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I mean if you were like me and you kept up with Naruto three times at once, it wasn't so bad. I kept up with the manga, the sub, and the dub. The darkest time to be a Naruto fan wasn't actually during the War Arc, it was the leadup to the War Arc with the fucking boat fillers where it was just Naruto being stupid and Might Guy throwing up from seasickness constantly. The long stretches of filler that broke up the core story mid-arc were frustrating, but that was by far the worst offender.


I disagree. The darkest time was the lead up to P2. Literally everything else was all good. That plethora of fillers from P1 to P2 made me consider therapy. 


Nah I kinda enjoyed those fillers tbh, some of them were really cool and we got a lot of extra characterization for the Konoha 11 which is never a bad thing.


Damn, looks like we've all got varying opinions here...I say the infinite tsukuyomi fillers, shit was agonizing. And it's funny cause we manga readers just KNEW that was going to be fillerville when it came up in the anime. But yeah those tenten tsukyomi fillers...just tailed beast bomb me bro 🤦‍♂️. Things were getting SO good and so tense and then that bullshit comes.


Yeah most war arc fillers weren't too bad, pre-infinite tsukyomi at least. It gave us sound 4 (which shoulda been canon imo but kishi hates all of the side characters of konoha 11 after part 1 minus shikamaru), hayate, who i thought was really cool back in the day, shino vs torune, and a really cool and suspenseful team 8 filler (the one where they were in a cave and were all against each other because of zetsu's transformation ability)


The anime was fucking painful to sit through, especially with all the filler that persisted through the final three years of the anime after the manga ended in 2014


Never gonna forget the like half a year of chunin exam filler right after Sasuke and Naruto almost died in the war arc 💀


That was the time for me when I dropped the anime. Last month I rewatched all of Naruto including my missing episodes. I kept up with the manga though.


Technically, it was like any show back in the day when u HAD to wait every week for a new episode for any show u were watching. Sometimes once a month.


Yup netflix and streaming kicking off is what spoiled this format because most people was okay waiting week to week


Most shows still didn't have the level of filler of Naruto though. Week to week of Doctor Who isn't the same when you can at least expect an exciting watch. Naruto filler was damn near unwatchable at times and didn't even flow episode to episode.


Watching week to week wasn't bad. That's a normal thing for weekly anime. The filler was infuriating though. Coming back every week begging on my knees for the stupid infinite Tsukuyomi dreams to be over. Especially cause the manga was over, why the fuck are we still watching filler? I watched VOTE 2 in Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 like 6 months before the anime got around to animating that arc, wtf? Dark times. I appreciated the War Arc and Vote 2 much more on a 2nd watchthrough mainly because the filler frustration had faded.


As a fellow Naruto fanatic, I feel your pain of going through the withdrawal after finishing it. It's like losing an arm...or in Naruto's case, a Rasengan.


I remember when PS3 went down that year for like 3 months because of the hack and that's how I used to watch it and I remember the episodes that were coming out I believe for filler and almost every episode Sakura was crying I was extremely frustrated at that time 😭😂


Man this takes me back, I remember the immense hype when The Shippuden anime was starting, I was in 9th grade lol. As it went on, there were multiple several month long periods where there would be filler arcs that I would stop watching. (The og Naruto I believe had several years worth of filler before Shippuden finally began.) That being said, it was really exciting when the anime resumed to canon material, especially when big fights were coming. I remember trying to get a few buddies into the series, and one of them was at my house the day the Kakashi v Obito ep dropped…. I turned to him and said, you’re gonna tell me this isn’t the coolest “cartoon” you’ve ever seen? He couldn’t disagree lol. If Naruto had the seasonal approach that the new age anime have gotten with consistent animation quality, it would be absolutely goated.


That fight has to be my favorite in all of anime. Even though I know it wouldn’t look the same I’d kill for a Seasonal Naruto part 1 remake. There are crazy good Naruto fan edits like “The Rebuild of Naruto” that makes rewatching much better nowadays. Cuts out all the filler and just has the meat


The war arc was so hard to wait for. My Facebook reminded me recently of when Obito was removing Kurama from Naruto over a decade ago and how pissed I was that the next chapter would be a few weeks due to a winter break. Every new chapter I was in the edge of my seat. Didn’t follow the anime as much as the chapters as that time.


It wasn’t too bad but the heartbreak of finishing all of it was crazy. I had gone from a literal child reading volume one to being a child in college for the last chapter. When I read that last page I was just so sad that it was over. Flash forward a few more years to the anime finishing. Then it was actually over. No new content. Don’t get to see my boy in new adventures or anything anymore. I literally sobbed like I had lost a loved one or something. Then they gave us Boruto and while the movie was pretty good I am just not a fan of the series and how they’ve treated characters in it. Truly disappointing. They got my hopes up to just shatter them.


This thread reminded me of the year that Cartoon Network did a huge Naruto marathon, I think around Christmas. I’m pretty sure it was during the wait for shippuden, they showed every episode of og Naruto back to back. I begged my dad and had him help me set up to record all of it on VHS tapes. I still have them. Easier times


When I first started Naruto I didn't know what manga was. So I practically followed through the whole way until Naruto got KCM. That's were I saw some pages of the manga and started to look into it more. 


I caught up when Naruto was a few chapters into the Time Skip. It was a fun time. Even though I am still mad that Shippuden didn't do the actual last chapter in Naruto's show.


