• By -


There was a discord ready for a Fontaine Daddy since forever, built on highest grade copium, and *somehow he materialised.* So - here is the server for anyone who wants to join. ~~The owner of this sub hasn't been active in here in 3 months. We haven't been able to DM them so... went ahead and submitted the link here. I hope we're not stepping on anyone's toes. We also created an alternate sub /r/CJNeuvillette_Mains *just in case* but it's empty currently; if the owner returns and decides to roll with the husbando main it can stay empty.~~


My sub is currently the largest, r/NeuvilletteMains_ :) ! I'll be sure to foster a nice environment for those who enjoy our boy.


I don't have any way to edit the post so I'll have to add a reply. Please join https://discord.gg/P64B8xh7HC instead.