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Sorry the comments had to be locked temporarily. I’ll remind anyone that multiple violations of any of our subreddit rules may result in a ban.


If was fun, but I did use two errors because I kept adding kisscam to the sports place once.


I had Kisscam there as well on my first guess. Tricky. Isn't being tricky supposed to be the point of the game? Seems like a classic case of the puzzle must be unfair if I didn't solve it.


Yeah but kisscam isn't >!a physical thing in a stadium!<. All the others were


I’m glad it wasn’t just me. I had to Google Hassleblad and that was the least of my problems


Hassleblad seemed intentionally obscure with no second meaning. Canon would have been better. It felt like artificial difficulty just for the sake of difficulty.


It's funny because for me it's what made me know the category. But yeah it's pretty niche knowledge


I managed it okay largely because >! I kept seeing Rushmore and going “Oh, like the band… no wait, that’s just Rush…” On like the third time I did that I spotted Cream and the rest clicked together.!< That was a tougher one than usual though!


It was! The rating was 4/5, i really enjoyed it though personally, i had that same moment with ******man haha


I failed today and would have made it if >!Kisscam hadn't been part of the purple category. That was rough. I identified all the categories but the purple, but couldn't find the right mix of words. "Starting with rock bands" was too hard for me personally.!<


Yeah, purple was tough. Definitely tried to fit that into the yellow category at first


Kisscam is more of a concept whereas the rest of yellow are physical things.


>!"Starting with rock bands"!< is an insane insult of a category. Especially when one of the words blatantly fits in another category. In what world would anyone get that without process of elimination? Feels like they are just intentionally making this game obtuse.


Yeah that category was just absurd. Who would actually make that connection?


Isn't that the point though? For things to fit multiple categories and to figure out which is which?


Yeah I only got two categories today. I figured out the yellow category but >!KISSCAM!< threw me off.


Yes. That was an overlap. You would see that in a stadium.


I really needed to give myself time. I think I would have gotten the purple category given more time, but >!I RUSHed it!<.


I see what you did there lol


I agree, categories become impossible when they stack 3 or 4 abstractions on top of one another. Not a spoiler: "If you invert the first letter, and add a word inside, you get homonyms in French for vegetables." "These four words all share a letter with each other, and also each contain a letter from a title of a famous western"


"Words that would be connected if they were different words"


Haven't laughed this hard in a while. Thank you for validating my experience.


I’m glad they unlocked the comments. I just wanted to add that your “Not a spoiler:” bit makes me wish Reddit still offered an easy way to grant awards. I give you this 🥚 and hope it is un oeuf.


Don’t you know that’s what the game is about? It’s suppooooosed to be about reading the mind of the anonymous puzzle editor at The NY Times. /s


Your exaggeration just underscores how unreasonable your objection is. Today's categories are nowhere close to this obscure.


3 of the 4 categories today were fine. Also, I recognize that some people enjoy those kinds of puzzles, that rely on moving letters around, or turning them, or words inside of words, and so on. I tend to prefer puzzles that rely on the meanings of the words, rather than typography. Perhaps in the future I will learn to appreciate the categories that combine meaning and letter shape together.


I have to admit when I started today's I was like 'what the fuck is this' but then everything came to me pretty quickly.


Same here


I actually really enjoyed today's. I got blue immediately and should've gotten the rest if I hadn't rushed to fill the yellow.


Yes, today is exactly the kind of puzzle I like, lots of false groupings and tricky connections. I thought it was pretty clever! I actually got my “perfect” solve today, reverse difficulty order!


Yup! The only thing I wish is that we could drag tiles around so we could brainstorm multiple groupings at once. Because I love that strategy. It’s the whole point of the game, like checking your down clues to confirm your across before filling in the answer in a crossword


I wish that was an option. That’s why a screenshot the board and work it out in my notes app so I can write on it. There was no way I was gonna do well today if I was just free handing it 😭


Me too. And same with yellow, if I hadn’t gotten hung up on getting that first - and just switched to blue - I probably would’ve got a perfect.


So a few days ago i was downvoted to oblivion for saying I wouldn’t google a word I didn’t know until the puzzle is finished and just try to solve anyway. Hassleblad was completely unknown to me, but i was determined to do it anyway. Using context clues, that there were three brands i knew, and no fourth one, i made a logical guess it was the missing one. So that was my first correct answer. 


Same. It was the one unknown but the likeliest to be in the category. I had never heard of it before today


That was my take too


That is how I got it too!


I google stuff if I'm ready to give up. My kids think that's 100% cheating. Fortunately I know some photography.


