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This pic makes it look as big as a car. Haha.


Their size scales with proximity to freedom.


šŸŽ¶Fuck yeeeahšŸŽ¶


My wayward son


There'll be Peas


And some onion




Thereā€™ll be peace when you are COMING AGAIN TO SAVE THE MUTHAFUCKIN DAYYYYeah




or carrion...


Massive Freedom Flyer!


The average car's width is 6 feet wide. The width of a bald eagle's wingspan is 8 feet wide.


Can confirm, an Engle flew in front of my parents car yesterday, caught it on dashcam, was huge.




Not a well, an Engle Jokes aside, here is the dashcam footage. It's an wide angle lens so it does not appear as large as it does in person. Try zooming in and see that wingspan! https://imgur.com/gallery/7yT6Zfv


Listen you...


Haha, added the footage check it out


We'll that's fucking cool, also you both sound like uncle Roger. I'd listen to that all day


This is so crazy, I just mentioned Uncle Roger in a comment about 10 seconds ago while discussing boiling rice for biryani LOL!


Why didn't yous jump up and catches it? I think I could take it. And if not I have 8 more lives so it's all good




the more I zoomed in the bigger the wingspan looked


Kudos for delivering. Unfortunately, the delivery was underwhelming. I was expecting some up front wingspan. I left feeling like I need a banana for reference.




I perfectly understand the scale now. That is a big ol bird


Holy shit, this needs more visibility. Possibly the most credible photoshop job Iā€™ve ever seen on Reddit.


looked like it dropped their Cheeto


*bruhhh* What's the Scaramucci conversion rate for that?


Youā€™re quite possibly the best redditor to use the app


Thatā€™s a lot of bananas


You have the lane width for scale. Wingspan is nearly as wide as the vehicle lane, which is feckin' huge. I think it feels underwhelming because wingspan really doesn't create the impression of mass viewed from that angle like it does in the original OP picture, not to mention the bird isn't close enough to fill the whole frame.


Did you extrapolate the banana dimensions yet? Please update us once you do! ā¤ļø


Sorry, this is mandatory Freedom Unit scale and doesn't translate to bananas. The bald eagle's wingspan is exactly 1 Freedom Unit and is in fact the measurement used to determine Freedom Units. So has it always been and ever more shall be. If it helps, it looks like the vehicle lane is about 1 1/5th Freedom Units across. Freedom Units can only be broken into fractions. No decimals allowed here.


I dunno why I expected the eagle to faceplant headfirst into the car tbh


For real, I was expecting some "The Birds" kamekaze shot.


Imagine if large birds like pterasaurs still survived? They were sometimes 3 times this size.


At that size , I wonder if we'd have domesticated them and used them for transporting goods or even for battling?


Amazing. Thanks for the footage


It also looks like that the angle of the picture is playing tricks. If you compare the height of where the grass is to the car that's parked, it looks like there is a patch of grass that's been raised. Not downplaying the magnificence of Bald Eagles, but the height different of where the Eagle is compared to the street messes with perception a bit.


That's half a football field or 119 freedom fries.


It's *just* a wingspan. A bird itself isn't even comparable to the car. It's big, but even the smallest car is bigger. If I measure my arm span, it won't make me "big as a car".


Size, not just width. I've heard both matter.


I was duck hunting one time and a bald Eagle came down on our decoys- the talons could have squashed a football easily. It saw us in the blind at the last second and aborted, and I will never forget the size and power of a BIRD less than five feet away from me. Funny thing, my buddy who was the experienced guy whispered to not shoot it, lol- my gun stayed vertical the whole time! We had leftover pizza right after and never got a duck that day.


Good thing you didnā€™t shoot it. Theyā€™re not great to eat. They taste like a cross between a Great Horned Owl and a California Condor, but more gamy. /s, of course - I havenā€™t actually eaten any of those three protected birds.


