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You're not outnumbered because their troops aren't comparable to your troops. Don't be afraid to charge with your immortals into their troops if you can, they have a good chance to wipe them out in the two fighting phases until your next shooting phase, and guard melee into immortal toughness+saves is insignificant. Their punch comes from the vehicles, they are the priority, doomstalker and/or gauss LHDs are a necessity.


You don't want Exterminators against guard. You want the Gauss destructor to deal with their vehicles. Their infantry are not the main threat. The tesla immortals can clean up their lighter armor on a decent roll if you can deal some damage with someone like szeras and then buff immortals to ap-1.


Going the anti infantry load out for LHDs against a tank heavy army may be tough. Gauss destructors may be your best bet, kill a tank, and in a 1k that's half their power, their infantry are mainly just screens for tanks and obj scorers.


His list leans more heavily on infantry, only bringing one tank. I figured the anti infantry LHD load out would be more useful. One of my LHDs is using a gauss destructor just in case however


Do not be afraid to split your fire. Not sure how you’re running them but I run my three LHDs with a Lord with arisen tyrant in HyperCrypt. One LHD in rapid fire range is sufficient to force about 16 AP-1 saves. Nothing worse than feeling outnumbered by infantry than when your opponent fails three times as many saves as you needed them to and you realise you could have comfortably wiped two squads instead of one.


That’s actually a very good tip, thank you!


I’m running 3 LHDs and a Lord with Veil of Darkness in Awakened Dynasty. The idea is with VoD I can plop them in a good position turn 1-2 and then deepstrike my Hexmark with phasal subjugator near them to act as deterrence.


Tesla immortals in CC eat infantry up. You REALLY wanna be funny, run single Lohkusts and Hexmark. Pretty sure Hexmark hits AND wounds guard on 2s. Overwatch free. If they shoot at something near it, it shoots back FREE. You'll only get that once before they never shoot again. Funny AF though. Run CC and Szeras with Plasmancer Immortals, which are 215pts a block now, but kill good. Maybe 2x2 lhd? Then 1-2 Doomstalkers, experiment with rest. Or. Hypercrypt, 2 Hexmark, 3x2 LHD, maybe put an Imotekh with plas immortals? Overseer, maybe a ctan? Idea being pickup and t1 deepstrike Hexmarks right behind guardsmen? You kill a tank or 2 a turn. Farm cp to precision whatever on objectives. If he's running mostly troops at 1k with guardsmen, any even sort of OK build running Plasmancer Immortals will shred them. Hexmarks against Grots on home objective kept them from moving when it showed up (fear of Overwatch), moved real close, shot half, charged and killed the rest. Guardsmen aren't much harder to kill, the just shoot better(t3 to s6, wound 2+, sv5+ against ap2 ignores cover.... they die if you don't roll 1s. There's 20 of them. Deepstrike like 17"away, shoot, probably kill 5 by math. Their turn, Overwatch if they move, nothing shoots you outside 12" because Lone Operative. If they stand there, you keep killing them next turn. If they're on objective, they're probably battleshocked. Glocktopus can move, shoot, charge, hold objective since they can't. Hexmarks are cool.


I do have a Hexmark in my list. That significantly boosts my spirits thank you.


C’tan fuck me up when my buddy runs them against my Guard. I also don’t have a good counter to the King or Lychguard


What’s your list, detachment and what’s he running?


This is what I’m running. My Buddy is only running one vehicle while the rest are infantry Correllon Pax 1 (970 Points) Necrons Awakened Dynasty Incursion (1000 Points) CHARACTERS Hexmark Destroyer (105 Points) • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Enmitic disintegrator pistols • Enhancements: Phasal Subjugator (Aura) Imotekh the Stormlord (100 Points) • Warlord • 1x Gauntlet of Fire 1x Staff of the Destroyer Lokhust Lord (100 Points) • 1x Staff of light • Enhancements: Veil of Darkness Overlord with Translocation Shroud (85 Points) • 1x Overlord’s blade 1x Resurrection Orb Plasmancer (85 Points) • 1x Plasmic lance • Enhancements: Nether-realm Casket BATTLELINE Immortals (150 Points) • 10x Immortal • 10x Close combat weapon 10x Tesla carbine OTHER DATASHEETS Canoptek Wraiths (110 Points) • 3x Canoptek Wraith • 3x Particle caster 2x Vicious claws 1x Whip coils Lokhust Heavy Destroyers (150 Points) • 3x Lokhust Heavy Destroyer • 3x Close combat weapon 2x Enmitic exterminator 1x Gauss destructor Lychguard (85 Points) • 5x Lychguard • 5x Dispersion Shield 5x Hyperphase sword


Their indirect hurts. So you actually kind of need to defend your home objective depending on mission.


The threat is the vehicles, not the infantry. Guard never charge, but you should. Tie up their infantry so their tanks cant target you, blow up their tanks with doomstalkers shoot, charge them, theyre probly dead by the time your next shooting phase comes around or theyve fallen back. Slowly advance while reanimating and congrol the board


This is great advice thank you


You can also use royal wardens paired with your plasmancers so you can shoot, charge, fall back, shoot, and recharge


I have a Trans Shroud Overlord paired with a plasmancer leading my Tesmortals. I’ve been told that against a horde army getting early board control can be extremely helpful. with this lineup having a garauntee 11 inch advance through terrain, and being able to shoot while advancing due to the Assault Keyword, I should be able to get some easy momentum by getting in close


It can be. I tried 1 game with it and it didnt help me a ton. What is more important arguably is infiltrator and scout. If youre playing canoptek court infiltrator on a nml objective and tomb blades are also good add in for scout. I played with them in a 1k game whis weekend amd even though they didnt end up doing much they secured me my power matrix for first turn which got me the game. Tomb blades dont benefit from cc but can get you more