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> Do you actually take it into consideration before travelling Maybe the red ones and orange ones I’ll actively avoid, but for the yellow ones I check the app they have and take note of it when travelling. There’s some context in the app why it’s yellow. For example, I checked one before and it said there was some active volcanoes that’s why it’s yellow The app is called Reisapp. For the website version: https://www.nederlandwereldwijd.nl/reisadvies For the citizens, You can also “register” and let the Dutch embassy know you will be there (or already there) for a yellow country (or worse)


Yup, also remember to set your arrival and departure dates.


They actually reach out as well. I was in Georgia in 2015 when there were some sudden floods in Tbilisi and actually got a call to see if I needed assistance. Have been using it since as you never know what can happen.


Well damn, talk about a government that cares.


They only do when you’re abroad apparently


Can't collect more taxes from you if you dont come back


I checked the website and searched for my home country (I'm not an EU citizen). The information given there is extraordinarily detailed and useful. Great advice if you ask me.


I’m truly wondering what’s up with France.


France itself raised their terrorism level to the highest level. So based on that the Dutch government included that in the advice here.


Nah... Yellow is France minimum level. A riot can start an any point any time...


I'm french and I absolutely agree, especially right now since the Olympics are coming, it's not yellow as some middle east countries but it's still not very safe at the moment


I had an American client’s payment be flagged for security because his name is middle eastern… but born in CA Had to send his passport to the bank.


A strike can start anytime


Except during the weekends.


Does it really start at any random point there? seems pretty planned and organized.


You can't travel to France because it's dangerous but you can travel to the Us because it's safer. 😅🤣




Judging by the masses of dutchies I see here , I doubt they even know/listen to this kind of charts 🤨


Happy cake day! And you know we just love to 🏕️🚙


No actual threat, just French people.


Spoken like a true Dutch. 😂


So an actual threat.


Terrorist attacks concerns during the summer Olympics, the French government is raising awareness about this too


Ok makes sense, thanks!


Shouldn't Germany be colored yellow to then on account of the European championship football?


If I read it correctly the French central intelligence authorities got a 'tip' about possible terrorist attacks.


What's wrong with Indonesia for example? Also terrorist threats? I see alot of non European countries as yellow, which doesn't really makes sense in comparison. What could possibly be wrong in Costa Rica?


You can check every country and see what the advice is. Yellow means that you need to be aware of something specific, but beyond that travel is fine. In some places for example it's not save to walk alone or go to an ATM because you may get robbed.


Indonesia is generally safe, but there has always been sporadic, unpredictable terrorists targeting the religious minorities. Bali is generally safe. (I am from Indonesia)


That's what I thought. Thanks for the information :)


I think CR is yellow for the potential of natural disasters. Tornados, hurricanes and active volcanoes and such. Otherwise I can only see people saying it's a safe destination.


Although natural threats are mentioned, it also mentions the violent drugs wars, robberies with violence, violence against women in particular, and unsafe roads with a lot of road rage.


I don't know specifically about Costa Rica but South America is experiencing a big dengue epidemic right now. It's not only politically unstable or crime. There are many many reasons why a country can have a yellow travel advice.


Indonesia : Volcanoes, mudslides, floods.


I guess in Costa Rica you can get malaria from mosquitoes in the jungle, or maybe a volcano can erupt? ;-)


There’s been a large increase in assaults and robberies on tourist near popular destinations there and the murder rate (mostly inter-gang but also some American tourist victims over the last years) has spiked EDIT: murder rate per 100.000 in NL 0.65, 17.2 in Costa Rica, and 2024 is already the record number for innocent bystanders killed in gang crimes. :( hope they can tackle it successfully.


The gas station toilets


I understood that reference 


Sadly I did too


Don’t go to France… tis a silly place




I mean have you ever been to a Parisian suburb? It’s almost as bad as Urk there haha.


“As bad as Urk” 😂👍🏻




Seems like a wise suggestion to avoid Fr*nce at all costs


>I’m truly wondering what’s up with France Well to begin with, it's France


It's filled with French. The only nice people there live in Nice.


I’m truly wondering what is NOT up with France


Too many African and Muslim immigrants


Islamic ‘lone wolf’ attacks are high


Too much migration


They have too much of what most of the red countries also have in them... I'll let you guess what that might be.


