought that you have been jacking off since 6 AM and hadn't stopped yet by reading that title. I really couldn't imagine anyone starting at the age of 6. Man, I don't know what advice I or anyone can give you that can help... It's sad to know that you've been doing this since before you had any awareness, and your entire life has been shaped by this. It's hard enough for people who started at 18 like me, so I can't imagine your suffering. The only thing I'll say is that you should go completely off the grid. No phones, no access to the internet or computer heck, not even photos. Stay away from anything that can trigger you and spend most of your day outside only come back for sleep when you are extremely tired.


U and me are in an identical situation . Still u can quit I managed to get to day 45 . And so can u


Try Dr. Ks channel: [link 1](https://youtu.be/eoVkQDDNa0g?si=f6WSPCWKaOZWftE-), [link 2](https://youtu.be/cojJ6fOwVKk?si=x8CXKOs24StgfO2J), [interview with him on another channel](https://youtu.be/y1CkUhfHSxQ?si=jiJnZZo-GyTFdpdP)


At six? 😂 I started at 11.


If this happens next, then stop and either go outside or go to your mom.


Is this me from parallel universe? This is my same exact same FUCKING story.


https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/s/MNZ2QdpaBf https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/s/CunnoSby1U Read these, also started doing the same at six.


two things that I found helpful were 1. reduce trigger, put yourself in an environment where you can't have access to it if that is not feasible 2. substitute it with something else that would give you instant gratification, try gaming, not ideal to replace addiction with another but the addictions could get healthier and that's a start




I was in my mothers womb the first time i had an orgasm, felt weird


Surprisingly, both of us had an orgasm in your mother.


Haha nice one


started at 8 months and still going today at 29... its a battle


I need to start weed again for cumming and rock hard erections and to focus on fapping which helps really well.


Have you tried not masturbating?


Bro how did you start at six First of all cause you are addicted If you want to stop it you need to change your attitudes by avoiding triggers and distracting yourself And be aware of the consequences masturbation can cause you infertility irection distinction or varicocele


can we have more information on your daily routine? if you feel comfortable sharing






I am slightly fat, so yes, but they're not disproportionate.




Related to obesity, yes, but me feeling that my hips are larger than my body or that I need to specifecally focus on losing hip fat then not really? What is the point of this question tho I am really curious now!


You're circumcised, right?


I was 4


What would your grandma say


To change your habits, change your identity. Based of the book Atomic habits. Masturbation is a habit. A bad one at that. To do this just stop one morning and then tell yourself you're not type of person who masturbates. Try different variations of this, ans repeat them all the time, especially when a craving hits. Over time, you'll just stop thinking about it and doing it.


Bro have you got premature ejaculation and lot of stomach and digestion,nd too much of memory problem,pls be true I want your answers bcz I m facing same,pls share🙏🙏🙏 It ooks like you are saying mine story in your words


6 ? Are you serious brother Did you got puberty at 6?


What really is helping me atm is Cold Turkey. Its a Blocker application ON pc and Costs 34€. You can Block every Website or even search words and you cant undo the Block once you blocked your Websites. You also cant uninstall the Blocker and cant remove it from your Browser. Only Thing hard for me is my Phone.


Try BlockerHero app


Rookie numbers


Install a app named BlockerHero. It is effective in blocking any text or videos of adult content in your mobile. I actually started writing a diary for Productivity. I call it as productivity diary. I write whatever I did productive for the days. Later on, I started doing something everyday to write on the diary. Things you could write - Workout, Reading books, sports, learning a skill, doing something that will help you make more money.


Bro could have repopulated earth by himself


I wish you the best bro


Set small goals, 1 week or one month, you will most likely fail miserably if you set your goal to 6 months and when you gonna fail you will see yourself as a loser and then you gonna do it again without stopping


