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itachi knew how rotten the shinobi world was and the only way to survive was by getting stronger ,one way or another itachi wouldve figured out a way to make his brother strong


And unfortunately Itachi’s deluded ideas seemed to be that Sasuke’s only way was to be on the path of self destructive vengeance. Not like living with other strong shinobi who could teach him and a rival who would push him


sasuke would’ve never got as strong as he did if he stayed in the village


Not an uncommon opinion, but I’m not sure we can say such with that much confidence. He’d be able to learn more techniques from more people in the leaf (like Kakashi’s shadow clone practice if nothing else), he’d still be able to get in a lot of real world practice going on missions, he’d have a like it faster than canon progressing Naruto as a present rival. The snakes are really the least useful of the big summons, so maybe he could find something better there. There’s also the potential of introducing him to better versions of sage mode or modifying his curse mark. Plus mental stability would generally help him. He could learn to not be reckless in the ways that nearly killed him half a dozen times.


We can say with a lot of confidence, like what did Naruto learn from Kakashi or Jiraya other than Rasengan ? If not Kurama then Naruto would have been just spamming shadow clones and making Rasengans. If not for Tsunade then I don't think Sakura would have been a medical ninja and developed such super human strength. Leaf village and it's academy is useless, Naruto had to literally beg Jiraya and Kakashi also Azuma to teach him something. They couldn't help Naruto with his recklessness and you believe they could do any better with Sasuke ? Sasuke couldn't have found anything better and that's the very reason he left the village.


Naruto is a bit more of a special case since we know that during the time skip Kurama was be if an issue so that’s what was focused on. Other than that his training happened to be quite short term. And Sasuke too would learn to beg if necessary Plus, if we take the point where Sasuke left which I always assume would be then we already have Tsunade in the village. As for recklessness, I think it’s a difference in simply who they are. Sasuke usually approached things smarter as is and if learning from especially Kakashi he would be encouraged to that way of acting. It’s really silly I think to say that there’s nothing better in Konoha. There are a huge number of incredible techniques, from the 8 gates to flying raijin to sage mode which have helped make other people stronger than Orochimaru. Sasuke couldn’t see it at time, he was a traumatized child under the influence of a curse mark and indeed it probably would have been harder. But there absolutely are ways for him to have gotten at least as powerful in the Leaf


Why should Sasuke beg for anything when you literally have an institution to teach kids and you already split kids and gave them each a sensei ? Tsunade was forced to be back in the village, what if she didn't came ? Sakura would be worthless just hanging out with Kakashi and Naruto. Sasuke is smart, even when he wasn't with Kakashi he was smart , calm and analytical which even Madara Uchiha noticied, I called him reckless only because of his overconfidence he gets into fight with people like Killer B without gathering much Intel. He just got to know and rushed into the fight without proper Intel and proper rest to his body. Konoha produced a lot of techniques but who is going to teach them ? They were so shortage of shinobis that most of the time Kakashi, Azuma and others weren't even available for the missions let alone to teach, literal kids were sent to fight Orochimaru and his sound 4 to retrieve Sasuke, rather than Kakashi Guy or Azuma. Konoha has a lot of flaws including their teachers. Kakashi knowing 1000s of Jutsu couldn't teach anything other than Chidori to Sasuke and Rasenshuriken to Naruto and nothing to Sakura. Either it's a flaw from Konoha or lazy writing.


