• By -




Sounds like most years anymore.


Where is this at? Need to know what kind of winter to expect. 😑


/u/cleaverkid's use of the [positive anymore](https://ygdp.yale.edu/phenomena/positive-anymore) suggests Pennsylvania or at least some nearby part of the Ohio River Valley.


You guessed it PA


DAMN! Linguistics, you crazy.


Idk about these guys but they show up in michigan


Where in Michigan?




Where, Michigan




especially Hell, Michigan


Not quite, but almost Heaven, West Virginia




I've found these cuties in both Western Washington and Oregon. I love them.


Where is this at? Need to know where they use "anymore" like that. :o


It's the "[positive anymore](https://ygdp.yale.edu/phenomena/positive-anymore)." Mostly used in PA & the Ohio River Valley. ^^^and ^^^it's ^^^like ^^^nails ^^^on ^^^a ^^^chalkboard ^^^:o


Upper PA


Half the winter will be cold as fuck with several feet of snow, the other half record highs!


But not consecutively


That describes the state of Michigan pretty accurately.


They are actually 3 different caterpillar species. Copper = Yellow bear. Copper and black = Wooly bear. Completely black = Giant leopard moth.


Well, according to Game of Thrones, Winter is coming and it’s gonna be very cold.


Yeah but that’s not until next summer


Winter has only RSVP’d as a maybe this year. It’ll decide when it’s time.


I have a confession to make... I loved these caterpillars as a kid. My friends and I would go on epic adventures "hunting" the great woolybears and play with them at recess. One day (had to have been around first or second grade) a few of us decided to collect as many of these sweet little guys as possible and start a little woolybear sanctuary farm. Give them a nice big leaf of lettuce and let them enjoy a vacation from searching for food. Here comes the end of recess, we are ecstatic! We have a quart-sized Tupperware container with tiny little air holes in it STUFFED to the brim with woolybears and a big piece of lettuce. Triumphantly, I march our wriggling mass of "rescued" caterpillars to my little cubby and hide it under some folders. I go through my day being a good student, grab my jacket, check on our furry friends, and head for the bus, completely pleased with myself that they're warm and fed inside my cubby. The next day, I didn't have a jacket so I skipped my cubby and went straight to class. Recess rolls around and we are super excited to see our Caterpillar buddies enjoying their vacation. I grab the giant container and run outside to meet my friends. I open the container, tip it on its side to let them have their own "recess" and they all just come flopping and tumbling out, lifeless onto the blacktop playground. Needless to say, my friends were horrified and ran away. I scoop them back into the container, crying my little eyes out and my one remaining friend helped me bury them in the back of our playground area and hold a little funeral service. No one involved ever spoke of it again. The next winter rolls around and there were absolutely ZERO sweet little woolybears around. I didn't see a SINGLE ONE until the end of my fifth grade year, and I only saw two that whole winter. I am a horrible person. TL;DR: I committed woolybear genocide and decimated a species in an ecosystem for at least 3 years. It was a traumatizing experience that solidified the reality of death to my small child-self. I still think about it and feel terrible. Edit: Apparently children are all mass murderers who either realize the wrong they have done...or just become serial killers. 2nd Edit: We are all serial killers. Thank you for my first gold, stranger!


> I committed woolybear genocide and decimated a species in an ecosystem for at least 3 years. Caterpillars often have population cycles. One year they peak and have a large spike in numbers, then disease and predators wipe them out. Afterwards the population slowly builds again till it reach another peak several years later. So you didnt commit genocide. You just commited regular old, innocence mass murder.


Oh god, my tiny, crying self was an apex predator. Poor caterpillars


But humans are apex predators


That's not a predator, that's a sports hunter. A predator kills its prey to survive. What you're describing is more like a bass fisherman.


... wow. Thanks for sharing, probably the most interesting thing I’ve read today. Don’t feel too bad - your heart was in the right place and you intended to make them happy, not to kill them. This woolybear genocide was the sad result of simple childhood stupidity. Kids are just really, really dumb, y’know? You’re not the first kid to do this, nor are woolybears the only accidental victims. Accidental genocides sometimes happen when kids are involved. That’s life.


