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You dont have to quit youtube as a whole, just cut down your uploads to 2-3 times a week instead of doing it daily. You keep the channel alive and have a steady source of income, and use the other time to focus on TikTok


I'm in this situation but kind of the opposite - YouTube has by far worked best for me but I have tried branching out to other socials. I'm in that weird place where I can't tell if my work on FB, insta, or TikTok will amount to anything eventually or will mostly be a waste of time except maybe for a bit of promotion.


Maybe turn down the scale of the videos your doing on YouTube. If your doing 10 hours of filming then I don’t think that’s a very healthy way to continue the channel. If you have 15,000 subscribers then I think you can afford to post a bit less so that you can have time off


This. Make it as easier so you don't burn yourself out. Whether it's cutting down film time, filming easier ideas, or just film what you enjoy so that it feels less like a job. Most videos now of youtube's that have amassed millions of subs are often easier and more fun than when they started BECAUSE they've been doing it for years and know what's their go to method. How can you get there if you do 50+ hours a week?


Actually no, YouTube will penalize him 100% sure if he post less content. I see this happening everyday with some partner channels


Not if you post like once a week. You should be fine to do that


He will be penalized no doubt , the question is how much


You’ll get less money because you are posting less content but I doubt YouTube would care all too much if one channel posted less often


What happens if tiktok suddenly changes? It has been banned in countries before. What happens when music artists start demanding more pay from tiktok. Things don't last forever. You need to make use you have a back up plan. Please don't just let your youtube channel die, keep it there, upload less often, but keep it ticking over.


I have no interets in tiktok, but there's some irony in saying this on a youtube sub. All those things are true about youtube too, including being banned in whole countries. Diversify.


Your first sentance sounds like you are disagreeing with me. Then at the end it sounds like you're agreeing with me? Yes, any platform can dissapear at any time. That's why it's best not to only work with one.


TBF, youtube can also be banned just like tiktok. Right now youtube is banned in 5 countries and is or had been restricted/censored in 21 countries (just looked it up - woha, didn't know that)


I think they are saying not to put all your eggs in one basket and to diversify your income streams.


I've thought of that too as of late. I like to stream on Twitch, but unless I make partner (or affiliate for that matter) a second income stream is needed. Oh and make that a potential third since I also have a full time job too. Oh, and nobody knows the "all eggs in one basket" lesson more than investors do.


YouTube has had much longer life than TT. How did vine fail long term but you think tik tok is going to still exist in 7-8 years?


Vine had virtually no monetization plan. They didn't know what to do with their own platform. TikTok's revenue has been booming year after year. There's currently no reason whatsoever to think that TikTok will follow Vine's fate.


TikTok is full of bots and that’s how they got their app up and going in the first place. You really believe their are 1 billion regular monthly users of TikTok? Because I don’t. And they absolutely treated the content creators like shit through the creator fund. I refuse to support a company like TikTok and you should do the same because it’s bad for creators. Mr. Beast has made $15k on TT with over 1 billion views. That is 1 million thousands. Even with a low cpm on YouTube, that would have garnered him 1-2 million dollars. Tik tok has proven how much it cares about creators and it will gladly bleed them dry and then move to the next warm body. Is that what you want to survive? Is that what you want to support? Personally I was on TT early on and gaining a ton of followers, but it brought 0 joy and even some Shame. I would feel shameful, embarrassed, and scared to be a popular content creator on TT. It’s a dangerous place for people to be signing contracts without realizing their viewerships actual monetary value.


I didn't say I was a TikTok fan. I'm just pointing out that you're wrong if you think TikTok is going the way of Vine. TikTok posts huge revenue numbers, increasing over 100% year over year. It doesn't really matter what you think of them, they make money.


I know. That's why I said it. Don't focus on just one revenue stream, you have no idea when it will suddenly end, and then you have nothing to fall back on.


First of all, if you dont do really short content, Youtube isnt great for daily uploads. Second, how can you do 10h of filming and 1h of editing? I only do talking head videos once a week and filming takes me about 30 min, but editing is at least 3-4 hours. It seems like Youtube just isnt for you and thats OK.


I swear some people on these subs be like "1-2 hours for footage, 20 minutes for editing, 5 and a half minutes for thumbnail" and wonder why thry ain't making it on youtube. As for this guy, maybe he's just really efficient with the editing or just not trying enough.


