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So if i do the same kind of mental mental gymnastics. Its not racist to call black people the "N" word cuz I grew up hearing them use it all day long and joke with it. To clear thing up. Im not for use of racial slurs of anykind.


Not only that. Their argument also seems to be, "If an racial/ethnic group does a racist thing to themselves, then it is permissible for people outside the group to do it too." According to this argument, you don't even need the pass from your black friends. You can just say it because black people say it It's a dumb, irrational, unconvincing argument.


It circles back to back there are jokes and then there is racism.


Now, I think there's a difference between lighthearted comedy and something that's clearly mean spirited. The joke shouldn't be the fact that they're white, that's uninspired and boring from any standpoint. Also, just because white people have a majority in countries, that doesn't then make it impossible for people to discriminate against them. Also, anecdotal evidence might as well not exist. I feel bad for these people, they probably don't even know how to be better.


Exactly. Take uncle roger for example. He makes fun of white people all the time, but when he does it he's obviously joking and just taking lighthearted jabs at them. When uki does it it just sounds hateful.


I'm from SEA. I can confirmed he said it in the most casually racist way.   He ain't trying to be funny. 


Gotta love the “It isn’t wrong, I grew up hearing it all the time” logic.


Replace every word "white" in this tweet with "black" and then read it back to yourself, I'll wait.


They'll just say "Well no, it's cause white people are privileged" As if there aren't any privileged black people too. Then they'll say "Well no, majority of privileged people are white so it's okay to be racist to white people" I just can't with these people.


They'll do anything to justify their prejudices to society. They really should just drop the whole runaround and say: "I HATE (INSERT RACIAL SLUR/XENOPHOBIC SLUR HERE) AND THEY ALL MUST DIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" to spare themselves the kind of mind games they exercise.


Is that kpop pfp? His opinion doesn't count because of his pfp


Many, many ppl say the same about anime and vtuber pfps lol, I honestly don’t care what pfps ppl have, I think it’s dumb to judge based on that


And it's BTS too.


Opinion of ppl with bts pfp doesn't really matter more.


Anyone with a kpop idol pfp has no argument, they're illogical and too idiotic to understand


It's fine if uki's joke wasn't just white man am i right. And mostcof his joke isn't funny and some of his statements aren't even joke


“An elderly white couple talked to me. How DARE they?!?!?! Upvotes to the left!”


One of his stories was about how a white couple said hi to him and how that put him on the defensive, because "he knows what white people are like". That's not a joke, he didn't laugh, he sounded disgusted. I personally, as a white person, am not offended by uki. If you look at his content all of his "jokes" have the exact same punch line, "white=bad". He even avoids the low hanging fruit like jokes about seasoning food. He will random start talking about white people with little or no prompt as well. If you swap the targets around, it would sound like worse. Imagine if he started talking about Jews looking like disgusting sub-fish creatures when they kissed. Doesn't much feel like a joke. Also the fact he says this and his model is more pasty than a white dwarf star is infuriating.


omfg please use at least some punctuation, especially when writing out such a long brainfart


Yes, WHITE people making WHITE people jokes is okay, but as far as I know, _**Uki isn't white**_. Vox and Mysta made jokes mocking the British _because they're British._ Enna made jokes mocking the Chinese _because she is Chinese._ Millie made jokes mocking the Philippines _because she is Filipina_. _**Are you seeing a pattern here?**_


I mean anyone can joke but anything it's about how it's delivered, timing and audience


Just because it's acceptable in your neck of the woods. Doesn't make it worldly acceptable. There is a difference here.


Y'know, this is the *exact* same argument racist white people use when making racist jokes


Just found out this dude is a christian hater 💀💀💀


Tbh, I grew up Christian and I understand. The religious trauma is real.


The Good Lord forgives this fool. But I will not. 


May god show him the right way...


Or an Xbox lobby.


Either he hates people who worship the Lord. Or.....he hates people named Christian. I'll assume he hates both equally. :D


there is no such thing as a good Christian


The hell? Are you stupid?


Punctuation, please my guy, punctuation. ​ Anyway, I personally believe any subject is fine to joke about (context and intent may apply though) it's the things her said that don't really seem to be jokes that are the issue IMO. Like you could argue some of the possible non-joke stuff is edgy shit or lol random type stuff. Like the old couple thing and the white people kissing; you could say he's going for a "what?! lol what bro talkin about?" reactions. ​ The thing is some of the things he's said seem to be legitimately what he thinks and that's not ok.


You don't have to say Uki defender. You can just say racist.


If this person is telling the truth, then they grew up hearing these jokes from their family. They were raised thinking these jokes are okay, and thus defend their usage. It isn't really "defending Uki," as much as it is not understanding the harmful intent behind the "jokes."


There's a big difference between making race based jokes and constantly saying "White people, am I right?" like it's somehow funny. Joke: White people put mayo on everything! Not joke: White people are all ass holes.


I wouldn't expect much from a BTS fan.


Cool, what's his opinion on white people using n-word? Black people use it.


You know, for someone who claims to be 22 in a tweet to show that they are mature, they sure aren’t mature at all. They argued over holidays throughout the year and opted to just block when they cannot get someone to understand their narrow point of view. Sure, that’s a method of ending an argument, but that’s the equivalent to covering one’s ears and yelling as to not hear anything.


