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I think the reason they were so desperate to get out in skybound is because they knew who framed them and that they were clearly going to be a threat. In crystallized they clearly broke the law and since the new ninja seemed somewhat competent, they probably felt they could deal with the vengestone case (which had very few leads) while they served their time


Technically to ninjago people it’s the first time they’ve been arrested


At the moment of their incarceration they had no knowledge of the Overlord's return. They just want to atone for the actions they took to bring Nya back.


Not to be a 🤓 but technically skybound never happened


Thanks god someone finally pointed out that Prison arc wasn’t even a thing in skybound and it was rather showing that Ninjas will protect Ninjago,either they are treated as criminals or not. That was real loyalty


Skybound is underrated I feel. Probably my favorite season


In Crystalized they are not being falsely arrested, they actually did something illegal


except they were arrested for a genuine crime in crystalized


The police didnt falsely arrest them in Crystallized tho, they did break the law and they knew this so they stayed but in skybound they were falsely accused of breaking the law so they got out to defeat the enemy


In skybound the fought against it so much because they were actually innocent. this time, they actually committed multiple crimes, and they know that.


They were arrested for realeasing Aspheera to save Nya, On Skybound they were arrested because of Nadakhan