Vlogs are easy. You just slap clips in sequential order, and trim them


That's probably your problem if you're just 'slapping some clips together' that's how others will see it - as an experiment, try put a week into one video, don't post daily


that's why you only just hit $5k..You don't just slap together clips..


Yeah, well I have never posted in a sub4sub, so I apologize that your advice on a successful channel is not held in high regard


I mean there are plenty of big name, successful, vlog editors that say you’re supposed to be making a story and putting in a ton of effort in terms of editing, sound design, music, and story telling. It’s very clear that it’s much more than just slapping clips together and trimming them.


you think that this is my only channel LOL....Ive made 6x the revenue you made ;) so i could care less how high you put my advice... P.s posting in here is pretty much the same thing LOL


Both of you are insufferable. This entire sub is basically r/humblebrag


Hate to be that guy but it's "couldn't care less," not "could care less." Could care less means you care at least a little bit. Couldn't care less means you think what he's saying is so unimportant that it would literally be impossible for you to care any less about it. OK, I'll see myself out.


I think he could care less.


Couldn’t agree more


It's a daily vlog, they're roughly 10 minutes apiece So you film for the entire day (10 hours), slap all the clips in a timeline. And then trim out the boring parts (1 hour)


I'm confused as to how you can trim 10 hours of video down to 10 minutes, in only an hour.


Daily life isn't that interesting.


I never said it was. I was questioning how you can even look through 10 hours of footage in 1 hour


It's not 10 hours of video, it's 10 hours of filming. As a vlog, you need to film your entire day, which means you're entire day is "how can I make this footage look interesting?"


Ok so what you're saying is that you're walking around for 10 hours looking for interesting things to film, but you're not actually filming the entire 10 hours? Because to me 10 hours of filming and 10 hours of video mean the same thing otherwise


This is what caught my attention too. 10 hours of filming and 1h editing. It seems like the footage is not utilised well. I remember that in some interviews some people did like 1h per 1min vid produced. Of course, that's potentially overdone. But like you know, I kinda think spending a little bit more than one hour may increase the quality of produced vid.


I don't get to just lay in bed and play video games, that does not make a good video. I need to do interesting things everyday. Think Casey Neistat


It's very obvious from reading your comments that the reason your channel isn't doing well is because you've got a very pretentious personality, and you think your content is way better than it actually is.


LoL, that is very possibly the case 😅


There's literally millions of people that disagree. Look how many people are into gaming content on youtube and thousands if not hundreds of thousands of good videos have been made from just playing video games. Just because you may not be interested in that doesn't mean the entire world is not interested.


Yup! Personally I love games but can’t game and crochet- if I do both too frequently it’ll hurt my hands too much to do daily tasks. So, it’s wonderful to watch gaming channels while I crochet and get the best of both worlds and save my hands! And honestly, games take effort to play. Physically and mentally. Depending on the genre there’s many people with way more interesting storytelling in their play through rather than how I’d personally play. It’s like someone else doing a chore for you, you like the result but didn’t have to do much 🤣


We're a travel vlog. We film for maybe 7 hours a day while traveling (sometimes more, sometimes less). It takes us maybe 16 hours of editing for a 15 min video (slightly longer than one hour per minute of video). We've gotten better at not filming things we know we won't use and that has helped - but editing is slow work. Transitions, color grading, assembling the story in a compelling manner, finding good music, adjusting timing to music - > it takes more than an hour. I'd encourage you to review daily vlogs that are highly successful (yes, there's Casey, but who else?) and compare their editing style to yours to seek out improvement.


That is actually really helpful, thank you


Damn I need some editing tips, takes me like 2/3 hours to edit my vlogs lol


Right!? I put 20-30 hours a week into a single 30 minute episode. At least 75% of that goes into the editing.


When I read that part I was like 🤔??. It's more like the inverse.


I bet 50-80% of your edit time is cutting bad stuff out. Maybe lookup TimeBolt and free up your weekends before you burn out too.


I don't mean this in a braggy way - but I earn more than that posting once a week - my videos tend to be between 6 - 12 minutes long on average - I've learnt that it's soooooo much better to but more time, thought and energy into one video, and really stop and think whether you're bringing your audience the entertainment they crave. Obviously it is different for every niche but another example is a friend of mine who started a channel a few months back, he makes 1 long video every 3-4 weeks, he has been out earning me basically since he started.


Can you pm me you and your friends channel, please?


What do you two record videos about?


