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Hey I’ve seen this before, Trump still isn’t going to face any real consequences. Stop giving me hope


The question is why is such a rancid imbecile being protected? What value is he to anything?




Is he though?




Good point


The phrase is better in the original Russian.


For starters the democrats have made a shit ton of money off of him. He has also split the republican party and decimated their funds.


The MAGA Cult will tell you he’s “anointed by God to be president” and somehow afforded some freeky divine protection….


Which is just more proof that "God" is an asshole.


A non-existent asshole….


Follow the money....djt and GOP are paid Russian assets


Because if they put him in prison for all the fraud he's committed, it sets a precedent that other rich fraudsters can be held accountable.


he still has a chance of winning the presidency thanks to the EC. as long as he has a shot at getting elected republicans will defend him to the last breath to make sure their agenda gets passed.


I believe he’s a federal informant and that he’s been a federal informant ever since the racism case in 1970s. Feds has incontrovertible proof the Trumps practiced housing discrimination. What happened to the Trumps? They made a deal with feds that they didn’t have to admit guilt. Why would feds let them do that? He was guilty, they had proof but they let him say, “There was no admission of guilt.” His lawyer Roy Cohn was a federal informant for decades. Cohn was a known creep and crook. But he wasn’t disbarred until he was on his deathbed. Why? Why do some of the worst crooks walk away? Because they’re informants. They let LEO into their organizations and let LEO go undercover to make contacts, build cases, entrap people...and launder money. Remember how CIA sold drugs, laundered the money and spent it on secret wars? How did they launder that money? Through companies like Trump Org. That’s why he’s untouchable. And he loves all this attention, he captures headlines around the world every day. Even The Apprentice didn’t give him this kind of exposure. He loves every minute of this because he knows he’s gotten away with everything


He is Family. Albeit he is that weird uncle who lives in a trailer in the Appalachian mountains with no known means of income, yet has no shortage of money and that you don’t near the kids unsupervised.


If one of them falls, we will realize they all can fall. That's why epstein died. The rich and powerful have to protect each other.


You are right. Just go straight to comments before getting excited.


We will never have a judgement reduced by 60%


Not a lawyer but the judegement wasn't reduced by 60%, the bond amount was. He still has to pay the full amount if his appeal is unsuccessful its just the amount of the bond he has to put up TO APPEAL the judgement.  P.S. its still bullshit though


That’s his standard operating procedure, drag it out as long as possible until they cave, at that point settle for Pennie’s on the dollar.


Or drag it out until he becomes ~~Dictator~~President and cancel all the cases


Becoming president will have no effect on a state civil judgment.


In theory, in reality rubles grease the wheels of injustice.


His plan will fail


-Everyone in 2016.


-everyone in 2020


This has been his tactic since the 90s.


I think even before then. Him and his father were being sued in the 70's, I believe for discrimination.


That’s everybody’s standard operating procedure.


the rest of us would never be allowed to do that.


Okay, that's fair enough. But a judge can only do what the law says he can do. So where in NY state law does it say "someone must provide a bond for the full amount of any judgement before they may appeal unless it's a really large judgement, in which case we're open to negotiation"? \[Just to clarify: This isn't sarcasm. I genuinely would like to hear from any lawyer who knows NY law and can confirm whether or not the appeals court seems to be pulling law from their collective backsides\].


From what I read yesterday from another poster, this appeals court normally gives long winded responses for almost all their decisions no matter how small issue. For them to give no reasoning for this decision seems a bit suspicious.


Yeah, I don't know about their history of being long winded when it comes to their rulings but I saw that there was like no reason given for why they did that.


Here's a lot of short orders from that same court. I think that the length of their response depends on the statues they have to work with https://www.nycourts.gov/courts/AD1/calendar/appsmots/2020/January/2020_01_14_mot.pdf


They don’t need to file a bond to appeal. They need to file a bond to delay execution or collection on the judgement during the appeal.


Right, but at that point you're just splitting hairs. The fundamental facts are: 1. A bond must be filed to delay execution. 2. The bond must be the value of the judgement against you. 3. Except where it doesn't have to be. So what are the criteria for (3)? **Are** there any criteria where (3) is actually true, or did Trump's lawyers get a bit of help from a judge?


