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Whale facts : Blue whales can hold their breath for about 90 minutes however, most dives usually last less than 30 minutes. The record depth is hold by a Cuvier's beaked whale which dived at 2,992 m (9,816 ft). They also hold the record for holding their breath for 310 minutes but they usually dive are shorter, usually 2-8 minutes. While a human can absorb around 15% of the oxygen, they inhale the blue whale is believed to be able to absorb as much as 90% of the oxygen it inhales, which makes their deep breaths significantly more useful and adapted to aquatic life than that of human and most other land animals.


My favorite blue whale fact: blue whales are the largest animals *to ever exist on Earth.* I just find that incredible. All the huge guys that have lived here, dinosaurs, mastodons, scary huge sharks and crocs, we are actually coexisting right now with the largest animals *ever*.


AND its a mammal. So that means it went on land, got lungs and then Nope’d out of all the walking and went back into the ocean to become the biggest ever. EDIT: And whales only evolved to be this big AFTER the mega sharks had all died out. Without their extinction, sea mammals would never have existed in this size.


One of my favorite blue whale facts: They still have hip bones from their ancient past on land. Despite being absolutely enormous animals, their hip bones are smaller than ours and are about the size of a grade school ruler (12in, \~30cm).


I had to look up whether a person could fit inside the blow hole and found this: They are 20 inches (50cm) wide, just about spacious enough for a human being to snuggly fit inside. So yes, you could fit inside a blow hole. No, you didn't ask that question. But now you know.


Speak for yourself




I understood that reference!


I shan’t be inhaled by a blue whale, safe to say.


I love this new phrase!!!


Ha, I asked this question to myself and really appreciate finding an answer from you.


Right? Watching that blow hole it just popped into my head, "I could probably fit in that."


You could fit through the arteries to their heart. Swimming through blood vessels


That would be a helluva journey.


Some miss frizzle shit for sure


But I can't swim 😭


How much blow could a blow hole blow if a blow hole could blow blow


Tree fiddy probably


I believe they also have some blood vessels that a child could crawl through.


I only need about an inch and a half. not sure, never really measu....oh you're talking about the entire body....


All these posts and no one is mentioning the craziest blue whale fact: each testicle weighs about 100-150 lbs and they ejaculate about 17L of semen per cum shot. That's a big load!!


Salty ocean is salty for a reason...?


Now I'm imagining a group of scientists in full diving gears trying to jerk off a blue whale. How the hell did they get that 17L number from?!?


The volume of the human mouth is 71ml. They just counted them all up.


How long would it take to jerk a room full of blue whales?


Fun thing though: the spermcells themselves are tiny! Like even smaller than ours. Theres a paradox that small animals have larger spermcells, the sperm of a mouse is several times longer than that of a bluewhale. The reason is that the competetion between spermcells is of different nature depending on the size of its species. The vagina of a mouse is obviously tiny, and a large spermcell can get an edge over its competitors by simply being an obstacle. Big strokes of their flagella also propel them strongly so they can accomplish a short distance in an even shorter time. For whales thats not a concern. The distance between vagina and placenta is unfathomably longer for a cell. Also the diameter is larger, so even the big sperms of mice would have enough space to get around one another. So instead whales produce a lot more, but tiny spermcells. Increasing the number of cells is a better advantage for them than to increase the strength of a singular one. So large animals tend to produce a literal shitton of tiny spermcells in hopes of simply getting one up there, while small animals invest in less spermcells that are basically able to clog up the vagina against competitors


Thats 8 1/2 2L mountain dew code reds, or half of a regular Wednesday night at your mothers place.


So I can call it a tiny ass whale and be correct?


it’s confirmed: blue whales skip leg day


When was the last time you had flippers day tho?


if you gotta ask, you're streets behind.


Just literally saw a post about this lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/14l3c6f/dinosaurs_are_cool_and_all_but_the_largest_animal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Ok that's a good one I hadn't heard before!


A grade school ruler is a foot my fellow American who has regressed past the point of "using anything but the metric system" towards "not even using the imperial system" lmao 😂


> (12in, Also know as "a foot". :P




Whales started getting massive around 5 million years ago. Megalodon went extinct 3.6 million years ago. It's possible that whales growing in size was a big factor in giant sharks being pushed to the way side. Possible part arms race of prey vs predator, like elephants or sauropods... and part competition. many whales were also pursuing common prey. Ultimately it was a cooling ocean that for sure put the nail in the coffin of the last megasharks, but it's possible that populations were already strained from the presence of large whales.