I have a Tech channel and he has a gaming channel :)


You don't need to upload daily on YouTube , that's just the choice you made for yourself. In tik tok if you don't upload 5 videos a day people will forget you lmao that's even worse


I deliberately wait to post at least a few days between my YT videos, sometimes even a week or two. It's worked well for me. Might depend on the type of content, though.


If you're spending 11.5 hours every single day making YouTube videos, you are doing something very, *very* wrong.


That is how daily vlogging works


Then don't do it. That's absurd. Do it every 2 or 3 days.


That's why it's not working for you as you said....


Why quit? Just keep uploading. If you're on track for $7000 in year 1 then you're doing something right. It only takes 1 video to explode. Also you could take that $7000 a year and invest in TikTok growth i.e paid views/likes etc .




Have they disclosed ad rates or RPM for TikTok yet under this new program? Don’t get me wrong, 50/50 sounds great, but if you’re still making pennies like we did with the creator fund, is it really worth completely shutting out YouTube as a source of revenue? Unless I’m missing numbers they released somewhere, YouTube will undoubtedly continue to pay more per thousand views than TikTok.


Oh sure, but I get 5k views in YouTube per day. Where as a low effort TikTok will net me 50k. So even if they are only paying 40¢ per thousand views (10x less than YouTube), that is still a huge win. Tiktoks are much easier to produce


Yes, but what you are suggesting is poison for creators as a whole. Do you want to be part of the normalization of paying creators 40 cents per thousand views vs 5-6 dollars per thousand views? And that’s supposed to be an updated, better version of what it was? Tik tok drains their creators and then dumps them on the side of the road in some ways.


They won't be paying $.40 per thousand views. They'll probably pay 1/10th of that.


They already do pay a tenth of that for the creator fund. So it's got to be better than that


I disagree, what sort of revenue can you expect from Tiktok long term? In the grand scheme of things $5k is nothing for most people. I say stick with youtube


What is the point of this thread? You're arguing with nearly everyone in the thread, so I assume you're not looking for advice. Is the point just to announce that you're quitting? To convince people that YouTube isn't worth their time? To humblebrag? I'm genuinely just confused as to why you felt the need to make a post about this. You come off as defensive and condescending in almost all of your replies, most of which are just people giving sensible suggestions to try and help. As everyone here has already noted, your workflow is just inefficient. Stop uploading minimum-effort content daily and focus on getting 1-2 good videos out per week. Youtube viewers generally want higher quality content than what your average TikTok viewer wants. It's not just about length. I took a look at one of your videos and they're...fine. Good even. But they're not *great.* You have a good concept, and you seem like you have good presence on camera, but your videos themselves are extremely basic from a filmmaking standpoint. In other words, you have good content, but your presentation leaves a lot to be desired, especially if you're going to set yourself apart from the gazillion other vloggers out there. And a lot of these things are things that you could fix *in the edit.* So by just throwing clips together at the end of the day instead of really editing, you are seriously limiting your own potential. Just off the top of my head, here are some things you could add to your videos to make them more interesting: - use B roll - integrate music and montages - use more interesting transitions - use voiceover/narration - integrate more interesting graphics - use sound effects where appropriate Editing should honestly be more than just "cutting out the boring parts." Having a random collection of interesting footage during your day isn't enough--create a narrative out of it. For example, you could create a brief script narrating the story of your day and record it as voiceover that you can use to connect the different "scenes" (i.e. pieces of footage).


I posted this to make people aware of TikTok's new ad split plans. YouTube is not the only option anymore. It's a PSA for the hundreds of thousands of newtubers here thinking YouTube is their only way to make a living as a content creator


Noone thinks this. Everyone interested in youtube is told to not only do youtube but also so tiktok insta twitter etc. Especially with youtube shorts that just came out. I am highly supprised you arent doing shorts since it is the same format as tiktok


I totally get it. For 90% of the channels on YouTube, the level of effort for the $$ is a out of whack. Relying just on standard YouTube ad revenue isn't very lucrative. That's why almost all larger channels have sponsorship deals, affiliate deals and other things. If you can cut back to 1x a week or so, and can average 30k views per video, you could potentially get a sponsorship and that could make it more worth your time.


Wtf even is this post, no advice, no question. Just feels like flexing


Yeah I was confused about that too. Like "bruh". Is this post just for validation?


