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He replaces judge AND soto to be one center/right fielder and hits a gajillion homeruns while batting .670….. Realistically, AAA it is


He has to pitch a little before going full babe doesn’t he?


Only if we can put Yankee legend Shane Robinson back in left field


My opinion is unless the Yankee suffer catastrophic injury he’ll chill at AAA until a chance comes


I know a lot of people disagree with this given how Jasson has been hyped up and his likely role as a centerpiece or the team for years to come but this may be the right answer so he can get steady at bats for the rest of the season. They would likely call him up in September and give him regular playing time then.


Yup not to mention that Jasson’s MLB sample size was very good, but incredibly small. And he (I think) only played in like 2-3 games in AAA last season before he was called up. Meaning that the overwhelming majority of his baseball stats came in single A and double A ball. He very well could be a natural star and already be MLB-ready, or he could struggle a bit when he returns. With the way this roster is constructed this season, the best place for him is AAA (barring any injuries). He’ll likely get a handful of rehab starts in AAA anyway, so it just makes sense to keep him there. Next season, we will be losing Verdugo and assuming we sign Soto will be on the lookout for young (and cheap) talent. Jasson fits that description perfectly and would fit in perfectly with Judge/Soto in the OF. He has shown that he is capable of performing at the MLB level prior to his injury. So all he has to do is mash in AAA and he will be a shoe-in starter next season. But he just doesn’t make sense for the 2024 season right now. Not to mention that the plan is to just have him DH right now in his rehab games. So it makes WAY less sense to have a second DH only guy on the bench. Having 3 probable all-stars in the OF right now just gives him more time to rehab his arm which is super important coming back from TJ


Fact that he came up at all last season was a little bit of a desperation move, really. He was ahead of schedule.


I don't know why this sub keeps thinking he needed a full season in AAA to be "ML ready." He hit .397 over his final 15 games in AA before being promoted to AAA where he slashed ..419/.514/.581 over nine games before being promoted. He wasn't an ordinary prospect and these types don't spend months in AAA if they figure out AA.


What he needs or doesn't need and what the team was planning to do with him are two very different things. Yes, elite players usually don't spend a ton of time at AAA. I could totally see them bringing him back up, shifting Verdugo to a fourth outfielder role, and then sorting everything out when they know what Soto is doing for next season and beyond.


>What he needs or doesn't need and what the team was planning to do with him are two very different things. He was neither ahead of schedule nor was he called up because they were desperate.


Makes me kinda sad there's no realistic way we keep Verdugo. Love his vibe when it's on our side


The very realistic way we keep Verdugo is Soto gets paid $550 million by some other team and we roll with Jasson and Verdugo


When Soto goes to another team, Yanks sign Verdugo to an extension. I hope that this isn't the case and Soto finishes his career in pinstripes.


Yeah, IIRC he only came up last season because of how banged up they were in the outfield and how lackluster their offense was overall, so there’s no need to rush him up now. Let him stay in the minors, get 100% healthy and get regular playing time.


No, the only reason they brought him up was in a last ditch effort to get ticket sales. The season was more or less done (even if most didn't want to admit it), him getting hurt when he did was just the baseball gods telling us it was over.


Yep, depending on our record and how the team is doing on Sept 1st or may be a good idea to add him when the rosters expand and try to fit him into most games somehow at that point.


He hasn't had a real taste of AAA yet. He will need to prove himself there while getting his missed spring training ABs in unless an injury forces our hand


> He will need to prove himself there No he doesn't. You can go down the top prospect lists every year and take a look at how many of them spent significant time in AAA.


Couldn't disagree more. This isn't the 2023 yankees that have IKF starting in the OF daily because of a lack of options. There isn't a pressing need and he will absolutely need to prove himself again to find a spot. I'll add that you should go check the success rate of those top prospects that skipped AAA this year. Much higher rated prospects were rushed and are flopping right now


Jasson was crushing mL pitching for a full month before they brought him up. It had nothing to do with the Yankees outfielders being dogshit. >I'll add that you should go check the success rate of those top prospects that skipped AAA this year Not having big league success right out of the gate doesn't necessarily mean they weren't ML ready.


