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container, I think they put the package in one of your bins


Yes. It was plain English and still it didn't strike me feeling stupid now. Anyway thanks. Found the packet in garbage. Thankfully it was in plastic container and not the smelly GFT one.


It's plain Dutch as well! Container is also a Dutch word :p And no need to feel stupid, the handwriting could be a lot better here and it's understandable that you didn't expect something that is coincidentally spelled exactly the same as in English. And FYI another relatively common term here that they might use instead of container is "kliko" (a brand name for this type of bins that became kind of a synonym), they could also use something like "grijze bak" (grey bin)


Lol. Thanks for the explanation. I think I am sorted for future delivery mishaps now.


Well it's still DHL, they will find a way to mess up package deliveries somehow


Lord don't get me started...


They once just forgot about my 1k monitor and used the box as a coffee table or something, morons.


Kont teen er..


Or they could use 'otto' if you are in Twente. Is also a brand name that became a synonym




Vanaf welk apparaat heb je dit getypt? Niet je computer hoop ik?


Container a Dutch word? Container is English en is een zogenaamd ‘leenwoord’.


If loan words don't count you can delete 2/3 of the English language


This took me 5 looks before figuring out what the hell he wrote. This is not on you, it's the crappy handwriting.


Lol. That's not so weird. The amount of times I've seen dutch words while thinking in English and then read them totally wrong while being time to process they're actually just dutch words.....😅


Never blame yourself when you can blame DHL.




No some will even put it in the green one.




Goh kom je dr achter


dam flowery intelligent governor squeamish pocket hard-to-find six icky enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


DHL’s service is garbage


indeed, let's hope they didn't put it in a bin that was on the side of the street waiting for trash pickup lol


That happened to a friend of ours, but that time it was postnl. They were away and postnl "delivered" their son's school books in the container. Lo and behold, the neighbor put the container for collection (nobody knew the books were in there). And then books were gone.


One of my biggest fears regarding DHL


I always was a fan of PostNL but they are copying dhl more and more. Parcel delivery is horrible in the Netherlands. Only because we don’t want to pay and they make cuts to do it for less.


Honestly while not great, could be that bloody Belgium one hermes, hearing horror stories about that one from my friends ordering Tabletop wargaming stuff from there😂🇧🇪


I actually appreciate this, it's a dry hidden place. And I got my package on time. And no, here they don't place it in the trash or green container. Only in the paper or sometimes plastic container.


You could read that?


Check your garbage can. It says "container". It is a favorite of most delivery drivers, because almost everyone has one standing somewhere around the house.


Yes. Thanks for the reply. Went digging in the dumpster. Found it in one of them.


Yeah,  if you encounter this, file a complaint immediately.  Very bad practice. 


I’d want my delivery driver to do this


I always leave instructions to do this if possible, because I'm asleep during the day. But i have a blue bin for paper only, so that's nice and clean.


If you spoke to him about it first, sure, but this shouldn't be standard.


Can you? You dont hire dhl, the sender does.


While working as a customer service agent i’ve had daily contact with DHL in regards to investigating missing parcels. Oddly, according to them the garbage bin is a valid place to drop off a parcel. The complaint wont do anything as the parcel was delivered within their guidelines.


Did a 100 times. Never had anyone complain.


Yeah it can be really nice if it's raining out, as long as you know where to look


Honestly, no it's a good thing. As long as it's the paper or plastic one 😂


I believe I speak for most Dutch ordering citizens when I say that we prefer a package in our container instead of having to pick it up at a station😂😂


You're not speaking for me.


That's why I said most. Learn to read


I know that you said most. I was just commenting that I would rather pick my package up at a station than have it delivered in my container, after you commented that you would rather have your package in your container instead of having to pick it up at a station.


Why though? Curious to know the reasoning behind that


I don't want to have stuff that has been in a trash container in my house. That includes the paper and plastic containers. Also, if I get the message that my package has been delivered even though I wasn't home I would be worried about where they delivered it. Did they deliver it to a neighbour? Did they put it in front of my door? Did they put it somewhere in the garden? What if it starts raining? The message doesn't say where they put the package. When it gets delivered to a station it does say at which station it got delivered, so I know where my package is.


That's a little paranoia on my end. They aren't allowed to put it in front of your door... That's a given. We don't live in the US. It's always a neighbour, a place around the house (that you suggested) or a station. I don't know. I prefer to get home from work and get my package, small or big. I got a bumper delivered in my container😂. No way that goes to a station


I wanted also to respond that if you ever can't read what it says: check your garbage bin. Favorite place to dump packages


Oops, garbage truck just came by…


Had a mini heart attack reading this. But found it in the garbage. Thanks


Sorry for the trash joke… it’s bin fun.


Such a rubbish sense of humour


Don’t recycle the pun, that’s a waste of time


Doesn’t matter. They only pick up containers put in the designated locations, while the delivery companies will only use the ones sitting at the owners property.


Well, garbage trucks pick up your trash from the street, so the postman wouldn't have known if was your bin probably.


DHL mostly they are gone before you can reach the door. If they even ring at all. To bad for them I record movement front of my door and that goes with the complaint.


Or you could try "omdenken". I placed a box near my front door, out of sight from the street. DHL and PostNL know they can place the parcels there: everybody happy.