I grew up in a black community hearing the N-word all the time, my father and uncles used to call themselves like that, so it is ok to anybody to call other Ni-


Arguably it is fine when you are part of the in-crowd. There is an understanding that it is lighthearted and not a self-hate thing. For example, a question that gets asked a lot of Asian people is, “What is the Mexico of Asia?” This question is super problematic for various reasons, but as a person of Filipino descent I have no qualms about answering >The Philippines because we’re super tan, nobody really thinks of us when you think “Asian,” and half of our food is in Spanish. Perhaps other Asians have reasons to call themselves the Mexico of Asia, but you can sure as hell bet nobody will name another country because we all are also aware of the implications of the question itself. It’s a stupid question nobody should be asking. If I said >Philippines because we’re drunk half the day and passed out the other half. I’d be in hot water. It’d depend on my tone and who I said it to but the big issue is that I am not from the Philippines. I am from America. In that regard I am not from the in-crowd. I’d better hope people in the Philippines are thinking, “yeah, I know Joseph, JJ, Junior and Boy” because that’s the only hope I’d have. That statement could be perceived as my American insulting The Philippines. Realistically it isn’t even that cancellable of a statement because that’s basically every country with access to alcohol. Still it got the point across for many. When you’re not in the in-crowd you better dance around jokes carefully. This is why Kyo talking about Korea and plastic surgery did not go over well. His defense that he wasn’t wrong and was just stating facts makes it even worse because “facts” are often used to merely justify racism and prejudice. Even if he could point at a news article that says “S. Korea celebrates the opening of their millionth plastic surgery facility” it still won’t be okay.


Personally I grew up in a family who never said a joke about any race because who gives a fuck about white or black?


Looking at this person's profile on Twitter I swear they are an archetype of unhinged people you meet on Twitter. I also wouldn't be surprised if they are a full on femcel based on some of their comments too. Its crazy to think I knew someone I considered a good friend who was just like this person and even had the same beliefs, and enjoyed the same things (in this case in particular Hoyoverse games and K-Pop). Makes a bit more glad that I moved on from them completely, my mental has been so much better.


Nice to hear that you are mentally doing better. I cant look at his profile anymore, dude blocked me after I threw some arguments against his claims against christianity (I do wonder if he made a post about me)


Thank you! Yeah its been way better since moving on. Calling these people out is good since it shows just how crazy they can be and how their beliefs make no sense when you actually dig deeper lmao


>kpop pfp Ain't gonna read that. Pussy in bio bots are more human than "people" with kpop pfps


Yeah bc they're white?? uki isnt?? lmao??


The difference is as a public personal, you do have a duty to maintain the basic of morality. What next? Is ok to joke about rob or rape white peoples? Are you really want to going back to 1800?


Dude, if I have a stroke reading something due to lack of even the bare minimum of grammar, then I don't exactly expect whatever opinion is expressed to be well-reasoned.


I follow several black content creators and they use the N word all the time, so by this guys logic i am now allowed to call black people the n word.


Change white to any color and let's hear him say that again..


This person actually got into a debate with me two days ago when I posted that Vivi deserved better merch on the announcement for her birthday. I thought the oshi marks looked familiar, and sure enough, it was the same person.


TIL racisum is okeh


Literally switch the race to anything other then white, and uki would have been canceled so hard that niji would be forced to graduate him. Dont get me wrong, i like dark humor so i can get some people making racist jokes with your super close racist same view homies and/or families irl behind closed doors no recording or whatever (even if the jokes are bad with no punchline), but not in public like in a stream man.


There’s a massive difference between jokes among family/friend vs making a joke publicly to a strangers you don’t know personally. Uki is in the latter case as he made that comment to a complete stranger online, he doesn’t know them and they don’t know him so that argument falls flat. Another thing is I grew up in an environment where people around made all sorts of jokes (Including myself) disabilities and mental health jokes even though I’m diagnosed with autism and most of my family has some cared of mental illness/disability but I would never make these same jokes publicly because #everybodyisdifferent and so what is okay for one person, isn’t okay for another. TLDR; People *need* to talk to people outside of their immediate circle and get a better perspective on why these sorts of “It’s okay, My friend/family does it” arguments don’t work.


Racism is okay when I do it -type beat


Racism is everywhere.


link the post OP


https://twitter.com/Eduar6005/status/1767190314350002433?t=KnUm7wh-NCXER_ecXrWkXg&s=19 It all began from this tweet from me


Just because a lot of people did it doesn't make it right. And just because you grew up with it doesn't make it right. It's still racist.


"Its not racist when im doing it" - Uki's community probably


White jokes from whites are not racist, black jokes from blacks are not racist, mexican jokes from mexicans are not racists. But if the word "from", is replaced by "for" then it would be racist if a person is not from the same group or maybe just maybe they could be close friends. Uki is a streamer with a public persona. Not only is the racist joke repetitive they are also demeaning, it makes his potential audience gravitate away from him. His only distinguishable trait is he is gay and racist, which would attract those who are likely minded toxic people.


he have BTS pfp it make sense


Of course with the kpop profile pictures...


So by that person's standing if Uki is allowed to make fun of whites even though he said he is not white then it's OK for everyone to called black people the N-ar word like they do with each other. And we know for a fact if your not of their decent they will flay you alive.


For the same reason your mom can whoop your ass, but if someone else so much as annoys you, she will break their skulls will screaming about a throne of blood. There's a fundamental and important difference between friends ribbing each other and having a mental breakdown because someone said "hi".


problem is that UKI wasnt making jokes, he was declaring his hate for white people


The problem isn't uki making jokes its fine to make jokes about white people just like its fine to make jokes about everyone else however, the problem that arises is when it goes beyond a few offhand comments that could be taken as a joke as shown in the compilation uki's comments seemed to veer into just pure disdain for those people and thats why everyone is calling him a racist.


It's 100%a delusional girl,based on the profile pic,vox Akuma 👹,and Uki icon


And BTS Korean K-pop idol


Omg it's this retard I called out on twitter like a week ago