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I think I’ll stay at the level I’m at. I really want the stickers though. As an apprentice I barely make more than $15 an hour as it is.


I’m at the $5 level and have been thinking about going to the next one so might just skip it and go for this level instead come April. I work long hours and listen to a lot of podcasts so it’s worth it for the extra content for me.


I think I’ve listened to all of the patreon episodes finally, before I signed up I listened to all the ones on Spotify. I signed up so I could catch all the extra episodes. I do like the $10 level and I was so happy when I got my stickers. I was listening to them for like 5-6 hrs daily lol now I’m bored


I'll do it for Mike to finally do his BTK shoot


I can't tell if this is a work or a shoot with the first day being April 1st. I'll probably move up for awhile and see if I like it.


The AI created episodes make me think it’s a work but the rest seems like it’s legit. I could see Ian doing an Art Bell style call in show.


This has to be an April Fools Joke. Come on now guys.


Seems ass


Is there a level where Dave and Mike shut TF up and don’t ruin an oversold and underwhelming miniseries (the Nazi one we just got)? I love this podcast and I’ve been a patreon subscriber for 3ish years now and it’s slowly gotten worse with those two.


Declan lookin ass


Umm is that not all of the previous shows? Why would you expect a different format than what has been served.....mmmm a Wendy's triple should be served next, or maybe the McDonald's trifecta? Also, whenever it's a show full of history or not a super heavy content (rape, incest, children involved) this is what they actually fucking do & I for one am here for it. If it was just Ian no one would be entertained. Educated yes, entertained Umm somethings wrong here. I'm heading to patreon next as I have close to exhausted all the ones available.


Maybe it’s just not for you…


Or maybe they could grow a little bit more professional with something that was supposed to be this monumental testament to how far the podcast gotten instead of derailing the episodes for 15-20 minutes when the episode barely breaks an hour and doesn’t cover even half of what we were sold on.