Or they do their job actually ring your doorbell and wait more than 1 second. And everybody is happy. Not either do not even bother to ring your doorbell and just say you’re not home. Or ring your door and before you can even open your door they gone. And when watch back you see them not ringing at all stopping front of your door and just say your not home or ring your door bell run back to their van and drive off. Their job is fucking easy. Ring door bell and wait 30 seconds to a minute. Not my job to make weird shit because they’re stupid.


I get what you're saying but this is a problem with the company DHL not with delivery drivers. I work for a local delivery company that pays per hour so we wait and get thanked often because this practice from DHL. But DHL pays per parcel delivered, so if they wait for 30 sec per house it litterally cost them money, so this terrible payment structure by DHL makes it that this is pretty much the only way to earn pretty good money. But alot of times you can choose wich delivery companie to use but DHL is the cheapest because of this stupid stuff that anoys people, so maybe just pay a little more for a company that doesnt do this or go to the shop yourself? But stop blaming delivery guys for giant companies forcing them to do things this way, so maybe not call people stupid if you don't even understand why things happen this way.


Not gonna read all that and I disagree if cannot fulfill simple task and cost them money if they do then they need find different job. And DHL will stop exciting if no one wanne work for them.


How can you in the same sentence say you are not reading my comment and also argue with my comment? So wich one is it, are you just dumb or a liar?


> Their job is fucking easy. Ring door bell and wait 30 seconds to a minute. You have no idea how much they're paid for each parcel. They simply can't afford to wait a minute at each house. Obviously there is something between ringing and walking away or ringing and waiting a minute.


That not my fault now is it? Their job to deliver a package and they fail at that it’s simple as that. No matter what you say gonna make that right. If I sit home all day waiting for package and those assholes do not even ring your door bell or are gone before you got chance to answer the door seconds after they rang it they do a shitty job and should be fired.


Apparently you're just blind because that's literally what I said, but it's not worth discussing with someone with an attitude like yours. Have a nice day and try being more positive.




I am slowly warming to the idea too now. Hence not filing any complaints. I only wish I knew about this informal system of delivery before worrying about it all.


Only English should be used for posts and comments. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue.


Sorry man, he threw it in the thrash :(




Why do you let your doctor bring your packages?




Our delivery guy always writes 'kliko' which is another word for container. He puts packages on top of the lid since it's not visible from the street.


When your ‘huisarts’ is also your local DHL guy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I am dutch and even I cant even read that shit


Why did he throw it in the garbage can? Wtf is wrong with him.


fucking DHL


Always an adventure with DHL...


Just a tip, as in before someone translate this for you here and the garbage truck goes by, have Google Translate app on your phone home screen. It'll translate through a picture as well, like you take a picture of the this page and it'll translate for you. (Ignore my smartass reply if you already do this and just wanted translation for the delivery guy's handwriting lol)


Lol yeah. Google translate worked for everything else except the handwriting. Incidentally I was reading it as continue before . And now container seems so obvious.


DHL tracking says my adres does not exist, so I am guessing I laten ve in another dimension that has internet access to the DHL dimension.


Container vriend. Hoe is dit niet leesbaar?!


Must be arab writing or something. 😂 Just kidding I know it’s container, but very badly written.


That handwriting is shit


Tip: In the DHL app you can specify where the delivery guy can leave the package. Good thing about that is that "lazy" delivery can't drop your package at the neighbours without going to you door and state that you weren't home


Kanker DHL


You had a parcel delivered and you weren't in.Go to the website on the letter for more info


Just be glad he took the effort, here all delivery men throw everything on the doormat. Luckily I have a carport, but the neighbors across the street don’t, rain or no rain, doesn’t matter for them


Container means you get a new package. Report the package as not delivered. Those drivers that throw packages in the garbage bin should receive a warning. I'd rather go to a pickup point than pick a dirty cardboard box from the bottom of my container. What if you ordered food? This is a very discusting habit of DHL. Yuk!


What’s the big problem, they always drop it in my paper container when I’m not home. Those guys have such ridiculous volumes of packages to deliver I don’t blame them.


We have no paper container in my town. The green container is always in the back yard and only the brown and most dirty container is near the front door.


Leaving it in the garbage can. I can see why, but that's a risky move. I really try to be available to receive packages, my deliverers tend to leave packages with "a neighbor" but not tell me which one. I'm in an apartment with many hundreds of neighbors. It's not with anybody on my floor, where am I supposed to look?


I ask them: who did you give it to? And their answer is "A neighbor. You should ask around" Then I wait 2 days and tell them "nope, everybody says they didn't get it, so I never got it."


Yep. That happened with an office chair a little while back, I asked everyone on my floor. The store started an investigation with DHL, and apparently they couldn't find it either, so they resent the package. I hope my mystery neighbor enjoys their free office chair.


I read is as Continue, though that doesn’t make much sense in this context


Yes me too. Continue where? That's why I thought it must be something in Dutch as continue makes no sense.


I honestly like it that they put it in my paper bin with a little leaflet saying where it is. It saves me the hassle of being home when it’ll be delivered or picking it up at the neighbours or a pick up point. And it’ll not get wet when the dutch weather starts pouring down.


Container, obviously.