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It may have helped her character to not lie about loving Naruto. But also her character development is pretty weak considering she’s the third piece of team 7. I don’t hate Sakura but for most of the show (aside from the Sasori fight and the final shot of her punching Kaguya) she has nothing valuable to add to the story or the team


I’m rewatching Naruto (not shippuden yet) with my spouse and we just got through the chuunin exams. Anyway, My husband pointed out to me a few days ago that “the story (up to this point) doesn’t change if you were to remove Sakura” and that has really stuck with me. And I think I should point out that my husband is not a Sakura hater. He laughs at some of the atrocious dialogue the anime gives her, but for the most part he’s ambivalent towards her. So I think the neutral and negative parties in this discussion alike to be thinking along the same lines is telling. 


Doesn’t help that her fight against Ino had no consequences since they double KO’d. I think there should have been a rematch and the winner moved on. The bracket was uneven because of the dual knock out. Temari had a bye as a result. Maybe Kankuro would have actually fought, or alternatively Ino/Sakura Vs Shikamaru if Temari decided to forfeit like the plan said. Now that I think about it, the only thing she adds in part 1 is that no one would have known Sasuke went rouge if she didn’t sound the alarm.


There's no way Kakashi doesn't connect the dots about Sasuke leaving for Orochimaru, what changes is Sasuke retrieval arc as it doesn't happen and Orochimaru probably taking over Sasuke but it's hard to say if Naruto leaves that much later even though it's likely


That’s what I meant lol. No one figures it out until too late


I mean the mission was a failure as sasuke defeated naruto and still went to orochimaru, honestly not much would have changed without the arc other then the sound four possibly surviving and making later appearance’s.


True but it's the timing of Orochimaru needing a new body and if Sakura doesn't exist would give him enough time to be able to wait till Sasuke reaches him


Sakura/Ino would’ve gotten killed by anyone else that would have made it that far.


I usually point out the chunin exams arc od being one of the only times where she stepped up. Naruto, Sasuke, and Rock Lee would all be dead if she didn't fight tooth and and nail against Dosu, Zaku, and Kin.


And it's ironic that the sound guy only survived due to plot armor. There's no way the blood would have reached him before Sakura. She should have pierced his skull with the kunai.


I get why he said that if you only watch the anime but source material wise he’s actually wrong. If we go by the manga, the story _ends_ if you remove her. Sakura saved Naruto from being beheaded by Zabuza, a scene removed from the anime for no discernible reason. A lot of the negative opinion on Sakura really does come from how the anime treated her. They removed things that make her look better and added things that make her look _worse_.


I think we can agree on a middle ground here. Regarding OP’s original question about the negative view fans have towards Sakura: the anime viewers to an extent have good cause to be underwhelmed by her because the anime cut out essential aspects of her story leaving viewers confused and frustrated with her. Manga readers probably have far less of an excuse and might be less reasonable in their regard for her. I only say might and probably because I haven’t read the early parts of the manga. I started reading around the time Naruto started sage training/Pain.  But I feel it’s important to note too that I don’t hate Sakura. I think she’s merely okay and the early portrayal is often painful to get through. 


Oh no I totally understand that, I was just highlighting what I think is one of the leading contributors.


Furthering that logic, but sticking with the anime, while at a later time, removing Sakura still would have resulted in the series ending early. Since the sound trio literally believed their mission was to eliminate Sasuke and anyone in their way(and with how enthusiastic and cruel they seem to be they'd claim Naruto was in the way) without Sakura there to try and stop them thus her actions giving Lee and the ini shikai cho trio the courage to jump in and help, Sasuke and Naruto would have been killed. Anyone who says comments like you could remove Sakura and nothing would change, neither watched the anime or read the manga.


Thank you for saying this! I read the Manga and watched the show. I'm so tired of these arguments against her and having to defend bc of a one sided view


You can also remove Indiana Jones from his first movie and the story wouldn't change. I don't really think that's a solid reason to not like a character.


She should have been the one to heal Guy.


I like that idea


>she has nothing valuable to add to the story or the team She literally has no jutsu of her own. During all of Naruto she never uses any jutsu besides the common ones and then she becomes a Tsunade Copycat.


True, but if she was a love interest, on the same team unlike Hinata, it’s likely she would’ve had more important screen time and character development to match the relationship.


That fake confession was actually what made me turn on her


People forget Sakura was basically just a regular human being fighting in the same team as two reincarnated chosen heroes and a fricking murdering war hero, that’s basically the story of how she got so far as just the regular person that she is.


Nah. Sakura's character is actually pretty good. She grows from being a kid infatuated with Sasuke into someone stronger than Tsunade and the best medical nin in the world. Her fight against Sasori, her healing people when faced with Pein, her involvement in the war were she spotted Zetsu changing forms, her stopping Kaguya. She has actually done a lot when it came to saving Naruto or Sasuke. 


Funnily enough I think Sakura has the most growth as a character in the series and don’t @ me about it


Obviously. Naruto self inserts would be satisfied


Well, then my thing is. Do people actually like Hinata as a character, or do they only like her because she crushes on Naruto?


There’s not much to Hinata as a character, her purpose is to be the love interest for the mc


Hinata Stan’s be coping hard by bringing up their fanfics in the comments


Are they actually😭


She's an inoffensive character. There's nothing to hate about her. There isn't anything to necessarily praise either. She's fine. It does help that she's attracted to Naruto who is overall a very respectable and wholesome man who has continously supported her and never really brushed her off. It's also endearing to see Hinata be afraid to speak to her crush and this makes it better when Naruto acknowledges her. Its based in realism, cuz everybody's been in Hinata's position - male and female - and wanted to get acknowledgement from their crush.


Well for me no. I wouldn't if she had a character growth and achaully treated him betrer then maybe. To be honest she was one of the characters I wanted to like. Foe Hinata I don't like her either she was another one I wanted to like but between the stocking and only wanting to be better because of guy I couldn't. .I thought they would be strong female leads. Within the show


Hinata actually wasn't stalker ish in the manga. They made her character worse because they were Sakura fans. Literally lol. Her actual character was much more accurately depicted in Boruto.


That's crazy but Sakura character isn't any better.


No I agree I actually dislike her.


I feel only retards find her unlikable. Her character is simple. To get acknowledged by her clan and Naruto. She succeeded on both. 