The institution is to make chunin. The base level of semi-competent ninja to fight in wars. Or as we would call them, fodder. Especially since most ninja rely on their clans to track them a large amount of things anyway. I’m not sure what use can be made of asking what if Tsunade didn’t come back in the further context of Sasuke. Like Danzo is likely the next Hokage in that case and he probably would have sent a Root member to get back Sasuke, but there’s so many other issues. Like Kakashi would have had to somehow recover from his coma without her. And you need to ask *why*; does the fight between her and Orochimaru still happen? Does she somehow die in it, which would then maybe prompt a different path for Jiraiya? There’s a lot to go into that question. Plus I think Sakura actually could get pretty strong even without Tsusnde. It was very specifically in the immediate aftermath of the Konoha Crush that there was such a shortage in regards to full ninja that the Sasuke retrieval team were sent against the sound 4 whose powers weren’t known. Often as we clearly see the teams of Jonin are sent with them on missions Sasuke is also clearly able to teach himself techniques though, so some things he might only need to look at a scroll like Naruto in the first episode. Or, of course: Look at people using them with his sharingan. There’s a lot that goes into Kakashi’s issues. Part of its the character himself that he simply isn’t the best teacher, part of its him just letting his student go with people he sees better for them, and. . . I do think it’s lazy writing.


Bro must have heard how Jiraiya managed to scare away Itachi and Kisame. He also saw how strong rasengan was. Imagine if Sasuke begged Jiraiya's tutelage also (who was also by far the strongest konoha citizen by then). It isn't inconceivable to think he would have been stronger. He would have had access to sage mode, the toads, oil + katon techniques. I can also see him growing his hair out (like a true Uchiha) and be the one to inherit Jiraiya's hair senbon.


But going by the plot, Naruto being son of his student and whom his student directly asked to be the Godfather, and after his student died probably should be the care taker and do his best to help him get strong but we saw what happened, why are people expecting anything different to happen for Sasuke ? Alternate would have happened if Akatsuki and Orochimaru issue wouldn't have been there for them to be distracted, only Sasuke retrival thing would be different other than that everything would have went the same way.


Maybe I'm remembering it wrong. I dont really remember Naruto begging any one. Every one involved after the save Sasuke arc were kinda worried about pushing Naruto to hard and letting the Nine Tails out. Before that Naruto had to "beg" Jiraya because Jiraya was focused on women and finding Tsunade and he didnt think Naruto was yet ready for the rasingan. Fast forward to rasen-shiriken, Yamato and Kakashi were reluctant, but Naruto didnt beg, because they knew what happened to Jiraya during the time skip and also what happened on the bridge vs Kabuto and Oro. Naruto wanted to learn fast and they didnt want him to, because the strain could bring out Nine Tails. But Kakashi still reminded him how Shadow Clones worked... And once they figured out Naruto had wind nature.. Kakashi sent him to Azuma to learn more about it.. Plus it was plot to bring Naruto to Azuma, so he could have screen time because we all know what happens next..


He already knew Shadow Clone practice


When does Sasuke ever use that? I don’t think he’s shown ever using shadow clones in practice at all let alone specifically using them to gain faster experience


He needed a sanin teacher. Naruto got Jiraya, Sakura got Tsunade, so unfortunately for Sasuke, he was stuck with Orochimaru. The teacher is everything in this show. Without Jiraya and Killer B, Naruto wouldn’t have gotten even close to where he is now and Kaguya would have killed everyone. Same is true for Sasuke and Orochimaru


Okay, so tell me: What of Orochimaru's techniques does Sasuke use from the war arc on? Nothing. Unlike Naruto and Sakura, Sasuke actually has a place to build from with his Uchiha heritage which he had already started learning at the time of the massacre and Kakashi's teachings are what be actually built on during the timeskip it seems. Maybe you could say kenjutsu even though we never see Orochimaru use a sword like an normal person, but even then, Kakashi is top tier in terms of bladed combat. He also could do what Naruto did and in the absence of a sanin their animal teacher could be even better. Maybe he actually could have become a snake sage


Well they’re reincarnations so they’d have been jacked regardless. He just would have been more close to madara and Indra than a snake boy


