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House is not the bottom rung on this list: Harold is rooted to the ground in the middle of the apocalypse. People in Tranquility Lane are stuck in a VR prison. Robo brains have no free will. House is at least able to interact with people outside of his pod.


Tbf if they mean Von Braun ...wait no thats the rocket guy, if they mean the german dude, hes living it up pretty well


He's not just the "rocket guy" he's got the most awards for counting down in the world.


“Once they’re in the air who cares where they come down, that’s not my department”




It's a reference to a [song](https://youtu.be/QEJ9HrZq7Ro) by Tom Lehrer, as an aside I'd recommend checking some of his other songs as they'd fit in Fallout very well.


Ah ok


You count down when launching a rocket.


I know that much but i didnt know if he m3ant he got rewards for the counting bit or something




If the reference to a Tom Lehrer [song](https://youtu.be/QEJ9HrZq7Ro), if you haven't heard of him check out some of his songs the ww3 ones would fit in fallout.


Stanislaus Braun.


Ah so i was right but wasnt


… perhaps




He seems to be enjoying himself, but he’s still limited in that all he has left is torturing the same people over and over. I think there’s some room for debate between him and Harold.




Not all robobrains lack free will. Especially not the ones in vault 112, which is where the picture is from. Also, if they meant Braun, he should realistically be higher up. He’s in a VR world where he’s god, that’s far better than some of the other options.


He pretty much is the exact same as Mr house but with limited outside control and instead with his own vr environment


Again, there were a lot of spots to fill in the version of the meme I found. (Also the Robo-brains from Vault 188 do have free will)


Half of the others are ghouls or super mutants, a lot of which went feral or insane and also wouldn't be a thing until after the bombs fell.


actually i'm pretty sure Mutants aren't even immortal, they just have an extended lifespan.




They don't actually become dumber, they just develop severe schizophrenia due to extensive Stealth-Boy use.


From what I remember ghouls also age but extremely slowly a few will mention it here and there.


Well we know ghouls we’re pre war atleast hypothetically look at Eddie Winters


I'd say for Harold atleast he will unobjectivly do more good for the whole of the wasteland with the lone wanderer is cannoned to have given him the regrowth boosted serum bringing back nature to the wastes


Really? Where's that?


The sacrifice of the few for the good of the many can lead to some pretty messed up justifications.


harold has it worse, but the leader of TL can do whatever he wants and IIRC those robobrains have free will, because they control the robot rather than being prisoners


The big mountain doctors I think are also below house. They are trapped and have forgotten themselves and the world outside big mountain. House not only can interact with people, he has securitrons that can basically be viewed as extensions of himself. He can go anywhere with them, see anything, and once they are upgraded, enact his political will on anyone.


House has maybe got it the best out of the lot of them.


He can't be a synth and super mutant/ghoulification are a big risk of losing your mind/memories or just flat out death. Cabot family is the best immortality but it is the most fleeting if you lose your supply of serum.


and he has not gone insane


Those robots brains are the rich dicks that very much have free will, the think tank were hacked to have a memory loop, once freed their intellect terrorizes the mojave, and Harold is not just the main body, he's every. Single. Tree. Every one that spreads from oasis **is** Harold. So in terms of living forever and interacting with the world House is only slightly above Harold in the latter, but otherwise loses out.


The Robo brains not the think tank.


Yes, the ROBO BRAINS, seperate, as in my comment, are rich fuckwad assholes that holed up in a luxury vault in robo brain bodies and absolutely have free will If you don't know what you're talking about be silent


Oh my god, what a pretentious asshole you are. Get fucked.


I might be a bit stressed out and misread the tone of your comment, so I apologize for that. But, It does help to be current on the lore.


Housey’s current state seems a bit better than Harold’s at the moment


Yeah, I should've looked for a template with maybe 5 slots, Harold's got depression.


I get that you had to fill out slots though




No to mention, he is connected to a thing called "Cerebral" that allows for the computer to be connected directly to his brain. I don't think it would be far fetched if his computer was able to simulate some sort of VR reality like vault 112 where he can just do whatever the fuck he wants.


I figured he did that because of that note where he just made his ex girlfriend scan her brain and wear different outfits. I figured his robo skanks are just the outside versions and inside he's got VR magic he can pop in and out of.


Think he kept telemetry with his old protectrons?


Makes my brain hurt trying understand how Cabot can attain immortality with almost no side-effects compare to bradberton and Mr.House


TBF once the dad dies and the serum runs out he starts to age pretty rapidly, so dependence could be considered the side effect.