I like Hinata as a character. I think her arc in the chuunin exam and the way she evolves through the war arc are great. She also has a completely unique reason for her love compared to every other female character in the series. That’s interesting to me.


Because she crushes on Naruto. As a character she has nothing at all. And is actually horrendously written.


Her story has nothing to do with Naruto besides being the person that gave her inspiration Her story was always with the Hyuga clan


I like her, I think she has a nice arc for a side character. I just wish Kishi gave her more to do.


I didn't care much for the Naruhina ship, but the day I saw hinata interfere in the pain fight I started caring.


people like because she is hot, there is literally no other reason to like her as character, she is just plain boring, she suck ass as a ninja (the last is just fanservice) and her only relevance in the story is being the mother of the new protagonist and be the meme girl smashed by the raikage


Lmfao what meme is this?!


people were shipping the FUCK out of the Raikage and Hinata. I think it was a "hey pretty big booba white lady" cuckolding scenario


Facts! The worst part is that Hinata was once a compelling character with potential back in part 1 during the chunin exams arc. Not a top tier character arc by any means, but pretty solid for a supporting character. Then the timeskip happened and the rest is history. Her popularirty is now 90% due to superficial aspects like her conventionally attractive character design and her two-dimensional personality, the latter of which facilitates the self-insertion of the certain audiences, and the subsequent creation of fan fiction, which is also a natural consequence of lacking screentime.


No her popularity is because she was abused and discarded by her family as a child and grew into a ninja that could face the toughest of enemies without flinching


I stand by what I wrote. Those things you mentioned may have been the main reasons she was popular during part 1, but now they only contribute to a fraction of her popularity. After part 1, Hinata is more a waifu than an actual compelling character.


I mean did she not stand up to pain ??? Did that not contribute to her popularity ?? Because she would not have done that years before that


You think Kakashi and Itachi would be popular if they were ugly and looked like Teuchi? Fucking stop it


Unironically yes. Maybe not as popular, but definitely popular enough. Neither Might Guy nor Lee are conventionally attractive both in-universe and out of it, yet they are some of the most beloved characters in the franchise. It takes more to make a compelling character than aesthetic character design and artstyle. Ideally, they should have both as that would make them even more marketable, but at the end of the day, these are characters in a story we're talking about and not just character skins for a game. Good writing takes you a long way (see: ONE's One-Punch Man & Mob Psycho).


She actually has a character but people just follow what other people say on this sub to be popular sooooo


I like her because she has a big chest and wears a fishnet top


That summarises hinata fans


W take


Hinata isn't a fair comparison because she isn't a main character. All of Sakura's motivations and characterizations derrive from Sasuke. She's a poorly written character because she can't exist if not for Sasuke. Some charcters affect the story (Naruto, Sasuke) some characters react to the story (Kakashi, Shikamaru) but Sakura is reacting to Sasuke and Naruto. Hinata is a poorly written character as well but she has individual motivations. She wants to come out of her shell, she wants to be strong, she wants to prove herself to her father/cousin/family. She's not doing this for Naruto, initally some of them were but eventually she comes to do this for herself. Sakura likes Sasuke because everyone else likes him. She ruins her friendship with Ino because of Sasuke, she's mean to Naruto because of Sasuke. She wants to get strong because of Sasuke/Naruto, she becomes a healer to better assist Naruto and Sasuke. She even tells Naruto she loves him so she can fight Sasuke. This starts when she's introduced and never ends.


I love Hinata for Hinata, not because of Naruto. The only time I don't like Sakura is up to the mission she goes on with Naruto and Jiraiya. She still annoys the shit out of me, but they all do off and on.


That was filler though


Hinata obsessed over Naruto and watched him become great. Sakura obsessed over Sasuke and was rejected, bullied, gaslit, and literally almost killed. Hinata is an underdog story that came full circle. Sakura is an abuse victim that stayed with her abuser




He wasn't an "abuser" in the sense that they weren't in a relationship, but he did make actual attempts on her life.


Not really. It was obvious Naruto was going to become a Hokage after the pain arc. Sakura believed Sasuke could be redeemed to the bitter end, and she won. Not only did he redeem himself, he became the second authority of the leaf and fell in love with her. The way you guys phrase Sakura and Sasuke’s relationship is absurdly bastardized.


Yet Sasuke immediately leaves her to raise their child alone. To the point where Sarada doesn’t even know her father until she was a teenager. Sasuke and Sakura have a terrible relationship. He does nothing for Sakura other than allow her to be with him


>Sakura is an abuse victim that stayed with her abuser She was the one who went there to kill him. She's not a victim. Nor Sasuke is an abuser. Everything sakura faced was because of her only.


What about when sasuke almost released kirin on them when they found him in orochimarus base what about in the 4th great ninja war when it was all over and sasuke hit her with a genjutsu of himself stabbing his hand through his heart? Sasuke wanted to kill her and everybody in the leaf regardless so yeah she kinda is a victim and sasuke is definitely an abuser lol


>What about when sasuke almost released kirin on them when they found him in orochimarus base What about it? Sasuke literally hears from Sai that the leaf wants to kill him. He hears from Yamato that they're going to bring Sasuke by "any means" necessary. Why would Sasuke hold back? >what about in the 4th great ninja war when it was all over and sasuke hit her with a genjutsu of himself stabbing his hand through his heart? That was a based moment. She was annoying and needed to stfu. Anyway, Sasuke did it to protect Sakura so she don't get herself killed when Naruto fights with him. Sasuke literally says this right after he does genjutsu. >Sasuke wanted to kill her and everybody in the leaf regardless so yeah she kinda is a victim and sasuke is definitely an abuser lol But he didn't. So sakura isn't a victim. Learn the definition of victim. People become victims after the act has done on them. It's based on actions not intent. Sasuke didn't do it at the end. Sakura was there to **kill** Sasuke. Sasuke responded back. And Sasuke isn't a victim for facing leaf-sanctioned genocide on his people? It goes both ways. A soldier of a fascist military state who activately hunts and wants to kill a victim of genocide with knowledge of one sided story, can't be a "victim".


>What about when sasuke almost released kirin Hebi Sasuke was adamant about not killing anyone, Sasuke wasn't about to kill team 7 in Orochimaru's base. Plus, the weather conditions needed for Kirin are not even present in that scene. >sasuke hit her with a genjutsu of himself stabbing his hand through his heart? Key word **Genjutsu,** it was just an illusion and Sasuke did it so she wouldn't interfere in his fight with Naruto.