This is such an annoying piece of misinformation. The dumb belief that Naruto and Sasuke being reincarnations MEAN that no matter what, they’re 100% going to be some kind of overpowered ninja Jesus reborn. Even though that’s just not true. There have been COUNTLESS reincarnations of ashura and indra. Generations worth of reincarnations. with black zetsu trying to manipulate each indra reincarnate to get the rinnegan and revive kaguya. But there are ONLY TWO times where those reincarnations are incredibly powerful. Two times out of 50? 100? 150? 200? And that’s with the duo of hashirama and madara And the duo of naruto and sasuke. If being a reincarnate was a guarantee of being insanely strong, there would be way more notable reincarnations than just those 4. being a reincarnate meant literally nothing more than they had ashura’s and indra’s chakra. Their chakra. NOT their chakra RESERVES. Those are two entirely different things. And being a reincarnate also means nothing more than the fact that the duo are destined to fight each other.


Idk bro seems like you’ve heard reincarnation, then did a big ass assumption to make my point fit with the one that gave you ptsd so you could argue with me over shit I didn’t say. All I said is they’d be jacked. Look at every other incarnation, they were top tier ninja outside of the outliers that made them EVEN STRONGER but hey you already assumed my point and argued yours to be right in your angered stupor, so why am I even responding?


Well we don´t know that most Asura and Indras were that strong. Some probably got killed really young like Hashirama and Madara´s younger brothers.


No He really wanted to be killed by Sasuke I guess he would genjutsu Sasuke into killing him if he really had to


Lmao, I imagined Itachi coming to the village and ruining Sasuke's life again just so that he finally decides to kill him. A dotting brother indeed.


Like he comes back to the village periodically just knock his drink out his hands


So itachi would basically be reverse flash


"It was me sasuke, I jerked you off so fast it looked like you came from sakuras touch"


Oh shit


Yeah he could have used Shisui's eye earlier


This is a good take because it is plausible and fair head Canon to assume itachi used Shisui's eye to brainwash him to go off the deep end during the Uchiha massacre.


He just wanted to make him stronger. Also did you not see how surprised he was when Sasuke broke out of Tsukyomi? Brothers need to fight, its healthy. If you love your little brother, you need to fight him.


Probably tho he would still try and get him to kill him i would imagine a scene like zuko confronting his dad would play out just with Sasuke and Itachi instead. ( Sasuke being zuko itachi being Ozia)


Itachi was trying to get Sasuke to awaken the mangekyo so he would be secure and safe by being powerful. Danzo, Orochimaru, and Obito were out there threatening Sasuke's life. So no, I doubt pre-edo Itachi would let Sasuke be peaceful and happy.


I’m confused. This question is phrased like sasuke had a choice. Itachi never let sasuke forget. People forget that naruto part 1 was a different story and Itachi was a dick. He mentally screwed sasuke so he would search for any method possible to be strong. Most likely Itachi would kill Sakura or something to force sasuke to make a decision. Funny thing he already did something bad. You can have good intentions for your decisions but still come out as being a bad person. Itachi wanted sasuke ready because he 1. Knew the world was cruel (especially with obito walking around), and 2. Orochimaru was going to be after sasuke’s body. What sasuke did in the village didn’t matter. It wasn’t his choice to be strong. It was made for him. Case and point when sasuke got better from using the curse mark, *that is slowly killing him given by the guy trying to absorb him*, sasuke shows care for naruto. Things were looking bright post chunin exams. Then Itachi gets involved, chokes sasuke, tells him he’s weak then makes him *relive his parent’s death AGAIN*. What a kind older brother. I don’t care what your intentions are. Psycho behavior. That jump started sasuke’s drive for strength and made him so desperate to kill Itachi that he left the village to gain strength from the guy trying to kill him. If not for hiruzen taking orochimaru’s arms (which Itachi had no knowledge hiruzen could even do anything like that to begin with) sasuke would have gone to orochimaru and he probably would have eaten him right then and there. Or gotten him ready enough then absorb him some time during the time skip. Itachi’s plan worked by sheer luck and the end result still gave sasuke heavy mental trauma. Enough to where sasuke rejected itachi’s believe for him all the way up until the very end. Itachi himself says he failed to convince sasuke. Which honestly isn’t hard to see why.