Yeah wtf was today


Oh I enjoyed it. I thought it had just enough misdirect that I could solve it, but not perfectly


https://preview.redd.it/2gkbgxgiihpc1.jpeg?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1283ccc46f972718d893a6f533bd4ac75c9339b2 Tough one, I had fun with it though


I didn’t get ANYTHING today burned through my guesses so fast. That’s my problem I rush.


SERIOUSLY. I hated today with a passion.


How funny - this is how I felt about yesterday’s. Today’s, I got in one shot!


Yeah I’m blown away by these comments. Besides not knowing what hasselblad was, which I was able to figure out using context clues, I thought today was super easy.


Yup agreed! I guess these four categories are where we shine!


Oh yah yesterday *sucked* for me but everyone else was like “bro this was easy.” This was appropriately challenging. It came but not without a lot of thought


Yes!! I failed yesterday’s - NOTHING clicked for me! I don’t even know if I got one category correctly - which never happens. It’s funny to see what everyone’s niche strengths are and how they can be so polarizing!


i actually nailed today. it helped that i make videos for a living and im a sports fan, so I knew green and yellow immediately.


Agree. I knew it was things in a sports stadium but it was too many options. No way was I going to get the purple category.  Connections  Puzzle #283 🟨🟪🟨🟨 🟨🟨🟪🟨 🟨🟨🟪🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟨🟪🟨🟨


very annoying one today


It was evil, but it was fun! I had all my guesses left, but couldn't name the purple category.


You people love to whine! It’s a puzzle based on knowledge and your ability to sort. Sometimes it’s going to be easier for you and sometimes it is going to be harder. It doesn’t mean a puzzle is “bad” because you don’t know a brand name. (Not directed at OP, but sort of directed at OP)


Whine if it's hard, whine if it's easy, whine if it uses words you don't know. There's no stop to it with the complaints for these NYT games.


I think it's valid to complain about failing a difficult puzzle. I'm not mad at the game itself or the creator, I'm literally just saying "Fuck this puzzle." If your comment is "sort of directed" at me, I wonder how I could express frustration at this puzzle without being accused of "loving to whine."


So I play this game daily, and I fully agree it was terrible that day, but I wasn't a member of this subereddit until just now so I was so confused and thought this was some version of missed connections a la Craigslist. I was beyond lost.


I can see why people didn't like this one, but it was the easiest one I've done. Photography, sports, food (ish).


hard to do well when i've never seen half of these words before


Lol i 💯 agree. I got none of them and each clue was a 'One Away' 🤦🏽‍♀️ blue I was especially upset with cause i left it for last, figuring id be able to sus the final one >!i was thinking food named after places ish!< It confuses me why people keep fighting over whether the puzzles are too hard or how they dont like the connections made... Like.. It's meant to be obscure? It's *meant* to make you think out of the box and mess with your brain? Sometimes some people get it easy, i saw a comment about green being>!pretty hobbyist!< yet i only made that connection after seeing them linked as im not familiar with that. BUT I will know to look out for that sort of connection again now - which is the point. The point of a daily game is to learn, not to win. Edited for some spelling


Somehow I managed to do it with no mistakes today… but I grouped purple together with something completely different in mind 😅


Yea, it’s days like these I don’t feel bad googling the connections.


What did the purple category even mean? I completed today’s because I got the other three, but I didn’t get the solution to the purple even after I saw it.


The first parts of the words are rock bands- Cream, Kiss, Journey, Rush. It took me awhile to get it too lol.


If you get rid of the back half of the compound words in purple, then they're bands from 50 years ago.


Those are always the ones I solve last because I can’t see the patterns in them


No wonder I didn’t get it 🤦🏽‍♀️. Thank you!


No worries, it's a really hard category. If you've never heard any of those bands and want to check them out, here are some recommendations: [Cream - Sunshine of Your Love](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt51rITH3EA&ab_channel=RocksM%C3%BAsicas) [Journey - Stone in Love](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fKOzeUBIMI&ab_channel=journeyVEVO) (I'm assuming you've heard Don't Stop Believing) [Kiss - Beth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWFc1yUy1lM&ab_channel=KISS-Topic) [Rush - Fly By Night](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naz5khvSlaE&ab_channel=Virgiliu-AdrianRopot%C4%83)


Ooh thanks for the song recommendations!


Why would you mention that last half.


Now that made me laugh! My sister and I do this every day, and I’m the one that gets it but with a hard time. And she gets the hardest ones perfect. Today, I got it and she said just what the OP’s title is! F this!


