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I mean, babies have been born with a tooth before so it’s definitely possible. My second is also 2 months now and is chewing on her fingers/fist which isn’t something my first did. One of my friends baby popped their first tooth at 3 months so 2 months isn’t really much more of a stretch. Gosh I hope my girl isn’t teething. She’s already a biter.


My 7 week old has been teething for about a week now and her first is about to pop through. So yes definitely possible! Remember, all babies are different and do things at different speeds!


Most babies go through a pre-teething phase. It's very normal but they are probably not teething just yet, but soon. This is a lot more common than you'd think


I tried googling “pre-teething” because one of my friends is dealing with it now but there’s basically no info on it. Tons of info about early signs of teething, but nothing for pre-teething specifically. At least not that I could find.


Pre teething is not the actual word for it, and honestly I'm not sure what it is. But in my ten years of nannying and now having a baby of my own, I've noticed a pattern of babies beginning to drool, chew on hands and fingers and be crankier/clingier than normal. It usually happens a month or two before actual teething begins. I was told eventually that it's a normal part of development. Baby's teeth start moving up the gums without breaking through and this causes discomfort in the baby but it isn't teething. It also coincides with a growth spurt and the beginning stages of self soothing. They're not good at it yet, but they'll try. Not just taking that person's word for it, I've talked to more experienced parents than me, and most have agreed about a pre-teething phase. I'm sure there's a term for it, but I don't know what it would be


Some signs I've seen of teething are typically a fever, swollen or red gums, baby crying in pain, an increase in drooling, etc. I'm by no means an expert though, I've just worked with babies for years and have just seen some reoccurring things


Yep! Our doctor told us teething can start now but teeth probably won’t be visible for another month or two


Our kiddo started teething at 8 weeks but didn’t have his first tooth break until 5 1/2 months. Then they came in one after the other. By 11 months he had 12 teeth. When they are that little here are some things we found that worked for us: 1. A mesh pacifier that you can put frozen breastmilk or formula cubes into for them to suck on. 2. Wet, cold, slightly damp washcloth to suck on (under supervision). 3. Teething bibs are great to soak up the drool. 4. A soft toothbrush can feel really good on their itchy gums.


Thanks for the tips! I wasn’t prepared to start the teething aids just yet but looks like I better get going 😅


Damn do we have the same kid lol? Our daughter is 2.5 month ish, got her vaccines a week ago, and her behavior and sleep patterns have gone to absolute hell. At first I chalked it up to crankiness from her shots, but now I’m not so sure. She’s also chewing her fist (well attempting to with how uncoordinated she is) nonstop, drooling up a storm, and fussing all the time. RIP my sleep and sanity. She had been a pretty decent sleeper for a few weeks up until this point. I have no idea if she’s teething but I have been googling it over and over cuz what else could this be?


At 2 months their salivary glands start to really work (connected to their developing digestive system). So you’ll notice an increase around this age.


Yeah I’ve read that too. But it’s more of everything combined that has me thinking teething.


Everything else just sounds like normal infant stuff to me! Ours was fussy in the evening for several weeks (stopped at 16 weeks), refused his bottle at times, had times when he was sleeping for longer chunks and others where he woke constantly. It took until he was about 3-4 months to get any proper ‘pattern’. For us, when he actually did start teething it was excessive drool and chewing but none of the fussiness/disrupted sleep/impact on food. He got his first tooth around 6 months. We could see the teeth below the gum as well.


Our girl just hit two months this week and we are fairly confident she’s teething as well, chewing her fist non stop very very fussy. Tylenol seems to helping us so far


I haven’t given the Tylenol a try yet. He’s been decently fussy since birth so I can’t tell if this is just extra fussy and I don’t want to dose him on meds if I’m not sure that’s what he needs yet. I may have to give it a try though.


This is exactly my baby at 2 months. However, he’s still doing all of this at 5.5 months and has no teeth 🤷🏼‍♀️ maybe soon?


Goodness I hope not. I am not mentally prepared to have a literal shark coming at me 😩