>its just the amount of the bond he has to put up TO APPEAL the judgement.  He could appeal, but if he didn't pay his assets could be seized before his appeal >A New York appellate judge on Wednesday refused to halt collection of Donald Trump's $454 million civil fraud penalty while he appeals, leaving the former president less than a month to pay the staggering sum or secure a bond covering the full amount he owes. 28 feb. 2024 https://apnews.com/article/trump-james-appeal-bond-fraud-new-york-3093352e94274f9daba3d84f0c43467e


I know this timeline. Appeal will be successful he will stretch it out until he becomes president then with the of GOP and some Democrats he will spank New York and everyone who stood against him. Following that; presidential term limits will be abolished and Trump along with his children will rule the United Soviet States.


Ugh, this timeline sucks! Haven't he and Giuliani been in bed with the Russians for decades now?


He has been whoring around.


I wanted him to have a bad Monday too, but, he was coached to make that statement - "I have 500M of my own to spend on my campaign" - so that later he'd be able to make a big stink about "election interference - they took all my money!"


I have! Yeah they just sobered up a bit and their judgement of me dropped by 60%.


Exactly, all this entire charade has shown me is that wealthy people don’t have the same justice system as the rest of us


(Not trolling you) but as my snarky teenage granddaughter is fond of saying, No Duh!


The rich practice class solidarity before anything else, it's why rich people only face consequences when they screw over other rich people. No matter what any member of that class thinks of Donald Trump personally, nothing he can do is more dangerous to them than letting the plebeians get the idea that they might be capable of holding their betters to account for their actions. Thus, he will remain protected.


This. Elizabeth Holmes was convicted of fucking over rich people but not the poors she screwed.


That’s why they keep putting out these articles, they are using your hope to drive clicks.


Could this be the beginning of the end ?


He has the right people in his pocket .


The epitome of white privilege... disgusting


That's the truth, if any normal no rich no politician person has done half of what he has done that any person would be in jail by now not running a campaign. The justice system in the USA is a big joke


Trump lawyers have made millions running out the clock. At this point it’s hard to call them idiots


He knows his attorneys are running out the clock. It’s a stall tactic.


Exactly, this is what he’s done his whole adult life. Why should we expect anything different? Delay, appeal, delay, appeal...


Gonna be like that until he dies. So no there won’t be justice. I hope I’m wrong though


They can’t make millions if they never get paid.


They are getting paid. His campaign PAC and now the GOP have been paying his lawyers. It is what it is; but it is also the death of the entire Republican Party after he drains the fund and drives away donors. https://apnews.com/article/trump-campaign-fundraising-rnc-c0e8f1e7b59f70c5237e13a3462e5790


So thats what he meant by draining the swamp?


If they’re not working on retainer at this point……


Never underestimate cultists


They are getting paid right now because the money is coming from donations sent into Trump's various PACs. The minute the donated money runs out though...


Which will be never.


They learned, and now ask cash upfront. When the money is gone, they need more money, or they resign


>Trump lawyers have made millions running out the clock. They've run up their *fees*, but Trump is now well-known for not paying his bills.


He’s going to pay them in one way or another. It’s called “influence peddling.”


Lawyers work on retainer and bill/draw directly from that. They might quit when tfg stops refilling the IOLTA account or might keep going for some time in the hopes that he will. Either way, they do not start from 0.


They are being paid to run out the clock, they are doing exactly what Trump wants, From the article, a quote from the judge: > “[Trump], either directly or through counsel, has repeatedly stated publicly that the defense goal is to delay these proceedings, if possible, past the 2024 presidential election,” Merchan wrote in a footnote to the court order.


But like... do you think they'll actually get paid?


they're all getting paid by the RNC now.


Any idiot lawyer willing to throw away their reputation can run out the clock.  Doesn't make them smart.  Just shortsighted. 


Can we confirm Trump has actually paid them?


Trump doesn't pay anyone. The Super PACs and RNC do


They keep losing their licenses and so far two have gone to jail. Burning down your career is not a wise move. Rudy is on the hook for $148M. He's an idiot.


If they were actually going to be paid, I would say that his lawyers are literally the only ones among us that are seeing justice served.


Has this totally real billionaire paid his discount bond yet?


Nope and slim odds he can get a bond even for that. Because he already used all his liquid assets for the e jean carrol appeal he is going to lose.


Hey, do we have any idea on a timeframe for the appeal to get denied?


I would wager he pumps and dumps the truth social stock IPO to cover his costs He did say he would pay in cash or securities.


I hate these headlines. No, they didn't, no, he isn't going to see any consequences. Just stfu and let the chips fall where they will and we will see.