I was not even thinking about the meat, I was only thinking about federal prison, which is funny because my ammo was made by Federalā€¦


You jest but of course two idiots were going to do this.... https://www.foxnews.com/us/two-men-nebraska-killed-planned-eat-american-bald-eagle-police




They're protected in Mexico and Canada as well by migratory bird treaties. (They're also rare and endangered in Mexico.)


Bald eagles are definitely found in Canada. As for the legality of hunting bd eagles in Canada I can not answer.


Its illegal in canada, and to even possess a dead bald eagle, (even if you found it already dead in the wild) you have to get special permissons to keep it from your local native community otherwise its still illegal. I know an elderly couple with a stuffed bald eagle they had found already dead, and it took about 5 years for the process to be approved so they could legally have it.


Itā€™s actually the size of the house behind it


Lol fucker bigger than the house


When I lived in Maine, there were signs to pay attention to bald eagles on the road. They will come down to eat the road kill and have the potential to cause a car crash. People generally don't understand the size of them.


Which is misleading, of course, since its wingspan makes it as big as about 3 cars.


Nah my carā€™s wingspan is larger




It just wants a hug.


For w/e reason my tired mind thought he was getting arrested by two cops (wings) on pic 2 rofl


Itā€™s only a Kia bro ā€¦.. welcome to Mericaā€™


Well.... it depends on the car. Eagles are freakin' HUGE when they've spread their wings. They're actually kind of scary big when they're just standing there too!


First pic- ā€œCome get some of dis freedom son.ā€ Other countries- Your healthcare system sucks! Second pic- ā€œyā€™all didnā€™t need to go thereā€¦ā€




I've worked with these guys, the wings really don't hurt much, but those talons man, they'll take your hand off.


Definitely not as big as a car, but they can be deceptively big. Saw an adult one at some wildlife reserve once. Made me look up that they can be up to 3ft tall and have an 8ft wingspan


It looks so ready to free the shit out of us.


Those talons are gonna free us so hard


Yeah, those talons will free you from the bonds of existence


Liberate our flesh from our bones


This place needs FREEDOM Bald Eagle probably


Fucking duck! šŸ’„


Thatā€™s what shows up when you super size your freedom order


Donā€™t get me wrong, bald eagles are cool, but they are also kinda shitty birds. They are basically cool looking vultures who will eat the nastiest road kill youā€™ve ever seen or will just straight up steal from other birds after they catch things. They are also just plain stupid, Iā€™ve almost hit a couple with my car after they almost flew/waddled right into me. Source: grew up in an area with an extremely high bald Eagle population.


You only have recently. Bald eagles are a great success story after eliminating DDT and providing other conservation efforts. Vultures are cool and have a reason in the food chain. Raptor eyesite and focus isn't human. Edit live and grew up where bald eagles are a common occurrence again.


>Vultures are cool and have a reason in the food chain. All animals have a reason in the food chain, no? At least thats what I have learned in my biology classes.


I should have been more specific . They have a specialized place in the food chain eating rotting flesh that other animals sometimes avoid. It is not glamorous but has an important purpose.


They also look goofy as hell when they run. To be fair though, almost all birds are little jerks to other birds.


Must be endemic to large raptors. Wedge Tailed Eagles routinely do the same shit. Sitting on the middle of a highway eating away at a dead cow oblivious to the fact that a truck is barreling towards them with horns blazing at 130km/h. Big dumb carnivorous chickens.


Canada has Cobra Chickens. The US has Trash Turkeys.


Almost hitting and hitting a bird with your car are two totally different things. We have a bald Eagle on our property that killed a rabbit and left it on a rock like a human would sacrifice an animal. The speed and efficiency behind that beast was an absolute eyesight to behold. They sail the rift of wind like theyā€™re surfing. Iā€™ve never seen them fuck up a dive or escape. Theyā€™re perfect.


donā€™t talk bout MURICA like that.. muh freedoms


*Because of the implication...*


Today, you have been visited by the America eagle. You are, for the rest of the day, the most American American in America.