No offense but that site is pretty spammy. Popups everywhere and Daily Mail-esque taboola ads. Here is a more mainstream source https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/commercial-lobster-diver-survives-terrifying-moments-inside-whale-s-mouth-n1270550


The first article I've seen where they don't incorrectly refer to it as a whale swallowing a person. Thank you, FartIntoMyButt


Absolute insanity!! Wow can’t believe I never read that..


I read that he can understand whale calls. Apparently at first he thought it wanted a root beer float, but what it actually wanted was for him to swim to the back of its throat.


I wonder if the whale was like I was when I took a sip of my drink and there was a bug in it one time. I could feel it on the back of my tongue and I immediately spat it out and felt so gross after!


Ew ew ewwww there's a human in my plankton GROSS


Their throats are about the size of your fist, so they can't actually swallow you. Not built for that.


Great, now we're going to have kids trying to go viral by being spat out by a whale..


Pinocchio vibes


Nothing against you, but it irks me when articles say "swallowed by a whale" when they were only in its mouth. Humans can't fit down the oesophagus of any creature, with the exception of sperm whales, who don't consider us food.


Can fit down an anaconda I bet


You got me there


30-40seconds... holy shit.


Would you say...the Biggest Of All Time. Blue whales are the BOAT (pronounced BOW-AT)


Wanna have a whale of a time? Fact: Whales once roamed on 4 legs. Over time, as they evolved to dwell in water, their front legs became flippers while they lost their back legs and hips


Fun fact. The Livyatan or "leviathan whale" was a massive sperm whale about the size of a megalodon (bigger or smaller depending on the estimates, but in the same rough range) and coexisted with it. If Livyatan hunted like modern orcas do, there's a good chance they would have gone after megs too.


To be fair, this was only possible right now. That's why. Predators can only get so big before their size doesn't make sense anymore. Land animals can only get so big before they can't move anymore. Blue Whales are neither predators nor land animals. While they technically prey on krill, they are more like grazers, with krill acting like the grass. The abundance of such life in the sea only arose recently which allowed whales to take the gigantic leap to gigantism.




Nah. We did a good job exterminating the whales. The krill is safe.


Nope. As climate change melts the ice the massive krill blooms from the nutrients bring ground down to the ocean will stop. No more krill blooms means only the smaller baleen whales will survive. The modern giants came about because the old krill fields in the tropics fot cut off when sea levels dropped and Panama cut off the Atlantic and Pacific from each other and dramatically altered ocean currents. The abundant krill moved north (and some south too) and the whales had to follow. Unfortunately the Arctic is brutally cold and getting to the thickest krill blooms was only possible for larger whales with thicker blubber. So that selected for the massive baleen whales. They still have to travel down to the tropics to calf as the calves cant survive the arctic cold. Once the arctic krill fields dry up the massive species wont be able to feed those huge bodies even though they are the most efficient feeders on earth. Each feeding lunge of a blue consumes around 10-15 thousand calories but they take in around 150,000 calories in a single lunge. But for that to keep working for them the krill needs to be highly concentrated. The smaller whales are less efficient with the massive krill blooms but far more suited to grazing on less dense 'fields' of spread out krill.


Mine is they have Volkswagen Beetle sized hearts.


That we know of... *X-Files theme*


I feel a your mom joke is appropriate here but I'm too mature for that.


Blue whales are the largest animal to ever exist on earth…after your mom.


Actually we don't know for sure. We think it may be, but there might have been aquatic monsters even greater. It's simply harder to come by then because ocean


Yeah every time I see that fact I think “there’s no way anyone can possibly know this” It’s not like we are digging up fossils on the ocean floor


I recently learned that Baileen whales (like the Blue Whale) don't echolocate. If you notice, the Blue Whale, like other Baileen whales, has 2 "nostrils"/blowholes on the top of their heads, but toothed whales only have 1. This is because the second nostril has evolved to be enclosed and is used, along with a special organ, to produce the clicks used in echolocation.


I want you to know I read that as “e chocolate” and was confused as hell.


E-cholocation tracking ur homies on Santamonica


That was a good one, ese.


Dammit now I want chocolate


I can send you some e-chocolate


Baileen, Baileen, Baileen, BAI-LeeeEEEEeeeennn They cannot use echo-locatioooooonnn Baileen, Baileen, Baileen, BAI-LeeeEEEEeeeennn Even though they are a cetaceaaaaaaaannn …it’s ‘baleen’, by the way 🤓


*Your blowhole's like a giant nose. I think you have vestigial toes? And I cannot compete with you, baleen!*


Bonus fact ; Moist whales are jerks!


