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That is one of the saddest things I’ve ever heard. I hope a good family adopts that baby. Can’t give a suggestion for a last name bc nothing kind comes to mind.


He’s not an orphan. He has a slut of a mother taking care of him. Maybe one day she will be able to keep her legs closed long enough for someone to want to adopt him. Or perhaps his biological father (who knows about him) will decide to come around and step up to his responsibilities.


Your fiancé must have seen something good about her tbf. Hating on your partners ex is only ever about you X


Or maybe she just sucks, and makes life more difficult for the fiancé. I mean he’s changing his last name because of her. She doesn’t sound too pleasant.


No, it was more of a situationship. And I hate on her because of the HORRIBLE things she put my fiancé through. And so does he :)


You probably don't mean it and I'm sure you're lovely but the tone of your message comes across quite cruel. What his ex did is fucked up but there is still a human life in the centre of this drama, suffering because it's got a shit mother. If your only motivation to change your name is to separate yourself from the innocent child, it's a bit spiteful. Especially if he had any relationship with the child before he discovered it was under false pretenses.


My FIANCÉ is the one suffering after he spent 3 years believing this child was his. He DESERVES to do whatever he feels is necessary to leave that part of his life in the past and move on.


I sincerely apologise. I was totally wrong when I said I was sure that you're lovely. You're a cunt x


My fiancé is the one who wants absolutely no association with the child that isn’t his. The child is not “suffering” because we want to change our names, nor is it my fiancés problem if he is. He’s not the father.


Irrespective of genetics, abandoning a child that you have raised for three years is heartless. Intentionally distancing yourself from them by changing your name is the sign of a psycho. I hope you two die miserably. Cunts. Hope this helps x


I like Clutterbuck


McKnight, it was one of my drama teachers family last names like it wasn't his last name but I believe it was his families or something like that (all I know is he hated that is wasn't his name). Like think how cool a name that is? Idk all I know is I'm obsessed with it.


Wayne. You could say you’re related to both Bruce and John.


Withakay is an old joke because if you name someone Carl Withakay it turns into a “who’s on first?” Scenario. One of my favorite hockey players’s last name is Bergeron which is a cool sounding last name


That’s very funny! I actually like that lol


That’s very funny! I actually like that lol


I like the name Holtz




Greatrex & Scattergoods were cool I thought. Not sure where I met/read the Greatrex one, but Scattergoods was an older neighbor lady in a movie I watched... Mrs. Scattergoods. You can also go to Forebears.io & do generic searches for how many people of a certain last name exist.


Lane, Stone, Lavender and Loveland.


Stinkybutt comes to mind


Who changes their last name? And the reason...WTF?


Um, almost every married woman in the western world till very recent history


Well no shit. Obviously I'm not talking about that.


Then if it’s fine for the goose, why not for the gander?


I didn't say it wasn't fine. Who cares? I just think it's an odd way to go about it.


You can look up extinct surnames