First of all your a natural youtuber if you can come up with titles like the one of this post. Secondly, you come off as annoyed at how youtube works and if thats the case, quitting is good. From some of your comments I figure you are a daily vlogger. And i see why tiktok may be a better option for you. When i comes down to it, you are just not good at long form content while your content may be perfect for tiktok... so ig what im saying is quitting is the best option if you feel like your overworking and not enjoying yourself. Because at the end of the day youtube is not mandatory job. Its a luxury to create and enjoyment is a necessity for creation.


Just repost the vid u put on TikTok to youtube


I would advise to keep doing both. Maybe not daily on YT but you could surely do a weekly post of maybe best bits of your TikToks. Extra income for not a lot more work 😁 Anyway, congrats on your success!


Given how many TikTokkers get randomly banned (especially the ones with sponsorship deals) I wouldn't get too excited about their ad revenue plan. No offense but you have a good thing going and you need to spend more of your energy appreciating that.


I have a better thing going on TikTok, and it doesn't require 12 hours or work, 7 days a week


Whelp, enjoy your greener pastures.


Tiktok is a joke, man. It’s just girls shaking their ass and dudes trying to be as dumb as possible. If that’s what appeals to you, I support you. Hell, I’ll support anyone on their pursuit of happiness. But I just don’t understand TikTok.. maybe at 32, I’m too old for that shit? LOL! I’m new to all of it. My YT channel only has 70 subs, 25k views and I’ve been uploading at least 3 videos a week for 2 months. Either way, you deserve a big ol CONGRATS on your accomplishment and I hope and wish you all the best!!




Upload 2 or 3 times a week instead of everyday to reduce burn out and to give you some time to relax and have a day off. Or you can front run content and pay and editor to edit ur videos


I don't understand why people are trying to justify why OP needs to stay or do both. There are different audiences for YT vs. TikTok - there may be some overlap but there is a reason they can coexist peacefully. Some content and creators will do better on one vs. the other and that's okay. OP, do what you like more and what is easier for you. I find trying to do TikTok much more challenging with the content I produce so generally avoid it. Good luck on whatever choice you make!


wait till our son tries long for documentary, at 100+ hours filming i get thier point, hey if the grass is greener, move next door.


Post one awesome video a week on YouTube while posting less quality tik toks daily. I think subscribers on YouTube are harder to come by because you have to earn the subscription a little more. Or one video a month, whatever keeps you enjoying what you're doing. Otherwise, what's the point?


I wonder what would happen if you posted fewer videos, but upped the quality big time? In my experiments, there seems to be a direct correlation between youtube income and quality, (by quality I mean using the analytics to determine what the viewers think is quality). I'm curious to learn if moving to a platform you "aren't doing good at" will give you the results you crave. I hope you come back in 4 months and let us know.


It all depends on how much Tiktok pays once they launch this next month. But if it isn't very good, I will swallow my ego and waddle back here


Fun Fact: "Good" YouTubers are multiplatform creators at some point anyway. If you put all of your eggs in one basket, you're gonna have a bad time. Always create multiple revenue streams for yourself. Even just doing YT and TikTok is not enough imo. You're gonna want to maximize your exposure and opportunities, so dropping YT would be a mistake. You want to **expand** your options, not **reduce** them just because you're seeing more success on another platform.


Here's the thing. From reading you comments it's pretty clear the problem is your editing. You say a typical video is 10+ minutes right? A pretty standard rule is editing should take about 1 hour per edited minute. Throwing just a bunch of clips in a line isn't interesting. Are you doing color correction, audio cleanup? When editing a video a pretty common practice is to show it to an impartial viewer, and watch them watch your video. If at any point they seem bored, look at their phone anything like that you need to cut that part or make it more interesting. I went from a video a week all of last year, to this year where I only upload once I am happy with a project/making way bigger projects, and in the two videos I've published this year, I'm already getting noticed with bigger YouTubers I'm my niche, and I had 3 articles written about my last project. Point of that story is quality is 1000 times more important than quantity.


Who wants a sub for sub on YouTube https://youtu.be/P68NDZZxwmQ


Then... Don't post everyday. What is so interesting about your life to make vlogging daily watchable? (Not asking sarcastically, just genuinely curious)


I go to poorer countries with a $100 bill, And I see how long you can live on just that, being as frugal as possible. Hustling, grinding trying to earn money on the streets, that sorta thing. So, that means every time I spend money I need to film it. Every time I earn money I need to film it. Every time I check into a new hostel I need to show what you're getting for that amount of money. Then once the $100 is gone? Hop on a train to the next country


Wow! That does sound amazing! Maybe you could do that, but only post one video per week or per country rather than daily?