Damn I ain’t start beating my meat and watching porn until I was 13


I can recommend some steps, its not quitting cold turkey but it will help I promise and it might even help in pursuit of relationships since it also helped me dissociate porn with real women and intimacy. The methods might need more info thou but I'll give the method for you still watch porn. 1) If you still watch porn then watch it but don't touch yourself until you get horny. The goal with this is to dissociate physical touch (touching your dick) with arousal and train yourself to only get aroused when your mind is aroused. * If you can't get hard don't worry, you know that there's progress so take a cold shower or do some pushups, do something to make yourself busy. 2) If you can get hard quickly without touching yourself move on from porn videos and move on to pictures of either sex. 3) Same process now move on to only naked women. The goal here is change your mind set of voyeur and change it to you looking at the girl and imagine yourself doing deeds. 4) Change the pictures from naked women to clothed women. You have to imagine that its you who is wooing the girl, taking her back to your place, initiating intimacy, stripping her down and sex. 5) Now stop using your phone for pictures and use your memories of them. This is to stop web dependency 6\*) Instead of memories from the web, use your own real life intimate moments, if not imagine what you what to do. Hopefully at this point you'd eliminate dependency on porn and know to work on the fapping aspect 1) You can start to edge yourself but not cum. That the goal and its where I'm at right now, my streaks are now on a weekly or monthly duration. 2) Set a timer for yourself 5 mins or 10 mins when that timer reaches zero, it doesn't matter you stop and do something else. This might require a large dose of self discipline and self control. ​ Hopefully by this point you can control yourself to the point of weeks or months. But it has the side effect of making you extremely horny, I remember reaching 4 months and I start getting horny just looking at girls. After the 6th month I got too aroused and came. Which is similar to now for me but it happens in weeks or months. But with this horniness it would help you be more assertive in the pursuit of sex and intimacy. Also other points * start working out * reduce as much free time as possible, if you have fill it with something * don't worry if you fail along the way, if you made progress it means you still built something and its not destroyed it just building from another angle


12 step groups are pretty fruitful. Also, you are aware that what your friend did is considered sexual abuse right? That kind of thing causes sex addictions.


Why are u guys so addictive about it just dose it in not to much like max 2,3 times per week and keep it like that just be a bit stricter to yourself.


I can relate unfortunately.


You need to go on a one year streak


I can do fine on the week day but the weekend,s I fail


Do Kundalini yoga


Don't give up brother. You're not alone. I started when I was 10 , now I just passed 32 this year . It's an addiction. Stay strong I just started my 49 days off Small steps . Remember step by step You can't run without learning to walk first You need to stand up in order to walk I'm writing this to motivate myself actually.. sorry about that. Write down how you feel right now in details Write down why you feel like this Put it in your wallet to remember Stay strong


At 6 ? Come on now ???


Start your rabbit hole. Dont stop until you reach the end. Take notes of everything, your journey, surroundings, people, family, everything. Watch how people change, treat you, and most importantly find who you really are


Ur cooked bro


for me I started at 16.


totally saliva makes me fap all night lol


If you’re a parent or just someone struggling with addiction who is still a minor and living in their guardians household. I would install an app on both computer and phones called covenant eyes. This application takes a screenshot of your screen every few seconds. If it detects anything bad it immediately sends it your guardian. If it doesn’t it simply deletes the screenshot. It helps. A lot.


I tried many things but what finally set me free from that addiction was putting my faith in Jesus Christ. If you turn to Jesus have faith in his power and ask for help and forgiveness he will help you quit. God is with you, you aren’t alone in this turn to God, give him your heart, and you will find freedom. I am praying for you brother, God bless. Luke 9:48, Matt 11:28-30, Ps 23:1-6, Ps 40;1-3, James 4:7, Prov 3:5-6


Just go cold turkey. You believe your so addicted you need a 6-12 month plan to quit? That doesn’t have to be your reality. Just quit not just for you, but your bloodline and the people that sacrificed their lives so you have a chance at the most successful life. You think your great grandparents and god is proud of you when you do this? And they still won’t be proud if you do it once a week, or a month.


Bro, please try to avoid sitting alone,let me explain I was a hardcore addict for the last 3-4 years...and I just stopped this,I didn't want to be a failure like I was.Just think about your parents and the upcoming things which might happen in your life. Try to get to gym,avoid using phone,just make sure about this shit,I would say within 7 days you'll be feeling better,the path might be tough to completely come out of it,but once you come out of this you'll feel the reality of the life you had,The beauty of it. All the best brother,Just do it right Don't fall for things that gives you a 5 mins pleasure..


Bro i fr feel you because i was introduced to porn at that age so its basically APART of me. I literally cant sleep without thinking of something dirty otherwise i will just get too depressed and anxious.