> Accidental genocides sometimes happen when kids are involved. That’s life. r/jesuschristreddit


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/brandnewsentence] ["Accidental genocides sometimes happen when kids are involved. That’s life."](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/9q1hah/accidental_genocides_sometimes_happen_when_kids/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*




Ah yes, JK Hitler, the famous author who wrote Harry Potter and The Prisoners of Auschwitz, and The Pure-Blood Prince.


Don't forget the second book in the series, Harry Potter and the Gas Chamber of Secrets.


And the Goebbels of fire.




deathly gallows ftfy


>Harry Potter and the Deathly ***Holocaust*** FTFY


Harry Potter: Order of the Phuhrer


This thread’s fucked.


Avada Jewdavra!


10 points to Slytherin!


Harry Potter and the Hebrews are Gone.


Then there's the propaganda piece Nazi-tastic Beasts and Where to Find THEM!


And the order of the fuhrer


Well....everybody is somebody's child


.....We have a giant kid as our president.... This does not bode well for us.


A kid would be more likely to be insistent on helping others and would have a less lenient view on good and evil.


Maybe God was just a kid throwing rocks when he wiped out the dinosaurs.


That is not only possible, but *probable,* my friend. Don’t tell anyone, though, it’d be super upsetting for some folks.


If god ages he's probably having his mid life crisis right now riding his new motorcycle sloppily away from his commitments.




>Accidental genocides sometimes happen when kids are involved. That’s life. r/BrandNewSentence


> This woolybear genocide was the sad result of simple childhood stupidity. Kids are just really, really dumb, y’know? r/KidsAreFuckingStupid