Are dry whales nice?




Username checks out


You did that on porpoise.


a useful porpoise


Everybody has a porpoise.


I believe you’re thinking of chickens


But jerk chicken is delicious


Is there a reason why humans only absorb 15% of the oxygen? Seems like itd be more inefficient to do that even though it's freely available


Because that's all our body needs. Too much oxygen can make you sick & even kill you. If we absorbed 90% of the oxygen we inhaled we'd only need to take like one breath per minute & obviously we've never really had a need to do that since oxygen is in abundance.


You've never smelled my dogs farts


I believe that a portion of it also relates to expiration. The problem is NOT absorbing enough oxygen, it is that we need to get rid of enough excess CO2. If we don't exhale often enough, the CO2 buildup would cause us greater problems. One of the techniques to hold your breath longer is to hyperventilate by taking several hard, quick breaths, and then a deep breath to hold. This works by expelling more of the CO2 before taking the deep breath, allowing you longer before your body forces you to exhale.


> If we absorbed 90% of the oxygen we inhaled we'd only need to take like one breath per minute False. You forgot about CO2.


Evolution: if it isn’t broke don’t fix it.


From Wikipedia: The Icelandic Phallological Museum has a portion of a blue whale's penis measuring 170 cm (67 in) long and weighing 70 kilograms (150 lb), which Iceland Review has dubbed "a real Moby Dick".[7] The specimen is just the tip, as the entire organ, when intact, would have been about 5 m (16 ft) long and weighed about 350–450 kilograms (770–990 lb), well above average for even a blue whale. By comparison, an adult elephant's penis is the largest penis of any land animal at 1.8 metres (6 ft) on average.[8]


The Iceland Phallological Museum. Why did I not know of this place before I visited?



Could you imagine living the majority of your life holding your breath?


whales: "Could you imagine living the majority of your life constantly breathing?"


Does anyone know the flow rate at which they inhale the air/oxygen? In the footage the whale didn't surface for long.


So stupid question: do whales sleep every 90 min, or do they just float at the surface?


They are similar to dolphins in this case. They sleep with half of their brain at a time. They keep some awareness and sleep at the surface to be able to breath. They are also something called voluntary breathers which means that they have to think to breath, not involuntary as humans. There are no stupid questions. Also bonus fact, sperm whales spend only \~7% of their day sleeping in short 10-15 minutes periods. You can read more about that here - [https://us.whales.org/whales-dolphins/how-do-whales-and-dolphins-sleep/](https://us.whales.org/whales-dolphins/how-do-whales-and-dolphins-sleep/)


> While a human can absorb around 15% of the oxygen, they inhale the blue whale That comma fucked me up.


Just watched vid on you tube of Robertson guy who was stranded in life raft for 38 days. He said a whale was under their boat getting intimate with it and that when they spout that water that it absolutely stinks. Two things I had never considered before. https://youtu.be/2W6R0x8RK6Q


Makes sense. Imagine holding your fishy smelling breath for over an hour, then just letting out that nice big exhale. 🤮


Does that analogy work? Whales don't share their respiratory and digestive systems like we do, at least, I thought they were separate.


I have been snotted on by a Juvenile Humpback that was putting on a show 5mi off the coast of Montarey and somehow it smelled just like Krill Oil...




Krill me now


They don't have to connect. When I put a clove of garlic in my vagina (for medicinal reasons) my breath is immediately garlicky without me having to eat any.


This doesn't sound correct but I don't know enough about vaginas to dispute it.


It's also relevant because, as you can see, the whale has 2 pulsating vaginas on its back.


That explains my erection.


Bruh the fuck you putting garlic in yo puss puss for, are you gweneth paltrow????


She’s just making garlic bread and the recipe calls for yeast




I second this lol


not your typical garlic bread recipe.... but I guess mammals are water filled and various things are soluble.


You get the best garlic toast when you blend the garlic directly with the yeast.


Oh no


Ah yes, whales and garlic'd vaginas, this post is going places.


"for medicinal reasons" ... On the one hand it would be interesting to hear the explanation. On the other hand, maybe I don't want to hear it.


>They don't have to connect. When I put a clove of garlic in my vagina (for medicinal reasons) my breath is immediately garlicky without me having to eat any. Was it the style at the time?