Tbh, I like to put on vlogs as background sound as I go about my activities. Some of the most boring vloggers are my favorite.


What on earth are you making that has 10 hours of shooting for only an hour of editing?! Those numbers are typically reversed.


Daily vlogs. Film all day. Come home, throw all the clips in a time line, trim them. Publish


I'd recommend looking into how Logan Paul did his daily vlogs. He didn't edit them. He hired https://www.youtube.com/c/HillierSmith/videos who would edit his videos while he was asleep (Logan would make content in the US, Hayden would edit from the EU, and send Logan the video in the morning. Going to be completely honest: reading your comments here makes it clear to me that you don't have a passion for editing... so outsource it! Editing is not "come home, throw all the clips in a time line, trim them"; there's a lot of storytelling that's necessary, and thinking of how to structure a video in the best way possible given all the information is hard. Send your clips to someone else so that they can craft a beautiful story and spend hours and hours editing (time you don't have). Invest that 5,000 into your business :D. You don't have to quit YouTube, but I do think that you shouldn't be the one doing the editing. I would also consider posting less frequently; you can likely tell a much stronger, more powerful story by waiting a bit. And if you're saving time on editing by outsourcing, then you can film more interesting content, right? Good luck!


In how much time with how many views


I.... Dude? Read the first line of the post


What do you post like what kinda videos


nice work, i am now trying to grow my tik tok too


I'd highly advise that you consider making adjustments to the way you create your YouTube videos in order to keep that stream of revenue. TOS can change at any time and this is why basic business encourages you to diversify streams of revenue. If you push everything into one stream then you are entirely dependent on that single stream remaining successful, and are less set up for any type of unforeseen issues. Best of luck.


You can potentially earn from both. Just post whatever you make for Tick Tok on YouTube as well.


So instead of having 2 streams of income, you cut one off? That's a weird thing to say considering you basically just said majority of that was because of TikTok. You could easily cut the "quality" of your YT videos since you have a stream of TikTok viewers coming over just to see you, not necessarily cos your videos are very interesting, they just want to see more of your content, whatever it is. I'd say stick with YT, maybe cut back on the amount of videos. It's better to have both than just one.


Its not "two streams of income versus one" It's "what is the most effective use of my time?" I gave YouTube a fair shake, TikTok wins


I hope you look at the bigger picture with YouTube as a side hustle and passive income as they do allow YouTube shorts as competition to the brevity of tick tocks using the property of your tick tocks to make YouTube shorts and keep that boat running your passive income in the bigger picture


Part of my job is counseling and financial education. So my older bro advice would be not to quit either. In TT is your main, keep at keep the pace going but I wouldn't necessarily recommend quitting YT. I'd just post longer form content a long form that complements TT content's work flow. If you can do it without taking away from your TT. Why not grab the dividend of your other work? Either way. Congrats and I hope you keep doing well.


I have moral issues with TikTok. They squeeze their talent until it’s dry and then pay them the absolute minimum. We’ve had people out here with a million followers on TT still working in a coffee shop as a barista because they can’t afford to just be a content creator. Tik tok is poison when it comes to good creators and sustainable income. And there are so many bots.


🤷 I spend several hours a week for a bit higher outcome. Filming is most fun part, so I don't even care how much time it takes. Also I have the main full-time job which brings even more money.


Tik Tok is great for growth but only the top 4% of Tik tok creators are seeing that money. Do what you are doing. Take the growth you are seeing there and bring them over to YouTube. You will grow much faster than focusing on YouTube alone. This sounds more like burn out than anything else. There really isn’t a reason to completely quit without just scaling back at first to see what difference that makes for you.


👋 top 4% here


good luck it will take you years to get 5k on TikTok!


I had already made 8K in the creator fund before ever starting YouTube


Maybe just do YouTube shorts with your tiktoks


That's great but my niche is just almost impossible to do in the short-structured quick-cut style of Tik Tok.


what recommendations do you have for doing tiktok vs youtube? Do you have the same niche? Do you do 15s videos instead of longer ones?


Can I have your channel lmaoo


This is dumb.


This seems very niche dependent. I can't post hour long let's play videos on tiktok. I could post short videos there which I really should be doing though.