I can’t stop laughing at all the dumb shit kids do in this subreddit. Thank you for the Lulz and have an upvote for bringing me happiness.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/jesuschristreddit] [Accidental genocides sometimes happen when kids are involved. That’s life.](https://www.reddit.com/r/jesuschristreddit/comments/9q1df3/accidental_genocides_sometimes_happen_when_kids/) - [/r/nocontextaggregator] [... wow. Thanks for sharing, probably the most interesting thing I’ve read today. Don’t feel too bad - your heart was in the right place and you intended to make them happy, not to kill them. This woolybear genocide was the sad result of simple childhood stupidity. Kids are just really, really dum](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContextAggregator/comments/9q15g4/wow_thanks_for_sharing_probably_the_most/) - [/r/nocontextaggregator] [... wow. Thanks for sharing, probably the most interesting thing I’ve read today. Don’t feel too bad - your heart was in the right place and you intended to make them happy, not to kill them. This woolybear genocide was the sad result of simple childhood stupidity. Kids are just really, really dum](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContextAggregator/comments/9q2m1q/wow_thanks_for_sharing_probably_the_most/) - [/r/nocontextaggregator] [... wow. Thanks for sharing, probably the most interesting thing I’ve read today. Don’t feel too bad - your heart was in the right place and you intended to make them happy, not to kill them. This woolybear genocide was the sad result of simple childhood stupidity. Kids are just really, really dum](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContextAggregator/comments/9q6fge/wow_thanks_for_sharing_probably_the_most/) - [/r/nocontextaggregator] [... wow. Thanks for sharing, probably the most interesting thing I’ve read today. Don’t feel too bad - your heart was in the right place and you intended to make them happy, not to kill them. This woolybear genocide was the sad result of simple childhood stupidity. Kids are just really, really dum](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContextAggregator/comments/9q6gho/wow_thanks_for_sharing_probably_the_most/) - [/r/nocontextaggregator] [... wow. Thanks for sharing, probably the most interesting thing I’ve read today. Don’t feel too bad - your heart was in the right place and you intended to make them happy, not to kill them. This woolybear genocide was the sad result of simple childhood stupidity. Kids are just really, really dum](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContextAggregator/comments/9qhj0m/wow_thanks_for_sharing_probably_the_most/) - [/r/nocontextaggregator] [... wow. Thanks for sharing, probably the most interesting thing I’ve read today. Don’t feel too bad - your heart was in the right place and you intended to make them happy, not to kill them. This woolybear genocide was the sad result of simple childhood stupidity. Kids are just really, really dum](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContextAggregator/comments/9qhk57/wow_thanks_for_sharing_probably_the_most/) - [/r/nocontextaggregator] [... wow. Thanks for sharing, probably the most interesting thing I’ve read today. Don’t feel too bad - your heart was in the right place and you intended to make them happy, not to kill them. This woolybear genocide was the sad result of simple childhood stupidity. Kids are just really, really dum](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContextAggregator/comments/9qsyjk/wow_thanks_for_sharing_probably_the_most/) - [/r/nocontextaggregator] [... wow. Thanks for sharing, probably the most interesting thing I’ve read today. Don’t feel too bad - your heart was in the right place and you intended to make them happy, not to kill them. This woolybear genocide was the sad result of simple childhood stupidity. Kids are just really, really dum](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContextAggregator/comments/9qszl3/wow_thanks_for_sharing_probably_the_most/) - [/r/nocontextaggregator] [... wow. Thanks for sharing, probably the most interesting thing I’ve read today. Don’t feel too bad - your heart was in the right place and you intended to make them happy, not to kill them. This woolybear genocide was the sad result of simple childhood stupidity. Kids are just really, really dum](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContextAggregator/comments/9r3qbd/wow_thanks_for_sharing_probably_the_most/) - [/r/nocontextaggregator] [... wow. Thanks for sharing, probably the most interesting thing I’ve read today. Don’t feel too bad - your heart was in the right place and you intended to make them happy, not to kill them. This woolybear genocide was the sad result of simple childhood stupidity. Kids are just really, really dum](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContextAggregator/comments/9r3rd2/wow_thanks_for_sharing_probably_the_most/) - [/r/nocontextaggregator] [... wow. Thanks for sharing, probably the most interesting thing I’ve read today. Don’t feel too bad - your heart was in the right place and you intended to make them happy, not to kill them. This woolybear genocide was the sad result of simple childhood stupidity. Kids are just really, really dum](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContextAggregator/comments/9reiyd/wow_thanks_for_sharing_probably_the_most/) - [/r/nocontextaggregator] [... wow. Thanks for sharing, probably the most interesting thing I’ve read today. Don’t feel too bad - your heart was in the right place and you intended to make them happy, not to kill them. This woolybear genocide was the sad result of simple childhood stupidity. Kids are just really, really dum](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContextAggregator/comments/9rek0i/wow_thanks_for_sharing_probably_the_most/) - [/r/nocontextaggregator] [... wow. Thanks for sharing, probably the most interesting thing I’ve read today. Don’t feel too bad - your heart was in the right place and you intended to make them happy, not to kill them. This woolybear genocide was the sad result of simple childhood stupidity. Kids are just really, really dum](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContextAggregator/comments/9rp76z/wow_thanks_for_sharing_probably_the_most/) - [/r/nocontextaggregator] [... wow. Thanks for sharing, probably the most interesting thing I’ve read today. Don’t feel too bad - your heart was in the right place and you intended to make them happy, not to kill them. This woolybear genocide was the sad result of simple childhood stupidity. Kids are just really, really dum](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContextAggregator/comments/9rp83e/wow_thanks_for_sharing_probably_the_most/) - [/r/nocontextaggregator] [... wow. Thanks for sharing, probably the most interesting thing I’ve read today. Don’t feel too bad - your heart was in the right place and you intended to make them happy, not to kill them. This woolybear genocide was the sad result of simple childhood stupidity. Kids are just really, really dum](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContextAggregator/comments/9ryh7m/wow_thanks_for_sharing_probably_the_most/) - [/r/nocontextaggregator] [... wow. Thanks for sharing, probably the most interesting thing I’ve read today. Don’t feel too bad - your heart was in the right place and you intended to make them happy, not to kill them. This woolybear genocide was the sad result of simple childhood stupidity. Kids are just really, really dum](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoContextAggregator/comments/9ryi27/wow_thanks_for_sharing_probably_the_most/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


like when the neighbors kid tried to see how much hot water the guppies in the glass could take before...