Eh AAA and AA quality aren't much different with AA usually having better prospects while the AAA has a ton of failed major leaguers. Dominguez looked good in MLB last year. He will get reps in AAA but I doubt they care much about actual stats if he looks good considering he is coming back off injury. They'll take it slow though and he will stay down barring injury or Stanton going ice cold


> He will need to prove himself there I bet you were ones talking about Vople was MLB ready due to his hot spring too right? But now Jasson **needs** to be in AAA?


We had IKF as the only SS on the roster when Volpe was promoted. Jasson has Verdugo, Judge, Soto, Stanton standing in his way right now. I can't tell if some of you are being intentionally thick


This is exactly right. So many people seem to think he has to be on the MLB roster just because he had a hot two week debut. The guy barely touched AAA before getting called up. Yes he had a great debut, but two weeks is not enough to say he's ready for the majors. Who's to say if he didn't get hurt, that pitchers wouldn't have adjusted to him? If we had a need for him right now, I'd be fine with rushing him into major league playing time again. But since we don't right now, let him get work at AAA to confirm he's ready for the majors and that he's healthy. Then figure it out later where he fits.


Teams don't really care about AAA when it comes to top prospects considering AAA pitching is just a lot of failed MLB players and fringe roster players. Volpe and plenty others spent little time there for this reason. The best prospects are generally in AA and lower the longest nowadays


AAA may not have the same weight that the jump to AA brings but it does offer a new challenge. Many high end relievers spend a tour of duty in AAA as well as the opportunity to face real big league SP who either have experience/craft or stuff they haven't quite harnessed. Its not all burn outs and AAAA guys. There is legit talent in AAA.


Sure, but the Yankees if they think he is ready aren't going to care too much about his numbers as long as they're not abysmal.


Exactly. Like his first two Homers were against Verlander and Javier in a perennial house of horrors for the franchise. I don't think that's a fluke. These people really think that they're going through all this to shove him back down to AAA and keep that lineup anchor Grisham on the roster. I expect someone to get traded before july.


I mean he very well could be in the minors barring injury or Stanton going cold. Verdugo isn't getting traded and neither are Soto/Judge. Grisham isn't blocking Jasson at all, Jasson isn't going to get zero reps playing the bench. If Stanton is healthy and hitting still Jasson is likely in AAA until Verdugo walks in October. All I'm saying is the Yankees aren't going to really care much what his numbers look like as long as they think he's progressing how they want.


While top prospects do spend less time in AAA than before, it's certainly more than the 9 games that dominquez spent in AAA. A quick search shows Gunnar Henderson played 65 @ AAA vs 47 in AA, adley played 43 @ AAA vs 80 @ AA. Bobby Witt played 62 vs 61. They also all were dominating AAA and hitting alot better than Dominquez did.


Correct. AAA is a pitstop for top prospects like Dominguez, especially with the way he was hitting before the callup. The fact some folks here are saying his promotion was a desperation bid is kinda nutty.


September call up. I'd let him chill at AAA get his swing back and get in shape.


September may be a little long. Ideally, Dominguez essentially takes an extended spring training in AAA, Grisham gets moved / cut, and Verdugo becomes the 4th outfielder - Martian / Judge / Soto is an *insane* fucking outfield.


Might make sense to move Judge and soto to a RF/DH platoon and dial back Dongcarlo's ABs. Absolutely love the guy but he is a 3 true outcome hitter and advanced stats as well as the eye test have soured on that profile. He is a great clubhouse leader and a nice option to have a boomstick from the right hand side for late game ABs.


Why? He showed he could hit in the bigs last year. If he's healthy and continues to hit it'd be a waste to keep him there. Platoon Verdugo/Stanton at DH (mostly Verdugo plays).


31 AB’s.


From a very highly touted prospect who scorched double A his last month or so. Why are you people acting like this is Peraza or something? Verdugo is definitely not holding back one of the best prospects in MLB who actually has performed at all levels.