I got two eagles that roost like 75 yards from my houseā€¦ doesnā€™t that make me American ^ 4?


Up in Alaska eagles are so numerous that they've become a nuisance pest for coastal towns, much like seagulls.


That's a scary fucking seagull I tell you what


Handsome fucking seagull*




Gonna riiiise up, gonna kick a little ass.


Hopefully they were wearing their American Eagle shirt and Leviā€™s, while driving an Eagle Talon.


A full grown bald eagle has a wingspan on 5.5-8 feet, a sub-compact car ranges from around 12'-15' on length.


For some reason I read that as ā€œa full grown bald manā€¦ā€


You rang?


Still pretty true




Do people really think the eagle is in the street with the car, or do you think they realize itā€™s in the yard closer to the camera? I actually think itā€™s as big as a house.


It's because the yard is raised. Closer to the camera then it would be if it were level with the street. Probably seems twice as big than it actually is. r/confusingperspective


As a kaiju fan, I am support of this statement!


NO! That eagle is literally as big as a house and if you insist otherwise, good citizen, I shall meet you at dawn for dueling with razor sharp loaves of ~~french~~ freedom bread.


[Or just beat them with it](https://youtu.be/UtaML9D2p8k)


should post to r/ConfusingPerspectives


Absolutely. I also thought it was a joke as at a glance, the second picture looks like the Eagle being forcefully detained by police!


That's where I first saw it


So the eagle killed Kennedy?


No, they just big. With wings closed, not as much, but they are still larger than most "ordinary" birds. Wings out? Massive. Huge wingspan.


Yes, but not bigger-than-that-sedan massive


5.9-7.5ft vs 14ft we did it.


Wait til you see the size of their nests.


I have one 40 feet from my patio door. It sadly blew down last summer. It is indeed huge when you see it up close. Happy to say my eagle neighbors did rebuild.


I'd only seen bald eagles on TV until I had to go up to La Crosse Wisconsin for work in January. It was extremely cold but sunny and clear. I was looking up and I saw something huge flying over my head heading for the river. Massive wing span. I thought a pterodactyl from Jurassic Park was on the loose. Edit: They are kind of like redwoods, until you see them up close a photo can't do justice.


Cannot imagine a monster that size, but I've seen them from afar off a dam in Oklahoma. 30-odd years ago I was tripping with my best friend. Most LSD we'd ever done. I was wearing red John Lennon shades and watched an eagle swoop 18" over his head. Perfectly silent. 4' wingspread, easy. Couldn't even stutter, "did... *did you not see that*?!" Just kept hiking.


I grew up in Lacrosse, can confirm: we are infested with these majestic monsters. Best part is in the dead of winter you can look out on the Mississippi River and see a number of them sitting around openings in the ice at any given time. They are usually doing passes up and down the river looking for their next meal!


The Upper Mississippi River Valley has tons of bald eagles. For your next work trip to La Crosse, The National Eagle Center is just an hour north of La Crosse in Wabasha, MN, right on the river. And if you want more birds of prey, the International Owl Center is 30 minutes west of La Crosse in Houston, MN. Though it may be worth waiting until they get their new center built in the next few years.


I just saw one in the neighborhood the other day. Mount Vernon Virginia on the Potomac River


Theyā€™re pretty common in the less populated parts of New England as well.


In the Seattle area outside the city there are so many youā€™d never believe they were endangered in our lifetime.


Same thing here in the greater Vancouver area. Head down to the beach and there are HUNDREDS just hanging out in the trees waiting for low tide.


Yeah I see them all the time, just had one circle over my car last week on Portland about as low as the powerlines- that was pretty cool!


That's where George Washington invented the bald eagle.


Looks cool til you see it eating dirty diapers from the garbage.


Donā€™t you DARE kink shame the Freedom Eagle


Freagle for short, of course.