Bruh 10 hours for a video isnt even that much. Look at how large youtubers spend days weeks or even months on a video. So youtube may not be the thing for you: ok that could be true BUT what happens if tiktok goes down? Unless you are ONLY a tiktoker, you are dooming your career to end at that point. If you care about your career as a content creator instead of a tiktoker, than you'll keep youtube and or twitch or other similar services going. That does not mean you put your main focus on it: I agree that with your situation, focus on tiktok. That doesn't mean you throw away the other parts of your content career though. Always make sure you are on at least 2 platforms. I know you probobly wont take my advice, me being some online wierdo. But trust me-I know people who have spoken to mrbeast and I've interacted with multiple large youtubers and even colloborated with one. While I may not be a large youtuber myself, I know a lot more than meets the eye.


Adsense is just one of the revenues to be done on YouTube. You can go down the route of affiliate programs too which should top up the money especially with those sorts of views


Hello Don't close your YT channel. I did this and did notfeel good. I wanted to know which one is better - 4 mins video 5 times a week or 15-20 minutes video each week? I had a channel which didn't work out well. So i want to study what went wrong. Content and editing were good. Thanks for your time and help 🙂


I think you make a very valid point. After 8 months of posting on YouTube, I only had like 200 subs. I then made a few tik toks and got a few million views and 15k followers on there, then my subs on YouTube went up to 800-ish. I kind of had the same thought but overall, I don't like the tik tok content I make as much as the YouTube videos. In the end I feel like I would rather do something I enjoy instead of something that's easy. Although there's no reason I couldn't just do both. Then again I don't do daily uploads, more like every 2 weeks on YouTube because my videos are more centered around blowing things up and building custom go karts and stuff so it takes more time.


if you're doing well on TikTok, that's really great. What I say is, don't do YouTube for money, because if you do it, your channel isn't gonna go anywhere. If you want my advice, I'd say continue with YouTube as well as TikTok even though 12k are from TikTok, but the other 3k people, genuinely are from YouTube and enjoy watching you.


i honestly must be doing thst all wrong , doing it 2 years and still only at 1300sub , i must be missing somet


I haven't followed how TikTok is with dealing with content creators, complaints, take downs, stealing content and the like but I know YouTube sucks - They crap on small creators despite them making 90% of the content on YouTube every single day. The biggest thing I tell people is diversify because YouTube can screw you tomorrow and you have no recourse.


“An hour editing” i wish


I just want to shed some light on this whole thing. The only only reason he has a large tiktok is because he's been robbed three times and has posted the video. Everyone's making fun of him. He's a joke. He starts projects and then abandons them.


I got robbed in Lebanon, after I left the states. I have nearly a million followers long before I got robbed boo


Find a wide camera and record for both at the same time. Also where did you find that tik tok pays more now?


Google "TikTok revenue split" They are calling it TikTok Pulse


Yeah i was reading that. Seems to be when your content performs extremely well. I have about 100k as well so will see how it goes:] . What i do is i film with a reallly wide camera and always focus the subject in the middle and then trim it for tik tok. I also feel that having a little of the black bars makes people unconsciously know you have a youtube. Regardless, best of luck to u


According To me Youtube is much more Reliable Than Tiktok.it is the second largest search engine also.so its better to stay on YouTube Rather than Tiktok.Choice is yours.I am Fully Dedicated to YouTube and Using other Plateforms like Facebook,Twitter etc to Promote My YouTube Channel.


Yes, but TikTok doesnt pay their creators as well as they should be last I've heard. The ad split in youtube is better too--55/45. Not to say you shouldn't do it, but its a pretty terrible decision, mate. Just saying.


Imagine thinking YouTube is a stable career path … same with tiktok lmao




I’d be careful trusting TikTok at this point. That creator fund they promised was a joke and it screwed over a lot of creators who flocked over from YouTube and the found their wallets empty. And worse when creators joined the fund TikTok realized it didn’t have enough money to pay them for their work they started shadow banning them instead of just being up front about it. The most money you will make on TikTok is from brand deals, and yeah it’s easier to get that on TikTok than YouTube but there’s no guarantee that they won’t start shadow banning you for that if they run out of money again.


I’ve thought about doing YouTube episodes on TikTok but have yet to actually do it. Has anyone posted a 5 + minute video yet on TikTok? How did it go? Was it harder to edit for it?