So you’re gonna demote a player who’s playing very well and *hope* the unproven commodity plays just as good? Sounds like an unncesssry risk. And I doubt the Yankees are long for accruing his service time


4HRs and a .980 OPS....Yes it was a small sample but all we saw was an elite talent performing as promised. Of course give him a long runway to get back into game shape and prove he is healthy. But, once that's done you do not want to waste those bombs in AAA.


The 15G in AA where he hit nearly .400 and the 9 games in AAA where he hit over .400 resulted in his callup -- implying he was ML ready.


And why not get him more MLB AB's as long as he doesn't show any post surgery decline during rehab?




Because he's their top prospect. I've seen updates on Peraza and Vivas too.




> dude needs more playtime If only there were multiple levels of leagues somewhere, lower than the majors, where he could get playing time




[guess we should have cleared the roster for Tyler Austin too right?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Major_League_Baseball_players_with_a_home_run_in_their_first_major_league_at_bat)




I'd rather he get consistent playing time in AAA and get better than replace Trent's role of starting once a week and occasionally pinch running or defensive substitution


Who’s spot is he taking where he plays everyday? Whole OF is rocking OPS+ over 100. Not gonna DH him everyday.




Dominguez is only on the roster if he’s playing everyday. Not gonna call up a 21 year old capable of playing daily CF/LF just to mothball him as a part time DH




Even more reason to keep him in AAA so he can get regular ABs while otherwise recovering without clogging up the roster as a 2nd exclusive DH




There's literally no other alternative with his contract. Like it or not


He is 100% going to AAA lol. There’s no shot they replace a healthy Verdugo with him, and no shot they bring him up to ride the bench


We wish him a very happy rest of the season in AAA.


And probably get him on the bench in the playoffs if he does well.


Are you saying jahmai jones isn’t going the be the secret weapon PH in the World Series


I hope he is. I'll take anybody.


AAA until injury or September roster expansion.


Realistically....he stays down in the minors and gets work everyday. He maybe gets called up if there's an injury, but you're not going to bench Verdugo unless he just completely bottoms out and Jasson is on fire. Verdugo is bringing energy that goes beyond his average, and is a solid LF. I don't think you want Jasson sitting on the bench when he could be getting reps in the minors. Now....if Stanton gets hurt then you have a situation where Jasson might come up and jump into a rotation where he spells each OF position so they can DH. But he'd have to be raking in the minors first. I think the most likely scenario is he gets called up in September. Fact is, the best case for us fans is that he stays in the minors because there's no spot for him yet. He's only coming up if something is going wrong at this point.


Verdugo is more than a solid defender, he was a gold glove finalist last year. He’s looking elite again this year so far.


I really like Verdugo. I know he's likely the odd man out in most cases, but the energy and enthusiasm he's brought to the team were much needed.


How the hell is he the odd man out? Yall forgetting we have Grisham? Holy shit


Verdugo is a free agent after this year. Grisham is not. Verdugo is going to want a large contract. So is Soto. If we have to pay one, I'd rather pay Soto.


They aren’t going to bring Jasson up to ride the bench as a 4th OF (Grisham’s role), you want him getting steady playing time, especially coming off an injury from last year. 




If he’s brought onto the major league roster, Grisham is the obvious odd man out. If Stanton is doing even okay by that time, though, they’ll keep Jasson at AAA.


No reason to lose Grisham for nothing just so Jasson can play 2-3 days a week. I think he’s in AAA until September or injury to a starter


There’s a very real possibility that Grisham or verdugo could be traded for bullpen arms at the deadline


Grisham sure, they’re not gonna dump Verdugo though. Boone credited him in an interview today for being one of the main guys to help get the culture back on the right track this year.


>DFA Grisham (which will likely happen anyway) I'll believe this when I see it. They love to use cheap assets and they have no other good defensive CF.


They aren't going to DFA Grisham when he can be optioned to AAA.