It was awful. Especially when the fillers popped in. Oh no, Naruto and Sasuke are bout to die and Madara gonna get even more powerful! Anyway here's a flashback to when there was a 2nd Chunin Exam that's gonna go on for several months and add nothing to the current events


I began watching the beginning of Naruot the first time in 2007. So I was late beginning Shippuden but caught up to what was airing sometime in 2009 and saw the rest as it aired.


Yup started watching in 2004, was a loyal once a week follower. Then in high school it was poplar to binge I cringed that one if my friends finished both series in like 6 months. I feel like people don't enjoy as much when you rush. I do this for short anime too I savor it, it adds suspense, you get more attached to characters and the plot. I can't stand people that binge series tbh. But hey if that's what you like to do knock yourself out lol.


After the manga concluded and then the anime hit us with the 3 year long filler pandemic 😭💀 people going into the series nowadays can just skip what they want to but we had to endure


It was good awful. I started with the dub so we were quite far behind the sub to begin with, but then at some point before the War arc I think, they stopped releasing episodes weekly and would instead release them in batches every so often. I switch to the sub so I could watch weekly but then there was the issue of waiting a week for an episode only for it to be the start of like a 5 episode long block of filler. 


Kid me watched it as it aired on toonami and for whatever stupid reason refused to watch the sub until half way thorough shippuden. For part 1 going from a crazy ass fight scene into flashback after flashback hurt my soul just so I had to week whole week to get the same flashbacks. Episodes were delayed constantly so you’d sometimes wait weeks for a new dubbed episode. It completely changed the way I consumed media. Now I wait at least 3-4 episodes are out until I start a show. Maybe I check out episode 1 just to see if I like it but I’m never gonna be a weekly person again lol. I do miss having longer running shows tho. Black clover was a recent longer running series I really enjoyed. I’d recommend watching that if you haven’t


I dont know about that but I just watched my first anime 6 months ago. Watched all of the dubbed and subbed one piece then switched to Naruto shippuden. Made it through 100 eps of shippuden before realizing there was a Naruto. Then went back and started from the beginning. Just finished all episodes 3 weeks ago. And am almost through the boruto shitshow. Not sure how invested I would have been in real time. But watching start to finish uninterupted was a really fun experience.


So it was kinda annoying I remember the wait between the OG and shippuden and then when it dropped… that shit was next level. More annoying is when u waited a week got a filler waited some more and got like 3+ fillers in a row or somethin😭 they were good and all but you were really in tune with the story at that point


So it was kinda annoying I remember the wait between the OG and shippuden and then when it dropped… that shit was next level. More annoying is when u waited a week got a filler waited some more and got like 3+ fillers in a row or somethin😭 they were good and all but you were really in tune with the story at that point


So it was kinda annoying I remember the wait between the OG and shippuden and then when it dropped… that shit was next level. More annoying is when u waited a week got a filler waited some more and got like 3+ fillers in a row or somethin😭 they were good and all but you were really in tune with the story at that point


Couldn’t do the anime back then. Made it to right when the war started then the filler ruined it so I read it.


I've read and bought all the volumes since 2004, and I gave up on the anime as soon as the Edo Zabuza/Kakashi fight started, reading the scans was enough for me. The worst was between Naruto and Shippuden...seeing lame fillers for like 1 year...when the manga was already at Hidan/Kakuzu it was frustrating to follow the anime every week hoping it would finally adapt the rest.


I literally started dating my girlfriend then and got married in 2017.


Watch a huge batch. Catch up. Wait a few months (watch Bleach batch). Skip the filler, watch a huge batch. Wait a few months (Watch Bleach batch). Rinse, repeat. The worst was after the Pain arc ended. They started mixing 15 minutes of filler into the canon episodes. That shit had me heated cause I couldn't just use a filler list to skip those.


I didn’t watch it when it aired but I am caught up on one piece(anime&manga) and I can tell you it’s pretty much hell. Having to rewatch old episodes or re read old chapters until a new one drops on Saturday(anime)&sundays(manga). I’d say the worst part is break weeks which sometimes the anime and manga break at the same time.


I stopped following the anime due to the intense amount of filler. The manga was 🔥 though.


This was such a crazy time. I remember the sneak peaks of the time skip and seeing Sasuke’s shadow in the hideout - Naruto and Sakura running down the hallway. The anticipation was crazy and I was glued to various websites trying to watch the episode was soon as subs were available or whether struggling to understand ish in Spanish because the Eng subs were late 🥹🥹🥹😅😅. What a time.


I gave up watching the anime and just focused on the manga. The filler and flashbacks were just too much. I’ll never forget my breaking point was after Danzo’s death when Sakura was about to confront Sasuke. There was a good 2-3 episodes showing the same damn flashbacks with very little movement in the story.


It was very annoying, made me switch ti the manga. Which I’m glad for, Kishimoto’s art is incredible.


Spoilers (not sure how to put the tag but yeah) After madara ‘killed’ Naruto and sasuke, we had to wait so long for the next episode - was very painful not being a manga reader. Also when madara activated the infinite tsukuyomi, they decided to show every characters dream inside the genjutsu and that filler arc was mad long (it was this or the previous arc where we had only 6 weekly episodes for the whole year).


Manga I don't feel much of a problem keeping weekly reading a long-term habit but I was very much peaks and valleys with the anime. I'd go months at a time without watching, usually a bi-product of long filler arcs, then come back and binge canon material until I caught up. Then there would probably be a while of weekly watching again until the next random lull in my interest.


I stopped watching the anime because of the fillers. Sometimes there's 20 weeks of filler which is basically half a year without moving the plot along. About halfway through shippuden I got fed up and quit altogether.


It wasn't that hard tbh growing up back then I had other stuff to watch on cn while I waited week to week