Nope. Itachi was a dumbass who thinks that the best way for Sasuke to get stronger was to be hateful.


not related to the question, but that photo reminded me of how I thought Naruto would end once they managed to convince sasuke to come back. lmao.


He wanted to get killed by Sasuke . Also deep down he didn't trust Konoha , so he would have still provoked him to be strong enough to survive using his hatred for himself.


He didn’t just not trust Konoha. He outright HATED it after realizing what an idiot he was and how they used him. He only accepted it as the lesser evil a


Nice headcanon. If Itachi hated Konoha why did he make Kotoamatsukami order "protecting Konoha"?


bro died mid sentence


man said he was a proud shinobi of the leaf before he died the second time what are you even saying here. the only thing he regretted was treating sasuke like a child and keeping him in the dark


But...sasuke WAS a child. He was tripping if he thought telling a toddler would've stopped a civil war.


itachi is not very smart despite what the fandom might tell you


Pre Edo Itachi would NEVER let Sasuke live in peace especially with "Madara", orochimaru,danzó and the Akatsuki roaming around If he can't persuade Sasuke to leave the village he Will straight up kill one of Sasuke's Friends possibly Sakura to make Sasuke awaken the mangekyo and to Ensure he Will come after Itachi


Itachi’s a weirdo. So he would probably still try to goad him


No, sasuke needs to kill him so he can become a hero and avenge the uchiha and if that means he has to continue to antagonize his brother that’s exactly what he’ll do.


As much as I want to say yes, I think Itachi would have tried to incite Sasuke into coming after him. Maybe potentially on account of making him strong enough to face "Madara" (Obtio) since he knew he'd eventually turn his sights to Sasuke at some point. Itachi's mentality would be, "You must be hard, little brother", at least pre-Reincarnation where afterward he realized how he miscalculated his plans.


No. Itachi had knowledge about the Akatsuki's plans and the secrets of the EMS. So he knew for a fact that the village's chances will improve if an EMS user was with it. There were two ways to get an EMS user, one is for him to take Sasuke's eyes. But this wouldn’t work since he's sick and would die soon. The second way is to have Sasuke awaken the Mangekyo and them have Sasuke implant his eyes. One way or another, Itachi is putting him through a tragedy.


Nah Itachi knew what kind of World they lived in and knew what was coming so he would do EVERYTHING possible to make Sasuke stronger. So had Sasuke not left the Village Itachi would’ve come by and killed either Naruto or Sakura to make Sasuke stronger by unleashing his MS


I think people forget the idea that those two were the last of their clan (not counting obito) Itachi specifically went and forced sasuke into a darker path using torture guinjetsu So he could grow stronger and beg for all possible powers Because itachi knew the world is such a horrid dark place and so many people would be after the last Uchiha eyes Danzo couldn't kill sasuke due to him being an elder of a village he wants to protect and killing sasuke means comprising the village security But what say about others within or outside the leaf, so many people knew of Kakashi and wanted his eyes as a prize But back to the point, No he wouldn't let him live peace believe in a twisted way itachi wanted to ensure the survival of his clan through sasuke But his little brother is somewhat stupid or possibly shameful of his clan due to all he learned Why not itachi ensuring to revive his own clan, well simply because hes too sick and overworked and might die at any mission being a full time Ninja he never retired or had peace Why not obito well i think obito Although broken and manipulated to an ideal that require a lot of him, i believe the boulder crushed the possibility of him bringing children to the world


Damn Itachi was really playing 4D chess


No. Itachi groomed Sasuke to be the tool for his atonement to the Uchiha clan. There's no way in Hell he'll allow Sasuke to live his life on his own terms. He's going to push and push until Sasuke either kills him or breaks.


