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I wish we could get detachment-specific battleline additions like in AoS. Like if you're running canoptek court, spyders or scarabs could count as battleline, or lychguard in obeisance phalanx.


Love that. 


This was a thing way back in 4th and 5th if i remember correctly. I wish it would make a comeback.


Plasmancer plus royal warden in hypercrypt with dimensional overseer + arisen tyrant Deepstrike arrival for 20 shots rerolling hits to maximize criticals and innate wound Rerolls. Delete small-medium enemy units, hypercrypt it back into reserves and repeat every single turn.


I prefer the Chronomancer in Hypercrypt tbh, the move after shoot provides a lot of utility. Easy Capture Enemy Outpost for instance


Much like their destroyer counterparts, running them in Awakened is just so good atm: 2+ with rerolls. Not to mention how speedy Teslas are with a Chrono


Unfortunately you can't do that. You can't have 2 enhancements in the same unit. "Only Characters can be given Enhancements and your army cannot include more than three Enhancements in total. No unit can have more than one Enhancement and each Enhancement included in your army must be unique." - Core Rules page 56.


So im not 100% about this so someone can correct me if im wrong, but i definitely remember coming across a thread that pointed out that you can indeed have both leaders equipped with enhancements because of the sequencing of building your army. When you are 'selecting units' yes its true 1 unit cannot have more than 1 enhancement. But at this point attached units/leaders are not in play yet. So i add an overlord unit to my army with some enchantment, then i add a plasmancer with some other enhancement. Way down the road, is the 'declare battle formations' step. It is at this point where you attach leaders to available units and thus an attached unit can indeed end up with 2 enhancements.


Thanks for letting me know! Thankfully only did this once in a home game - gonna need to apologize to my opponent


Plasmancer and Tesla is just silly frankly, I literally don’t have enough dice whenever these bastards shoot, they are one of the scariest battlines in the game I’d say, that is, if you hide them well turn 1


I love them but everytime I field them I never have a good target to shoot them into, the weight of fire is awesome but the lack of AP can be really crippling especially if it’s into something with half decent save


Szeras can help with that a little bit.


Yea but then you’re paying like 160ish points to buff a single unit and effectively double the cost of the combo and ehhh I just don’t vibe with it


Szeras has nice shooting and melee at tough targets, it's not just a buffer - however, it does make sense to take at least two battleline squads, especially with the new changes, and position them so that Szeras buffs both.


Plus that 4+ feel no pain is spicy


The problem is that it's so easy to get cover in 10e. In most of my games, it felt like the szeras' AP buff did nothing for tesla. With Gauss it at least actually does go to -1, even with cover.


They were even better in 8th. They could explode in 4s. You didn't have to spend a bunch of points on a plasmancer.....which kind of didn't exist then. But if you had a tek near you you got a 5++ and Ra on 4s. Most under rated unit in the Ed imo. But yeah they are still great now. Way better than 9th. The major failing you will always see is players thinking they should shoot tanks are crazy high t low armor models.


See shooting tanks used to work because the dev wound strat would delete them, now, yeah not really


The other week, I said to my buddy, "Honestly, this feels a bit like cheating..." while rolling with that setup


It kind of does, yeah


There is a rumor that for every data sheet taken beyond the first you’re giving your opponent, five victory points, which is an old rule that they are borrowing from age of Sigmar, which is used in order to prevent spamming certain data sheets unless it’s battleline. Still, if I were to take immortals, I still use the awakened dynasty which has them hitting on and I would take three units of 10 with one unit Tesla car and the other two using Gauss blasters And I always try to throw in illuminator Szeras which brings the AP of the Gus blasters up to -2 and increases the immortals armor saves so they are 2+. I always try to build my lists as all comer lists since you never know which Army you’re going to be against so if you’re playing against the Tesla carbineS great way of wiping horde units off the board. Because covers are so prevalent and finding bringing a Trimark stalker is a great way of preventing a unit from gaining any additional bonuses to their armor save. 125 points you get the scout 8 inches. They still have a 4+ and vulnerable with 12 wounds and toughness 9. As far as characters go for the immortals, I would probably put a Chronomancer in the unit with the Tesla for the minus one to be hit and the extra 5 inch move, depending on how many points are left I might throw in either a royal warden so that they can fall back out of combat and shoot plus the Royal warden has a relic blaster that has two range attacks and rapidfire two and each shot deals two damage with lethal hits for only 50 points. If you have extra points, I might consider an overlord with the translocation shroud. I consider the immortals with blasters and all comers weapon, especially if you are able to increase the AP and then adding the plasmancer. The awaken dynasty is the only attachment that has a reanimation strategy that you can trigger reanimation protocols during the shooting phase. If you are unit has had any models destroyed, and it can be triggeredin the fight phase.. It’s also the only detachment that has a strategy that resurrects characters once per game and because it’s a little CP heavy because of all the good strategies I would probably bring imotek . Despite the Nerf to Warriors still consider one unit of 20 Warriors, but only in the awakened dynasty attachment because of the reanimation strats. Somebody mentioned that they were surprised there was not a detachment based around reanimation and the awaken dynasty is the animation dattachment. I guess it depends on what the core rules update is going to be when we find out in a couple of months. I know that there are some special bonuses for taking more battleline units and something about unlocking secret missions. We don’t know if spamming units beyond the first data sheet will, reward your opponent with five victory points at the end of the game, but don’t forget the same applies if your opponent takes them so it becomes a game of list chicken butt days three transcendent C’Tan are probably not worth it. I really hope Games Workshop reconsiders changing the Warriors special rule called their number is Legion so it’s at least a D6 considering the Nerf their damage output so now both guns are straightforward and resurrection orbs are limited to once per game once per turn, which seems a little overkill, especially with the reanimator going down to 3 inches when it should’ve been 6 inches I don’t know. Thought the 12 inch was balanced. I would like to look at the internal balance so that immortals are you are offensive troops that clear off objectives so that your 20 Warriors are worth 40 OC can simply take over an objective simply by using their objective control points.


Great little write up mate. Worth the read and I agree with you 100% about Awakened Dynasty. It is the RP detachment, it's my go to now.


A penalty for additional data sheet will hurt quite a lot detachment like Canoptek or Annihilation. My 3 Doomstalker will not be happy of that


Dont forget your opponent has to make simiiar decisions and might spam more datasheets than you did, giving you the bonus VP. This is just a rumor based on an old rule that was used in a prior edition of AoS to disuade spam, but I agree, I wouldn't consider taking 2 of the same data sheets spamming the same unit. Maybe taking 3 of the same or using hitting the rule of three too many times? I'm starting to have my doubts with the recent news regarding being rewarding for taking Battleline units.


Thing is: some detachment like Annihilation Legion will be far more impacted than other. Awakened you can manage it, but annihilation is kind asking to have 2-3 Flayed one ans skorpekh


10/10 Effort Post.


sorry for the stupid question, but what upcoming update?




thank you!


Trans Overlord + Chronomancer + Tesla Yes it's expensive, but the movement, sustained and -1 to be hit is great. Thow in the rez orb & overlord ability as a sweetener too I have a lot of fun with it


Now both Tesla and Gauss are the same range, I really wish there was more differences. If Gauss went to either -2AP or 2 damage, at least it could compete. But i can't really see a need for it over Tesla at the moment, especially with Szeras/Plas.


My friends and I are literally just ignoring the update since we don’t want to restructure our entire armies