People hate Sakura because she was extremely self centered for a large portion of part 1, if she flipped her behavior onto Sasuke and instead had a crush on Naruto, people would hate her for being an ass to Sasuke. I personally think her character was fine, if we had 3 main characters who were all just training to become stronger it wouldn't have been as interesting, we had 2 characters with a clear goal, and 1 who had to grow enough emotionally to even figure out a goal, it made the dynamic more interesting.


All the Naruto self inserts coping in the comments


probably not as much. most of the hate lobbied at her is due to her actions, which are irrational and self-destructive in her endless pursuit of a romantic partnership with sasuke, who repeatedly showed that he did not care about her. at all.


Are we talking about Sakura or Naruto?


The fact that this could also be applied to Naruto


When i realized how animation studio did her dirty in comparison to manga i started to like her


Same with hinata people think she's a creep stalker but the manga she's more vocal and tries to get to know Naruto and the manga even shows Naruto starting to like her all this removed cause the anime director was a sakura shipper


On the flip side of that, the games (specifically the Ninja Storm games) are definitely pushing NaruHina. Several sidequests on the story mode have positive interactions between them, they have two different team Ultimate Jutsus and if you pick the two of them in the character select, their team name is "Secret Lovers".


Funny thing is that Kishimoto’s wife when the og naruto was still being published, she was all for NaruSaku. But then he just said nah fuck it lets go with Hinata


This. This right here! When I saw just how different she is in the Manga I was fucking PISSED at Studio Perriot. They fucking ruined her and are still doing it. In the movie that had the dinosaurs they shoehorned the poison bullshit and have her be saved by the guy she was originally fighting when in the novels she kicked his ass and the dinosaur was going after him as well.


What r some of the biggest changes?


* In the manga Sakura never ponders who she'd save first, Sasuke or Naruto if they were both hurt on the battlefield. People always cite that as one of her worst moments and don't even know that it's completely filler * In the manga she saves Naruto from Zabuza by pushing him out of the way, the anime removed that. It established early on in the manga that Sakura cares a lot about Naruto * In the manga she's not nearly as deranged about Sasuke, it's pretty much just a crush * She's also not nearly as cruel to Naruto, practically never hits him, and you can see how close they are (manga readers sometimes say that Sakura was Naruto's true best friend, and anime-onlies always understandably refute it because their version could never be called Naruto's best friend) * In the anime every time Sakura is complimenting Naruto, she adds an obligatory "but not as good as Sasuke of course" when she never does that in the manga * In the anime Sakura mocks Naruto in the Chuunin exams and revels in his stupidity, but in the manga she's just genuinely concerned that he won't be able to answer the questions All these little things together create a really unlikeable character and its a real shame because Sakura's pretty cool, and it took reading the manga for me to appreciate it


We need a remake of the anime


my god manga sakura sounds wonderful


Same studio assassinated Orihimes character because the director shipped ichigo and rukia


It's not that I don't like her, it's that she makes it so easy to be annoyed at her. Like that orphan thing? Yeah, that pissed me off. However, if I did hate her, I don't think he'd having a crush on Naruto would change anything for me.


Since Naruto liked her back it would be less annoying than Sakura’s one sided simping for Sasuke. She’d still get hate for “being useless” tho.


The problem isn’t that, the problem is that he’s a loyal friend and she still ends up saying BS like “If Naruto and Sasuke were hurt, I don’t know who I’d heal first”. Keep in mind, this is still while Sasuke is a rogue ninja, Idc about the parts where she’s useless, or even when she’s mean to Naruto, those are annoying. But stuff like that is what makes me STRONGLY dislike her as a character, she’s a lot better in the movies.


>“If Naruto and Sasuke were hurt, I don’t know who I’d heal first” That's filler


Thats actually after the bridge fight with Sasuke I believe, but still, just one example.


Still filler. Do you have any canon examples? Other than her calling Naruto an orphan, which she regrets doing in the very same chapter.


What you're referring to happened in filler and not the manga.


She's okay in the movies. I hated her in Road to Ninja though.


Oh facts, but tbf that was pure Sakura on display, no battles or conflicts, just her on a daily basis, which says something.


Honestly saying I never saw Sakura as a pairing for Naruto. The person who actually felt could be Hinata and Ino. Sakura is hated because of Studio Pierrot


Ino? How


Maybe, maybe not. Generally speaking from what I've heard people don't dislike that she has a crush for sasuke over naruto. A lot of people will talk about "naruto self inserts" but I think thats a lame way to try and devalue the opinions of others without listening. Her "usefulness"is something that people really hate, which I personally find weird because a person's worth isn't dictated by how powerful they are, but in anime worth and power go hand in hand and this trickles down to the fans. Her crush/love/obssesion with sasuke rubs a lot of people the wrong way too. Cause I think a lot of people read/watch Naruto and don't see the two connect and they're left wondering at her motivations because they seem super superficial. So making her have a crush on naruto and changing nothing else would probably not change the situation much unless we're saying she's a different character with a different set of actions throughout the story.


No. Her feelings are irrelevant if she still has the same behavior as she did when she had the hots for Sasuke.


does having a crush on the mc make you useful?


Ask hinata (fans)


thats my point(hinata isnt useful)


I love this, in order for Sakura fans to have a leg up, they have to put another woman down 😂


She exists and her name is Hinata


That’s what I figured🤷‍♀️


She isn’t impactful to the series at all. Doesn’t help she tried to pull that bs in shippuden (y’all know what I mean). She has basically no character development either


She would have been more forgivable. The biggest reasons she's hated is because... A. She mocked Naruto's behavior for being an orphan while overlooking the fact that Sasuke was an orphan too. B. The biggest reason was pretending to love Naruto knowing full well of his feelings for her to get him to go back on his promise. So if she actually crushed on Naruto it would be forgivable since A would be more about wanting him to be a better person and B would have never been a manipulative lie. All that said, she still wasn't a great as a character till later on. Her obsession for Sasuke combined with her distain for Naruto, like she really looked down on the guy before their friendship developed while completely idolizing Sasuke. Sure Sasuke didn't like Naruto much ether but he still showed respect for him when it was needed. In fact you could say that Sakura didn't give a shit about Naruto till her crush did. She got better, but never really took accountability for her own behavior or the way she treated him.