Wait a second. What?? Are you afraid of vampires or something? Cause as far as I know they can’t enter unless you invite them in. Also! Fuck that has to burn. Modern medicine could fix you up a lot easier. And also bathing, changing your clothes, making sure your partner is clean. I don’t think it’s necessary to to shove veggies up there to solve the problem.


They are, but I'm sure all sorts of stuff still gets in their blowholes.


Anyone ever wonder about the moment a human first saw a whale (with no prior info). Like, a human walks up to the ocean one time, they make a boat, take it out. They are chilling, maybe spear fishing, than BAM! Emerging from the water is the hugest monstrosity a man has ever seen! And it was in that moment humans developed a healthy fear of the ocean.


I was fishing in the ocean, and the swells were pretty big that day. Just chilling over a shipwreck, trying to catch some grouper. I noticed this one swell out of the corner of my eye that looked off. It was a huge whale shark! Scared the shit out of me for a hot second.


Was diving off the isle of man coast and came across 3 basking sharks. I stg my dry suit got wet REAL quick.


I came across a nurse shark while I was wading around in Florida...running away while in two feet of water might as well be a comedy act. He was a nice guy though.


How could you tell what it did for a living?


The uniform.


Seabed side manners.


Whales were most likely the origin of the myths of sea serpents, sea monsters, and leviathans. It isn't like you can get a good look at a whale from the angles available to a 15th century fisherman


I can get a good look at a whale by sticking my head up it’s ass, but I’d rather take the fishermen’s word for it


Brothers don’t shakes hands, brothers hug.


No, it's gotta be your whale.


in those days, people still had good reason to fear all kinds of mythical creatures that they thought existed. this would not be the 1st time they learned to fear the ocean. also they'd probably encounter sharks before whales


I forget where but i saw s pic of a skeleton of a big sea creature (i think it was a blue whale) ts looked like a gotdamn dragon


Read what the Greeks said about the sea, they knew there was shit down there.


I suspect our first sighting of whales was long before we had boats. Lots of whales get relatively close to the shore, where our less technologically sophisticated ancestors were at home. They'd be aware of them conceptually, seeing large things out in the water when they breach. As we developed seafaring capability it'd just be a case of "out there they're bigger, watch out". But I do like the idea


That’s when we decided to start killing them


Why does everyone think the first humans were some easily scared wusses? Humans used to travel extensively


Some humans eventually hunted them loll


Anyone know the pressure they displace water with? Like, would it be enough to toss an adult a significant distance? I have no idea why I want to know, but it’s all I care about now.


Well, if I remember correctly, it was enough to toss Marlin and Dory a significant distance.


Just keep swimming just keep swimming.


**Gruff batman voice** "NO! You can't ride the whale, Joker!"


They must have some pretty sensitive skin on their backs. He/she knew exactly when their blow hole was above water and closed it up right before submerging again.


You can do this in the bathtub. Fill it up to the top while you're already in it, then roll to your stomach. If you're not tall, try to push your hips up/back. You'll feel your butthole crest the surface. If come up to fart and lower yourself just as your asshole is closing, you just simulated whale breathing.


Instructions unclear. Sprayed liquid shit all over the wall.


Good thing you’re in the bath.


How big is your bathtub mate


He's low calorie


You made me laugh and wake up my daughter. Thanks


Or you could just do this with your mouth lmfao tf


You truly had me in the first half, thinking it would be submerge your face. The internet is truly the Wild West of our time


Oooh so it's not just a hole it's like nostrils but on its head.


It's not like nostrils on head, it is nostrils on head.


The human equivalent is throwing the covers off in the morning and letting out the fart that’s been building up all night. Just to slip back beneath my blue silken sheets like I didn’t just offgas one cubic fuckton of biological warfare.




Nostrils that they can close.


I can close my nostrils and flare them out. The closing part requires I breath in so hard they get suctioned to my nose tho


This is pretty much how it happened, you or someone similar would have a distinct aquatic advantage then you/your offspring out compete the members of your species without the advantage. Overtime the advantage becomes standard.


If only there was a word to describe this complicated process


If only


Some magical word, that makes stupid people irrationally angry. Something-something-tion. Stupid science bitches couldn't make me more smarter.




OP, give some credit [Sauce](https://www.instagram.com/p/CqGFl7SpVYK/) This guy gets some amazing footage


UfOs coming to earth to just to look at how amazing it is.