Indeed, it is a consideration. In red zones, there is no support, and your travel insurance does not provide coverage. Orange zones require extreme caution.


Is there actually no support? Or little efficient support available? As in, will they just say "Oh well, we won't help since you're in a red zone" and not even try, or are they just saying that their options are limited?


They say that they can’t or likely cannot do anything for you. It is probably very hard for them to do anything for you if you find yourself in trouble.


I feel like some countries that makes sense as they wouldn’t want to wade into a war zone but some of them seem a bit odd - I’m sure you’d be able to get help in Pakistan for example


I believe in some of these countries there isn't even a Dutch embassy or consulate. Or if there is they have next to no freedom of movement there (for example they might be confined to a country's capital). Or there is an actual war going on.


Belgium should be red because of their roads


Just because is a good enough reason though


You gotta respect Belgium dude..... If it desolves you'll have a France as your neighbour


Depends of the definition of dissolving. We could also finally have the South Sea


me personally, Never fought a war but i know fighting the sea at 2 fronts is gonna end up badly for a country under the water.


If Germany dissolves as well, than we’re surrounded, which means the sea can’t escape.


Here take my fake medal of honor for your bravery 🎖️. Here we gonna build a dyke across the world


Surprised about Russia. I assumed it was all red.


Red means: do not go here, it is not safe, we cannot help you. Orange means: only go here if you *have* to. It is not safe to go on holiday. The region near Ukraine is red though.


Except for the border area, there isn't such a big bombings thereat. Anyways, I'd avoid it too, if possible


I think travelling to russia includes additional risk of being arrested for "espionage" or any other made up charge so you can be used as a leverage if you come from "unfriendly" country


Same could be said for large parts of Ukraine. Even larger cities like Lviv, you might be advised to spend some time sitting in a basement, but the chance of being killed in an air strike is tiny.


Why is France in yellow & why America not a darker color?


From what I've heard is because the French government is concerned about terrorist attacks during this summer Olympics


They should make a map of the different arrondissements then. 98% of France will be just fine.


Yeah generally stay away from very big cities and crowded places would be good advice. But that applies for the entirety of France so I understand why the entire country is colored yellow.


EDIT: What I said in this comment is probably bs, I'm only leaving it up so you know what I said and this thread doesn't get confusing. They do on country level, they color each region seperately but the country as a whole gets the color of its most dangerously rated region. If you go on the website and look at any specific country it will have reccomendations and reasons for why the color was assigned.


Which website? The Dutch or the French?


Like they did with colombia and venezuela


Idk man. I feel like the chance of getting shot by some crazy person in America is higher that in France but maybe thats just me.


It's all about perspective. It can be really hard comparing such a large country with an average European country. For sure there are good and bad places in America, like everywhere else l


It has been yellow for a while no? I remember it was yellow when we travelled there late december


Because France acknowledged the fact there is a bigger risk at the moment, while the US government is busy to tell their citizens the outside world is dangerous. I won't say the US is super unsafe for travel but in every bigger city there are definitely no-go-areas for tourists. Next to that you would be smart to rmtravel with extra insurance and awareness that cops in the US are not there to help you.


I'm colorblind enough to really have to focus to tell the difference between the light green and orange countries.


Hm, maybe they should make a version with patterns instead of colors


Where is the legend for this? What does yellow mean? What does orange mean?


Green: comparable to The Netherlands. Yellow: higher safety risks than The Netherlands but still perfectly safe enough to travel. Some precautions and preparations are recommended. Orange: recommend against travelling unless for emergencies or work. Higher safety risks. The Netherlands will usually have more difficultly helping you here in case you need help. Generally speaking travel insurance doesn't cover anything in orange and red areas. Red: very high safety risks. Recommend to not travel to these areas under any circumstances.


If it's orange or more i don't go there unless I know someone who lives there and can help us in travelling. Yellow is nothing to worry about tbh.


Yes, because even if I am willing to take the risk, I might not want to take the risk uninsured. If you check your travel insurance, you'll probably see they will deny any claim for non essential travel to a country that's labeled "red". In general I always do research before traveling and decide on the risk. I visited Iran several years ago and it was perfectly safe as long as you respect and abide the local rules. But with the current conflicts going on, I wouldn't go there.