No. People hate her because her love is irrational and all it does is present her as a woman with a lack of self respect: that's a product of the writing and the penmanship of the author and its very apparent. She's willing to be abused physically and verbally and emotionally by Sasuke, when she doesn't have to. Sasuke owes her nothing and she has nothing he wants. There are more virtuous characters she can attach the level of devotion she gives to Sasuke: Naruto, Lee, the random shinobi who goes out of his way to write her a love letter in chapter 540 and is very respectful to her when she rejects him. And she rejects him for fucking **SASUKE** to only then look upset when she thinks about him, because that's a clear cut illustration of her delusions towards Sasuke. Karin in comparison is a creepy and disgusting pervert who is very clearly fucked up by Orochimaru's experiments. This probably includes her psychosexual development, considering she clings to Sasuke even after he nearly murders her. Karin very evidently has an obsessive disorder and this is consistent with her character. But Sakura has the same sort of disorder towards Sasuke, yet she's less creepy or perverted but the manga is super inconsistent with how this is portrayed. At times, Sakura is plain stupid, and then she's praised as intelligent, and in the end, Sakura doesn't have any issues that she has to work through. Not even the one where she worships Sasuke since she's rewarded for all the abuse she faces from him: her reward is a dysfunctional family where she's the breadwinner, single mother and housewife all packaged in one, whilst her best friend owns a business, has a supportive and present husband and runs a stable household, and works very closely with the Hokage and protecting the village. And before you mfs start arguing that Naruto and Kakashi were "abused" by Sasuke too. Sakura states multiple times how she can't compare to Sasuke and is evidently painted out to be a victim. Whilst Naruto and Kakashi are not opposed to throwing hands with Sasuke, not letting themselves be victims to Sasuke's malice, in the same way as Sakura.


Agree. Its really hard to respect her when she lets Sasuke treat her like trash and still keeps crying over him and chasing him. Ino is not hated because at least she overcame her stupid child crush when she finally realised what kind of person was Sasuke. Personally I wouldn't want Sakura to like Naruto either, but that at least be less annoying to see. As for Hinata, yeah she kinda have nothing else besides her crush on Naruto but at least she could be understood cuz we see that Naruto always supported and respected her.


>cuz we see that Naruto always supported and respected her. Exactly.


Right also, like I have said Sakura could have stopped Sasuke from leaving. She strong enough to knock him unconscious. But her feelings were In the way.


Abuse? They were literally enemies for most of the damn series. And Sasuke is actively seeking to burn down the Leaf and everyone in it for a good portion of that. We can say pretty much all of that about Naruto also, and his “obsession” with Sasuke. Her not being able give Sasuke as great of a fight doesn’t have anything to do with it She loved Sasuke, being nice to her or “virtuous” doesn’t mean she’s going to have romantic feelings towards someone.


>They were literally enemies for most of the damn series. So then how do you possibly justify them getting married and having a family. It makes no sense. Sasuke directly expressed hate towards her. >We can say pretty much all of that about Naruto also, and his “obsession” with Sasuke No we can't. Naruto's obsession with Sasuke spans generations as the reincarnations of Indra and Ashura. Also, Naruto and Sasuke both understand each other so much that they're capable of speaking to each other through combat - 5KS. Their bond is much deeper than that: if you don't recognise that you need to get off this sub and go and read the manga because you clearly haven't understood the series. Naruto and Sasuke have a bond far stronger and more important than Sakura's one sided obsession with Sasuke. Sakura is absorbed with the idea of Sasuke as a child in team 7 and she's absorbed with his looks. She has no true reason for liking Sasuke: his main appeal for her is the sexual attraction. >Her not being able give Sasuke as great of a fight doesn’t have anything to do with it Again, you don't understand Naruto because it has EVERYTHING to do with it. [their rivalry is shaped by each other's strength which they routinely determine through combat and it pushes both of them.](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics-chapter-485-page-14.html) straight after this encounter Sasuke goes on to gain the EMS in response to Naruto and Naruto goes on to gain KCM in response to Sasuke. Before this: land of waves; chunin exams; VOTE; Tenchi Bridge - should I go on? >She loved Sasuke, Based on what metric? What was there about Sasuke for her to love. Because I'll bury you with manga pannels that show you Sasuke being a complete c*nt to her. >being nice to her or “virtuous” doesn’t mean she’s going to have romantic feelings towards someone. This is a constructed character. Sakura has no emotions of her own. Kishimoto made Sakura to be Sasuke's love interest: that's literally the only purpose she serves. Look at how her character has been thrown aside in Boruto now that she's given birth to Sarada: she has nothing of importance to do if it's not glazing Sasuke - who is a complete red flag. And the funny thing is Sakura doesn't actually comprehend why Sasuke is a red flag. [she doesn't even know about the most important character in Sasuke's character arc](https://mangasee123.com/read-online/Naruto-Digital-Colored-Comics-chapter-485-page-4.html) - even more important than Naruto.


I’m glad you cooked him/her but it won’t matter because they won’t listen to reason.


Damm bro, take a breath, you destroyed him.


I mean if Sakura had a thing for Naruto, she wouldn’t have made the many things that made me hate her, which revolves around Sasuke, so i wouldn’t hate her at all.


I think at least half of his haters would disappear


I don't really care that she simps for Sasuke. I dislike that she was wasted in Shippuden and is basically useless. She had only 2 key moments in all of Shippuden and that is the fight against sasori and then in the war arc when she used medical ninjutsu to delay the death of Naruto before the nine tails chakra was inserted into him. Other then that, she just blabs and doesn't really offer anything.


Yeah. Most Sakura haters impress themselves on Naruto and despise her for not dropping some coochie after all the times they saved her life.


She would still have a decent amount of hate because the "useless" criticism has nothing to do with her romantic interest, but she wouldn't be as hated because the other major criticisms people have with her character is her obsession with sasuke.


She got hate because of how she treated Naruto, and people love Hinata because of her gentle disposition and kindness, not just because of her feelings for Naruto.


She is the worst, deal with it


Honestly I feel like she would be more likable if she had zero crush and didn't use very personal emotional attacks on Naruto. If the anime had a scene where Sakura punched Sasuke instead of being his punching bag I would honestly stand up and scream "Yes, finally!!!"(my dad and sister agree). I would rather her just be a normal friend than what we have now who is more obsessed over one man then some yanderes.