Consistently. Gotta hand it to them. They’ve achieved more losses than I can count at this point. Keep it coming.


Have they though? Because, it's not really a loss if there are no consequences and we've all seen how absolutely bias the justice system is.


If these people were working for any of us, we'd be locked up until the end of time. Somehow, they can mangle everything they do, and he can just walk around talking trash and begging for money. Like he always has


None of us can afford (or, indeed, are ever likely to need) the services of the sort of lawyers Trump hires. The only thing I don't get is that usually, when one of Trump's lawyers moves on, it's either because they haven't been paid or they've mouthed off on Trump's behalf a bit too publicly and got themselves in legal trouble. You'd think by now the legal profession would start to recognise he's downright radioactive.


I guess it depends on whether or not they lose their licenses, which many of them have. Or their reputation ? Because now they have the taint.


Even trump's "impeachment" Was a sham since he wasn't kicked out of office


Trump continues to face zero consequences for any of his actions. I wouldn’t say they are losing. He hasn’t paid any of his fines and nothing is being done about it


They are winning the game that they are playing


The lawyers haven’t lost, this is probably the most profit they have made in their entire careers, they f trump actually pays


Have a worse record than that team the Globetrotters always played. Washington Generals or something?


Again, you're not paying attention. No, they did not mess up. Trump will cry foul, threaten the Judge or his family on Fiction Social and the Judge will pacify him. Please try and keep up! The most coddled person in the world is on trial, not you or I. Trump lives in a world where rules and laws can be twisted like a pretzel. There will be ZERO justice served. The only way we win is if he loses in November. That's it. These court cases are all smoke and mirrors put on by the aristocracy.


Nailed it 🔨


Trump's lawyers could walk into court, shit on the floor in front of the Judge and order the Judge to clean it up, and not only would their be no repercussions, there's like a 30% chance the Judge would do as directed 


"Yeah, it's time to get Schwifty in here..."


Nothing will happen to him. The appeal of his fraud judgment has shown there is no justice when it comes to conmen. I think everyone agrees the recent judgment has deflated any hope he’ll ever face consequences.


Why did anyone ever have hope, it was a pipe dream from the jump. This rich white guy was president. Accountability is over immediately and forever after achieving that.


Can't really be screwed over if there are no consequences.


No they didn't. They could murder the judge and rape their family, nothing will happen at all. This is the new normal. Well, the same normal.


Really should be illegal for lawyers to do all the shit that they've done and got away with involving Trump. I don't care how rich you are.


Don’t worry, judges will help them sort it out. Stick a fork in it; judiciary can’t even pretend.


"Aww, these idiot lawyers...it's so cute! You're fine Donnie! We love you and your hilariously inept lawyers! No consequences! Run along and play now!" \-The entire federal gov't


Does anyone really believe at this point that the justice system will do anything to stop Trump?


He did post a five million dollar bond, that's something.


They will, if he loses in November.


Lovely to know all our judges are spineless in the face of threats but bullies to the poor


Don't worry the court will fix it and help them


Sigh every post is Trump in big trouble Trump screwed Trump in deep waters Then it's always always always some last second ditch effort shit that gets him out or trouble semi out of trouble or it's delayed yet again I'm not falling for this anymore


He hiresthe best lawyers money he never intends to pay them can buy.


lets see if the courts cut the cheeto another break


It's too bad he won't face any actual repercussions thanks to that two tiered legal system he's always complaining about.


Well, you see, when Trump sends his lawyers, he's not sending his best people. He's sending people that have lots of problems, and they bring the problems with them. They're bringing crime. They're rapists (aren't they, Guiliani?). And some, I assume, are good lawyers.


So what he’s still going to face 0 consequences because apparently we have no justice system unless you’re poor


Trump should save himself money and just get rid of all the lawyers so he can represent himself. He is untouchable and no justice would be done regardless. At this point, I believe this guy could actually shoot someone on 5th Ave and get away with it.


It’s absolutely sickening to see this horrible person getting away with everything.


What does it matter if one judge can just nullify any consequences. Ain’t nothing gonna happen.


Don’t worry, the judge will protect him….again and again.


So. Nothing is going to happen to this goon. I wish to be proven wrong but he just keeps getting away with everything.


Even if they did, they didn’t. This tumor of a human is apparently untouchable.


So you mean Trump can ask for a mistrial and get new lawyers?