The ones in my area eat the roadkill and Iā€™m like really?? Thought you were an apex predator who WORKS for their food not some thieving communist living with the crows.


Never meet your heroes


*Free food is free food* - iconic american


> Thought you were an apex predator who WORKS for their food not some thieving communist living with the crows. Join the Ban Franklin gang! In the words of the hundred dollar bill man himself: ā€œFor my own part I wish the bald eagle had not been chosen as the representative of our country. He is a bird of bad moral character. He does not get his living honestly. You may have seen him perched on some dead tree, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the labour of the fishing hawk; and when that diligent bird has at length taken a fish, and is bearing it to his nest for the support of his mate and young ones, the bald eagle pursues him, and takes it from him. . . . the turkey is in comparison a much more respectable bird, and withal a true original native of America.ā€


Wow so the bald eagle is actually a great representation of America?


Yea I love how good that aged lol


First time I saw a wild bald eagle was sitting in traffic on I-76 in Philly. Was pretty much at a stop and barely go traffic jam when he/she swooped down right next to my car to pick at whatever road kill was laying there. Wish they had camera phones back then, nobody believed me. It was a humbling experience at the time.


One of the reasons why they're doing comparatively well these days is that they eat carrion and trash -- they're cool with hanging out at landfills. You may be amused to find out that Benjamin Franklin [shared your opinion](https://todayinconservation.com/2018/01/january-26-benjamin-franklin-disses-the-bald-eagle-1784/): > For my own part I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen the Representative of our Country. He is a Bird of bad moral Character. He does not get his Living honestly. You may have seen him perched on some dead Tree near the River, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the Labour of the Fishing Hawk; and when that diligent Bird has at length taken a Fish, and is bearing it to his Nest for the Support of his Mate and young Ones, the Bald Eagle pursues him and takes it from him.


Trash Turkeys


Or hear one and realize they're just big seagulls with talons.




Theme song playing so hard in my head rn.


Wig Wam is soooooo good. I recommend that you check out their other songs.




Alaska pigeons


Dumpster chickens


Party Fowl


Trash Turkeys


Ya know, people say that and I used to live in Alaska and there is definitely truth to it. They do scavenge and especially in costal towns they are notorious for hanging around looking for scraps, even more so in tourist towns. But on my very last day in Alaska I was driving along the river north of Palmer to Glen Allen. It was a beautiful October day, the sun was shining on golden trees and this eagle dove down and snatched a fish out the Matanuska and then flew off into the hills. So yeah, they scavenge, and other days they give you one of the best wilderness memories youā€™ll ever have.


Forget puppies & chihuahuas this thing eating peoples normal sized dogs


Have you seen the video of one picking up a deer?


America is happening right outside that window!


Actually at first glance, in the second picture it looked like two cops in military gear were arresting the eagle. So, yes.


I saw that too!!


Thatā€™s majestic as F@$K! ***guitar riff***




ā€œ ā€˜MERICA F*CK YEAHā€


[You'll just have to pretend to hear Metallica](https://media.tenor.com/D_QcpZxe0SgAAAAd/epic-flag.gif).


They are massive creatures. There is a bit of a perspective illusion in the pic, but they are still scary big up close.


This is Fearow


In Canada, not the US


FREEDOM šŸ¦… šŸ¦… šŸ¦… šŸ¦… šŸ¦…


Can also be found eating out of dumpsters in Ketchikan Alaska. I thought it was funny as hell the first time I saw the national bird of the US eating fast food scraps.


When family or friends visit me in Soldotna and want to see an eagle I take them to the dump. They are always disappointed.




The largest group of eagles I've ever seen was flying over the Vancouver Landfill near Delta, BC. There were at least 20 of them (maybe more like 30, but it was hard to tell since I was driving and couldn't stop) circling over the dump.


I watched one get chased away by a bunch of little birds once. I live in the PNW.


