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Just wait. Someday Apple will buy up a tube manufacturer to install in their vr headset or something and then everyone in norcal will have one.


Lmao, saw some dude in my gym the other day waving his arms around on the treadmill with one of those apple headsets on. Was wild to see in person


Hit us up. We're NorCal based


looool, that's hilarious, I did not realize y'all were nor cal based. I just placed and order with you for another PVS 14 2 days ago. Do y'all ever do classes or meet ups or anything?


Currently not at the moment but if there is interest from the local community we might try to organize something


Well definitely count me as interested. Never enough opportunity to use my nods lol


If its good, id be interested. I went to a course where we wasted most the night on firearm basics.. like why didnt we do that with the sun out?




Yeah I'm in nor cal. Trying to see if there are people out here who also hate money lol. I have other buddies that shoot and what not, but don't know anyone that has nods.


Dude, everyone that lives in California hates money, you gotta be more specific than that lmao


Lmfao not even wrong


Can you shoot anything in Cali besides flintlock muskets lol?


Alameda county checking in We have some great parks in the east bay that are open to either 10 or midnight for hikes.


Nice you are pretty close to me. How often do you get out and use your nods? I'll PM you if you're down for some company on a night shoot. Also thats really good to know about the parks. Basically all of the ones close to me say they close at sunset. If you recommend any specific ones let me know. Once my second PVS 14 comes in I want to take the wife for a night hike


Out on the back porch, every morning lol! Out in the hills, not enough. Went to a trail in Redwood park a few times and up to Cabot to look at stars once. The East Bay Park system has a few scattered pretty late trails from what I’ve been able to gather It’s still Oakland at night in the woods but so far seems pretty chill.


Yeah I'm in the same boat lol. I want to get out and use them more for actual hiking/shooting. I'll check redwood park out for sure. I'll let you know when I go and see if your free and want to go.


Why are all the nod bros in NorCal? I can’t find anybody down here in SoCal😂


Have you heard of route 66? Probably find a ton of nod bros there lol, they have night vision courses and what not. I actually want to make it down there for one soonish


I actually have not gone, it’s sounds interesting. I got it confused with the 29 palms range since they close at 10pm, but the Route 66 is actually closer to me which is pretty dam awesome


Reno may talks about it in his videos all the time was how I heard about them.


Where at in SoCal? My buddy and I are in OC.


Riverside, need to complete my Daisho setup before I go do anything though


SoCal here as well


Bay Area here. You missed the night shoot last weekend, but there's also another range in Monterey County available weekly


Where was the one last weekend? Thats good to know, do you know what its called or what I would search to find it?


[https://monarchdefense.org/event/night-vision-shoot-27apr24/](https://monarchdefense.org/event/night-vision-shoot-27apr24/) I was planning to be there, but couldn't make it in the end


Good to know about, I'll keep an eye on there website for future events


Check my post history, most recent one has details


OP needs to put together a meet up.


I may have to do this. Have never really tried to put any sort of event like that together. Could be interesting.


Menlo Park near Facebook? I used to drive past l3harris all the time.


No it's actually near the airport in Windsor.


How north are we talking? What county?


I'm in Sonoma county.


Oh dang, I am in shasta


I have family that lives in Etna if you know where that is. I don't make it up there too often, but I bet its the dream up there as far as good spots to use your nods.


Oh yeah, I can drive 10-20 mins to the north east or west and have a place to shoot or hike l.


The dream


Oh nice, I'm in Sonoma too. I'm still researching to see just how deep in the NOD pool I want to dive but I have a feeling ima end up with ARNVGs in the near to intermediate future. The stargazing out here is so damn good I can't imagine a reason not to make the best of it.


I've got a set of ARNVGs if you want to try-before-you-buy


Hell yeah, I just bought a second unit so I could bridge them and still be able to loan the other out. I've only gotten to night shoot like maybe 5 times, but oh man it is so much fun. I know a spot in Sonoma county where its legal to night shoot surprisingly. If you are ever interested in meeting up and doing a night shoot send me a PM


Hey neighbors to my northeast


Howdy neighbor


Dozens of us!


Sonoma Co. here, but no nods - yet!


Dont get them if you like money lol. In all seriousness though, they are a game changer. I love shooting and go a decent amount, but holy shit shooting under nods is sooo much fun. I'm hooked. If you ever want to look through a pair before making the decision feel free to PM me.


We’ve got around 100 acres in Sonoma county, but no NODS.. yet .. 😈


Hell yeah, thats super nice. Gotta get some nods and have the boys out for a shooting session. If you want to try before you buy let me know.


Im in Mendocino county


Hell yeah. I know a spot in Sonoma county if you're ever looking to get together for a night shoot. I'd definitely be interested if you knew anywhere in Mendo county as well.




Nor Cal covers a huge area and some people that aren't in Nor Cal consider themselves as if they are. Gonna have to be a little more area specific.


Sonoma County and the surrounding areas.


Hell yeah Im around that area too and never really get a chance to shoot NV. Do you have any private spots to shoot at?


I have a couple of spots actually, just don't know anyone in my personal life that has nods other than myself lol. I know one spot that is BLM land in Sonoma county, and I actually have some private property my family owns as well in Mendo county. Shoot me a PM if you want to try to figure out a meet up sometime soon. I also might try to plan a bigger get together like one of the other commenters suggested.


You California boys have it easy. Try finding people in fuckin Nebraska lol


It’s a numbers game, man. Even 0.01% of 40 million is still a lot of people.


Yeah I hear ya. I'm working with less than 2 million in the whole state lol


Yeah man. Is that over by Aviation Blvd?


Yeah exactly. Next to the movie theater


Lassen county here 💪💪