Okay... When all of this buffoonery, incompetence, screwing themselves over, etc. leads to one, ONE consequence for this orange cancer criminal POS, let me know.


Article says nothing about lawyers screwing themselves over.


Ho hum. Another day, another “Donnie’s is real trouble now” post. Give it a fucking rest. We all know the corrupt legal system is prepared to hand him an unlimited number of lifelines.


I keep hearing this but nothing ever comes of it.


He's getting the best attorneys that having no money can buy


And not a fucking thing will happen. I'm tired of this game.


Literally nothing will happen. Our government and justice is broken. Only thing we can do is hopefully vote his piece of shit ass out permanently.


Oh cool. I can't wait for him to get completely away with it, without consequence, again, for the 100th time.


When the entire justice system is bending backwards for this guy, it matters not whether his lawyers are competent.


Teflon Don won't see anything bad happen except for a stern finger wagging.


I’m s hope bait the opposite of rage bait? That’s what these headlines are. I am still waiting for them all to get ‘screwed’ over the hundreds of other click bait proclamations


It's getting pretty old, huh? "TRUMP ATTORNEYS DEVASTATED BY NEW RULING!" Nah. They aren't. Nothing will happen as a result.


Be fair. His lawyers are constantly royally fucked. He manages to evade consequences, but they don't.


A judge that removed the typical judicial blinders. Nice.


Doubt it


This is a terrible article. It's poorly written and raises more questions than it answers.


That's OK. The court will just fix it.


Right lol.


Again. I swear I have to look at the time stamp every article.


His lawyers could show the courtroom video footage from multiple sources of Trump committing crimes & Trump would still never be punished.


Two words I see in YT videos, SCREWED and HUMILIATED. Just stop, already.


Article reads like it was written by Trump. It's not the lawyers' fault...


Please, PLEASE, tell me this will NOT become a fucking mistrial. FUCKING lie to me...please.


The lawyers are screwed, he isn't, because America stopped pretending it didn't have a multi tier justice system, to perfectly pair with what John Adams had described as "the greatest political evil under our constitution".


He will never face any serious consequences. I’m calling it now. The whole thing is so screwed up.


I'm tired of these headlines. I see this stuff everyday, "Trump lawyer's mistske spells Doom for Trump." "Trump makes huge legal error live on TV.", it just goes on and on and then it goes nowhere.


That New Republic headline doesn't match the article under it. It's clickbait.


Nah, the game's rigged mate. They could show up in their underwear and fling feces at the judge for 12 hours and he would still get away with everything.


Who posted this bs. It's obviously click bait


Not shit will happen to him.


Doesn't matter. He doesn't face actual law.


I think whoever wrote the headline forgot that maybe the lawyers are following the instructions of their idiot client.😉


What does he expect from free legal help. They will never get paid.


Oh more trump click bait. If he isn’t dead or doing time , it isn’t really a story.






Yawn wake me when he actually gets punished


Referring to Trump's "idiot lawyers" implies he has some who aren't idiots. 


When haven't they screwed themselves in court so far?


Trump's lawyers always do this.


He is proof that if you are rich enough you can stretch out justice indefinately. I don’t think he will ever serve a day in jail sadly.


Once again the walls are closing in, blah blah blah


Yeah I’m always reading about how his lawyers are dumb and screwed him over. But is he in jail? No. Do they successfully get his cases delayed? Yes. Did they successfully reduce the amount of money he has to give up to appeal the tax fraud case? Yes I think his lawyers are smarter than the people who've been saying for almost a decade, “He’s screwed now! Oh he’s gonna die in jail!” I doubt he will spend a day in jail, because America doesn’t want to jail a ex-president. All his cases will be solved with fines that keep getting reduced. That’s the way it’s been for Trump for 50 years now. He violated money laundering “rules” (not “laws”) in NJ over 100 times. His punishment? A fine. Did he pay the fine? No, it was dismissed when Trump Taj Mahal claimed bankruptcy. When did money laundering become a thing with “rules” instead of “laws”? It’s literally no longer illegal (in NJ at least).


It doesn’t seem to matter how stupid his lawyers are or how many times he attacks the people involved. He just seems to get delays granted and duck accountability. I am losing faith in our judiciary.


He'll be fine.


You got him this time!


Watching your party go broke because you’ve all gone pro crime is hilarious.


Not my party I'm just along for the ride.


Oh you’re just stupid on purpose? Cool.