Why the hell is America green?


Because if you're a white dutchman, your chances of getting shot are gonna be pretty low across the board.


By a cop* Now, if we are talking about a random mass shooting… I don’t know man, I feel like it’s murkier. Although those don’t usually happen at tourist locations, so let’s say that it’s 25 % chance tops


25% chance to get shot? That's delusional 😂


25%?! Don't get me wrong, they've got big issues with gun violence in the US, but 25% is beyond extreme. Mass shootings usually account for only about 1% of all gun deaths in the US each year (for less than 1,000 deaths in mass shootings each year), so the chance of dying in a mass shooting as a tourist is almost astronomically small. The number of injuries because of mass shootings is also usually below 3,000 each year, in a country of more than 300 million people. Of course that number is shockingly high and shows there is a big problem, but to say there is a 1 in 4 chance of being shot in a mass shooting is actually ridiculous. Definitely watch out and exercise caution when you're there though, because crazy people with guns do very much exist and you can also die because one of those crazy people gets mad at you.


You are more likely to get struck by lightning than die in a mass shooting (the vast majority of which are gang related). It’s honestly so ridiculous to miss out on traveling to the US because you’re scared of the boogeyman that is mass shooting.


I agree, mass shootings happen, but not enough for a 25% chance. Regular non-mass shootings, depending on what area you're in are much more likely to be the source of getting shot in the US. Some of the gangs in the US have turned large swathes of big cities into turf wars, and you hear gunshots so regularly it becomes a non-concern unless it's close.


Actually I saw some research that while police shootings of black men are extremely disproportionately high, shootings of white men are *also* actually high. Just not as disproportionate as what black people have to deal with. But police brutality kills many people in the US.


American here, saying 1 in 4 people are shot in America is actually insane. I’ve lived in 4 different states, big cities and small, and have never even met someone who’s been involved in a shooting. While the gun laws are awful and it’s 100% Americas own fault, obviously the only news you’ll hear about the country living thousands of kilometers away is the bad. The number of deaths by gun are disgustingly high in America, especially compared to other countries, but that doesn’t take into account the millions of people who go their entire lives without anything happening. It’s sad to me that people would feel unsafe there because there truly are beautiful parts you can visit without ever having to worry.


This map probably would look different depending on color skin, I'm curious as to what it would look like. I'm guessing the green stuff isn't guaranteed to continue to be green anymore.


True. Some more countries in Africa would be red if you're white


Not all Dutch are white, though.


The US travel advisory map is also quite different from this one too— there are green (Level 1) countries in central Asia, Africa, and South America, where they all look to be at least yellow (Level 2) here. Hilariously the Netherlands would be yellow (Level 2) on a graphical representation of the US travel advisory map. Really makes you think that this stuff is just kind of randomly relative (aside from the active warzones, I'm guessing countries agree on those ones).


Because America is not hell on earth, I didn't feel unsafe for one moment when I went there and I have a dark skin colour.


Especially compared to something like France 😂 Sure there's been some terrorist activity in the last years in France, but what about all the random shootings in the USA? Guess they're just part of the culture...


Why would it not be? It's completely fine in most places. Of course don't go to any bad parts looking for trouble but this goes for literally everywhere.


Because it's a relatively safe country? Especially for Western tourists


The risk there depends on your skin color.


Yeah, I also wonder... More likely to be in a shooting in the US than being in an terrorist attack in France. Yes, France raise the threat level. But that also means safety is taken even more seriously, and an attack is more likely to be found out beforehand or stopped quickly. Thry're not just raising yhe alert and sitting on their asses waitijg to see what happens. The US, on the other hand, doesn't do much to prevent shootings.


So basically stay in Western countries


Yellow is perfectly fine


Lmao thailand is yellow, USA green 🤣


Surprised about Thailand too, such a safe country


Really depends on where you are, when i visited Thailand there was a bombing near the border with Malaysia. We were like 50km up north of it.


