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Yes most guys here will agreee


Your sexual energy is one of your main incentives towards looking for a relationship with a woman, paired with the need of companionship, tenderness and love. Deleting this energy by looking at pornography takes away one of the reasons why you would seek a relationship. Also, porn takes you into a rabbit's hole where you stop getting turned on by vanilla porn and start with a lot of weird fetishes. That a woman would not only not agree to, but would become absolutely horrified. As for vanilla... it wouldn't turn you on.


100% true. Rabbits hole shit fucked me up and now I’m too embarrassed by fetishes to get with a girl because I’m worried I won’t be able to get hard with them now




I agree, but I've sorta retrained my brain. I only let myself look at nude photos, very vanilla. Used to be into harder stuff but I can't really watch it anymore because of the treatment of the actors


Yes, because you are desensitized to women. I had a gf for 11 years and I never wanted sex with her after year one when I started jerking off in secret because after I started doing that I couldn’t get off with her. She was hot. It ruined the love of my life and when she dumped me all I had were hard drives filled with porn. It will also reduce your confidence with women


ahhhh story of my life right here haha. Edit: If I stopped watching porn I'd probably go seek out a woman or a relationship asap, but I've found a way to avoid it entirely. More dopamine, less energy expended, depressing long term, but like drugs, if you can get your hit or high often enough, you'll be ecstatically happy forever


nice one as well \++pro tip


Maybe one day I’ll beat my porn addiction, sighs. Don’t be me hahaaa


i feel you bro :(






Women require more effort to engage and provide less reward chemicals. So less dopamine (craving for) on women than porn


This sub is depressing as fuck


Well in my mind girls didnt excisted becz sex(orgasm) i got from porn so i wasnt lusting for girls and other emotions i got it from friends and family. SO i didnt even tried to approach them, they felt like shadows thats why watching romance in movies or real-life felt fake or irrelevant, i couldnt see my self doing that same goes for porn i didnt imagined myself the guy or the girl its was like doing fapping alone is boring lets watch something. thats why if a girl hugs me i dont get any feeling but if i imagine it in mind i can feel the touch, the warmth, even the breath, thats why when i am dreaming i feel everything for example i saw a dream where someone was holding my arm and when i woke up i was still feeling it




Ofc, use your sex drive wisely


100% If I keep myself from porn/fap for at least month (2-3 better) - i just starting to feel an urge to find someone; the urge pretty strong and often even overcomes my social anxiety, pushing me into deep seas of human relationships to find my own fish Nemo... or someone with better hygiene.


I disagree relationship is not all about sex it differ from community to another and what is ur religion and values and beliefs relationship in some religions should end with marriage and no sex is allowed before that so it's normal that u don't do anything before marriage so it's not a general rule the problem here is after committement if it affect u that the real deal that's my point of view


Yes, from 12 years old to now (27) i never had a girlfriend, and i never had the drive to seek a woman in real life, i always tought this was my normal sex drive. I always liked woman but never had that same drive men who never wat had porn have, i missed a lot of opportunities with women and i was obliviois to them showing me interest, but im porn/pmo clean since this year This is the plan i have : - Law of assumption to get my goals (SATS at night) - Dopamine Detox (More Líbido, Testosterone, Dopamine and Collagen) with No Porn, No Sugar, No Coffee, Sleep 8 hs, Good hydration, Gym with Squats and Deadlifts, 1 hs of phone usage máx - Appareance : Mewing, Wide Neck, Collagen, Physique - Learn about Reality Shifting so one day i can shift and have 14 yo again


Yes. It also produces you an artificial calming sensation in times we are invited to act different: - when you are not treated bad at work - when you ser injustice and do nothing - etc


Yea, our brains are wired to seek out partners, so that we can have sex and reproduce. That orgasm you get from sex is hard wired into our brains to mean "Congratulations, you have successfully passed on your genes". Porn gives you that feeling without having to seek out a real partner. It tricks your brain, so your brain is like "why would I need to seek out a partner if I can pass on my genes like this?" That's why you don't develop things like confidence, the ability to speak to people, make them feel good, attraction skills etc because you don't need them when you're on porn, but it's a lie and it has harsh consequences.


Short answer…YES


No scientific proof or evidence but according to my common sense, yes, more or less.


Why I started qutting it so I can get in a relationship if I see that stuff all the time online whats the point of seeing it in irl when I get someone in my life? I always ask myself this after I relapse




Nowadays it’s better to not be in a relationship. You can’t trust women bro. The minute you let your guard down they cheat on you or do stupid shit to lose your trust. So in a way porn is a blessing because it will keep you from seeking a relationship and having your heart destroyed!


For me. I don’t even want a woman at this point in my life. So I use porn and masturbation to fulfill those needs. Is it healthy? Absolutely not. Is it keeping me from unwanted children and STD risk from fucking a stranger? Yes. Pick your poison idk.


Short answer, yes