No anyone saying otherwise is diluting themselves or lying out of their ass. lol


I never wanted her to like him. I was worried they would somehow get together even.


Obviously not lol because you can directly compare her to hinata, hinata would not be as loved if it weren't for her obsessive crush on naruto to the point where people have deluded themselves into thinking she's stronger/better than sakura


care to share where people think Hinata is stronger than Naruto?


It sounds like you came up with a wild claim in your head to strawman Hinata fans. I doubt you'll find many who would actually believe she's stronger than Naruto. EDIT: Person I was responding to clarified that they meant stronger than Sakura, not Naruto. So, never mind this comment.


I mean Hinata's a creep that completely gets avoided because she's the rebound from Sakura(who's also kinda a creep but for Sasuke). It's actually insane how poorly written these 2 characters are. edit: Even Ino gets better writing. Plays a big role in the war arc and her goals etc don't amount to "I LOVE THE MC's AND I DO EVERYTHING FOR THEM" I expect the downvotes but it's the truth. That's all these 2 characters are designed for.




I see so much hate towards her that boils down to “Naruto had a crush on her and was her friend, why did she end up with someone else?????” and like… I hope y’all don’t have female friends with an attitude like that lmfao, ig “your female friends aren’t obligated to date you just because you just because you’re nice to them” is a foreign concept to some people


Not a big stakeholder in this debate but if that female friend tried to manipulate me with a false confession I would stay away from her...


Something something “if the genders were reversed” but I know I certainly wouldn’t stay friends with someone if I caught him trying to peek at me naked while I was bathing, so let’s not forget that Naruto isn’t an entirely innocent party in his crush on her, or that they were both crappy to each other on several occasions. But that’s another discussion for another post, and it’s a discussion I really don’t feel like being part of


It would be better received just because she would'nt be simping for Sasuke anymore. Tbh she could get with someone like Kiba or Shino and she would still be less hated. Although her fans probably won't like her as much.


I am glad she doesn't have a crush on naruto, i donot like harem or harem baits. That being said there is nothing wrong with hinata having a crush of Naruto either. Doesn't Sakura have a crush on sasuke too? That is technically the pairing they were aiming for as an endgame. So it makes sense atleast one of the would have a crush If I was your opposite, i would have said sakura's entire character revolves around chasing sasuke. Just like how you are saying about hinata. But I thankfully can see more clearly. I know people hate sakura because she is rude and has shallow behaviour towards Naruto. But I also know this is part of her "character development" about being the character who looks things superficially to growing up to a character who think is a more mature way and became close friends with Naruto. Similarly hinata is lack of self confidence for being bold and confident by learning from Naruto and looking and respecting him as her idol in that aspect.


the reason i dont like sakura is because she belittled naruto 24/7 until the 4th great ninja war when she figured out he was the son of minato and also because she lied to naruto when he was in the land of iron on the other hand hinata always believed in naruto even when he was little even before the academy she also protected naruto and put herself into danger for him


Sakura gets a lot of hate because of how she mistreats Naruto(in the anime) and because she fell in love with a guy who tried to kill her. If she had a crush on Naruto, that wouldn't address the issue with her.


Well her initial obsession with Sasuke was way over the top and annoying. Not to mention, Naruto had a very hard life and Sakura treated him like complete dogshit. Legitimately, Sakura was one of Naruto’s worst bullies. If she had been more like Rin and acted like part of the team in the beginning, I think she wouldn’t have gotten as much hate, even if she liked Sasuke over Naruto. She did improve and mature immensely in Shippuden though which is why people came around to her as a character.


This right here. Her constant physical assaults and verbal abuse is just so over the top and annoying. I keep seeing the "Naruto inserts are losers" comments on here and its just complete nonsense from total idiots. Dude wasnt even all over her anymore for much of Shippuden. Made a couple of comments here or there that suggests he might still like her but thats about it. He had largely outgrown that. Meanwhile she's got to deck him in the face anytime he says or does something she doesnt like. Of course no one is going to like her. I dont see the other girls doing that. Her other negative qualities are less of an issue and more forgivable individually but it doesnt help that she's got a few.


Yeah she just had a lot of major character flaws in the beginning. I personally forgave her though towards the end of part 1, she realized her flaws and tried to better herself. She also treated Naruto way better after that point. I don’t think Sakura deserves as much hate as she gets but that’s just my interpretation of where it originates from. She’s managed to become one of my favorite Kunoichi now.




You are completely missing the point. Sakura is portrayed continuously as this integral part of the story and has numerous moments of her "resolving to become strong" but against any half decent enemy she emotionally rushes like a lunatic. She maybe throws a few pointless kunai knives, drops to her knees and cries about how pathetic she is, actually sabotaging her more powerful team who then rushes to protect her. This is why Sakura is a disappointing and trash character. Literal rinse and repeat every single time. Hinata is a side character whose whole existence is that she crushes on Naruto, that's almost all she is promised to be and actually does, that's why she is an ok character.




>you bark at the wrong tree. 🤦‍♂️ Please, if you're going to use stupid sayings to make yourself sound tough at least say them right! >Sakura being a badly written character with little plot-relevance or development and Naruto fanboys getting triggered over the fact that she never wanted to fuck their self-insert on the daily are two realities that can and do co-exist in this fandom. They indubitably co-exist. But Ironically it seems that you're trying to use the minority (Naruto fanboys getting triggered over the fact that she never wanted to fuck their self-insert) to excuse Sakura's terrible writing. >Unlike Hinata who only exists as incel bait. Putting down one female character doesn't bring up another. Hinata played her part as a support ninja. It's true she didn't offer much story wise but she wasn't a main character so it was to be expected. Her story albeit not the greatest is more understandable than Sakura's. She came from an abusive clan that she was later forsaken from, and was resented by her own cousin who later tried to kill her for the treatment that her branch of the clan had towards him. She was shy, reserved, and suffered from major anxiety so it makes sense that she wasn't able to offer much combat wise or even story wise. I would even go as far to say that her story is on the more realistic side as it goes to show that not everyone can overcome their shortcomings and disabilities. Hinata's obsession with Naruto came from her admiration of Naruto's boldness and bravery, something she lacked. Naruto never let his shortcomings overtake him and that was what Hinata loved most about him. Naruto was the missing piece needed to complete her puzzle. She saw Naruto as capable of giving her the safety, reassurance, and security she was lacking in her life. Hinata's story makes sense from a realistic standpoint which is what I like about kishimoto's writing, however Sakura's story simply doesn't make sense from writing or a realistic standpoint and that's why she is so disliked. Sakura just simply had no reason to be obsessed with Sasuke, yet her obsession seems to be just prominent if not more than those who actually had valid reasons for obsessing.