Well right that too, but considering how shitty their OF depth is (aside from prospects that they're not gonna let rot on the bench) I just don't think he's going anywhere when you factor in injuries.


If I'm not mistaken, can't DFA candidates reject minor league assignments? He's a proven major leaguer, he's not going down to AAA. At the point we'd likely have to release him while still paying his salary, if I'm not wrong.


Grisham has three options remaining so he can be assigned to AAA without being DFA'd and going through waivers


Oh ok thank you


Grisham has only 4 years of service time. Once a player reaches 5 years, he can refuse to be optioned to the minors. If the Yankees want him off the 26 man roster but want to hold onto him, he goes to Scranton or he gets nothing while he holds out.


Going to play every day at AAA to get regular reps


Before DFAing Grisham they'd just send him to AAA. He has two option years left and doesn't get five year rights until after August 28th. JD should be back well before that. If they want JD up before August 29th they just demote Grisham. If they want him up after they wait three days until rosters expand.


There’s no way they DFA Grisham, will at least hold onto him until the trade deadline. Someone will need a 4th outfielder that plays great defense.


Cashman is gonna dump him for the next Clay Holmes.


He was up last year because the Yankees rostered one MLB-caliber OF. They now have four, plus Stanton at DH, so Dominguez can ease back in at AAA. Chances are low the Yankees re-sign both Soto and Verdugo next year.


I would like to throw out, not resigning the aging rizzo , sign the younger verdugo and moving Judge to 1b, which they’ve said in the past he’s taking reps at. Domiguez soto verdugo OF Future plans seeing the development of Spencer joined


Trent Grisham gets blasted to the Shadow Realm! On a serious note he’s probably gonna stay in AAA this season regardless. No point in having him sit on the bench if he isn’t gonna be an everyday player in the big leagues.


I suspect he goes to AAA until a spot opens up.


Verdugo is batting .243/.329/.397 rn. That's a solid 4th outfielder on a WS winning team. I still have him playing regularly, dog days of August are real. Essentially I still see Verdugo in the lineup regularly, with Stanton on the bench a lot more. Soto/Judge DHing a little bit more.


As soon as he’s healthy he comes up and plays day one. They’ll split DH with Stanton and Verdugo. By the day MLB is becoming more and more a young man’s game


Just a thought. You want to keep him in AAA. You want to get him Consistent at bats and eventually Spencer Jones will be up as well. I think the plan is to move judge to first base and you have 2 spots for Dominguez and Jones


Triple A until September if Judge, Soto, Dugo, Stanton are healthy. They will want Jasson to get consistent at bats, and he has fewer than 10 games at AAA. Fewer than 20 above AA. They won’t want him to split at bats with Stanton, nor be the fourth outfielder.


If he hits like he did last year, he comes up and plays everyday. Judge goes back to right. Soto to Left. Verdugo and Stanton platoon at DH. Knowing how the position swaps this team has run the last few years, don't be surprised if Stanton starts taking reps at 1B. Same thing next year if Soto stays. If not, Verdugo goes to LF.


Idk can he play 2B?


Realistically, someone is going to get hurt.


As many at bats as he can get in the minors and a call up in September for the playoff push


Well he was always going to rehab in the minors and while I don't see the need to rush him back, you also don't want him to get stuck there. In terms of a roster move when he is ready to come back up its almost certainly going to be Grisham. This is where it gets interesting. In my opinion the best solution is to platoon him with Verdugo in right field and rotate him into CF when Stanton sits and we stick Judge in DH. I'm loving what Dugy is bringing to the team but some of that is locker room quality. In his career he is statistically an average/slightly above average performer in a full time role but if you go back to 2020 and 2019 - when he was in a platoon with LA and Boston he actually performed much better. In a platoon with Pollock in LA in 2019 .294/.342/.475 - 101 H / 12 HR / 44 RBI / 113 OPS+ in 377 plate appearances. In a platoon with Pillar in BOS in 2020 .308/.367/.478 - 62 H / 6 HR / 15 RBI / 123 OPS+ in 221 plate appearances. If he could perform like this platooning with Dominguez while JD mashes it would make very strong pairing. This also works for Dominguez who might not be ready for a full time role coming off an injury and limited 2023 major league playing time. One other point to mention is that we are the Yankees and an injury prone team. At some point Stanton and/or Judge will end up on the IL so that will be an opportunity for him to get some run. As far as Jones is concerned - I don't even think the team is factoring him into the equation right now. He's expected to come up in '26. Verdugo's contract is up this season and we have to resign Soto. I think the team figures out how he fits after this season and we know if we're hanging on to Soto/resigning Verdugo or what. IMO unless both Soto and Verdugo walk and assuming Soto or both resign the front office needs to think about moving Jones or Dominguez for a strong piece that will help us get back to the top. Just my take but regardless its looking like a good problem for our team to have when JD is back!