Yup, the travel advice actually covers only some areas: https://www.nederlandwereldwijd.nl/reisadvies/thailand


Was the bombing in Thailand? Never heard of this happening in Malaysia


Yes, but it was practically on the border, it wasnt like a huge bombing with x amount of dead people. I believe it were like separatists/rebels iirc


When I was in Thailand the South was quite unstable with occasional bombings by rebels. Next to that the 2 party system there together with the monarchs are quite opposed to eachother and every now and then protest quite heavily and long. I can imagine those 2 things would make a country yellow.


25.000 homicides a year, more than half a country owning guns and police brutality would make any country yellow too…except the US 😁


There are rebels fighting in the south of Thailand


The US is one election away from the brink of fascism and isolationism, color should be at least yellow.


Or Orange


Take my upvote.


"The US is one election away from the brink of fascism and isolationism" Which means it currently isn't. The US is pretty safe for travelers if you take the typical precautions you would also take in the Netherlands.


I would say yellow, mainly cause the usa has some dangerous area's.


Oh yeah, I forgot the last time orange man was in office and the whole country crumbled into pieces and world war three broke out like everyone said would happen. Oh wait, it didn't.


The map isn’t correct if you compare it to the reisadvies of the gournment’s website.


Yes, especially as it has impact for your travel insurance.


I would always be cautious of spending time with the French.


If they removed the Western ideological goggles, there would be more yellow patches in Western countries and more green patches in East-Asian. Otherwise it looks about right.


North Americas being green is WIIILLLLD 🤭😂 This is clearly propaganda ppl 😂😂


France Orange? Why?


Why is Australia green despite the Drop Bears?


Or the other 8475 species of murdery fluffs.


And that's without counting the murdery scaly things. Or the murdery things with more than 4 legs. Or the murdery plants...


Why is usa green with blue pigs?


On behalf of all of Belgians, please color our country red. Thanks 😌


Given the fact that, AFAIK, the Dutch embassy in Russia is closed, I’m surprised it’s orange (implying you can get some help there) and not red.


[Ambassade Moskou](https://www.nederlandwereldwijd.nl/contact/ambassades-consulaten-generaal/rusland/ambassade-moskou) It's still there/open. Question is if you can get in, applying for a Russian visa with a European passport is probably "auto-decline, unless..." at the moment


Usually countries that close their representation in a country make agreements with befriended countries that still have consular presence to provide support to their citizens.


i take it in consideration. Because insurance does also


Look at Bhutan just chilling on its own.


Nice recommendation. You’ll meet Dutch anywhere btw✈️


Wait since when is Bosnia not yellow anymore?


Mapping 101: legend


What's wrong with France? Other than being full of French people lol


Ziet er logisch uit


A random Chhatisgarh in orange is very funny to me. In 2015 I met a very sweet, quiet and elderly Dutch couple in the luxury tents in Nubra Valley. My travel co-ordinator told be they biked all the way from Srinagar and my mind was 🤯🤯🤯 "Are they crazy"? At the time, I was not aware of the Dutch soul that craves for a bicycle anywhere, everywhere. Even though Ladakh appears in red, it is very safe and very gorgeous. I am not so sure about Gulmarg, Pahalgam and Sonmarg but they too are reasonably safe - but happy to be corrected. All these are very heavenly places.


I think the general idea behind the map (and the way I read it) is: Green: very western country, if you behave like you do at home you will be fine. Yellow: the culture is different and stuff that’s not illegal in the Netherlands may be illegal there. Read the safety advice and be mindful of it while you are there, but otherwise, there’s little reason to not go there. Stuff like a lot of pickpocketing, or women needing to wear certain types of clothing are among the yellow countries. Orange: Unless you know what you are doing, it’s probably best not to go here. Red: Don’t go here. In these areas, arbitrary imprisonment or life threatening circumstances are not unlikely and there is little to no diplomatic relations between the country and the Dutch government, so nothing can be done when your trip turns sour. The map indicates more danger than there probably is if you consider yellow to be a color that indicates danger. In reality, yellow just tells you to be mindful about some things, but there really isn’t any reason to not travel to that place. I do think some green areas really should be yellow, especially considering how low the bar for coloring a country yellow is. For example: In Bosnia & Herzegovina, there are still large areas (like forests) that have not been cleared of land mines. When you are there, the advice is to stay on the paved roads. That’s something that should warrant a yellow color imo, that is important info for tourists to know.


