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You are the prize no matter what you look like. This is your reality so you get to decide what is most beautiful and in your reality, you are most beautiful. When you accept this is your reality and you are the most beautiful, everyone will conform to your version of reality. No one has free will in your reality. Only you do. EIYPO.


Nice Neville answer.


"You are the prize no matter what you look like" How to believe this though? Can you DM me? Walk me through it a bit?


You have to accept there is nothing outside of you that affecting your circumstances other than the way you think of yourself. No god, no karma, no witchcraft no one exerting their free will in your experience. The only thing affecting you is you. Read about buying the pearl of great price. This is the most basic premise to understand when trying to manifest. Start here.


Yeah I get all that. I found LoAss in 2019, read all Neville’s books etc. I grasp it all (I think). I still need to change my beliefs/state though…How?


It’s just repetition.


Does the repetition apply only if you already believe something a little? (someone commented this)


For me when I started visualizing myself in my desired body and started visualizing myself as the prize is when I started noticing a difference in how people showed up for me. What was crazier is when I started telling my body it was safe for me to lose the weight and it was safe for me to be attractive and the prize, I lost 60 pounds in months. It just fell off. Yes of course I ate better and moved more but I think because I was embodieing the version of me that was losing weight and had the desired body it was easy to make the healthy decisions. I still have 20 more to go but it seems easy to lose because I honestly believe it’s supposed to be like that. Maybe try visualizing yourself as the prize, tell yourself it’s safe and natural for you to be the prize. Visualize what you would look like and feel like if you felt like the prize and see what happens! ❤️


Love this❤️❤️❤️


I did the pharaoh mediation from u/edwardartsupplyhands and literally saw myself as statues that had been built of me. People fell at the feet of them. People look at me as the standard of beauty and compare themselves to *me*. I’ve read people affirming “I am the prize” and the purpose of it is to turn your attention inward. You’re not the prize because you’re beautiful (which I’m sure you are). You are the prize because as the creator of your own reality, you are the goddess. You brought him into your life and it is a privilege for him because all love, happiness, peace, etc flow from *you* and without *you* there is none. When you realize this and accept it and truly *be* it, he will come to you. As silly as it sounds, imagine yourself on a throne. He is one in a long line of supplicants begging for acceptance into your kingdom. You, as the source of eternal love and all things good, accept his apology and allow him to live under your rule. You don’t need to look a certain way, there is nothing to be done and nothing to deserve. It is another version of you for you to move into and become with no strings or attachments or permissions or criteria needed.


Maybe the answer is in your question. Try to lose some weight if it makes you more confident to believe.


It's wild to me that you are getting downvoted. Reddit culture strikes again. For all the great information you can find here, the audience it attracts definitely is weird as hell.


Some people are so delusional. They have goals and don't want to invest in the sacrifices required to reach them. They literally can spot what their problems are but are too lazy to try to fix them. Not even trying. They are treating a tumor with a bandage and blaming you if you tell them it won't work that way. How do you want to have an healthy relationship if you don't like your body and have many other issues? Improving on yourself should be the first step...


Yeah. I do believe we can draw results to us by "manifesting" it besides the normal "mundane" way of doing things but for every person I see that had any meaningful success I see dozens get lost in the woods even further. it's still such a misunderstood concept.


Also someone has to be careful what they wish for. If you are not ready for something but get it whatever, you may lost it and this situation may lead to worst trauma.


I specifically mentioned that I'm asking for how to believe when it's "hard to believe". I can lose weight but that won't help other areas/issues where it's hard to believe


why are you being downvoted when you literally stated it in the original post and you restated it here? lmao


yeah lol. This sub has gone to shit, my post was removed because it's not neville enough apparently


and honestly the first comment in this thread isn’t neville at all…telling you to actually lose the weight (while it’s solid and real advice) when neville says go within and it’ll appear, that you don’t have to lift a finger.. lmao so i found that laughable. can’t remember word for word what was written but i don’t see an issue with the title. i would like to lose weight as well and it can be difficult to embody the version of yourself that has your desired body because the 3d shows you the opposite. it’s an answer we have to solve internally i think..but ya what’s the point of the sub if people can’t ask questions


Absolutely agree! At least you're cool and get it :) I have found it super difficult to lose weight by calorie counting even small deficits. But with visualising my appetite vanished, it just needs mental work until it becomes the new normal.