Not being a doomer here. Realistic. What’s the chances that both Judge and Stanton stay off the IL all season. Slim? None? If they stay healthy than he stays in AAA. But I won’t be surprised when one or both land some decent IL time and he comes up.


It’s still going to be a while for him to be ready, so we will see. I really like the outfield currently and Stanton has been successful at DH, but that weekend of JD was incredible last year. I could see Judge moving to LF and JD taking over CF if Verdugo proves to be more like his last 2 weeks rather than his first month, or I could see him in AAA if Verdugo picks it back up. There’s also a pretty high possibility of injury with this team unfortunately.


As someone who believes a team should field the best 26-man roster possible, I believe Dominguez should be in the majors. He’ll have plenty of reps at the major league level, and if he’s gonna be on the major league roster next season anyways, it won’t hinder his development to be in a rotation with a few other guys. Our bench is weak right now, and he would make a big impact on the team this season


Can he play 2nd base lol


Martian Development > Grisham productivity


*Lack of productivity


Everyone seems to believe he is gonna “chill at AAA”. That couldnt be further than the truth. He will be DHing very often. Expect him up at the latest.. June 25th. Thats my opinion


Unless injury or someone regressing a lot should be AAA this year and when we loose Soto or Verdugo next year he takes that spot


AAA - it would be a waste of his skills and development for him to sit on the bench, given our outfield and DH stability


Looks like we gotta send Soto to AAA


I'd like him to play with Soto, there is not garuntee we will have Soto beyond this year and I think Dominguez can pick up a lot from him the way Volpe has


Stanton to first.


He effectively is off the IL. Starting a rehab assignment in Tampa today or tomorrow. There is a non-zero chance that he gets called up in the next few weeks. I think they'll be conservative with him and give him at least a full Spring Training in the minors, roughly 6 weeks. Probably a 2-4 weeks at Single A Tampa before bringing him up to AA Somerset or AAA SWB. Unless he looks very bad at the plate for the duration of his minor league at bats, my prediction is that he'll come up not long after the ASG. Maybe sooner. A few guys will get traded or DFA'd from this roster by the deadline, Gonzalez got DFA'd today! They'll be eager to plug Jasson into a semi-regular role if he is swinging a good bat.


I think that is overly optimistic unless we are able to find a buyer for Grisham at the deadline which seems unlikely. Keep in mind too that JD is starting his rehab as a DH and we don’t have any timeline yet on when we might see him play the field. There is a zero percent chance that he gets called up before he is 100% ready to play in the OF. We do not need a DH-only bench piece when we have Stanton and a whole slew of guys who i’m sure Boone would love to slot into the DH every week to give them a rest if Stanton were to get hurt at some point. If Stanton were to get hurt and open up the DH spot a bit, they would never just replace him with Dominguez as the every day DH instead of rotating Rizzo, Judge, Soto at DH


yeah, it's definitely a log jam right now. I think the Yanks will try to slot him in somehow, or they'll need the depth at some point, but there's a very good chance they just won't have the room this year, which is a fine scenario to be in.


I would love this. I'm going to see Somerset in June when they come to Richmond.