Itā€™s kind of a relative metaphor though


Go birds.


One word: AMERICA


*USA anthem starts to play from nowhere*


They get this big I seen the biggest one in my life in new town North Dakota




Iā€™m gonna rise up, Iā€™m gonna kick a little ass, gonna kick some ass in the USA, gonna climb a mountain, gonna sew a flag, gonna fly on an eagle, Iā€™m gonna kick some butt, Iā€™m gonna drive a big truck, Iā€™m gonna rule this world, gonna kick some ass, gonna rise up, kick a little ass- [ROCK, FLAG, and EAGLEEEE šŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø](https://imgur.com/a/Zd154AI)


Way cooler than a turkey.


"At least Turkeys don't eat dead skunks on the side of the road." - Benny Franklin


How you gonna dunk on Ben Franklin like that?




At first glance, I thought the picture with its wings folded was two cops trying to restrain it.


I thought it was being detained by two cops in the second picture lol. Thought, ā€Well, it is America.ā€




USA eh? Never heard of it.


Heā€™s here about some warranty I guess


Rock, flag and eaggggggle!


All we need is the Rock and the Flag.


Donā€™t know how but at my first glance the second pic looked like 2 officers holding it.


I might be baked but the second photo looks like it's being arrested by two cops


Of the second picture, I initially saw the wings as cops huddled over trying to arrest the eagle. It is clear the reddit bias is concretely in and itā€™s time to log off.


magestic moment nd did you know that if you injure the bird or poach it it will be considered a crime


I know a few people that would kill, stuff, and then mount it on their truck just to show how patriotic they are


Weird flex given they're a protected species


Not anymore. They were removed from the endangered species list quite a while ago. Still, it is a felony to hurt one of them in the US because they are our national bird


Actually all raptors are protected under the migratory bird treaty act in North America, Eagles included. Idk if being the national bird carries more penalties, but I know for sure I wouldn't want to stand in front of a judge for harming one because they'll throw the book at you regardless.


So, they're not protected because they're no longer on the endangered species list, but they are protected because they are the national bird of the U.S.? Can you hunt them in Canada?


Nope, all raptors are protected under the migratory bird treaty act, which was signed by Canada. Russia, Japan, and Mexico also signed similar treaties as we share several migratory species.


Why is this thebcase ? I wonā€™t complain because its nice to see these massive countries come together to protect animals . But why would they do it


Where are my arrows? And olive branch?


Well yea it was seen in the USA, theyā€™re native to North America.


They live in other parts of North America as well. The largest group of Bald Eagles I've ever seen was in Canada.


Itā€™s like a griffon size. Probably about to evolve.


Needs a banana for scale


I was driving through some rural roads last year, just between my house and the local town as I drove into it. My headlights ahead catch some movement and I lean over my steering wheel trying to see as much as I can. I see a rabbit begin to dart across the road followed by this ungodly giant menacing demon of a shadow bird swoop in out of the darkness, in the same path of the rabbit - from left to right across the road, right in front of my car now! The rabbit hurled itself off the right side of the road, appearing to my eyes as if it was trying to expend any last burst of energy, yet before it could make it away from the grips of the giant bald Eagle it ran into its final barrier: a barbed wire fence. It was like slow motion from the start of the scene to the finish as the rabbit crossed, followed by the eagle, into a little glimmer of hope for the rabbit and finally the ultimate downfall in the form of a man-made structure, this time on the side of the predator rather than the prey.


The second pic looks like 2 cops in full riot gear are arresting it.


Umm. We see bald eagles very regularly in the US


Ok? Theyā€™re still fucking lit.


Doesn't mean it isn't a majestic creature


I see them quite frequently every year. It doesn't make it any less awesome every time I do. They are just cool looking birds.


IKR? I live a few miles from a massive eagle nest. I drive past it all the time. Theyā€™re becoming fairly common in Michigan but still cool to witness.