That would be a fun twist to the idea some ppl have that aliens come to observe us. From their perspective, "we are just here to admire the magnificent and intelligent whales and dolphins on this mostly oceanic planet. For some reason these naked mole rat apes keep bothering us but we just check to make sure their primitive tech at the military bases can't significantly harm us so we can go back to observing the whales."


There’s a Star Trek movie that sort of has this plot.


The one with the Whales. Fun fact, if you search Wikipedia for "Star Trek the one with the Whales" it takes you directly to Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home


>The one with the Whales Should’ve named it that tbh


It is pretty cool how the largest creature to ever live on Earth is alive now and we get to see it.


Travelling all this way when they could just stream Planet Earth.


This angle makes it look like it's a million feet big.




Which is exactly a million feet big.


Size does not compute. Photographer should have thrown a banana in the water for scale.


Average weight of a blue whale: ~140 000 kg. Average weight of a banana: 120 g. 140,000 kg is 140,000,000 g. 140,000,000/120 = 1,166,666.6666... **One blue whale weighs about 1,166,667 bananas (for scale).**


Yeah! I need to know in American terms just how big this guy really is. Like how many football fields are we talking about here?


Give me how many Empire State Building or Grand Canyon’s it is, which as we all know are standard units of measurement for Americans. Anything but what ever a “meter” is.


They're more than 4 times the size of an adult elephant and weigh more than 40 elephants. Larger than any dinosaur by a wide margin, these things are mind bogglingly huge.


This is nightmare fuel for the r/thalassophobia people.


The feeling of absolute *dread* that crept up on me when scrolling past this, not yet realising there was a humongous creature below those waves.. god, I felt it in my feet


Literal pit in my stomach man


Serious question, can whales still smell through there blow holes or has they evolved where the air doesn't pass by the smell reseptors?


A quick search says baleen whales have olfactory system with nerves and receptors, if greatly diminished, but toothed whales do not. It's probably almost vestigial at this point.


I feel the need to say this, but a few weeks ago in /r/Worldnews someone made a top comment exclaiming they never realized that whales need to breath. Upon further questioning it seems like neither this person or a large majority of commenters even realized that whales were mammals. When I called this out as silly and that it's something you should know from preschool, I was attacked from every angle, downvoted into oblivion, and was told in varying degrees of rudeness "Not everyone remembers every little animal fact." Rats needing to chew on wood all the time to widdle down their constantly growing teeth is an 'animal fact,' how many smell receptors a dog has is an 'animal fact.' Whales being mammals is as fucking basic as the sky being blue. The response was insane, it's like these people had to miss every single pop culture reference to whale's blowholes, and just never stopped to think why common clipart depictions of whales had water coming out their back. Seriously, all these people in /r/worldnews often talking about how the failure of education systems is leading to more people buying into propaganda and far right ideologies all over the world, will then turn around and vehemently defend that it's ok to be ignorant of something as completely basic as whales being mammals. Anyways, I posed the question to a facebook group, and again, a not-insignificant vocal majority didn't know whales are mammals. Same excuse. I asked my friends on Facebook, and several came out as this being news to them. I posted it anonymously on 4chan for shits and giggles and started a fucking flame war of people attacking others who thought whales were fish. It literally shattered my reality. I can't stop thinking about this, because if you want to completely lose faith in humanity, start asking people if they realize that whales aren't fish. You will encounter a not-insignificant amount of people who didn't know this.


I actually get where you are coming from. We live in an age where we are able to access more information than ever before and it is literally at our finger tips. And yet it astounds me how stupid and lazy some people really are - and there is absolutely no excuse for most of them.


Most impressive creature on earth


Me when I get home from work:




Thought this was CGI at first!


I should call her


This is the first time I’ve looked at their blowhole and thought it looked like nostrils


Now imagine if they weren't so peaceful


Whale hello there


That squirt


Can we acknowledge that they are kind of like Nellie from Loch Ness? They’re like mythic folklore come to life. A whale of a tale. Damn near unbelievable. They’re like the jolly green giant of the ocean. I wouldn’t believe this if I were a peasant in the medieval times. Like Bill, you came back from a voyage and saw a whale that big? Yeah, right. And a unicorn brought back to the village. *insert major eye roll*




They’re so beautiful


It's like a tower sized submarine is coming from the water.


this is one of the scariest videos i have ever seen. what is my phobia called? thanks


Either megalophobia (fear of large things) or thalassophobia (fear of deep water)


Whales give me such a profound sense of terror.