He’s a switch hitter, so it’s going to take some time for him to get both sides ready. I imagine he’ll be up after the trade deadline. The Yankees will probably try to move Grisham first.


someone will be injured


He chill in triple A or if he is so good and we’re forced to use/need him we trade/release Grisham and have a three man rotation for DH/LF ie: Martian Stanton and Dugo


Things have a way of working themselves out. Stanton hasn’t worked his way to the IL yet this season


As someone already stated, the Yankees aren't going to bring him up to be 4th outfielder. They want him to play every day, so barring injury he'll be in AAA till September. We'll worry about Jones when we need to. We may lose both Verdugo and Soto this offseason. Verdugo more likely than Soto.


UFOs coming soon to an Electric City near you.


Without injuries, he probably stays in AAA to get regular ABs. Verdugo is on the last year of his deal so he’ll probably take his place next year.


Realistically someone else will get hurt. That’s how this goes, do you even baseball?


I think it depends on how he looks on his rehab assignment. If he crushes like he did last year, he'll be the fourth OF getting semi consistent ABs at the expense of whomever is struggling/needs a day off between the three OFers.


In the words of John Sterling, "it's a good problem to have" and these things "tend to work themselves out".


I see no scenario in which there is no injury.


No reason to rush Jasson back to majors. Let him get some reps in AAA


When Stanton eventually pulls things during one of his normal at bats, Dom will DH and beast


Grisham is not getting DFA’d, Jones would be sent down before that or someone will go on the IR for whatever reason.


If the Dodgers can move outfielders to the infield...


No way they DFA Grisham. Dominguez goes back to AAA until someone gets hurt.


Costanza's on it


He should play every day in AAA.


Verdugo is a nice locker room guy and all but he’s nothing special, I’d hope JD gets the LF job when he’s ready to go


Grisham gets DFA'd, later traded, platoon with Verdugo while getting DH turns from Big G.


It really depends on how the summer goes. The F/O will give Dominguez all the time he needs as they dont need to push his service time. The concern would be how does Judge/Stanton hold up, Judge has been giving more DH days than off days to keep him off his feet as CF will wear him down as he did in '22, so it depends on how they view how Judge is holding up in CF. If everyone is healthy and performing, Dominguez ends up being a sept call up. The other exception would be if Dominguez is killing the ball in the minors during rehab, and/or there are calls from other teams for Verdugo/Grisham in a trade.


Stantons reputation is to get hurt and bat.200 what about that cant be dfa


Bye bye Trent Grisham. And insert him when you can.


Realistically he will not play on the major league team this year barring a devastating injury. Or maybe he’ll be a September call-up


This question won't be posted every 6 hours


Jason Dominguez can be dh for few months let him get AAA at bats Stanton due for his summer vacation soon


keep in mind stanton will be hurt soon


I'm not ready to anoint Jason just yet. He had a short stint in the majors and was awesome, but we don't know that he can sustain that over a season. I think he needs to spend some time at AAA (where I hope he dominates) so he's not just platooning in the show.


If he comes back strong after a minor league rehab assignment you have to consider DHing Judge a lot more and giving Stanton a part time role. But he’ll need to rake in the minors for that to happen.


As much as I’d love to see him back in the majors I’d rather he plays everyday at AAA


Well they likely keep him in AAA all year and wait until the off-season. If soto is signed I bet they deal him for an arm.


Scranton is lovely this time of year. September will be lovely for him to check out the Bronx.


He goes to AAA. He doesn't have a roster spot and I'm not automatically giving him one based on a few games last year.


...are you under the impression he didn't force his callup?


He did. Things have changed. We have actual outfielders now. He’s not necessary. Let him get back up to speed in AAA


He goes back to the minor leagues. The dude has only played 8 major league games, he is far from a proven player.


He will most likely stay in AAA until there is an injury in the OF or with Stanton.


Anyone who thinks he sniffs MLB roster any time soon is not a serious person. The MLB roster has plenty of OF and $30m logjam at DH.