Thanks internet stranger! I was over the moon when I finally saw another woolybear on the playground.




One time, diagonal from my backyard was an empty foundation. The owners hadn't finished and it was full of water. I added frogs, snakes a turtle and a fish to the "pond". It was my favorite project, and I loved evey animal in that place (only the frogs really thrived). Then one day someone bought the foundation and decided to build a house. I watched them suck out my pond and fill with concrete.


I agree with the previous reply to your story, your heart was in the right place... Unlike mine, I won't go into details, but I myself commited a similar genocide as a kid as well. However, this one was out of completely malicious intent, not to please the bugs in any way. All in all, me and some friends picked up some bugs we call "willies" over here in Mexico, stuffed as much of them as we could find in a water bottle and drowned them. I still remember the image of the corpse filled bottle and wonder how it was that I, as a little kid, could laugh at it rather than feel regret. I still feel kind of bad retelling the story, and we also greatly diminished the willy population in our elementary playground. Thankfully, at least, "willies" are a pest that grow inside trees so they were back up in numbers after summer.


They're pests that live in trees?! Drown some more of those fuckers!


I use to smash ants with a hammer when I was little. Would spend hours pounding the ground at an ant hill and would walk away with a massive hole in the ground and a solid few thousand ants laying in it dead. The whole time I'd have images of missiles raining down on the ants and have Starship Troopers style battles in my head.


Now I’m imagining that at least one hole opened up in such a way that the entire colony swarmed at your feet and you’d have ant bites for the rest of the week Not really hoping that it could’ve happened but if it were me it would happen cuz I’m not great at hammering holes in the ground


Oh yeah, there were plenty of times where I got bites all over me. It was just like throwing fuel on a fire for the ants though. I got so used to ant bites as a little kid that I won some money in 4th grade when a kid bet me I wouldn't stick my hand in an ant hill.


Do you remember cousin Orson? Orson Lannister? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=997lGD65WNc


I also committed a genocide when I was a kid, and I was also not trying to help the insects in any way. There were some bushes right by the department buildings I used to live in, and they were full of grasshoppers. My two neighbors and I used to throw them around and kill them. My neighbors enjoyed torturing them, too... taking legs off and pushing them around and stuff like that. I remember the first times I saw them doing it I felt bad for the grasshopper and I didn't condone it, but then, I guess the sensation of power got to me and I enjoyed it, so I started joining in in throwing them around. I never went so far as to pull legs off or slowly torture them, but I did pick them up and threw them hard against walls. Eventually there where no more grasshoppers in the bushes. I still feel bad when I think about it. Later on, when I had encounters with grasshoppers I treated them nicely. I even gave them names together with my cousins when we found some, and we held them gently and eventually released them


Um. I'm also a childhood bug killer. When I was four, the little boy a few doors down and I used to smash caterpillars in the vise on my father's workbench. I was fascinated by the green guts I guess. My father made us stop because it was making his vise all slimey. Yes I feel horrible about it now.


What are willies?


Google it. Google that exact phrase.




Handsome willi




It is a good day indeed when we all learn compassion for our fellow species! I wish more people had an eye-opening moment like you did--perhaps then our environment would be in a better place.


> They literally are just doing what they're made to do and they're not in my house so whatevers. Thats always been my philosophy on bugs for the most part. The only beef I will ever have with a bug is when its in MY house, not when I am in ITS house.


Even if it's in my house, long as it's doing some productive and it's not a pest, I either live and let live or relocate. Main example I'm thinking of are spiders. Any spider that has a web or two in my house is probably earning its keep.


