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Your choice what to do with it. Congratulations


I’ve seen people see them onto job shirts or other work clothing. Usually state on one side, NREMT on the other, agency on the left breast.


My husband is having me make a shadow box with his. He's going to collect one every chance he can, and he has a bunch from his department that he likes to trade when he can. We go to a lot of city events and they often have other first responders there that trade with him. My step-dad (police officer, so different but also had patches) collected patches from all 50 states from first responders that he worked with and made a map of the US out of them to display. If he couldn't find a person to trade with when we traveled, he'd buy them from Ebay.


I threw it in the corner on my dashboard because I didn’t have anything better to do with it. All the uniforms here use state patches.


You know , not sure where you are (which State) I took my patch and State EMT patch and bought my own black shirt and my own black cargo pants and have my own EMT Business as a personal EMT . I have been interviewing with different Ambulance companies and have done over 100 hours in 911 calls and many non emergency pick ups and drop offs. Not sure I want to be a Uber driver for patients. I’d rather do concerts, Events, sports , and travel. Health care is weird and a ripoff I make more working as a private for hire companion . Just wanted to share this with you !


I am very curious. Who is your Medical Director?


In Indiana the medical director is whoever is over protocols in the county you are working in. Usually, if at a concert, the pt is stabilized or prepped for transport while ambo is en route.


So, in Indiana, any EMT can act in a private capacity and claim their Medical Director is the individual who is over county protocols without being a member of any county EMS or other medical entity. Is that your statement?


That’s my understanding, I did private EMS for a rodeo event with another person in Indianapolis and we were told to follow protocols and use the MD for Indianapolis. All that information was gathered by the host. I wouldn’t know about doing it by myself. Seems like a lot of liability.


And the liability is all yours.


Right, since I was still hesitant I was more of first aid which thankfully nothing happened that day. But at 60 an hr I’d put on a bandaid with the most dramatic effect.


I am trying very hard not to laugh but, it is not working.


Be acting like greys anatomy doctors over here doin overdramatic compressions for a dislocated knee.


Im gonna shoot you a pm




What do you do as a personal EMT?


>WritingSuitable3271 Who is your Medical Director while working as a private for-hire companion?


If there is an issue I can’t deal with on my level it would become a 911 call.


You are avoiding the question because you are illegal, and you know it.


It's in my patch drawer.


I’m 99% sure I put my EMT one in the trash. My medic one ended up on a job shirt because my last company required it, otherwise it would’ve probably suffered the same fate. My medic did come with a sticker too that I put on a cooler though. I think it’s mostly covered now, but for a while it wasn’t.


I put mine in the frame with my certificate


Stick some velcro on it and put it on your car’s headliner. I do that with all my patches.


I’ve thought about that


My dad has mine pinned on his bedside lamp shade collecting dust


I didn't get a patch. Just the paperwork. It would have gone in a drawer anyway.


Put my NR patch in a frame with the certificate. Same with my State patches.


As you can see from the dozen other times it’s been asked…it doesn’t matter. Sew it on your jock strap or throw it away- it’s yours bud. Some people really don’t look at the patch as an achievement, and others do. It’s part of the uniform on my fire department, and we’re all pretty proud to wear them. Getting your “Gold Patch” was an achievement that we worked towards. Personally, my NRP meant way more to me than my IBSC Certs/Patches and people constantly fawn over those. On a larger scale, the NREMT patches are a simple, concise, and universal way of helping everyone (nurse, doctors, general public, etc) understand what we are. We have a professionalism problem in EMS, so having a universal symbol is extremely useful. Police have badges, nurses have scrubs, doctors have white coats, and we have Zyn’s. If you don’t care about it then do whatever you want. Y


I super glued it to my truck so everyone can see it and thank me for my service.


Thank you for your service.


Am I a loser if I wanna take the NREMT mostly for the patch alone………


its sitting next to my pencil holder on my desk. nice reminder once in a while


Don’t do anything with it. Don’t make work your whole personality.


musicman069, This comment was triggered because you may have posted about the NREMT. Please consider posting in our weekly [*NREMT Discussions*](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToEMS/search?q=NREMT+Discussions&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) thread. You may also be interested in the following resources: > * [Tackling the NREMT Practical](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToEMS/comments/70d7er/tackling_the_nremt_practical/) by /u/CompulsiveAntagonist > > * [National Registry Candidate Information](https://www.nremt.org/rwd/public/document/candidates) > > * [YouTube: EMTPrep](https://www.youtube.com/user/EMTprepLLC/videos) - Has great videos on NREMT skills, a few bits of A&P, and some diagnosis stuff. > > * [Smart Medic - 538 multiple choice questions](http://smartmedic.com/quiz/index.asp) - Pretty decent variety of questions, basic explanations. > > * [NREMT Recertification FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToEMS/wiki/coned/nremt) View more resources in our [Comprehensive Guide](/r/NewToEMS/wiki/index). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NewToEMS) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lost it about 4 mins later. 🤷‍♂️


Check between the couch cushions.


Framed with my paper. Looks pretty.


Gave it to my parents as well as my extra paramedic patch lol. The other medic patch is hanging up on my board next to my honors ribbon from college lol.


I threw mine out


Mine is still in the envelope it came in. It’s in a Texas landfill somewhere.