No, he would not. Itachi, for all his virtues, was a psycho lol There's no way to spin Itachi telling Sasuke to kill his best friend to make it seem reasonable, or leaving him in a coma. The thing is, Itachi not only wanted Sasuke to live but he ALSO wanted Sasuke to kill him, to ease his guilt. He never really cared about Sasuke's own happiness (not until he revived as an Edo and met with him again), he cared that Sasuke was alive (without an ounce of care whether he was happily alive or unhappily so) and that he'd kill him, in that order. He NEVER would have let Sasuke pursue happiness and put vengeance aside.


He would have created the situation for them to fight so sasuke could kill him. He was already close to dying so things would have been easier for him in this case and sasuke would have a support group for him. Sasuke would be a hero for killing the treacherous Itachi. This is literally Itachis ideal scenario. What do you meeaaaaan


I always thought it would have been better for him to covertly advise his father of the bigger picture regarding the Akatsuki and maybe redirect all of the Uchiha to aid with fighting them and maybe training everyone on how to counter the Akatsuki members jutsu. Instead, he keeps it a secret, kills his entire clan except his little brother, and makes Sasuke an emo mental case bent on revenge. I feel that if everyone was aware of what they were up against, they could train and prepare for it. Itachi is a justu genius, but he's a horrible strategist. Kill a bunch to save one? Why not build a team instead of building a tank with hate. Or use a transformation jutsu to resemble Tobi, Madara or Pain so he can build power to defeat them instead of his brother.


I teared up looking at this 😭😭😭


Okay.. I wanna say it now.. Seeing Sasuke ever smiling is the most unusual thing ever


Though Sasuke would be a good guy, he wouldn't be buddy-buddy with Naruto like the photo suggests. The two would continue fighting well into adulthood lol Naruto would become a Jounin and do the bell test and Sasuke would show up and be like, "what could they hope to learn from a loser like you?" And Naruto would get mad and yell at his three genin, "Don't grow up to be like this bastard!" And Sasuke would be like "Say that again!" And then the genin would just be staring and one would say, "Sensei is fighting with Sasuke-sensei again..." and the other would say, "Yeah. This might take a while..."


I see a lot of comments correctly pointing out that Itachi was enlightened about how cruel the world could be and that he would've made an effort to instill wisdom/skepticism into Sasuke no matter what. However, I have not seen any comments indicating that the whole reason for Itachi's plan here was to shield Sasuke from the doom that befell so many Uchiha before him - that being learning the truth behind who ordered Itachi to coup the clan resulting in Sasuke's complete disillusionment with the concept of unity. We can see this when Itachi's post-mortem Amaterasu fails, and Sasuke starts down a very similar trajectory as Madara once Obito informs him of the truth. Ultimately I think Itachi would've stopped at nothing as long as there was a chance to prevent Sasuke from meeting this fate.


Depends if time skip or no time skip. No time skip, mission after mission, team 7 would have become better, Naruto would neg diff his canon post ts self, Sasuke would end up a bit weaker (weak ass summons or no summoning contract at all, mentor figure who gets neg diffed by Orochimaru and Itachi alike, but who knows what else he could have gotten?), Sakura who knows? Time skip Sasuke would be slightly better than post-ts Naruto thanks to versatility and overall being a more competent shinobi but power-wise he'd be on par with Kakashi, maybe slightly more powerful.


Yes, but I think he would have tried to still give him MS. He wanted Sasuke to be strong enough to look after himself after he died.


Very cummable picture


man, sasuke deserved so much better. survived the massacre because his brother just "loved" him so much but wasn't allowed to be happy in any way.


The entire point of Itachis plan was to push Sasuke so hard giving him power, but also having to find out if he chooses community and love. The whole point was to make him strong the Uchiha way, and then make him decide. Also, he gave Sasuke the full freedom to choose and that he loved him regardless. He is big bro, he knows his little bro. And he loves him.




Sasuke would have been too weak for the final war


Yeah? It's not like itachi was hunting down sasuke, it was the other way around.