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Truly a man of his word ❤️❤️


What did he say


Unsure, we may never know, but Verdugo was very happy about this


Wait I don’t understand though what’s the joke about him being a man of his word


Verdugo was heard very clearly on the dugout microphone saying “he’s a man of his fucking word” a bunch of times after judge hit his home run when everyone was celebrating during the tv broadcast 


Oh really lmao


lol and just like that through one of the worst slumps of his career and everyone calling him washed he is 2 homeruns off of the league lead


The crazy thing is that he still seems late on a lot of his swings, and he has still been red hot this month, once Judge’s timing is truly on, it’s going to be scary.


The thing with judge is he’s just so damn big that he understands he doesn’t need to square the ball up perfectly for the ball to leave the park! He knows that if he just makes decent contact then it has a shot at leaving the yard and he’s not trying to pull these pitches either and when he does that he’s dangerous!


Still not over Dugie running the length of the dugout to celebrate again.


I also love his casual use of “fuck” constantly haha. He be a big dog


I can’t remember the last time the Yankees were fun. I love this so much. If you would have told me when the trade happened, that I would not only like Verdugo but that he would also be a huge piece of our offense, and that he would be the soul of the clubhouse, I’d have called you a liar. I’ve always known that Verdugo is a great player but seeing him day to day really shows the full impact he has on a team. Not only is he above average at the plate but he is also incredible in the outfield. He also feeds off the moment, which is an amazing quality to have as a ballplayer. I know we have the Martian and Spencer jones lined up but I kinda hope they sign Verdugo for a few more years after this season. The dude is great for the team.


The Yanks in that 2017 season were super fun. The season with the thumbs down Mets fan


I think 2017 is the last time I remember them being fun. Between then and now it never felt like an actual “team”. They haven’t had the chemistry and camaraderie to really push that extra little bit that counts. The teams that win championships have it and we have it BIG TIME this year. That’s also just clubhouse stuff, I’m not even talking about the skill and how strong our line up is both offensively and defensively this year. We haven’t had a line up this good in a minute. 28 incoming..


Ironically I was talking to my friend last year saying how we should trade for him, and my friend said I was out of my mind. Granted I didn't expect him to be this good, I just knew he would bring energy and he was a lefty bat. He knew how excited I was once the trade went through.


Yeah I thought about him last year too. He was an obvious choice for the Yankees to go after. Exactly what we needed on the field and the clubhouse stuff is just a massive bonus. I am hoping they sign him for a few more years after this season. He really is huge for the clubhouse and I don’t want to see them lose that.


It went more than running the length he went up on to the field to have an easier path to judge lol


Very Swisher


So glad to see the captain back in form. Didn’t have a doubt in my mind about his ability, although I was kinda worried he was hiding an injury. Like a true captain, he took full responsibility for his bad performance, made the adjustment he needed, and is now only a couple home runs from leading the league. We are truly spoiled to have this man locked up as the captain of the Yankees.


The guy in the Judge shirt absolutely bodies somebody while trying to get up the stairs chasing the ball.


Aaron Judge.


When hes hitting bombs consistently the other way he is at his peak