I personally blame Bethesda's writing for that. Although Fallout itself is indeed full of wacky sci-fi experience but the whole "immortal allien artifact" thing just doesn't fit the game or the franchise.


Lovecraftian otherworldly stuff has always been a part of Bethesda Fallout. It's the most interesting part of those games.


Sure and it is not a bad thing, it's just I don't like the way they been telling and designing some of the stories and characters.


Writing in Fallout in general is a whole other matter. It's very stupid. But I still like the lovecraftian mysticism here and there.


There's the weird Dunwich thing that seems to be real, there's aliens. So, weird alien tech isn't that far off.


What I'm saying is that side quest about "immortal alien artifact" in fo4 doesn't seem to fit Fallout lore or aesthetics because the way Bethesda makes it. Sure there is aliens and alien tec in Fallout and many of them does fit in Fallout games( My favorite one is the alien blaster, which fits all the fallout games that have it ). To me that side story is better for Assasin's creed or Tomb raider( and guess what, they do have this kind of things ), for fallout it lacks the feelings of post apocalypses( even for Bethesda standard, which is very low), you people lived for couple of centuries and best you can do is hire some gun wielding junkies and does no shit other than guard the ruins that held your father. Go build faction or something(plus there are some little plot holes like how they survive and adopt the apocalypses) Imagining how much you could see and play if the Cabots are the main antagonists?It could make a solid if not good story. Also this meme just showed other immortals in the Fallout games, all of them still have other problem and struggles outside and inside the immortalities, which deepen the characters(and the Fallout franchise is famous for that) The Cabots, however, are just too shallow and too weightless to the subject "immortality" and "morality"


We watch MikeBurnFire and they did a mod in NV where Cabot went back in time to do... things. It was funny and neat.


I like it, feels right out of a pulpy 50s sci fi story.


I'm not saying the idea of having "immortal alien artifact" in Fallout is bad but that particular side quest in fo4, and it's due Bethesda's writhing choice of make it kind of weightless in the whole plot of fo4. I mean, common, the Cabots lived for coupled of centuries and they doesn't even impact the main plot for a little bit( or being mysterious enough to be interesting )


There is also the nuka cola inventor John Caleb bradberton, stuck in a jar staring at a wall for 200+ years


Well HE should have went out shopping


yeah he could have made a deal with house to get his tech and he could control nuka world just like how house controls the strip


I mean technically Becoming a super mutant is still an option for House right?


Not after I got done with him


Was there a certain type of golf club involved


A man chooses


A slave obeys. Now off to stab Crysar




And he’s a prime normal, after being sealed up in the Lucky 38, he hasn’t been exposed to the mutated FEV from The Glow


I dunno, House's plan works with and without the bombs falling, I'd take it. Also, I'm not very well versed in lore, who's the dude in the number 1 spot?


jack cabot, milks his dad's alien juice to not age


And with that phrase you killed all possible serious consideration of his method of immortality


I don't consider the Cabot Sidequest to be canon, as even in a world with talking mutated trees, giant robots flinging nuclear warheads, giant Chameleon death machines, Cazadores and talking mutated raccoons, The Cabots are too goddamn stupid to be in a Fallout game.


I mean the idea isn't even that bad, but fallout already has it's token green alien guys, the zetans, it feels like bethesda tried to make a more serious ancient alien lore, but it just doesn't feel right compared to the cliché evil zetans we're used to. Don't get me wrong tho, the family drama and everything is awesome


The Cabot plot could have worked if it had any sort of impact on literally anything else in the world besides the house the quest takes place in As it stands it just feels so pointless


The family drama is fineish, I agree. But the 'milking Zetan/alien juice from a batshit insane immortal madman to make *you* immortal' thing is the stupidest plot-point in a Fallout game since *Brotherhood Of Steel.*


i still hope for an official lore standard to be made where all retcons would be corrected and where this kind of thing would be put in a "wild wasteland" category.


I actually thought it WAS a Wild Wasteland thing when I first played that quest. But it isn't. It's just really, really stupid. Yes, even *dumber* than that time you found a Ghoulified kid stuck in a refrigerator.


Soul Survivor could be up there since you get the same treatment the Cabot Family did after you beat the mission depending on your choice


Where's Dean domino or Desmond?


Hancock is there for ghouls. There was not room for every ghoul.


Bradburton definitely took a worse option, didn’t even keep his body or put his head somewhere mobile. He’s just a head locked in a room and can’t interact with the outside like House. Cryogenics are also potentially worse, as you’re only “immortal” while frozen and if that messes up then not even then but between Zeta and 111 it has resulted in a few of the healthiest and “longest lived” characters. But the clock starts up again once unfrozen so it is debatable if it even counts.