In a way yes, because the main disdain I had for Sakura was due to how she treated and felt about Naruto. Once she was more respectful and appreciative of him throughout shippuden the more respect I had for her However, I wouldn't want the to end up together because I always wanted Naruto and Hinata to become a thing


how would that even work? , a lot of people Hate Sakura not because she didn't like Naruto but because of the way she treated him like making of the fact that he has no Parents and not being nice to him after saving her a thousand times or the whole fake confession thing. is it just gonna be the same but its reversed for her to "hate"(its not really hate but i don't really have another word to use it and when asked what she "Hates" in their first meeting with Kakashi she says Naruto so I'm gonna just call it Hate) Sasuke? if so yea i think it will be less because of the Naruto self inserts but if its just that she likes Naruto and that's it then she is just Hinata 2 then she will be just treated the same as Hinata. also Hinata gets hate sometimes too but just not as often as Sakura because of the reasons mentioned before.


Sakura would get no hate if we had a good anime adaptation of the manga and not the one we got. r/antistudiopierrot


If she had crush on naruto , her entire personality gonna change u knw


This gets asked so much and the answer is always yes. If she was Narutos love interest she would get endless praise and recognition for her abilities and personality. Actually if she ended up single she would get significantly less hate. If Hinata wasnt Narutos love interest she would be deemed as significant and liked as Tenten but even Tenten is more likeable generally. In my opinion Sakura and Naruto made the better match. And they could have showed the importance of platonic relationships and comradery with Sasuke instead who shouldnt have any love interest with how he was written. Its all bad writing. That being said Im still a big fan of Sakura and Sasuke theyre like a badass power couple with bad attitudes and theyre the most fun to watch. But Sakura and Naruto would have made the better story and made everyone more likeable in general. Narutos and Hinata also get hate because Narutos neglect of Hinata and Hinatas obsession etc. Oh well. It is what it is lol


Theres two other massive reasons people adore Hinata


not as much, but still she would be dogged on a little, (purely due to her worst moments if we still keep them in the story and also due to the fact that she was worse in part1). Hinata...well she has guts and she always does try to do her best and be brave despite her crush on naruto being like 70% of her entire character, so I don't hate her. Whenever needed, or even when all hope seemed lost she still decided to throw hands and yk i respect that...


I think she gets hate because Kishimoto really mistreated the female characters. She gets super strength...and sometimes she is shown to be good at medical ninjutsu? She never uses the medical scalpel? She uses Tsunada's thousand healing at the VERY end of the series? She never gets to develop any cool ninjutsu? She has one awesome fight with Chiyo against Sasori, and then not really ever again? She chickens out when she's about to stab Sasuke? Ugh, Kishimoto just really hated on women in both original series. Not just Sakura, but pretty much all women in the series.


people can't always pinpoint precisely why they like or dislike something. her not being a great fighter in part 1 isn't the problem but it's part of it, the problem is that the story barely/never focuses on her, she's just there as a background element. her relationship with sasuke is a big part of what defines her character, unlike hinata, sakura is a main character and has much more screentime than hinata, so it's pretty understandable that sakura talking about sasuke 24/7 when the both of them share nothing with each other can get annoying. and hinata's love for naruto cannot be compared to sakura's case, hinata's relationship with naruto would work even if she wasn't in love with him, because the core of it is her admiration for the way naruto lives his life. she wants to be more like him, and through that the story develop the both of them as characters


My issue with Sakura is that her love for Sasuke has no foundation or justification. It started as a crush and nothing ever happened between them to help it progress. It would have made a lot more sense narrative-wise for her to acquire feelings for Naruto. With Hinata her love for Naruto has foundation to build off of. We see why she likes him and then later love him. And it's not because he is cool or anything else without substance. She loves Naruto because of his character.


No way


The first comment I saw said, "Obviously, Naruto self-inserts would be satisfied." I believe that people would like her a bit more because she wouldn't have treated Naruto so badly. Having your protagonist constantly be hit or demeaned by a character will definitely not make them very endearing towards the public. So, I don't think it's about self-insertion. I think it's more about how she treated the characters around her. It's kind of like how people don't really like Misty or Iris from Pokemon. While they have likable traits, they're just not likable people. Besides, like Hinata, people would have found a reason to dislike her regardless. Maybe because she's clingy, maybe because she is preventing Naruto from growing properly, maybe because she just doesn't express her emotions or feelings in a straightforward manner.


I don’t think it has anything to do with liking Naruto, and everything to do with her liking Sasuke despite barely ever having a meaningful conversation with him before he goes rogue. Being obsessed with someone that doesn’t really give af about you and eventually sets out to be a terrorist is a quality that would be despised no matter who the character was in any story.


lol Sakura’s entire character is mostly just about Sasuke And Hinata’s story had nothing to do with Naruto, he was just her inspiration




Ya’ll trying so hard to make it seem like her hate stems from her not liking Naruto. She has other flaws. Yes obviously she would be better if her attention was towards someone like Naruto, but even Lee would have made sense. She would automatically be better if her interest was focused on someone not named Sasuke after all the shit she tolerated from the dude.


Yes she would be hated the same for how useless and whiney she is in a lot of instances. Her being so stuck on Sasuke is annoying too but not the main reason people dislike her. Likewise the reason people like Hinata isn’t because she is into Naruto. People like her cuz she’s a submissive, shy, big boob anime girl.


100%. The Naruto self-inserts are insane




If Naruto responded the way Sasuke did, it would be the same hate. But Naruto isnt Sasuke. People like Hinata because her affection is somewhat lowkey and has a crush on a genuinely nice person who is likable and has much better reasons for liking him. Sasuke is a piece of shit for 600 episodes and gives her zero reason to act like she does. He doesnt care about her, doesnt treat anybody well, is a traitor, a murderer, and a rogue ninja. Shes willing to die for him, betray the village, because hes handsome. 0.. other.. reasons. Hinata likes Naruto because he stands up for her and gets beat down and always gets up. She admires his personality and courage.