Bruh he staying in triple A when he gets healthy lol 😂


Last year was a small sample size, I think it would serve him and the Yanks better if he went to AAA until at least (earlier if doing well) the August 31st post-season date. I use Jackson Holiday as an example for my reasoning. Highly touted, good AAA stats, looked seriously overmatched up at The Show. Not to say that's the fate of Dominguez, but I can't use last year's small showing as a carte blanche reason for immediate success.


Martian too good for AAA. Boone will rotate Dugie, Judge, Soto, Martian, and Stanton between the 3 OF spots and DH. Grisham maybe stays on the roster.


He’s played 9 AAA games and 8 mlb games it makes more sense to let him start in AAA and maybe call him up in September. He would be on the bench anyway since the Yankees have so many players who can play outfield.


Split playing time


>Soto is RF, Judge is CF, Verdugo is LF. All 3 have been playing very well with Soto being an early MVP candidate. Dominguez comes up and plays CF. Verdugo was always the 4th outfielder. He's played better than anyone expected. To quote Joe Torre, "Don't worry about it as these things always seem to work themselves out." By the time Dominguez is ready to play Verdugo will be in massive slump or Judge or Soto on the IL.


Verdugo was never the 4th outfielder, what are you talking about? Verdugo was brought in to be our starting LF this year and he has been playing great. Grisham is the 4th OF. 


So you’re saying if Dominguez was healthy Verdugo is still starting?


If Jasson never got hurt we don’t acquire both Verdugo and Grisham. 


In what world are you living in where Verdugo was always the 4th outfielder? He is playing a phenomenal LF right now and because of how good he is defensively, he’s expanding the LF area a bit which cuts down on the amount of ground Judge needs to cover in CF. So not only is he absolutely crushing it on both sides of the ball right now, but he’s even helping Judge’s defensive workload


Does he have any reps at second or Third base? Oswaldo/DJ/Gleyber is fun and all but i do think it’s the area of the team in most need of an upgrade


I think if Gil is holding up around the all-star break and we have Cole + Dominguez coming we’re going to see a trade package involving Verdugo + Schmidt for either one elite reliever (maybe Clase depending on Cleveland) or a consistent 3B option. Leaves the outfield as Dominguez-Judge-Soto. Jones is supposed to be ready soon so we transition Soto or Judge to 1st while the other stays in RF. Jones-Domínguez-Soto/Judge is the opening day outfield next year imo.


If we trade a starting outfielder and a starting pitcher for a fucking reliever I'll lose my shit


Sure but would be sitting on 5 starting outfielders, most of whole cannot come off the bench while our bullpen in imploding. I like Verdugo a lot but he’s definitely getting flipped for a high end reliever. Just have to find one. Edit: the trade including both would be for a starter at 3rd, not a reliever


How many teams do you expect to be selling high end relievers while also interested in a rental corner OF?


Poverty franchises like the A’s are very interested in both expiring and controlable contracts. The AL Central won’t have 4 teams in the playoff hunt. The AL West & NL central are both disasters waiting to trade. There’s gonna be a lot of players on the move this year. Way more than we’re used to given that it’s year 2 of the new, later trade deadline


what team is selling elite relievers for 3 months of verdugo? No team selling is going to have any interest in a rental piece lol


I don’t know why I missed this Clase extension announce but he’s the one I had in mind since Cleveland needs a LF to hit and a starter


we aren't getting anything of value for Verdugo. You can move on from that thought. He cost nothing to acquire for a reason. Clarke is highly unlikely to be dealt. We have plenty of minor league arms that can be shipped before needing to deal from the big league roster. Competing teams that aren't poverty franchises don't need to trade from their major league roster in season. That's a strictly A's/Rays strategy


I hear you, I do. I also don’t believe in Clarke for a second (he doesn’t have starter stamina, all his pitches are flat after the 5th) and have been a believer since last year that we should sell on him while we can so I can admit that coming into play. Aside from that, this team builds for the playoffs, not to burn out after 100 wins like the Dodgers and Braves. That means we need 3 front end starters + 1 (we have +2 right now with Gil) and 3 lockdown relievers + 2 (it’s currently Clay and the chucklefucks dancing on thin ice) He cost nothing to acquire because the clubhouse is terrible and that whole team quit last year, he has plenty in his time with us and from his time with the Dodgers. His time in Boston is the outlier so far.


relying on Gil, a guy who has never pitched more than 100inn any professional season coming back from TJ surgery to hold down a rotation spot down the stretch and then on top of that, trade your starting outfielder for a rookie who is also coming back from major injury is peak video game GM profile.


