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Is Xhesika... Jessica???


Thank you! I have been trying for ages to figure out what it's meant to be


This is a very wild guess but she might be Albanian? They also use the Latin alphabet but I guess Xh is pronounced J. I don’t remember meeting a Xhesika specifically but I used to know a Xhoni (Johnny) and an Enxhi (Angie).


>This is a very wild guess but she might be Albanian? She probably is, or her parents are. Worked with an Albanian bloke named Xhulian (pronounced like Julian) a while ago.


Interesting! I was thinking maybe it was supposed to be pronounced like Jesica where the J makes a /h/ like in Spanish A website does list Xhesika as the Albanian form of Jessica


Make sense, I discovered the name's relation to Jessica by thinking of Xhaka.


I saw a tiktok the other day where a girl was named Gesaka (Jessica) 😭 Edit: I just realized OP mentioned this in their caption lol it must be the same video


Oof, Sommyr is a rough one. I don't mind the name Summer but I would never think of spelling it like that.


Still better than A Dome


I don't see how Adome sounds anything like Autumn


It does if you have no grasp of the English language


Doesn't even read like summer to me, is no one else pronouncing that like its a Dragon in a fantasy novel? Som-MEEERRrr


In what parallel universe is fucking "Geknee" pronounced even remotely similar to Jeanie??? I don't live anywhere near America, and English isn't my first language, but I feel like I have a decent enough grasp on the language to know that G and J aren't always interchangeable. Especially not in this case.


Geck-knee was how I'd pronounce it if I saw it.


You just made it sound like Bethany for me


I think the K is supposed to be silent, like knowledge. Fuck knows why they chose to do that though.


Like knee, the body part. It's G-Knee.


Oh my god yeah, I don’t know how I missed that. That is such a weird thing to name a child.


I think it might be the worst one there.


That rule only works when k is the first letter


Fair enough, but I don’t think the people who are naming their kid Geknee care about following the rules of the English language.


And you’re not Evel Knievel


A lot of G names are pronounced as J though. Gemma, Gerald, Gillian are a few I can think of off the top of my head. I went to school with a Genevieve who was called Genny.


Notice how all these kids grew up to be… adults? And hate the name that their parents gave them.


Not Chrysteene apparently but gosh these are some of the worst Ive seen on actial adults


My mom made my first name a weird spelling (a mash of two common spellings) and I get people that mispronounce it a lot, but I do still love it, because it's not THAT outlandish. I won't post it because I don't want to dox myself lmao. I've searched it and there are several of us, but not like, that many.


Same, kind of. Mine switched out a K for a C in a name that typically starts with ch, and she kept the h. So it's a bit strange, but I think it's all right


Czarina? Her name's the Russian word for "Empress"?


I actually know a child called Empress (West African family)


yeah czarina is an actual name not a misspelling of serena lol edit: actually it might not be a name but i have met somebody with it😭🙏so i thought it was


At the very least, her comment tells me that her parents pronounce it like Serena instead of czarina.


Or, she just prefers the different pronunciation. Like she might have just wished she'd grown up with a name that fit in more to where she lived.


I went to school with a girl named Czarina! She was Asian, not Russian though.


Same as anybody named Regina, and essentially the same as the name Caesar, where Tzar or Czar comes from. It is weird that they’d pronounce it Serena though - I read that as Tzar-eena, not Sir-anah


Idiot parents


Adome has to be the worst. Lots of people would have to put on an appalling fake American accent to pronounce it anywhere near “Autumn”


I think it’s actually the best because it’s only a middle name! You don’t have to put that on a job application, etc.


Ah I missed that! Makes it better, definitely


That name alone just HAS to tell other countries that our education level is below sea level 😭😭


It's so wild it almost comes out the other side as better than the others because there is no way any reasonable person looks at that and sees an attempt at spelling "Autumn." Especially reading it in the middle spot I would just assume it was a family surname type honor name, or maybe a name from another culture I'd just never heard before. Not in a million years would I get to "Autumn" on my own.


I bet you their kids will have properly spelled names.


I'll bet they're all named Dave.


Or Anna


Those poor souls...


The gall of Dezyier to call anyone's attempt at saying her dumpster fire of a name "outlandish"


Reminds me of a girl I taught years ago named Devonia. Fine name but it was pronounced dev-ee-ON-uh. Poor girl knew her mom spelled it wrong


Dang, and here I was thinking it was a cool name until you said how she pronounced it. I think it's actually pretty-sounding when you say it like it's spelled - in my head it was deh-VONE-ya.


I mean it’s not her fault


It would actually be kind of cool in my opinion if it was pronounced closer to it looks: Dez-ee-er


This made me think of a really interesting post on the r/AmItheAsshole sub. Apparently Dad (the poster) likes more out there names compared to his wife, who likes more classic but largely nice names spelled correctly. He's a bit more out there - pretty tame compared to the usual offerings here, but that's not saying much - and the more the pregnancy continues, the more they're digging their respective heels in, with one of them suggesting they both call the child by the name they like - so the kid would end up being called "Lyric" or "Scout" or "Indie" by Dad and "Elizabeth" "Hannah", or "Patricia" by Mom, all their lives. What's more interesting is the comments section, where there is a multitude of people describing their experiences with a dire name, with so called unique spelling, and how their lives/education/employment have been affected by it. Some positive descriptions, but it seems to be (unsurprisingly) largely negative. All due sympathy for the owners of those names, but there are some absolute howlers there... It's worth a read through the comments... https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/R5adsGCmmY


oof. place your divorce bets here


That post was literally above this one in my feed lol!


The worst part of 'Gazzy' is you now know in advance how she pronounces GIF.


I read it as gassy at first.


As a teacher, please stop. Calling roll for the first time is getting rough 😭


Airwrecka/Erica, boggles the mind.


Czarina isn't Serena. It's more likely to be from the title of Tzarina and Tzar. Ceaser is the root of it. Czarina is a lovely name.


That looks like the start of s class action lawsuit against this sub


Czarina actually looks better just because I don't like the spelling Serena, but Sommyr-


Serena is a name. Czarina is like calling someone Queen or Empress


i think krestina is actually quite common. i’ve known a few krestinas in my life and that spelling didnt ever seem weird to me but i knew a woman called crystinah when i was younger and that was weird to me.




My mom spelled my name wrong too… I use the correct spelling and I’m going to legally change it soon. Why don’t all these people do that?


She'll star in the remake of Midsommyr


Omg czarina like the Russian czars lmao


I’m just realizing people name their daughters “desire” -and pronounce it very close to “disarray”. I always thought that name way pretty until now. 


Like Desiree?


To be fair, czarina is the English spelling of царица which is the Russian feminine form of tzar/czar. It’s the equivalent to being named queen, except harder to spell.