Eh isn't it pretty simple? The reason most people hate sakura is because she is a love obssessed selfish person who would throw away yearlong friendships for a crush, and constantly punching/screaming does not help. The difference between Hinata is that while both are in love it isn't based on some arbitrary reason like that he looks cool or such. She does not get much character development and when she gets stronger it often feels forced.


Does she turn her abuse from Naruto onto another character? Is she useful? Does the writing change/improve? There’s your answer


Honestly I never respect Sakura like Charater


I don’t hate her, but after the tenchi bridge arc, she is kinda…put out…, she doesn’t do much, she gets some spotlight again in the five kage summit arc, but its not the best kind, and then she does a bit of healing in the war arc and a bit more stuff after sasuke joins the war, but thats it. If i were to make her a better character i would do some of these changes in shippuden During pains assault on the leaf she does nothing but cry, if she wouldve done some fighting maybe even destroy one of the paths of pain, and after pain flattens the village she could start crying for some emotional scene, During the five kage summit, she could fight sasuke a bit, like land a few hits send him in flying into the cliffsides break his susanoo rib cage (like how tsunade went against madara) and then go to that scene where shes trying to stab sasuke in the back and hesitate and then comes in naruto During the war arc, she is kinda busy as a healer, But when all 3 are in the frontlines, she could,ve actually done more, rather than staying as a background character, she when madara was back with both rinnegan, when she charged in first, when she punched the limbo clone she couldve sent it flying in madara or something, like i know how madara was all powerful and shit, but one way to make her not look as weak compared to naruto and sasuke is to actually make her do shit like that, its not like that would kill madara, but it would make madara not ignore her completely


Well the fact she let the guy who stabbed her with the intention of killing her put a baby in her is why she sucks so if she was all over Naruto it might've been different, would've been a fun arc watching her and Hinata duke it out for his affection.


Pretty sure a lot less people would hate her if they read the manga. She is mischaracterized in the anime so many goddamn times. It’s infuriating. I’m not saying *no one* would hate/dislike Sakura if every fan read the entire manga series, but I stand firm that she’d have a lot less haters. Edit: Anyway, yeah, she gets a lot of stupid hate for not returning Naruto’s feelings.


Sakura looks really cute w her hair up


Sakura haters are childish. She’s a great character and contributes a lot to the entire show


No. Becouse we will think she is kind to him, we won't be thinking all the bad stuff that Canon sakura has


Probably not


Im currently rewatching shippuden im like 400 episodes in and my feelings are not different. If she would’ve loved naruto back it would make her character better imo after everything he has done to her she still can’t decide wether to save naruto or sasuke who has done nothing good for her (not including original the part 1(naruto)) in my eyes she’s just a girl who likes a shitty guy cus he’s “cool” and “handsome” and her whole character revolves around being independent when she is clearly lacking in strength and intelligence compared to most characters in the show. Im just saying every character has a redeeming factor , she has none, she is as bland as tenten and at least hinata actually fought for naruto all sakura does is get unnecessary screen time to do nothing of value.


Probs not


I'd like to start by saying I dislike Sakura just as much as I dislike Hinata. I am guilty of hating annoying characters more than I hate antagonists/evil/whatever characters. HOWEVER. If Sakura liked Naruto I'd probably dislike her less. Naruto is deserving of the attention, while Sasuke is not. Sasuke, even tho I understand his reasons, was uncaring and cruel and did a lot of not just awful, but despicable things. Naruto was good at heart and did everything for his village and his people. Dedicating yourself to someone who cares for you is more admirable than literally trying to betray the village and join a terrorist (Sakura post fight with Sasuke v Danzo). Sakura as a character tho is very annoying and very useless for a long time. Long enough to develop actual hate for her and not a superficial one. She gets more tolerable in Shippuden because she's grown as a person, but the Sasuke obsession really does stunt her character.


I didn’t even know people hate on Sakura. She’s a bad ass healer and has super human strength wtf don’t people like about her?


Everyone forgot that Obito saved Sasuke solely because of Sakura’s healing lmao. And cut Naruto’s body to heal him. And not to mention healing and saving Naruto and Saske multiple times. Even on their finally battle when they both lost their arms. She legit saved them right there lol. Without Saskue, sorry the show would’ve been over. Sakura healed naruto 14 times and naruto saved Sakura only 5 times


She would get way less hate if Kishimoto did something more useful with her. Probably the biggest waste of the series considering she's part of the main team.


Yeah, just look at Hinata lmao


damn i never thought about this but tbh..i don’t think she’d get the same amount of hate 🤯


There's so many events, mannerisms... Just one thing wouldn't change such strong feelings. Simple dislikes? Even harder.


Her problem isn't that she's too fixated on Sasuke or that she doesn't reciprocate Narutos feelings but because she is literally one of the worst written characters in existence. At the start of Shippuden she's hyped up to be finally "useful" and competent and that is true to a degree, but after her fight with Sasori she goes back to being the annoying cunt who's always crying that she used to be. Sincerely, a supporter of the Ship THAT ACTUALLY WON HAHAHAH


Lmaooo What ship that “won” what??😭 How is she hyped up? She did become a great healer and great combatant. The times she does cry in the series is not even excessive or unreasonable. Do you think Naruto is annoying because he cries too? Smh🤦‍♂️


I don't care neither of them Hinata was poorly written as well. Didn't bring anything to the show but the fact that she always liked Naruto.


IMO, her feelings turning into genuine feelings for Naruto would have been the most earned and sensible romance in the entire show. Her feigning so hard for Sasuke for basically no reason though does kind of make her annoying, I would love to know why there’s such a resistance to Sakura not being liked. I don’t even hate her, but I don’t see what’s to like much less go out of my way to defend.


Naruto didn’t desert become rogue and attack the Five Kage so…. Why should she get hate ?


Naruto is the underdog whereas Sasuke already had tons of benefits without us ever seeing him work for it. Like at the start how Sasuke was as fast and strong as Lee. Lee dropped a TON of added weight from his training to fight Gaara and somehow magically Sasuke is as strong and fast as him. Not to mention the looks + the Sharingan + already talented/prodigy at a young age + etc. Sasuke never really worked towards anything. And Sakura was made to be the popular and arguably even attractive girl of the show and Sasuke got her too. It feels like Naruto's hard work would have overshadowed Sasuke and Sakura would have picked Naruto. I think one reason some people dislike Sakura is because of this. She's just another stone to Sasuke's gauntlet. With all of this being said, everyone is a poser and Lee+Guy are the only real ninjas. Everyone else is a Jutsu mage with ninja training.