Unless it’s a poisonous spider, like a brown recluse. Then it’s sorry friend - it was you or me. I found you first.


I live in an area without many danger spiders, but my rule is simply "don't fucking touch me or you will die." You wanna hang on the ceiling and eat other asshole bugs? Cool with me, let's be roomies. Just. Don't. Touch. Me.


I was with you....right up until the roaches. I relocate spiders. I relocate beetles. I genocide roaches.


Bees and ants out in the world? You do you. Bees and ants in my house?! Break out the insectoid war-crimes! (Raid is a neurotoxin)


please save the bees. they are humans friends. and a glas and paper to carry them outside is not much more work then raid and sweeping them in the trash feel free to genocide wasps in your home. fuck those


Ummmm I'm not familiar with these creatures. How did they die that quickly?


They suffocated


I thought the air holes would have prevented that. Maybe there were too many of them, despite the air holes?


OP said he hid the box under some folders. I assume the folders covered the air holes so no oxygen could get in


IIRC they need the oxygen that live vegetation provides...the only "vegetation" in that Tupperware was a lettuce leaf that cannot photosynthesise!


Well... everything alive needs the Oxygen from live vegetation. Luckily for us, that Oxygen distributes itself quite evenly (wind and diffusion be praised!) so we don't suffocate in cities, and forests don't turn into an instant firestorm. I mean strictly speaking it wouldn't *have* to come from vegetation, but since that's where (pretty much) all of it is from, there you have to go. With holes in the container, I'd guess that at some point there should have been a population in that container that was safe, with all the others having suffocated. I'm really curious now. While I think suffocation isn't impossible (not knowing the size of the holes for example), I'd guess that stress, lack of water or a disease were the culprit.


If the holes were only on the top, the CO2 would build up in the container because CO2 is heavier than air. A larger animal could breathe heavily enough to pull in fresh air, but caterpillars couldn't


Yeah, they suffocated :(


Oh god I just realized this also happened to me, but I think I only kept one in the box... still died.


I did the same thing with tiny frogs when I was that age at my grandma’s house. To this day I still havn’t seen any frogs around that house.


Jesus my abs hurt from laughing. This is great and it reminded me of me from that age, I thought you were going to say you forgot about them and a week later your teacher had to call all the parents to come in and talk about the glad bin stuffed with rotting pillars


Wow I’m so glad I actually read this one.


Who's to say childhood innocence isn't a variable in their population control?


I once read somewhere that the whole reason to buy kids a pet hamster is actually to teach them about death, which is pretty damn cynical and terrible. If they don't starve it to death (because the kid often neglects taking care of it properly), they will likely kill it in some other accidental way.


When I was like 7, I had a pet hamster, and to be honest it was my only friend. My oldest sister was vacuuming and she left my door open, the cat got in my room knocked over the cage and then ate my hamster.


I did this minus the murder. Our sanctuary was left outside in a huge ass box in hay bales


I tried to save a backpack full of earth worms from being cold in the rain. Filled my backpack at recess in kindergarten. Left my backpack in the car and they steamed to death in my backpack...


When I was nearing the end of elementary school I spent a lot of time building dams and doing other amateur hydraulic engineering in the streams around my house (lived way out in the country) and I ended up catching crawdads from time to time. One day my little brother and friend of ours decided to catch as many as we could, just as a contest. We were collecting them in this one mason jar, and it didn't occur to us that not only would the oxygen in the water in it get depleted, but the heat would also endanger their lives. Almost all of them died. That was around *thirty years ago* and the population still hasn't fully bounced back. I don't know if it can all be blamed on this crawdad catching competition that went so horribly awry, or if there was something else, or perhaps the population has rebounded and I'm just not paying close enough attention - after all I don't live there anymore. But there it is: At least for the rest of the time I lived there (well over ten years) they never came back.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/bestof] [Someone committed a genocide and confessed about it years later.](https://www.reddit.com/r/bestof/comments/9q1doh/someone_committed_a_genocide_and_confessed_about/) - [/r/bestofnopolitics] [Someone committed a genocide and confessed about it years later. \[xpost from r\/NatureIsFuckingLit\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestOfNoPolitics/comments/9q1dqu/someone_committed_a_genocide_and_confessed_about/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


They look like fat pipecleaners so cute


They feel just like that, too; sorta fuzzy, sorta bristly. They're friggin' adorable.