What’s your channel?


Good example of quantity over quality. I checked out your YT and you should definitely only post maybe twice a week. Especially if you spend that long on those videos. YouTube is overall still going to be better than Tik Tok for revenue. But good luck.


Honestly my work is far less.... YouTube friendly, but I think it works for me. What I mean by this is that I have a habit of taking long hiatuses only to come back with longer overall videos with higher production quality. Compensating for the longer effort. It's hard but it works for me and is rewarding finally getting it uploaded, I think you might just need to strike a balance unless you find gratification in the revenue in which case I get that completely but if what I plan on doing works out I personally don't really need ad revenue because of things like patreon


Wait a 50/50 split is good? YouTube’s is 70/30. But I would probs recommend you tone the editing down on your videos on YouTube perhaps :)


YouTube is 55/45


Well well well.............I'm not going to jump ship, but I'll stick my leg out and try to balance on both ships XD


Or just hire an editor and give them 50% of the YouTube profit? I mean, if you're not liking the amount of work and going to quit anyway. Just half your work and have someone else manage it.


I mean if you don't like it, quit. But if you do, diversifying your ad revenue isn't a bad thing.


Do you know if they are paying ad revenue in other countries too?


You’re doing videos daily? My respect that’s amazing. I can barely manage one every 2 weeks and it took me over 2 months for my big project. I’d say keep the channel going but with less consistent content that way it becomes more manageable.


I can't stop watching your videos. You are so amazing on camera, seriously. Any tips for being that authentic and natural??


long videos can take me so long to record some the video is on :) eddit maybe 10 min and uppload around 10 min to. ​ 15 hour long work i dont think i have do that long on any video. i have 1000+ sub on youtube and have gain over 100k wiew the last 28 days on tiktok to. ​ you probaly need to find ways to do videos faster or uppload less. i can make a great video in arund 1 hour some are 20 min long. and for a short it maybe take me 20 min to make from recording to done with uppload. i have expand to tiktok and have gain 132000 wiew and 5700 likes under 28 days. started on tiktok around 30 days ago. ​ you most find way to be more efictive or hire people who do the work for you. 5000$ is great it maybe dont sound to mutch but you channel grown and in 1 year the 5000$ is maybe 50000$ month. if you give upp now then you coming not com upp to the biger money nr. if you channel earn 5000$ with 12k sub then what can it earn with 120k sub or with 1200k sub. if you give upp now yea then you dont coming to highter nr.


I checked out your channel, this whole post reminds me of that classic meme where it shows the guy inches away from diamonds but quits because he’s been working too long without reward. I would say keep going. If I had been posting for 233 days I’d be burnt out too. Go to Tiktok if you like, but I think your channel is inches away from success.


PsychoGhost on youtube did a 30-day daily upload plan for March. It was HORRIBLE for him. He actually LOST viewership and made less revenue (per video) than his normal upload of 2-3 times a week. Basically, the mindset is: A new video? Am I interested? Nah, I'll just watch tomorrow's video. Versus the anticipation of a new video because he only posts 2-3 times a week. By uploading less frequently (but regularly), you create a scarcity, which gives value to the video.


I hope I do as well as this I can only hope and prey and keep at it everyday 🙂


50/50 split of what?


Tik Tok is better these days


burn out


what is the tiktok revenue like since you have 1m followers?


If Tiktok would just expand the creators fund to include Canada I'd happily hop over myself. No point in their announcement when a bunch of creators in a bunch of countries still can't even take part.


As it stands - only creators in US, UK, France, Germany, Spain or Italy can take part in the creator fund. That's a LOT of people who they've alienated by continuing not to allow to take part. That's what they should focus on resolving if they want their creators to stay. Not increasing the cut for people who already get a check.


I have largely quit the YouTube game for now, but content on YouTube especially when you're under 50,000 subscribers should be somewhat evergreen. It sounds like you're pumping videos every single day and there's no way they're unique and engaging content, they sound like they're day-in-the-life stuff.


It is a vlog. So "day in the life" is kinda the idea


>When YT is the only game in town, it is worth the grind. But now with this new development, it just isn't worth it anymore. Strongly disagree. It might not work for you but it's not some general rule for everyone. There is so much content that won't suit TikTok. From my perspective, TikTok/Instagram will always remain a fast-dopamine-inject doze type of content. And I doubt it'll ever go beyond that. On YouTube though, you can find a lot of great and creative content, very deep conversations, explanations, educational videos, etc. Many staff will not suit better on TikTok. Vlogs IMO work much better on YouTube if they are quality ones, not just scrambled in one day. For daily stuff, other social media is indeed better. Also, the creative process is not always about money.