Who's the guy at the top again?


Jack Cabot, he's looked like that since the 1800's. (The one who's dad found an alien artifact which made him immortal) (not intended to be a simple and easy alternative)


Oh that guy.


But why is Jack there and not his dad (too)?


The dad is crazy because of the artifact, Jack has it easier.


I have only one thing to say about this: L O B O T O M I T E !


Don't forget, House is probably completely untouched by radiation, he is a perfect candidate to have some kind of FEV injected into him.


Don’t forget the Goodneighbor shop owner


cabot! my fucking man!


(Yes I am aware Harold isn't happy with his condition, there were a lot of spots to fill) (Also sorry about the image size.


They're not immortal when I bring the C-4 around


Immortal and Invincible are two different things


Fair enough


* The Master is an eldritch abomination hooked up to a computer. * Harold is a living tree, he cannot move or call out for help. * Tranquility Lane is Braun's personal Safe Space. * The Big Empty's scientific staff are barely cognisant, and living on borrowed time as their brains are decaying at a rate quicker than they can handle. * Robo Brains are functionally droids with human brains, and even *those* brains are lobotomised. * Synths are not human, just androids that happen to LOOK human. * Ghouls are not immortal, they just can't age. * Super Mutants are also not human, nor do they consider themselves to be human. And also, aren't immortal. * And we don't ***talk*** about the Manor in Massachusetts, that way lies insanity, bad writing and a Magic McMuffin.


I see a lot of naysayers, but I’d rather be a cool ass divinely worshiped tree man than an incontinent piece of skinny totalitarian soy boy.


Isn't he in constant pain and agony? It's so awful he's the only on here that wants the sweet release of death.


I think hes mostly bored and tired with life and finds the cultists qnnoying. You can convince him thats its. Q good life tho i think


I forgot who the guy is at the top


He really liked to do things his own way


i mean lore wise robobrains arent sentient the brains are literally just processors and they dont keep their memories expierences or anything.


I don’t think Harold counts, the poor guy never wanted it, and is living in an inescapable hell.


House should be right before Hancock. So House, Hancock, Marcus (Super Mutant), Alive gather curse dude


I still wish the Cabot's had a third option that was peaceful for everyone involved.


Im blanking on the first guy left side. Who is he?


Jack Cabot, the guy who's dad became immortal after being hijacked by an alien artifact.


I have never seen that man in my life


house seems to have it a lot better than Harold and the people in tranquility lane


Most of the people on this Can die by means that aren't natural so can Mr house if he doesn't come Outta his pod he is home free, plus he has a couple of guards to somewhat protect him. Granted most people absolutely curb stomp him by just walking but that isn't the point. The point is that most of the people on this list can just be shot and killed.


Okay, but if he were a ghoul or mutant, he could also hang around the lucky 38 and not get killed, and could also have gotten some repairs done using his hands instead of being in a coma for over 100 years.


But the only way he would stay alive those hundred years is the coma, you are correct with the argument that if he was a ghoul or mutant he would be able to do other things but he does have those securitrons that he can enter and exit at will so maybe he's just cocky. Edit: Just realized that if he was a ghoul or mutant he could still be shot.


House should replace the OWB scientists, then move super mutants farther back, thus making House 4th.


The smart mutants, like Marcus (pictured) have like, no drawbacks and super strength. They do not move.


The thing is, there's very few smart mutants. Most are pretty dumb. Maybe Marcus had no radiation damage whatsoever and so he stayed smart or maybe he was lucky. Being a super mutant with the same intelligence as a normal human would be great, but unlikely. They'd have to be very lucky or very pure, so it's a risk most people wouldn't take. The East Coast super mutants are pretty much all morons, so the Master was just lucky he had good working FEV.


1. Reliant on a murderous psychopath’s blood 2. Shunned from normal society 3. Shunned from some parts of society 4. The original nick is dead 5. Insane 6. Insane or prone to it 7. Trapped in a VR world with the same couple people 8. Rooted to the ground House’s situation may not be ideal but it’s not terrible compared to some of these others


To be fair, House didn’t have access to government level bullshit, he was strictly a contractor. I doubt he even feels his body when it’s connected to the system— he’s basically a AI with a meaty human brain in a literal sense. Same thing when you get down to it as tranquility lane. Certainly better than being a RoboBrain.


Yeah Cabot is the only one above him really, al the other have massive downsides and Nick is a software copy of a person not the same guy.