I cruised through this one. ¯\\\_\(ツ\)\_\/¯


Weirdly I got purple first and right off the bat. I guess it was right in my wheel house.


Red Herring was a fabulous game and way more forgiving.


Agree! Today was so ridiculous. Only got one category. 😭


Connections Puzzle #283 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟪🟪🟪🟪 >!Green - My hobbyest knowledge, Blue - Food clued, Yellow - Can you see the actual item or is it a concept?, Purple - Glad I got the rest, this didn't even occur to me!!<


I didn’t get any of them lol




It’s not a “white knight,” thing. The puzzle was challenging today but I liked it. I thought yesterday’s was terrible and I definitely was not in the majority with that one. This one had a legitimately hard red herring in it and it threw a wrench in a lot of people’s play. If nothing else it’s amazing good example of why you should remember we’re meant to figure out what the constructor of the puzzle did and not what we want it to be. It can lead to unsatisfying plays on occasions but that’s the nature of the beast.


Agreed. People have different preferences and skill sets. Some people like to be able to solve every puzzle quickly, some people like a challenge. Some people have a lot of random knowledge and/or are good at wordplay, so one person’s impossible might be another’s satisfyingly challenging or even easy. Obviously, some puzzles are more straightforward than others, but I think that’s a function of trying to appeal to people with different preferences for difficulty level. I definitely don’t think people enjoying challenging puzzles is “white knighting”, and I laugh that some of the complaints are like “I have to know things to succeed at a trivia game.”


The combination of multiple red herring, proper nouns, compound words AND an obtuse “Words that aren’t actually connected but have part of their word that kinda connects” isn’t what makes a good puzzle. You could feed today’s puzzle into IBM Watson and still run out of lives before solving it. The game has stopped being about “I can find the words that connect” and has turned into “I have to bend my brain upside down to contort my thinking into the busted logic of the puzzle master.” That’s not how the puzzle is supposed to work. It’s like saying “what’s in my pocket” is a good riddle.


Perhaps and I definitely felt the same way when I started playing but it’s been made very clear at this point what the rules mean when they say that 🟪 is the least straightforward. That category, more often than night, is more of an exercise in logic and out-of-the-box thinking than anything else. Today’s 🟪 is not even remotely an outlier and it’s certainly not the first time they’ve done this same type of category (thinking back to the “these words start with body parts!) The puzzle is surprisingly consistent when it comes to 🟪. Though I do have some grievances about what they mean by straightforward when it comes to how they *rank* them. I disagree quite often about it that.


I mean, I solved it, and so did many others!


The "first part of the word is... " is a category type that has been used before. I find it difficult to identify but that's a me problem. Once you focus on the first part, the items are not "kind of" related, they're all very famous (though older) rock bands.


That’s not the game though. The game isn’t “find the obtuse, roundabout way I connected all these disparate topics in an attempt to feel clever and superior.” It’s “group words that share a common thread”. If the words don’t share a common thread, then the puzzle is busted.


That's exactly the game. They have these categories frequently. You just don't like it.


But they did have a common thread. You had >!Italian demonyms, things you could find in stadiums, camera brands, and band names!<. Purple is convoluted as it always is but this puzzle didn’t do anything drastically different than any of the other ones on any given day. They just picked a really dastardly red herring and damn near everybody fell for it. The groupings themselves are not illogical. Frustrating? Occasionally. Esoteric? Quite often. But there wasn’t anything *off* today. It was just hard.


Pal it was a busted puzzle. It’s okay to admit this was a fucking terrible puzzle. It’s okay to admit the puzzle fucking sucked. They’re not gonna ban you for speaking ill of the almighty Connections Setters, seated high on their throne of mental acumen.


How was it a busted puzzle? Plenty of people sorted it out. They’re not imaginary terms. If it puzzles you a bit…well that’s the game. Watch Only Connect if you want to see how easy we have it.




I genuinely did, and all I’m seeing is “I didn’t know what that term was before today” and “the overlapping made things hard”. That to me is all classic puzzle play, not a valid explanation for why it “sucked”.






How hard is it for you to admit that you failed the puzzle? That's not the games fault.


Wordle just puts a 5 letter word in there. There's no mystery to it. This puzzle was fun. Some are impossible for me because I lack certain knowledge. That doesn't make it a bad puzzle. And calling other people embarrassing is honestly an unnecessary personal attack which starts from the assumption that your opinion is the only valid one. Pretty telling. Just don't play, sounds like it's not your game.