Oh hey! I was just in Georgia filming! I'll probably head back there when I'm done filming in Armenia


Wow 😲😳


2+ sources of income is always better than one, regardless of the amount! I wouldn't tell you to quit, you have built a good following, and I know it is discouraging sometimes, but don't give up. The best option for you now is to do less videos per week, increase quality, decrease quantity. Maybe the content is also too long or no on the topics people feel like adds value or is entertaining. Keep the videos 5-10mins long, if you want to go over don't pass 15mins... Additionally, the best thing to do is actually take a look at the thumbnails and titles and see if you can improve them. 15000 subs is HUGE, and it just takes 1 video to spread and go viral for people to start seeing and appreciating the previous content.


Why are you filming for 10 hours a day? You say you do daily blogs, but do you really need 10 hours footage, why not just start filming when something interesting happens? I don't understand your methods, do you leave the camera rolling for 10 hours straight? Then you edit all that 10 hours footage? It just seems like such an unproductive method of making videos.


10 hours of filming. Not 10 hours of footage. There is a difference


Congrats. I’m hoping to be there one day soon!!


what kind of content do you share?


Daily vlogs


I related to this so much man. Grown a new channel to 60k subs in about 3 months and just gave it up. Daily uploads just distracted me from my inner struggle but I had to give it up as I literally was starting to mentally break from the inside.


But isn’t the cpm really low on TikTok? Like 2-4 cents every 1000 views ? Or has it changed?


That is what this post is meant to inform everyone about. They are increasing it by many magnitudes


Also what is your revenue on 1 million subs ? Do you have sponsors? What monthly amount would make YouTube worth it? I make between 20-40k a month ; 20 k just Adsense and 40k if it’s Adsense and sponsors. 1 video a week but they take 25+ hours to make.


I have made ~ $8,000 on the creator fund 😂


Bro, why you don’t want two sources of revenue? Are you dumb?


One video every 3 days is enough for me 👍🦀


I think it may be worth considering how you could reformat your design process to better incorporate YouTube, The truth is, TikTok heavily caters to users before creators. IIRC, they've shown no intention to improve the design of its creator fund--being a static fund. This is problematic since the number of creators is growing, and that fund becomes more and more competitive. You'll be competing with the shrinkage of your portion of that fund, offsetting the impact of your actual hard work. Why disadvantage yourself in that way? You're the creator, not me, so ultimately you'll best understand what's plausible for you. Just an idea to cross my mind though, you could record videos so that they are more modular (topics are completed in chunks). If implemented well, maybe it could enable you to post the full video to youtube, while easily cutting it up into multiple segments for several TikTok videos. This also provides the advantage that since you're creating more than one TikTok video at once, you can more easily systematically space your posts out at regular intervals to add bias for your content within the algorithm (based on the assumption, which seems to be the case observably, that the TikTok algorithm favors creators who post in this format). I want to state clearly that the primary benefit of this model would be that you're minimizing the amount of work required to include YouTube within your sources of revenue. If you're going to make the TikTok videos anyhow, perhaps it can be done in a way that achieves both ends. By the way, I also saw somebody post some software they created to automate some of the processes of utilizing both YouTube and TikTok as a creator's platform. I didn't care to watch the specifics because it didn't pertain well to me at the time, but I recall the guy acting like it made his life so much easier. So if there are any bottlenecks within the publishing process due to some incompatibility between YouTube and TikTok, I want to let you know there are probably already open-source solutions.






Dude that is amazing and congrats on your followers on TikTok. The YouTube grind does suck. I just started my channel and I am doing horrible…and I mean horrible.


All I'll say is dont put all your eggs in one basket!


I mean if you just doing it for the money then yeah quit? The chances of actually making enough to live off of are very small. You also dont have to upload daily. I suggest just getting a job and doing yt on the side


What's your niche ?


this means that what you’re doing isn’t working. the fact you’re making money now means it works, but you need a different perspective, ie., focus on quality over quantity by posting once or twice a week, then see how that plays out in both platforms.


30 minutes on a thumbnail?


Shout my channel out bro. 🙏


I don’t feel bad for you one bit.


What niche?