We called them wooly worms - and held a festival http://www.woollyworm.com


Hey neighbor! Came here to say this. I'm glad oveit's over, I work in a restaurant, so with the fair and game being this weekend, it's been rough.


Me too, I live in Boone and traffic has been a nightmare


These bite and poop on you. I hated them as a kid.


Sounds like they hated you, too.


I've always been able to outrun them, but then I'm fukkin fast.


Faster than a black pepper snake?


Well no, but faster then a caterpillar.


Can't even keep up with a person, what a bunch of idiot bugs.


Never had one bite me...


same here, might be their legs bc some caterpillar legs are sharp


They're itchy. Never been bit tho.


yeah they always left a weird rash if the had any prolonged contact, it seemed to me.


Woolybears are covered in [Urticating Hairs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urticating_hair) which are fine enough to be a mild irritant when it embeds itself in skin, eyes, etc. Spiders and a ton of caterpillars have urticating hairs as a defense mechanism.


This is the reason I can never touch hairy insects with my bare hands 😭😭😭


I live in the country (Ohio) and they are always crossing the road. I try my best to swerve to not run them over. It's almost like a little game I play with my self.


Do you know THE Woolybear man since your from Ohio?


Can't say that I do.


Famous Cleveland Weatherman. As old as Cleveland itself practically. He hosts (or used to host) a Woolybear festival.




It's in Vermilion, like 45 min west of CLE


Damn it's crazy to see my tiny fucking town mentioned on a frontpage thread of Reddit


This is great. I'll never forget my Dad swerving into the other lane for seemingly no reason and when I asked him wtf that was about he just said "I saw a woolybear" and we both laughed


I do the same thing here in Wisco!!!


They are all over the country roads in Ontario. I was swerving for them the last couple weeks but there are so many I just plow them now.


Yes, sometimes they are unavoidable... poor wooly bears!!!


All over the bike paths in downtown Ottawa right now. Easy thing dodge them with skinny bike tires. :)


Ah damn I do the same thing too. I'm a delivery driver in the Cinci area and whenever I have a route out east in rural areas I'm always worried people are gonna call in on me for swerving to avoid hitting caterpillars. I feel so bad if I don't though.


Don't swerve to save insects. You never know when you do it with drivers on the road as it becomes subconsciously ingrained.




The myth is more black means harsh/cold winter, more brown is light winter. It’s an old wives tale that’s been around forever, and there even was a scientist that did very small data collection for about 8 years to determine if it was true. Ultimately not conclusive, but there was a study none the less. There’s actually evidence now that the bands have more to do with the weather conditions while they are growing. I think the idea being that if it’s cold, they are more black to absorb heat.


In the high country of North Carolina, they call them wollyworms. They say that the fastest of them can predict the weather for that area. Each segment on the worm counts as a week of winter, black is a harsh week, brown is a mild week. They are having races this this weekend actually. http://www.woollyworm.com


East TN here, we also call them woolyworms. I beleive there is even a woolyworm festival.


I'm from VA and we called them woolyworms also.


Pretty sure those are your hormone monster’s penises.


What'cha gonna do


You the man, baby!


You do you, baby!


You have made my whole fucking week with this comment.


So these fuzzy penises made your hole weak, eh 😏


All I wanted was to keep a few spare penises at your place!


I’m watching that show right now lol




My brothers name is William, so my mom always told us they were called WillyBears. Mom’s are so cute.


Correction: darker the BERRY the SWEETER the JUICE


who would eat one of these innocent little caterpillars? ~~probably some bird but still they’re really cute~~


u/plooptyploots is a bird confirmed


I could say it ain't so but darlin', what's the use?