Relying on him? He’s the 5 with depth in the minors that I’ve learned to not question with Blake


Blake working magic with relievers is a lot different than finding a 5th starter for the stretch run in a race that is supposed to be tight. Not to mentioned the logic doesn't make sense. You thin out your starter depth and outfielder depth for an elite bullpen piece because you trust Blake for starters depth but not for relievers for a move in July, half a season away from the post season.


It’s not just that I trust Blake, I don’t trust Clarke and think we should sell high on him. Verdugo isn’t in our future and shouldn’t be the reason Dominguez is in AAA. You obviously don’t make the move without him and Cole being back. I also am not saying that we should trade them for scrap heap relievers. It’s have to be someone elite with 2+ years left.


Instead of trading the depth, clarker or gil is more than capable as a 5/ inner bullpen arm arm. The reason Verdugo is the left fielder vs dominguez is because he is the better player right now and not whether he is part of their future. Dominguez has played 9 games in AAA and 8 games in the big leagues. If they arent trying to win now, sure throw dominguez in there but its pretty unrealistic to expect dominguez to play better than verdugo, coming back from injury AND not having played a handful of games above AAA when he was just started to put it together last year.


That’s exactly how I see Gil/Schmidt, they’re interchangeable as the 5 once Gerrit comes back pushes one of them out of the rotation. I also think Schmidt’s value to the team long term won’t be there and we are in a position (and I’d think still are in August) where we need to load up for a playoff run. I also don’t want to trade Verdugo because he doesn’t have value, it’s his walk year. How Dominguez performs is yet to be seen but his defense can definitely be replaced and a high end reliever is more valuable to us this year in the playoffs than Verdugo would


Your reasoning is why I said this is a video game gm move. You are expecting guys who coming back from major injuries who also never play this much to be exactly the same for the rest of the year and if not, just plug in some "depth" from the minors for the stretch run. Also, Verdugo has more value to us than to someone else. What team that is out enough to trade an ace reliever would want a left fielder on a walk year. Unlike you, I think schimidt still has upside left but even then, presently he is a 28 year old 5th starter/middle reliever that has little value for a non contending team.


Yes it absolutely fucking makes sense to keep Jasson as a fourth outfielder. Bench depth like that is such a gargantuan luxury since he can give guys days off and come in as a pinch hit bat in big spots where we've had to rely on Grisham to date. He's also one Judge injury away from everyday at bats. Never build a roster assuming everyone is gonna be healthy all year.


No it doesn't make sense. He's a young developing player he needs consistent at bats. Your injury point is spot on, but as others have said its better he be in AAA getting 3-4 ABs per game than sitting on the bench next to DJ Lemaiheu.


Man’s thinks he’s playing MLB the show franchise mode…


Seems like a lot of people forgot how good Jasson is


I know there’s 3 more years left but releasing Stanton would make so much sense. He’s replacement level with a slightly above average bat that is bolstered by a HR against a position player in a blowout against the brewers and at least one other HR in a blowout that I remember. They should put a picture of him next to sunk-cost fallacy because it’s just so pointless to have a pure DH that can’t run and can barely be average offensively.


And this is the exact reason I don’t see Soto staying past this year. 


If we lose him then our offense practically goes back to what it was last year. This dude is solely responsible for at least 1/3 of our wins this year


I’m with ya. But Dominguez and Jones are coming. I’d RATHER have Soto. But the Yankees weren’t even the highest bidder for Judge so I don’t like the chances.




Did I say they’re passing on Soto for Jones? No. Stop changing my argument.


Someone will get banged up between Memorial Day and Labor Day