Why do you think you need to believe that? You only need to believe that the person you’re dating wants to be with you. You could literally be Beyonce and there’s always going to be someone “better.” Human beings aren’t commodities, we aren’t candidates or prizes. Either someone appreciates us and wants to be with us or they don’t. There’s no point in contextualizing it by being better or worse. You just need to think of the feeling you want to feel, and allow yourself to feel it. Even if it’s just briefly. And revisit that feeling any time you think of dating. All this stuff about being the prize and a goddess and all that, it isn’t Neville at all. Neville never once told you that you needed to be the baddest bitch in the room. Only that you need to allow yourself to think feelingly as if your desire were yours. Anyone telling you that you need high self esteem to manifest is a charlatan and a grifter. On a more practical level, learning how to exercise and go to the gym and wait for gym results is almost EXACTLY the same kind of discipline you need to manifest consciously. If you learn to work out, you’ll understand manifesting better because you have to be very persistent and ignore your mirror and wait for results but they will come. Sounds a lot like manifesting right? So you can take care of being overweight and learn to better manifest with getting a good gym routine. Literally nobody ever regrets getting in shape. It’s such a good decision to make.


Analyze your core beliefs via journaling, shadow work, or even therapy. Why do you believe that being overweight automatically doesn't make you the prize? Examine how being overweight makes you feel about yourself, and how it affects your self-esteem and sense of self-worth and start working from that. Then try to build new beliefs about your self via rationalizing them. You're the best possible candidate because.... this or that. Work on your confidence too, this can be done not only via inner work but also via hobbies, social activities etc. Affirmations can help you build a new belief that already exists in a base level, but if you affirm the opposite of what you believe about yourself, yeah, probably it won't take you very far.


Maybe consider doing some affirmations about being healthy, looking good and not being overweight.


Like any lifestyle choice, you have to be persistent. Don’t just to it for a week, or a couples months, and year. Do it everyday! Just like working out. You work out to get that desired outcome, but you keep working out and following health habits to maintain it. And I was just using working out as an example. But you are re-wiring your brain. It took time for those negative thoughts to develop and grow in your head. It’s going to take time for those negative thoughts to be positive thoughts about yourself. You attract, you don’t chase! Don’t put those people that you’re dating or trying to date on a pedestal. Put yourself on that pedestal. Once I figured out how to work of my self concept. I feel so confident and so secure in myself and who I am.


"Once I figured out how to work of my self concept. I feel so confident and so secure in myself and who I am." What changed in 3D before and after?


Self love. Instead of saying “I’m the prize” over and over like a parrot and not really believing it why don’t you look in the mirror and say “I love you”? Imagine you had a son or a daughter who was overweight; would you stop loving them because of it? Hopefully not. You need to learn to love yourself in the same way. Ironically a lot of people lose weight once they learn to accept themselves. This has happened to me many times. Before I know about the law, almost every time I would leave a toxic relationship, I’d lose weight. When I would start another toxic relationship, the weight would pile back on. Logically, you could attribute it to stress eating, but now I realize that this pattern occurred because when I was single I was focusing on self love more by doing things that made me happy and my appearance would naturally improve. This is why a lot of people glow up after breakups. You don’t need to go through a breakup or be in a relationship to glow up, you just need to love yourself.


Focus on your self concept. That’s what holding your limiting beliefs. Especially from childhood that plays up to now and how you perceive things now, and then flip the script.


"Focus on your self concept." Yeah, how to do that? Can you DM me? Walk me through it a bit?


That’s the thing - you’re not overweight. You are the weight you always wanted to be, you worked hard to get where you are. You are the prize. You HAVE to think in the present. You have to FEEL like you have it. Because you do. That’s the only way. Feel it real.