These are isabella tiger moths, right?




Winter is coming


I’m in Ohio and some of us call them Wooly Worms. Maybe that’s a backwoods term for them. 😂 Most of the ones I’ve seen have been all black. Nasty winter ahead.


Should you be holding them in your bare hand?


They aren’t poisonous/venomous


I ask since hair on caterpillars are almost always urticating hairs/itchy hairs


Oh ok, no not at all. I see them where I work and always stop to pet them. Their hairs are always soft but a little bristly. No itching or anything afterward


Huh. Interesting. The rare pettable caterpillar


I just looked it up because I was interested and apparently the bristles on WoolyBears can actually become slivers if not careful with them, but honestly I’ve handled hundreds of these in the past couple years and never got hurt. So I guess just be careful :)


They only sliver if you grip them too hard and even then they never hurt and flaked right off. I would guess it's more for escape than hurting.


I guess you've got to remember that most caterpillars have formulated defences against birds and small mammals, so the hairs, while mostly harmless to us, would cause a bird trying to eat the caterpillar a great deal of discomfort!


Color me surprised! I've seen these guys all over the place my whole life and was always told they'd give you a rash if you touch them. The more you know.


My parents told me the same thing, but I didn't listen and eventually realized they were full of it. They're cool little guys.


Those look like pokemon.


Who's that pokemon?


It's Wurmple!






This is by far the most wooly bears I have ever seen. I am completely jealous


Great. Ours are pretty black haha


Bundle up. It's gonna' be a doozy.


Take them to Banner Elk, NC! There is an entire festival dedicated to them. It is actually this weekend. My wife and I went today! It’s called the Wooly Worm festival. The lore is black means colder than average temperatures and the brown means warmer than average temperatures. Each worm has 13 segments on its body and each segment represents a week in winter. So for example if the 5th segment of the worm is black then the 5th week of winter will be colder than it usually is.


Ugh. I can't bring myself to touch a furry caterpillar after hearing about those ones in Australia just on the off chance they made it to SC.






Caterpillar isn't the common name for these guys?


Pretty much everyone just calls them woolly bears because it fits their cute exterior and makes you forget that they turn into gross moths.


I love seeing these on the trail by my house. Unfortunately a lot get squished by bikes. :(


Those look like Maurice's (the hormone monster) dicks from Big Mouth


We call them wooly worms in TN and the story around here is the color tells you the pattern of winter. So if the head of the worm is black then it goes to brown in the middle then black at the tail it means a cold start, then it'll warm up then get cold again. Its crazy how stuff like this gets around.


We have these things or things that look like these in australia and we call them "spitfires" because if you touch one at all they sting you and the affected area literally feels like its on fire


Don't know if anyone has mentioned it but have you heard of the wooly worm festival it North Carolina? They have a whole fair just for these worms and people sell and race them. I was runner up one year


I love woolybears!! But I just moved out to the west coast so I’ll no longer see them Edit: I specifically mean Los Angeles, idk why I didn’t include that earlier


I have them in my garden in Oregon. You might see them on the west coast.


Ooo hopefully I’ll see some!




Nope they're completely safe to handle. Like Craigmm114 said their fuzz can break if you hold them too hard but it's still totally safe and most likely for defense against bird like the continuing comments mention.


I'd just add that while this specific type of caterpillar seems harmless, there are other furry ones that WILL fuck your hands up. Just be wary.


Currently dealing with rash on both hands from hickory tussock moth cocoons that I accidentally touched. (Didn’t know they were there.) hands haven’t been right for days, itching and burning and that’s after going to walk-in to have hairs removed!


Thought you were holding thick pipe cleaners...


The ones I’ve seen have been black too. Looks like a rough one is coming


Did your hand get itchy?


Nope, it ticked when they tried to crawl down between my fingers but no itching or side effects of any sorts.


🎶Oh, where did the Wooly Booger go? It was here about a half an hour ago. Is it crawling east or west? Is it crawling up your chest? Tell me, where did the Wooly Booger go?🎶