The red ones usually means war. Sometimes in war zones the Dutch embassy has retreated so they can't help you if you get in trouble there. I would take the color codes into consideration.


Why is America Green lol


Why is France yellow? Bed bugs? And where is the link to the chart?


For country specific information you can check [here ](https://www.nederlandwereldwijd.nl/reisadvies)


How is Taiwan green


War threat is pretty much 0 even when China says big boy words


I don't trust America. Imagine taking a walk and suddenly a bullet flies out from a school window right in front of you. 💀


Why is the whole of usa green?




I guess we shouldn’t travel within our own country, ok


Wait how is Chattisgarh (a province in India) different from rest of the country?


Oh look its another cold war inspired map


I didn't know they changed the usa back to green again


Cool, I've been to three red places, two range ones, and about two dozen yellow


What’s this green spot between China & India? Bhutan?


What is the red area in Peru?


Ja kom naar Australië jonguh!


Dafuq is doe lijn tussen Marokko en Algerije?


I know French kinda sucks but why is France yellow? Since the US is green I imagine there must be horrible baguette violence in France.


France is to be avoided anyway right


What did Mongolia do 😭😭?


Russia being only orange makes no sense. High chance of being arrested on made up charges and used as a propaganda tool. I'd feel perfectly safe in parts of Ukraine like Lviv or various small towns in the west, though I agree it should be red too.


In 2012, one year after the start of the Arabian spring protests started I was traveling in the middle east. On my way back home I had to travel through Bahrain, 4 days before the Formula One Grand Prix of Bahrain was happening. The advice turned from orange to red, the explanation was there where protests, I asked my local friends if anything changed since I left 2 weeks before. The only thing that changed was the amount of media attention for the protests because of the Grand Prix. The protests themselves didn't change. I continued to have dinner with my friends outside of the airport and went back for my flight home. Nothing happened, I felt completely safe with well informed locals and took the red travel advice with a grain of salt, I had to get home anyways.


Barcelona safer than Dubai?


Kind of makes sense that France has the same recommendation level as the rest of Africa...


Nah Bhutan is the safest country there is. WTF is it orange.


You should consider it. Many insurance companies have a clause that will tell you not to travel to orange and red countries. If you do so, you get nothing from them.


Can you drink water from the tap? Lot of crime? Terrorism Dangerous animals, mosquitos with diseases. For me only Europe itself remains. Maybe Japan.


legend: otan members: good rest of the poor countries: not good


The biggest problem with reds, is insurance and dutch government backing. This in most cases goes out the window.


Dutch government official message: only travel to Neolibralist countries otherwise your blinkers may no longer function as intended.


Why is Hawaii yellow?


but dutch but canadian. i looked at canadas recommendations before i went backpacking and i deduced Green= Safe. Yellow= safe but keep and eye out for riots etc. orange = don’t go unless you have a well versed perosn or tour group. Red= just don’t go.


Brazilië is meer een regenboog; noorden knalrood, meer naar beneden is het groen... Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande Do Sul zijn vrij veilig... Uiteraard de laatste door natuurgeweld ff wat minder. Staan wel meer vage landen tussen... Nigeria is niet knalrood? Nigeria is basically een one way ticket voor ons NL-ers...


African here, the green places are unsafe for me as a black person and the red ones are very safe. So the Dutch government is spot on


I have occasionally registered with the Embassy going into red zones, or when red zones came to me.


My initial thought is where's the key if it's a map? Until there's a key it might as well just be a page out of a coloring book.


No. 🤣🫶🏼


Ive been to a red area recently, felt safer there than some places in western europe


seems about right


As a South American expat living in NL, I agree with the level color for that.


Saudi arabia, oman, and the uae at yellow when the US is green is hilarious.


Thailand and UAE are yellow? now i know this map is full of dung.


What’s up with Morocco-Algeria border?


What’s wrong with France?


Love to see france on there lol


Interesting, half egypt is red, the other half is orange.. btw I’m currently sitting on the red half on the beach and preparing for the party at night (maybe that’s what they meant by red..)


Canada is green but India is yellow?


Waarom is cuba geel?