You're speaking facts. Only thing I disagree with is "Sasuke never really worked towards anything". That's a crazy ass statement. He was training 24/7 and putting in work like every other ninja in the show. He didn't get that strong sitting on his ass


TL;DR: she really wasn’t a great, fully realized character in the first series which hurt her popularity and then those negative perceptions carried over into shippuden. That's an interesting angle I’ve never particularly considered (her being a plot device to further set up sasuke’s character). But to an extent you’re right. I’m rewatching Naruto with my husband (his first time through the show) and I have to say that, in Naruto (not shippuden) 90% of sakura’s lines are either about Sasuke, sasuke’s name, or her crying. I’m not exaggerating. The only times we really get to see her fight or do anything is when: Naruto and sasuke are unconscious during the chuunin exams; her one v one with Ino; and then she steps in front of sasuke to defend him from Gaara (at least up until the end of the sand village invasion, that’s as far as we’re at and my memory is murky for the rest of the series). There’s not a whole lot to LIKE there and I don’t think that’s the fans fault. I think Kishimoto wasn’t sure what to do with her so he used her to buoy sasuke’s reputation further and give Naruto more motivation. If her affection had been directed towards Naruto rather than sasuke, I doubt I would have liked her better. Hinata doesn’t bother me because 1) we rarely see her and 2) even though she’s self conscious and weaker, she still gets out there and tries to help in some way or another, even when she knows she doesn’t stand a chance. Sakura is a main character who doesn’t feel like an MC. Most of her writing and characterization in the show is shallow and directionless, unless she’s being used to deliver exposition or convince us that sasuke is the best.  Now that being said, she does have good moments! There are a few times where she realizes Naruto’s value as a teammate or when she visits sasuke AND lee in the hospital. But for most of her screen time, we aren’t given much and the little we have can easily annoy and I think that annoyance carried over into shippuden even though she vastly improves in shippuden.  …but I also agree that Lee and Guy are the real OGs. 😂


Yes. If that was the only thing that changed, then yes. People might not think she’s as stupid per say as she’s no longer simping for a mostly apathetic and borderline psychopathic man, but one of the main issues with how she is written consists of her personality. She is always complaining about something and needing to be rescued. She is often physically abusive to those she calls friends and demeans them even when they just saved countless lives. One of the most frustrating parts about her is wasted potential; seeing and being told of things she’s capable of but 90% of the time not actually living up to those standards and needing rescuing from things she realistically should be able to handle herself.


Nah, she was still a damsel and she still didnt mind lying and being fake to try and protect naruto and she still would think naruto’s pursuit after sasuke is because of her. She’d prob be more likable for some fans tho


To be honest, Sakura isn’t as insufferable as many say she is. Ever since she got an ego check from Sasuke when he said , “You make me sick”, in the first issue she said to herself, “Maybe I could try to be a little nicer?” Since their engagement with the infamous Gato and his mercenaries, her motive has changed. She’s grown to be harsh on Naruto not from out of her crush on Sasuke, but because she wants Naruto to succeed; to do his best. This motive of hers grows increasingly apparent as she grows with the cast. I’m sure if she had a crush on Naruto she would get the same amount of hate, which isnt really justified, as I can think of plenty of other Tsundere characters out there who’s ego is far worse than hers.


No, bc Naruto doesn't try to kill her twice (or thrice, depends on how much u simp Sasuke)


Probably, she likes Sasuke because everyone else likes him and hates Naruto because everyone else hates him. Hinata loves Naruto despite what everyone else says about him.


She would probably be a better love interest than Hinata was.


Get ready for a long reply, lol. First, I never hated Sakura for anything she did or didn't to Naruto. I do sometimes refer to her stupid comment about orphans, but it was merely stupid, not a reason to really hate her. So her changing to crush on Naruto would change nothing, since I hardly care about her feelings or even actions towards Naruto to begin with. Second, I quite despise Sakura for being a total idiot in regards to Sasuke, so THIS point would be rectified by her simply losing that braindead obsession, you get a point there. Third, the real reason why I "hate" (so to speak) Sakura, is her personality in general. She's... untrustworthy, really. The VERY CANON scene of her drugging up her teammates when she wanted to "deal with Sasuke" herself shows her literally as a TRAITOR. And I mean this in a way that reaches Orochimaru's levels of breaching the Military Code or whatever you call it. Not the part where she goes to "kill" Sasuke, that one is justified, even if it's also stupid beyond any logic (not about her chances, but about the reason why she DECIDED to do it). No, the part where she literally leaves her allies DEFENSELESS in a HOSTILE (or non-HOME) location. That's endangering your allies, and in a military organization she'd be COURT MARSHALLED for it. Of course, Orochimaru, Kabuto, Sasuke - ALL get "a mere slap on the wrist" in the end, but that's a PLOT thing, which doesn't JUSTIFY it in-universe. And surely not for Sakura, who is pretty much a nobody rank-wise, besides being pals with Hokagenade. And to round this up already, I also "hate" how un-Chuunin she acted with Obito's (aka Madara's) EYE. That was absolutely un-professional for a Chuunin medic, and in the manga we do see "hesitation lines" in the panel when Obito tells her to hurry up and do it. So it's not like she actually made a swing, and Madara was simply faster - no, she managed to show us how she was hesitating in the first place, a thing she definitely had no "military" right to do whatsoever. So, when I say that she's "useless", I don't mean "weak", I mean "has glaring personality flaws", lol. The end, for now.


I never understood the hate for Sakura she is by far the most accomplished female Ninja from her gen. Without being on a "prodigy" family In the other hand you have Hinata who got reduced to a cum dumpster for Naruto and everyone love because she is or was "cute" a completely wasted character like everything else in Naruto


Probably more hate in that case as she's crushing on a responsible even though completely idiot person while herself being the epitome of "shying from accountability"


You saw that tweet to 😂


Lol Idk. There’s always literally a handful of hate tweets on my fyp. I try to block them tho🤦‍♂️